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         Poncelet Jean-victor:     more books (25)
  1. Applications D'analyse Et De Géométrie Qui Ont Servi ... De ... Fondement Au Traité Des Propriétés Projectives Des Figures, Avec Additions Par Mm. Mannheim Et Montard (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-02-22
  2. Rapport Sur Les Machines Et Outils Employes Dans Les Manufactures, Part 1: Relative Aux Matieres Non Textiles (1857) (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-09-10
  3. Cours de mécanique appliquée aux machines (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2001-03-01
  4. Memoire Sur Les Roues Hydrauliques A Aubes Courbes, Mues Par-Dessous (1827) (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-09-10
  5. Mécanique Industrielle, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-06-03
  6. Introduction À La Mécanique Industrielle Physique Et Expérimentale (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, X Kretz, 2010-02-12
  7. Societe Des Lettres, Sciences Et Arts De Metz: 1824 To 1826 (1824) (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, M. Munier, 2010-09-10
  8. Applications D'Analyse Et De Geometrie V2 (1864) (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-03-19
  9. Introduction À La Mécanique Industrielle Physique Ou Expérimentale (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-02-22
  10. Applications D'analyse Et De Géométrie Qui Ont Servi ... De ... Fondement Au Traité Des Propriétés Projectives Des Figures, Avec Additions Par Mm. Mannheim Et Montard (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-02-05
  11. Rapport Sur Les Machines Et Outils Employés Dans Les Manufactures, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Jean-Victor Poncelet, 2010-02-23
  12. Rapport Sur Les Machines Et Outils Employes Dans Les Manufactures, Part 1: Relative Aux Matieres Non Textiles (1857) (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-09-10
  13. Traité des propriétés projectives des figures; ouvrage utile à ceux qui s'occupent des applications de la géométrie descriptive et d'opérations géométriques sur le terrain (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-06-20
  14. Applications D'Analyse Et De Geometrie V2 (1864) (French Edition) by Jean Victor Poncelet, 2010-09-10

1. Poster Of Poncelet
JeanVictor Poncelet. lived from 1788 to 1867. Poncelet was one ofthe founders of modern projective geometry. His development of
Jean-Victor Poncelet lived from 1788 to 1867 Poncelet was one of the founders of modern projective geometry. His development of the pole and polar lines associated with conics led to the principle of duality. Find out more at

2. Jean-Victor Poncelet
JeanVictor Poncelet. Domovská stránka Fyzici Jean-Victor Poncelet. Poncelet,Jean-Victor (1788-1867) - Wolfram Research - Eric W. Weisstein.
Jean-Victor Poncelet
Domovská stránka Fyzici Francouzský matematik Jean-Victor Poncelet se narodil 1. èervence 1788 v Metz, Lorraine. Poncelet studoval na École Polytechnique
Poncelet - zakladatel projektivní geometrie
Jean-Victor Poncelet byl jedním ze zakladatelù moderní projektivní geometrie. Za Napoleonova tažení do Ruska pracoval Jean-Victor Poncelet od roku 1812 jako inženýr. V Rusku byl ranìn a upadl do zajetí (1813), ze kterého se vrátil do Francie v roce 1914. V ruském vìzení studoval Poncelet projektivní geometrii - pojednání o analytické geometrii Applications d'analyse et de géométrie. Pojednání bylo publikováno až po 50 letech. V letech 1815 až 1825 pùsobil Poncelet v Metz jako armádní inženýr. V letech 1820 až 1821 Jean-Victor Poncelet spolu s Brianchonem prokázal Feuerbachùv teorém V roce 1822 publikoval Jean-Victor Poncelet Traité des propriétés projectives des figures , ve které studoval vlastnosti, které zùstávají pøi projekci invariantní. Tato jeho práce obsahuje základní myšlenky projektivní geometrie, jako je perspektiva, involuce a cirkulární body v nekoneènu.
V letech 1825 až 1835 byl Jean-Victor Poncelet profesorem mechaniky.

3. Slavní Fyzici, Vìdci A Vynálezci | ConVERTER
Poiseuille Jean Louise Marie (1797 1869) - poise - dynamická viskozita(CGS). poncelet jean-victor (1788 - 1867) - poncelet - výkon.
Slavní fyzici
Domovská stránka
Sekce Slavní fyzici obsahuje vìdce, po kterých byly pojmenovány fyzikální jednotky nebo konstanty . Uvedeni jsou také ti významní fyzici , na které se pøi pojmenovávání fyzikálních jednotek nedostalo (nebo o tom nevím). Mnohým z nich byla také udìlena Nobelova cena

4. Recherche : Auteur
poncelet jean-victor , CertificationIDDN. Dans les fiches. 2 fiches trouvées Jean-Victo

5. Publimath : Liste Auteurs P
poncelet jean-victor; Ponctic M; Poncy Michel;Pons Georges; Pontier J; Pontille Marie-Claude; Porcel Nicole; Porquet
Liste Auteurs P A B C D ... Py Dominique

6. Editions Jacques Gabay - Jean-Victor PONCELET
Translate this page Jean-Victor PONCELET. Jean-Victor PONCELET. 1788 - 1867. Au cataloguedes Editions Jacques Gabay PONCELET Traité des propriétés Jean-Victor

7. Poster Of Poncelet
JeanVictor Poncelet. was born 210 years ago. 1st July 1788. Ponceletwas one of the founders of modern projective geometry. His development
Jean-Victor Poncelet was born 210 years ago 1st July 1788 Poncelet was one of the founders of modern projective geometry. His development of the pole and polar lines associated with conics led to the principle of duality. Find out more at

8. Poncelet J.-V.
poncelet jeanvictor. France. Born on 01.07.1788. Died on 22.12.1867.Physician, mathematician. Corresponding Member of the Division
Born on 01.07.1788.
Died on 22.12.1867.
Physician, mathematician.
Corresponding Member of the Division of Physical-Mathematical Sciences since 12.12.1857.

9. Foreign Members (main_a10)
1901 Polivka Juri (AustroHungary (Czech)). 1857 poncelet jean-victor(France). 1777 Poniatovskii Stanislav Avgust, king (Poland).
Foreign Members of the Academy
Pacassi Johann Baptiste, baron (Austria) Pach Zsigmond Pal (Hungarian People's Republic) Painleve Paul (France) Paintal Autar Singh (India) Pal Lenard (Hungarian People's Republic) Palachky Frantisuek (Austria (Czech)) Panofsky Wolfgang Kurt German (USA) Paris Gastonn-Bruno-Paulin (France) Parkes Samuel (Great Britain) Parkhon Konstantin Ion (Socialist Republic of Romania) Parry William Edward (Great Britain) Parsons Charles Algernon (Great Britain) Parsons William, lord of Rosse (Great Britain) Paschen Louis Karl Heinrich Friedrich (Germany) Pasteur Louis (France) Pastrnek Frantishek (Czechoslovakia) Patera Adolf (Austro-Hungary (Czech)) Patrin Eugene-Louis-Melchior (France) Pauling Linus (USA) Pauling Linus Carl (USA) Pavet de Courteille Abel-Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Michel (France) Pavlov Todor (Fiodor Dmitrievich) (pseudonym. P.Dosev) (People's Republic of Bulgaria) Paykull Gustav, baron von (Sweden) Pedro II d’Alcantara, emperor (Brazil) Peierls Rudolf Ernst (Great Britain) Pek Nam Un (Korean People's Democratic Republic) Pelliot Paul (France) Pelouze Theophile-Jules (France) Penfield Wilder Graves (Canada) Perard Jacques de (France) Perrin Jean-Baptiste (France) Petermann Julius Heinrich (Germany) Peters Khristian Ivanovich (Khristian Avgust Fridrikh) (Germany) Peters Wilhelm Karl Hartwig (Germany) Pfaff Johann Friedrich (Germany) Pfaff Johann Wilhelm Andreas (Germany) Pfeffer Wilhelm Friedrich (Germany) Pflueger Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm (Germany)

10. Poncelet, Jean-Victor (1788-1867) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific B
poncelet, jeanvictor (1788-1867), French mathematician who was the founderof projective geometry. With Brianchon, he proved Feuerbach s
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality French
Poncelet, Jean-Victor (1788-1867)

French mathematician who was the founder of projective geometry With Brianchon , he proved Feuerbach's theorem on the nine-point circle in 1820-21. He also suggested the theorem proved by Steiner and now called the Poncelet-Steiner theorem that Euclidean constructions can be done with a straightedge alone. He formulated the Continuity Principle (which includes the principle of duality and the method of reciprocation) and argued against Gergonne for the superiority of synthetic geometry. As a soldier in Napoleon's army, he was captured and imprisoned in Russia. While in prison from 1813-1814, he organized and wrote down his discoveries, and the result was published as (1822). To serve as an introduction to this work, he also wrote (2 vols., 1862-64).
References Bell, E. T. "The Day of Glory: Poncelet." Ch. 14 in New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 206-217, 1986. Poncelet, J. V. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1865-66.

11. Jean-Victor Poncelet --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. jeanvictor poncelet. born July 1, 1788, Metz, France MLA style " jean-victor poncelet." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004

12. Poncelet
Jean Victor poncelet. Born 1 July 1788 in Metz, Lorraine, France Died 22Dec 1867 in Paris, France. jeanvictor poncelet was a pupil of Monge.
Jean Victor Poncelet
Born: 1 July 1788 in Metz, Lorraine, France
Died: 22 Dec 1867 in Paris, France
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Jean-Victor Poncelet was a pupil of Monge . His development of the pole and polar lines associated with conics led to the principle of duality. Poncelet took part in Napoleon's 1812 Russian campaign as an engineer. He was left for dead at Krasnoy and imprisoned until 1814 when he returned to France. During his imprisonment he studied projective geometry . He also wrote a treatise on analytic geometry From 1815 to 1825 he was a military engineer at Metz and from 1825 to 1835 professor of mechanics there. He applied mechanics to improve turbines and waterwheels more than doubling the efficiency of the waterwheel. Poncelet was one of the founders of modern projective geometry simultaneously discovered by Joseph Gergonne and Poncelet. His development of the pole and polar lines associated with conics led to the principle of duality. He also discovered circular points at infinity. He published in 1822 which is a study of those properties which remain invariant under projection. This work contains fundamental ideas of projective geometry such as the cross-ratio, perspective, involution and the circular points at infinity. While writing this book he consulted with

13. Poncelet
Biography of jeanvictor poncelet (1788-1867) Jean Victor poncelet. Born 1 July 1788 in Metz, Lorraine, France Main index. jean-victor poncelet was a pupil of Monge
Jean Victor Poncelet
Born: 1 July 1788 in Metz, Lorraine, France
Died: 22 Dec 1867 in Paris, France
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to see three larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Jean-Victor Poncelet was a pupil of Monge . His development of the pole and polar lines associated with conics led to the principle of duality. Poncelet took part in Napoleon's 1812 Russian campaign as an engineer. He was left for dead at Krasnoy and imprisoned until 1814 when he returned to France. During his imprisonment he studied projective geometry . He also wrote a treatise on analytic geometry From 1815 to 1825 he was a military engineer at Metz and from 1825 to 1835 professor of mechanics there. He applied mechanics to improve turbines and waterwheels more than doubling the efficiency of the waterwheel. Poncelet was one of the founders of modern projective geometry simultaneously discovered by Joseph Gergonne and Poncelet. His development of the pole and polar lines associated with conics led to the principle of duality. He also discovered circular points at infinity. He published in 1822 which is a study of those properties which remain invariant under projection. This work contains fundamental ideas of projective geometry such as the cross-ratio, perspective, involution and the circular points at infinity. While writing this book he consulted with

14. Poncelet, Jean Victor
Pronunciation Key. poncelet, Jean Victor , 17881867, French mathematician and army engineer The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography)poncelet, jeanvictor (1788-1867)
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15. Poncelet, Jean-Victor
poncelet, jeanvictor (1788-1867). French mathematician and militaryengineer who advanced projective geometry. His book Traité

16. Poncelet, Jean Victor
Pronunciation Key. poncelet, Jean Victor , 17881867, French mathematician and army engineer The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography)poncelet, jeanvictor (1788-1867)
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17. Projective Geometry
projective geometry (Webster s NewWorld Dictionary). poncelet, jeanvictor(1788-1867) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography).
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    projective geometry projective geometry, branch of geometry infinity . The plane that includes the ideal line, or line at infinity, consisting of all such ideal points, is called the projective plane. Two properties that are invariant under projection are the order of three or more points on a line and the harmonic relationship, or cross ratio, among four points, A, B, C, D, i.e., AC BC AD BD. One important concept in projective geometry is that of duality. In the plane, the terms point and line are dual and can be interchanged in any valid statement to yield another valid statement, e.g., statements (1) and (3) above; in space, the terms plane, line, and point are interchanged with point, line, and plane, The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
    projection, map

18. Poncelet, Jean-Victor (1788-1867) Greatest Of Analytical
HighBeam Research, Free Preview 'poncelet, jeanvictor (1788-1867)' Full Membership required for unlimited access. Comprehensive archive of newspapers, magazines, trade journals, TV and radio

19. A-Z Browse Results - Encyclopædia Britannica
Centre Pompidou, Georges Pomponazzi, Pietro Pomus, Doc Ponca Ponca City Ponce Poncede León, Juan Ponce de León, Pedro poncelet, jeanvictor Poncet, Charles

20. Poncelet
poncelet,jeanvictor (17881867) ?,JV(poncelet,jean-victor).1788?7?1?(Metz);1867?12?23.
Abel Bernoulli-Daniel Bernoulli-Jocob Bernoulli-Johannes ... Weierstrass Poncelet,Jean-Victor ¡]17881867¡^ e´µ¦C¡AJ.-V.(Poncelet,Jean-Victor) 1788¦~7¤ë1¤é¥Í©óªk°ê±ö´µ(Metz)¡F1867¦~12¤ë23¤é¨ò©ó¤Ú¾¤¡C µá§Q´µ¡D§JµÜ¦](Felix Klein) »X¤é(Monge) 1814¦~9¤ë¡Ae´µ¦C±aµÛ"¦bÂÄ©Ô¦«¤Òªº«X°êºÊº»¸Ì(1813-1814)¼g¦¨ªº¤C¥»¤â½Z¡A¥H¤Î­Y¤z¨ä¥L·s¦Ñ§@«~"¦^¨ìªk°ê¡C¦b³o¨Ç¤â½Z©M§@«~¤¤¡A24·³ªºe´µ¦C¬°®g¼v´X¦ó±a¨Óªº³Ì±jªº±À°Ê¤O¡A³o¬O¦Û17¥@¬ö¼w¤ã®æ(Desargues)©M ©¬´µ¥d(Pascal) ©Ô´¶©Ô´µ(Laplace) ¦pªG¥Î ²¥d¨à(Descartes) ·íµM³o¤@¤Á³£»Ý­nÅÞ¿è¤WªºÀ³¥Î¡C¤@¨Ç¥²­nªºÒ©ú¤w¸gµ¹¥X¡A¥]¬AÀ³¥Î¹ï´X¦ó¾Ç¦³¥Îªº"³sÄò©Ê­ì²z"¡C ¬°¤F»¡©ú³oºØ»y¨¥¬ù¦X²z©Ê¡AÅý§Ú­Ì³]·Q¦³¤@±ø½T©wªºª½½u l ©Mª½½u l ¥~½T©wªº¤@­ÓÂIP¡A³q¹LP¥ô§@¤@±øª½½u l' »P l ¥æ©óP'¡A°²©w l' ¶P±ÛÂà¡A³o¼ËP'´NªuµÛ l ¦V«e²¾°Ê¡C¦ó®ÉP'¤£¦A¦V«e¤F©O¡H ²¥d¨à(Descartes) ²¥d¨à(Descartes) ¥¬º¸(Boole) ¡B ³ÍµÜ(Cayley) ¡B ¦èº¸ºû´µ¯S(Sylvester) ¼w¤ã®æ¥h¥@®É¡A¦ãÂħJ¡D ¤û¹y(Newton) ÁÙ¬O­Ó20·³ªº«C¦~¡C¨S¦³¸ñ¶Hªí©ú ¤û¹y(Newton) ³ÍµÜ(Cayley) ©M ¦èº¸ºû´µ¯S(Sylvester) ¦b¥N¼Æ¤¤¦ÛµM¦aµo®i(¹³§Ú­Ì±N­n¬Ý¨ìªº¨º¼Ë)ªº±i¶q­pºâªº¼Æ¾Ç¤èªk¡A·R¦]´µ©Z©ÎªÌ¥ô¦ó¤°»ò¤H·Q°Ê¤@¤U ¤û¹y(Newton) ªº¤Þ¤O²z½×³£¬O¤£¥i¯àªº¡C «á­±§Ú­Ì±N´£¨ìµá§Q´µ¡D §JµÜ¦](Klein) §â¼Ú¤ó´X¦ó»P´¶³qªº«D¼Ú´X¦ó²Î¤@¦¨¤@ºØºî¦X´X¦óªº¤u§@¡C¥Ñ©ó ³ÍµÜ(Cayley) ¦b³Ð¥ß«×¶q´X¦ó¤¤¹ï³q±`ªº¶ZÂ÷¥H¤Î¨¤ªº·§©À¥[¥H­×¥¿¡A³oºØ²Î¤@¤~¥i¯à§¹¦¨¡C¦b³oºØ­×¥¿¤¤¡A¥æ¤ñ°_µÛ²Ä¤@¦ìªº§@¥Î¡A¥Ñ¦¹³ÍµÜ¤S¤Þ¤J¥L¦Û¤vµo©úªº"²z·Q"¤¸¯À¡A±q¦Ó¨Ï«×¶q´X¦óÂk¯Ç¬°¤@ºØ®g¼v´X¦ó¡C §@¬°±M·~³N»y¡A¦pªG¤@±ø½u(ª½ªº©Î¦±ªº)¸g¹L¬Y¤@­ÓÂI¡A§Ú­Ì¥i¥H»¡¸Ó½u¦b¸ÓÂI¤W¡A¦Ó¥B§Ú­Ìª`·N¨ì­Y¤@±ø½u¦b¤@­ÓÂI¤W¡A¨º»ò¸ÓÂI¤]¦b¸Ó½u¤W¡A¤Ï¤§¥çµM¡C¬°¤F±o¨ì´¶¹Mªº¤@­P©Ê¡A§Ú­Ì±Ä¥Î¨ººØ¾A©ó¼Ú´X¨½±o´X¦ó(´¶³qªº¤¤¾Ç´X¦ó)ªº´¶³q¥­­±¡A§Y©Ò¿×«×¶q¥­­±¡A§â¨º¨Ç­è¤~´y­z¹Lªº"²z·Q"¤¸¯Àªþ¥[¨ì«×¶q¥­­±¤W´N±o¨ì¤@­Ó®g¼v¥­­±¡G¤@­Ó®g¼v¥­­±¥Ñ¤@­Ó«×¶q¥­­±¤W©Ò¦³´¶³qªºÂI©Mª½½u¡B¥H¤Î¤@²Õ²z·QÂIªº¶°¦X©Ò²Õ¦¨¡A©Ò¦³³o¨Ç²z·QÂI³£³Q°²©w¦b¤@±ø²z·Q½u¤W¡A¨¥B³o¼Ëªº²z·QÂI¤]¦b¨C¤@±ø´¶³qªºª½½u¤W¡C

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