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21. *** The House Of Ptolemy: Caesar, Cleopatra, & Marcus Antonius - The Transition The House of ptolemy web site concentrates on the Ptolemies and their world, from331 30 BCE. Links back to The House of ptolemy web site are out of date. http://www.houseofptolemy.org/housecle.htm | |
22. Harmonia Macrocosmica Seu Atlas Universalis Et Novus Atlas of the heavens as seen by the astronomers of the time of its 1661 printing Copernicus, ptolemy, Brahe, and Aratus. Entire book has been digitized and the images may be browsed or searched. http://www.lib.utah.edu/digital/cellarius.html | |
23. Ptolemaic System on the cosmology of Aristotle (384322 BCE) and the technical astronomy of ptolemy (ca. 150 CE ptolemy used three basic constructions, the eccentric, the epicycle, and the equant http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Things/ptolemaic_system.html | |
24. Ptolemy, The Man ptolemy (aka Claudius Ptolemaeus, Ptolomaeus, Klaudios Ptolemaios, Ptolemeus)lived in Alexandria (in Egypt) from approx. 87 150 AD. http://nineplanets.org/psc/theman.html | |
25. Ptolemy's Geography ptolemy's Geography. The Science of the Earth's Surface. ptolemy, Handy Tables. In Greek, Ninth century. ptolemy's "Handy Tables " intended for practical computation, were edited by Theon of Alexandria in the fourth century A.D. http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Experimental/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathematics/ | |
26. Ptolemy's Supper Club ptolemy s Supper Club. I know that I am mortal amateur astronomer;Lunar Ray Predictions. ptolemy in the Sky. ptolemy s Cluster (aka M http://nineplanets.org/psc/psc.html | |
27. Encyclopaedia Of The Orient King of Egypt and third in the dinasty. During his reign the control over Cyrenaica was strengthened, and also invaded Syria. http://i-cias.com/cgi-bin/eo-direct.pl?ptolemy_3.htm |
28. LacusCurtius Ptolemy's Geography Home page for my Web edition of the Geography of Claudius ptolemy.Maps redrawn from his data. ptolemy the Geography. The Author http://www.ukans.edu/history/index/europe/ancient_rome/E/Gazetteer/Periods/Roman | |
29. LacusCurtius Ptolemy's Geography Book II, Chapter 1 Hibernia or Ireland the chapter from the Geography of ptolemy,in English translation, with a map drawn to his coordinates. http://www.ukans.edu/history/index/europe/ancient_rome/E/Gazetteer/Periods/Roman | |
30. Ptolemy's Geography ptolemy s Geography. ptolemy, who gave Greek astronomy its final form in thesecond century AD, did the sameand morefor geography and cartography. http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathematics/Ptolemy_geo.ht | |
31. Project Akaroa Akaroa is a package for supporting the Multiple Replications In Parallel (MRIP) simulation technique to harness the computing power of a network of inexpensive workstations. Integration exists with the ptolemy Classic, ns2 and OMNeT++ simulators. http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/research/RG/net_sim/simulation_group/akaroa/ | |
32. Greek Astronomy most powerful creations of Greek science was the mathematical astronomy createdby Hipparchus in the second century BC and given final form by ptolemy in the http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathematics/Greek_astro.ht | |
33. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Lyrba A titular see of Pamphylia Prima, known by its coins and the mention made of it by Dionysius, Perieg. 858, ptolemy, V, 5, S, and Hierocles. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09478a.htm | |
34. *** The House Of Ptolemy Now At Http//www.houseofptolemy.org The House of ptolemy web site concentrates on the Ptolemies and their world, from331 30 BCE. The House of ptolemy Now at http//www.houseofptolemy.org. http://pw1.netcom.com/~aphilipp/ |
35. Did Buddhism Influence Early Christianity? Essay on the possibility that Jesus was taught Buddhism by the Therapeutae, a community of Buddhist teachers that had been sent by the Indian emperor Ashoka on an embassy to ptolemy II, king of Egypt, in 250 CE. http://www.omhros.gr/kat/history/Txt/Rl/BuddChrist.htm | |
36. The Universe Of Aristotle And Ptolemy The Universe of Aristotle and ptolemy The celestial sphere that we introducedpreviously is a convenient fiction to locate objects in the sky. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/retrograde/aristotle.html | |
37. The Famine Stele On The Island Of Sehel The legend, and translation of the text on, the Famine Stele located on Sehel, a small island in the Nile River near Aswan, attributed to ptolemy V. http://www.terraflex.co.il/ad/egypt/famine_stele.htm | |
38. Ptolemy http://ptolemy.berkeley.edu/ | |
39. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Hamburg A city supposed to be identical with the Marionis of ptolemy, was founded by a colony of fishermen from Lower Saxony. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07121b.htm | |
40. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Ptolemais, Titular Metropolis Ptolemais, a titular metropolis in Phoenicia Prima, or Maritima. The city of Acre, now SaintJean d'Acre, was called Ptolemais in 281 or 267 B.C., by ptolemy II. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12553b.htm | |
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