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41. Orion Posidonius posidonius, the Stoic philosopher and polymath of Apamea and rhodes, one of themost dominant intellectual figures in the first half of the first century BC http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/orion/archives/1998a/msg00383.html | |
42. RHODES LA PETITE JERUSALEM Translate this page par des ouvrages historiques de ce temps, notamment ceux de deux grands intellectuelsgrecs, qui vécurent longtemps à rhodes posidonius, philosophe stoïcien http://www.sefarad.org/publication/lm/040/4.html | |
43. Rational Good Life Panaetius of rhodes Introduced stoicism to Rome, mixed Plato s psychologicalviews into stoicism. Teacher of posidonius. posidonius http://www.myspot.org/stoic/stoics.html | |
44. Posidonius of rhodes. Tutor of Cicero and Pompee. Named by Riccioli (1651) Langrenus chartLafaillii Hevelius chart Insula Macra Riccioli chart posidonius Longitude http://www.clearnights.com/Posidonius.htm |
45. Oxbow Books/David Brown Book Company is the evidence from Rhodian amphorae of the trade between rhodes and Alexandria theimportance of the transformation of stoicism by Panaetius and posidonius. http://www.oxbowbooks.com/bookinfo.cfm/ID/50902 | |
46. INTERNATIONAL WRITERS' & TRANSLATORS' CENTER OF RHODES. GREECE student of Aristotle, Evdimus the Rhodian, taught Peripatetic Philosophy in rhodes. hismost famous students were Ekaton the Rhodian, posidonius from Apamia http://www.literarycentre.gr/english/rhodes/rhodeshistory.html | |
47. Greek Authors comparing them to a muddy river, but his student Apollonius of rhodes chose exactly 46c.122)was immensely popular because he was, like posidonius, able to http://www.livius.org/gi-gr/greeks/authors.html | |
48. History Of Mathematics: Greece Apollonius; Pergamum Apollonius; rhodes Eudemus, Geminus, posidonius;Rome Boethius; Samos Aristarchus, Conon, Pythagoras; Smyrna Theon; http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
49. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians 100 BCE. Zenodorus (c. 100 BCE?); posidonius (c. 135c. 51) *SB; MarcusTerentius Varro (116-27); Zeno of Sidon (c. 79 BCE); Geminus of rhodes (fl. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
50. The Classical Quarterly, Volume 47, Issue 2, 1997 Harris pp. 452454. posidonius and the Timaeus off to rhodes andback to Plato? G Reydams-Schils pp. 455-476. Romans and pirates http://www3.oup.co.uk/clquaj/hdb/Volume_47/Issue_02/ | |
51. Spinoza Et Nous Translate this page Vers 185-110 av. JC posidonius ou Posidonios philosophe stoïciengrec installé à rhodes, disciple de Panétius. Vers 135-50 av. JC. http://www.spinozaetnous.org/modules.php?name=Sections&op=printpage&artid=33 |
52. T² On Philosophy - Stoic Authors Later he founded his own school at rhodes, where he had eg Cicero as his disciple.posidonius mastered nearly all of sciences, whereof the can be compared with http://www.episteme.no/tt/private/Phil/middle_stoic.html | |
53. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Stoics And Stoic Philosophy under the influence of Scipio s friend, Panætius (185112), who lived in Rome,and of posidonius, (135-40) who transferred the school to rhodes, the quasi http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14299a.htm | |
54. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Eclecticism is represented among the Epicureans by Asclepiades of Bithynia; among the Stoicsby Boethus, Panetius of rhodes, (about 180110 BC), posidonius (about 50 BC http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05276a.htm | |
55. POSIDONIUS posidonius (c. 13050 BC), nicknamed the Athlete, Stoic philosopher, the most learnedman When he settled as a teacher at rhodes (hence his surname the Rhodian http://32.1911encyclopedia.org/P/PO/POSIDONIUS.htm | |
56. The Imperial Planets Cicero remained unconvinced, even after a stay on rhodes with the GreekStoic posidonius, and a close friendship with Nigidius Figulus. http://www.meta-religion.com/Esoterism/Astrology/imperial_planets.htm | |
57. The Practical Surveyor - Research Eratosthenes, Egypt, 230 BC, 3795.8, 4608.9. posidonius, Egypt and rhodes,100 BC, 4389.4. Abelseda, Arabia, 827, 3804.6, Albazen, Arabia, 1100,3774.4, http://www.orbitals.com/books/tps/research.html | |
58. Sources Littéraires - Collections Anglaises Et Américaines Translate this page 14a et b). posidonius The Translation of the Fragments. Volume III, ed. KiddIG, 1999, 414 p. (nr. 00). CR BMClR. Apollonius of rhodes. Argonautica. http://bcs.fltr.ucl.ac.be/SLAngl.html | |
59. De RES HISTORIAEANTIQUA of, say, rhodes. This reading of longtitudinal degrees and minutes, should theneither be multiplied by 1.16% for the geodesic time base of posidonius, or by http://www.reshistoriaeantiqua.co.uk/Ptolcommhisp.htm | |
60. De RES HISTORIAE ANTIQUA based on the calculation of posidonius. This would make an average of four hundredstadia for one degree of longitude along the latitude of rhodes which, he http://www.reshistoriaeantiqua.co.uk/PtolcommI2.htm | |
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