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Potapov Vladimir: more detail | |||
1. POTAPOV Vladimir Semenovich potapov vladimir Semenovich. This page is under construction. Sorry! © 1998. http://mech.math.msu.su/English/department/aeromech/potapov.htm | |
2. Ñîñòà â êà ôåäðû à ýðîìåõà Ãèêè è ãà çîâîé äèÃà à ostap@inmech.msu.su, in russian. potapov vladimir Semenovich, Associate Professor,Ph.D, in russian. Smehov Gennadii Dmitrievich, Associate Professor, Ph.D, http://mech.math.msu.su/department/aeromech/english/staff.htm | |
3. Potapov Vladimir Petrovich Potapov. Born 24 Jan 1914 in Odessa, Ukraine Died 21 Dec1980 in Kharkov, Russia. Click the picture above to see a larger version http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Potapov.html | |
4. Plakaty.Ru / Authors RUS ENG, Authors. potapov vladimir Mikhajlovich. 1946—1996. Perestroika the continuationof October line! Plakaty.Ru / Authors / potapov vladimir Mikhajlovich. http://eng.plakaty.ru/authors?id=216&sort=lname |
6. Neohapsis Archives - OpenBSD - #1894 - Enabling Proccess Accounting From Vladimir Potapov (vladimir gopb.ru) Date Mon Mar 29 2004 052541 CST. -With best regards, potapov vladimir. http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2004-03/1894.html | |
7. Neohapsis Archives - OpenBSD - #0883 - Restart Cron From Vladimir Potapov (pvm gopb.ru) Date Wed May 12 2004 044956 CDT. -With best regards, potapov vladimir. http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2004-05/0883.html | |
8. "Structure" IEC SB RAS Kirill G., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy) a) Section of geophysics and recentgeodynamics (Head potapov vladimir A., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy) http://www.crust.irk.ru/podrasd_e.pht | |
9. Bodybuilding . The Official Web-site Of Sport-club "Bodrost" | Results. Bodybuil Kravchenko Alexander, Gomel, 5. Matusevich Sergey, Gomel, 6. potapov vladimir,Mogilev, 7. Kovalev Oleg, Mogilev, 8. Men above 90kg. Name, Region, Place. http://www.bodrost.h1.ru/results.php?id=1&ct=5&lng=en |
10. Potapov Vladimir Petrovich Potapov. Born 24 Jan 1914 in Odessa, UkraineDied 21 Dec 1980 in Kharkov, Russia. Show birthplace location. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Ptpv.htm | |
11. Re: Postfix -> Tmda -> Cyrus? Subject Re Postfix tmda - cyrus? From Vladimir Potapov varyag18@xxxxxxx . Anyquestions? With best regards, potapov vladimir. http://mla.libertine.org/tmda-users/2003-11/msg00440.html | |
12. ICFPM Fellowships In 1995 14. potapov vladimir Alekseevich, Astro Space Centre of Lebedev PhysicalInstitute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow region. 15. http://www.icfpm.lpi.ru/activities/anrep2d.html | |
13. NUPI - Centre For Russian Studies Shaposhnikov Yevgeniy Ivanovich, Adviser, 1997(Mar), . potapov vladimir,Adviser, 1998, June, Illarionov Andrey Nikolayevich, Adviser, 2000, April12, http://www.nupi.no/cgi-win/Russland/institus.exe?Office of President |
14. RADIOASTRON MEETING Polnarev Alexander ASC. Ponomarev Yurii ASC. Popov Mikhail ASC. potapov vladimirPRAO. Rodin Alexander PRAO. Sanko Nikolay Rosaviakosmos. Semenkov Kirill ASC. http://www.asc.rssi.ru/radioastron/meetings/RA&RISC/2003/list.htm | |
15. Sovet Bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federacii tel.20678-98 zamestiteli Sekretarya SB RF MOSKOVSKI Aleksei Mihailovich, tel.206-46-51potapov vladimir Yakovlevich, tel.206-20-49 SOBOLEV Valentin http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/gos/sb.html | |
16. Apparat Soveta Bezopasnosti RF AGEENKOV Aleksandr Vladimirovich (17 oktyabrya 1997 8 avgusta 1998) RAPOTA GrigoriiAlekseevich (21 aprelya 1998 - 1999) potapov vladimir Yakovlevich (21 http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/gos/sbapp.html | |
17. Reg. 887 101 0830-1300 Code WeR2-101 , Poster Reg. 518 141 08301300 Code WeR2-141 , Poster potapov vladimir V. Instituteof Automation and Electrometry, Russia Coulomb broadening of an http://www.ilph.spb.ru/lo2003/accepted/html_R2_poster.htm | |
18. R2 Registered Reg. 518 TuR2141 Poster potapov vladimir V. Institute of Automation and Electrometry,Russia Coulomb broadening of an electromagnetically induced http://www.ilph.spb.ru/lo2003/registered/html_R2.htm | |
19. 103132 Moscow, Staraya Square 4, 925-3581, F.206-0766 OFFICE AND MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL The 1st deputy SHERSTUK Vladislav Petrovich 206-7898The deputies potapov vladimir Ykovlevich 206-3205,-7049 SOBOLEV Valentin http://www.polpred.com/en/engl/1.htm | |
20. Structure Of The Security CouncilÂ’ Machinery potapov vladimir Yakovlevich; Chernov Oleg Dmitriyevich. Head ofthe Security CouncilÂ’ machinery Pankov Nikolay Alexandrovich. http://www.agentura.ru/english/dosie/sovbez/structure/print | |
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