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41. Patten 89b - Porta porta, giambattista della. 1535?1615 De humana physiognomonia . . . Title page in red and black. With porta, giambattista della. Phytognomonica. http://www.goldcanyon.com/Patten/html/89b.html | |
42. Patten 89 - Porta porta, giambattista della. 1535?1615 Phytognomonica. . 134. With porta, giambattista della. De humana physiognomonia. Hanoviae Apud G. Antonium, 1593. http://www.goldcanyon.com/Patten/html/89.html | |
43. The Galileo Project porta, giambattista della 1. Dates Born Vico Equense, 12 miles south of Naples, 15 Nov. 1535. Early sources have various years http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/porta.html | |
44. Philadelphia Rare Books And Manuscripts: portas Physiognomy In Italian with 92 Plates, 1610. porta, giambattista della. . ANOTHER EDITION. porta, giambattista della. http://www.prbm.com/quotes/featured_book_A_Pair_of_Portas.shtml | |
45. Philadelphia Rare Books And Manuscripts: Astronomy / Astrology If You Look Like a Swine . . . (ASTROLOGY Rejected). porta, giambattista della. della fisionomia dell huomo . Venetia Presso Christoforo Tomasino, 1644. http://www.prbm.com/interest/astro.shtml | |
46. Lucia Rodler Le Funzioni Della Fisiognomica Da Della Porta A Lombroso Translate this page Per illustrare quanto detto conviene fare riferimento al trattato che giambattista della porta ha edito nel 1586 e ampliato nel primo Seicento. http://www.griseldaonline.it/percorsi/3rodler.htm | |
47. UBC Library - MARION (1 title); porta, giambattista della, 1535?1615. (2 titles); porta, giambattista della, 1535?-1615 History and criticism. (1 title http://dra.library.ubc.ca/MARION/auth?fmt_limit=&lng_limit=&index=S&key=Port win |
48. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science Scientific Identity Portraits from the Dibner Library of the Portrait of John Pordage ~ Enlarge Image ~. Scientist porta, giambattista della (ca. 1535 1615). Scientist porta, giambattista della (ca. 1535 - 1615). http://web4.si.edu/sil/scientific-identity/by_name_display_results.cfm?scientist |
49. Iþýðý Keþfedenler giambattista della porta. Doðum Tarihi 1 Eylül 1535, Vico Equense, Ýtalya Ölüm Tarihi - 4 Þubat 1615, Naples, Ýtalya giambattista http://www.kameraarkasi.org/light/mucitler/porta.htm | |
50. Schneider, Hilke Translate this page physiognomy, John Baptist porta, giambattista della porta, De Humana Physiognomia, human physiognomy. Sachgruppe der DNB 33 Medizin http://tumb1.biblio.tu-muenchen.de/publ/diss/me/2003/schneider.html | |
51. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Della Porta, Giambattista 1535 - 1615 della porta, giambattista 1535 1615 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. DIGRIN, Zdenek, Divadlo ucencu a diplomatu, S 15426. KRATOCHVÍL http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/d/111629.htm | |
52. Intro giambattista della portas comedy La Trappolaria (an adaption of Plautus Pseudolus) was first printed at Bergamo in 1596, with subsequent editions issued http://e3.uci.edu/~papyri/trappolaria/intro.html | |
53. Italinemo - Riviste D'italianistica Nel Mondo Translate this page Nato probabilmente a Napoli nel 1535, giambattista della porta fu interprete originale, in pieno Cinquecento, del momento di rottura dellunità culturale http://www.italinemo.it/notizie/dettaglio_notizia.php?id=86 |
54. Diagrams Page Italian scientist and mystic giambattista della porta publishes Magia naturalis/Natural Magic, outlining a rational approach to the natural world, discussing http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Timeline.asp?SID=2&Topic=Physics |
55. MedHist: The Gateway To Internet Resources For The History Of Medicine Time coverage 12th Century CE;. Natural Magick (Magiae naturalis) by giambattista della porta. An online version of Natural Magick http://medhist.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0242862L0305500.html | |
56. 1^ Maratona Delle Orobie - Oltre Il Colle Valle Serina Translate this page far conoscere ed apprezzare la montagna lo scrittore Angelo Gamba elinventore del Sentiero delle Orobie e del Sentiero della porta, giambattista Cortinovis http://www.valbrembanaweb.com/maratonadelleorobie/ | |
57. DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service Title Natural Magick The Works and Life of John Baptist porta (giambattista della porta) (15351615) (English) http//www2.tscnet.com/pages/omard1 http://www.kb.nl/dutchess/30/00/info-4585.html | |
58. DutchESS, Dutch Electronic Subject Service Titel Natural Magick The Works and Life of John Baptist porta (giambattista della porta) (15351615) (Engels) http//www2.tscnet.com/pages/omard1 http://www.kb.nl/dutchess.ned/30/00/info-4585.html | |
59. Visual Anthropology from the site). giambattista della porta, Drawing Shadows to Stone Photographing North Pacific Peoples (18971902), «This exhibition http://www.visualanthropology.net/links/varia.htm | |
60. Timeline Of Esoterica 1535, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa dies; giambattista della porta born in Naples. Author of Germany. 1615, giambattista della porta dies. 1617, http://www.esotericarchives.com/esotime.htm | |
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