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         Plucker Julius:     more books (18)
  1. Julius Plückers Gesammelte Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen: Bd. Physikalische Abhandlungen, Hrsg. Von Fr. Pockels (German Edition) by Alfred Clebsch, Julius Plücker, et all 2010-06-13
  2. Julius Plückers Gesammelte Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen: Bd. Mathematische Abhandlungen, Hrsg. Von A. Schoenflies (German Edition) by Alfred Clebsch, 2010-02-09
  3. System Der Analytischen Geometrie, Auf Neue Betrachtungsweisen Gegründet, Und Insbesondere Eine Ausführliche Theorie Der Curven Dritter Ordnung Enthaltend (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-01-11
  4. Einleitung in Die Elektrostatik: Die Lehre Vom Magnetismus Und Die Elektrodynamik (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, August Beer, 2010-02-28
  5. Analytisch-Geometrische Entwicklungen, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-03-22
  6. Theorie Der Algebraischen Curven: Gegründet Auf Eine Neue Behandlungsweise Der Analytischen Geometrie (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-03-16
  7. Neue Geometrie Des Raumes Gegründet Auf Die Betrachtung Der Geraden Linie Als Raumelement (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-01-09
  8. Analytisch-Geometrische Entwicklungen, Volume 1 (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-01-11
  9. Theorie Der Algebraischen Curven: Gegründet Auf Eine Neue Behandlungsweise Der Analytischen Geometrie (German Edition) by Julius Plücker, 2010-04-03
  10. Einleitung in die Elektrostatik, die Lehre vom Magnetismus, und die Elektrodynamik. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von Julius Plucker.
  11. Neue geometrie des raumes gegründet auf die betrachtung der geraden linie als raumelement. Von Julius Pluecker. Mit einem Vorwort von A. Clebsch. by Julius Plücker, 1899-01-01
  12. Julius Plücker
  13. Ueber die Constitution der elektrischen spectra der verschiedenen gase und dampfe. Contained in Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Volume 107 pages 497-539. by Julius Plucker , 1859-01-01
  14. Ueber die Constitution der elektrischen Spectra der verschiedenen Gase und Dämpfe. by Julius von (1801-1868). PLÜCKER, 1859-01-01

81. Caesar's Commentaries In Latin (books 1 To 4) By Julius Caesar
Caesar s Commentaries in Latin (books 1 to 4). by julius Caesar. Language Latin.Please select a format.
@import "/resources/manybooks2004.css"; Title Author
Caesar's Commentaries in Latin (books 1 to 4)
by Julius Caesar
Please select a format Plucker iSilo iSiloX . Doc Rocketbook zTXT PDF PalmReader Read online (78 pages) Random excerpt: Nammeius et Verucloetius principem locum obtinebant, qui dicerent sibi esse in animo sine ullo maleficio iter per provinciam facere, propterea quod aliud iter haberent nullum: rogare ut eius voluntate id sibi facere liceat. Caesar, quod memoria tenebat L. Cassium consulem occisum exercitumque eius ab Helvetiis pulsum et sub iugum missum, concedendum non putabat; neque homines inimico animo, data facultate per provinciam itineris faciundi, temperaturos ab iniuria et maleficio existimabat. Tamen, ut spatium intercedere posset dum milites quos imperaverat convenirent, legatis respondit diem se ad deliberandum sumpturum: si quid vellent, ad Id. April. reverterentur. Interea ea legione quam secum habebat militibusque, qui ex provincia convenerant, a lacu Lemanno, qui in flumen Rhodanum influit, ad montem Iuram, qui fines Sequanorum ab Helvetiis dividit, milia passuum XVIIII murum in altitudinem pedum sedecim fossamque perducit. Eo opere perfecto praesidia disponit, castella communit, quo facilius, si se Total downloads: 11 Language: Latin Julius Caesar at

82. 12 Caesars: Vol 1, Julius Caesar By Seutonius
12 Caesars vol 1, julius Caesar. by Seutonius. Please select a format. Readonline (95 pages).
@import "/resources/manybooks2004.css"; Title Author
12 Caesars: vol 1, Julius Caesar
by Seutonius
Please select a format Plucker iSilo iSiloX . Doc Rocketbook zTXT PDF PalmReader Read online (95 pages) Random excerpt: d intended. For he had collected from all parts so great a company of them, that his enemies became alarmed; and a decree was made, restricting the number of gladiators which any one was allowed to retain at Rome. XI. Having thus conciliated popular favour, he endeavoured, through his interest with some of the tribunes, to get Egypt assigned to him as a province, by an act of the people. The pretext alleged for the creation of this extraordinary government, was, that the Alexandrians had violently expelled their king [32], whom the senate had complimented with the title of an ally and friend of the Roman people. This was generally resented; but, notwithstanding, there was so much opposition from the faction of the nobles, that he could not carry his point. In order, therefore, to diminish their influence by every means in his power, he restored the trophies erected in honour of Caius Marius, on account of his victories over Jugurtha, the Cimbri, and the Teutoni, which had been demolished by Sylla; and Total downloads: 15 Seutonius at

83. Julius Ullman Definition Of Julius Ullman. What Is Julius Ullman? Meaning Of Jul
julius Ullman. Word Word. Noun, 1. julius Ullman United States film actor notedfor his swashbuckling roles (1883-1939) Ullman
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Julius Ullman
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Julius Ullman - United States film actor noted for his swashbuckling roles (1883-1939) Douglas Elton Fairbanks Douglas Fairbanks Fairbanks actor ... player - a theatrical performer Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Julius Ullman" in the definition: actor



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84. Julius Winfield Erving Definition Of Julius Winfield Erving. What Is Julius Winf
julius Winfield Erving. Word Word. Noun, 1. julius Winfield Erving United Statesbasketball forward (born in 1950) Winfield Erving
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Julius Winfield Erving
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Julius Winfield Erving - United States basketball forward (born in 1950) Dr. J Erving Julius Erving forward - the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Julius Winfield Erving" in the definition: Agricola
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Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna


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(enc.) Julius Reubke (enc.) Julius Robert Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Robert von Mayer (enc.) Julius Rosenberg (enc.) Julius Schwartz (enc.) Julius Streicher (enc.) Julius Sumner Miller (enc.) Julius Ullman Julius Valerius Majorianus (enc.) Julius Verus Philippus (enc.) Julius Vogel (enc.) Julius von Haast (enc.) Julius von Payer (enc.) Julius von Sachs (enc.) Julius von Verdy du Vernois (enc.) Julius Wegscheider (enc.) Julius Wellhausen (enc.)

85. Julius Pl � Cker
julius Pl ? cker. julius Pl ? cker (Cerven 16, 1801 Kveten 22,1866) byl Nemec matematik a fyzik. On delal zásadní príspevky
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Julius Pl � cker
Julius Pl � cker Červen 16 Květen 22 ) byl Němec matematik a fyzik . On dělal z¡sadn­ př­spěvky do oblasti analytick¡ geometrie a byl průkopn­k v vyÅ¡etřov¡n­ch katodov© paprsky to vedl nakonec k objevu elektron . On tak© obrovsky prodloužen½ studium Lam � křivky. Pl � cker byl narozen½ u Elberfeld Wuppertal . Pot©, co byl vzdělan½ u Dusseldorf a u fakult Bonn Heidelberg a Berl­n on připadl Pař­Å¾ v 1823, kde on dostal se pod vliv velk© Å¡koly francouzsk½ch geometrů, jehož zakladatel, Gaspard Monge , byl jen ned¡vně mrtv½. V 1825 on se vr¡til k Bonnu, a v 1828 byl vyroben½ profesor matematiky. V stejn©m roku on vydal prvn­ jeho obsah Analytisch-geometrische Entwickelungen , kter½ představil pro prvn­ čas metoda zestručněn© notace. V 1831 on vydal druhou hlasitost, v kter©m on jasně založil na obchodn­ organizaci a nez¡visl©m z¡kladě velk½ princip duality. V 1847 Pl � cker on byl vyroben½ profesor fyziky v Bonnu. V 1858 on publikoval prvn­ jeho klasick½ b¡d¡ na akci magnetu na elektrick©m v½boji v zředěn½ch plynech. On shledal, že propuÅ¡těn­ způsobilo fluoreskuj­c­ ž¡r ke tvaru na zdi skla elektronky, a to ž¡r mohl b½t předst­ral, že se posune t­m, že aplikuje elektromagnet na obrazovku, tak vytv¡Å™et magnetick© pole. To bylo později uk¡zan© to ž¡r byl vyroben katodov½m z¡Å™en­m. Pl � cker, nejprve s¡m a pot© v spojen­ s Johannem Hittorf, se dopustil mnoho důležit½ch objevů v spectroscopy plynů. On byl prvn­ použ­vat vakuovou lampu s kusem kapil¡ry nyn­ volal Geisslerovu trubici, prostředky k kter©mu intenzita světla slab½ch elektrick½ch v½bojů byla postavena dostatečně dovolit spectroscopic vyÅ¡etřov¡n­. On oček¡val

86. Linux Mouse/upload
Chronological Find Thread
Linux mouse/upload
  • From: Julius Spencer
  • Subject: Linux mouse/upload
  • Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 15:36:55 -0700
Hi there,
I've got plucker in RedHat 9 going, however I'm coming across the same problem regarding the mouse needing to be moved for the process of downloading info / updating a channel to work.
Has anyone heard of this being resolved by configuration or something?
Thanks for the help,

_ plucker-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  • Linux mouse/upload Julius Spencer

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87. Brainstorms: Engineering & Darwinian Theory
scanning drums. 1859 German mathematician and physicist julius Pluckerexperiments with invisible cathode rays. 1861 - Italian

my profile
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This topic is comprised of pages: 1 Author Dennis L. Feucht
Member # 231
posted 07. April 2002 15:13 In a discussion on Phil Johnson's list-server, Forrest Mims commented on how some knowledge of human design would be of benefit in assessing evolutionary biology, especially by the biologists. Bill Demski thought I should post my (edited) comments, prompted by Forrest, in response.
Forrest's comment is important but often overlooked in the scientific debate about life's development. Science depends almost entirely on analytic investigative skills, though they are often applied in a creative way. Engineering is the discipline whose distinctive subject-matter is design. For biologists to speak authoritatively against design, some experience with design and demonstration of understanding of design principles would add much credibility to such arguments. However, engineering (design) embodies a wide range of principles and methods that do not appear in the field of biology. Some biologists, such as Mike Behe, have an appreciation for the nontriviality of design principles, recognizing for instance that Murphy's Law ("If it can go wrong, it will.") applies also to the development of living systems.
It is no wonder to me, as an engineer, that so many engineers lean toward ID. Try to design a nontrivial system and you develop an innate appreciation for the meaning of irreducible complexity. "Tinker toys for biologists" [an idea Forrest put forward, to give biologists some experience with design principles] is not a bad idea. The rapid development of biotech and molecular engineering will provide this opportunity and bring evolutionary biology and engineering into closer proximity. That will be interesting to watch.

88. Julius Nyerere Definition Of Julius Nyerere In Computing. What Is Julius Nyerere
julius Nyerere. Word Word. julius Nyerere is not available in thecomputing dictionary. Nyerere
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Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Julius Nyerere is not available in the computing dictionary. Try: You may also use the word browser links: Full Dictionary Browser Julius Caesar Scaliger (enc.)
Julius Cesar
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Julius Erving
Julius Evola
Julius Firmicus Maternus
Julius Fucik
Julius Hare
Julius Hatry
(enc.) Julius Hibbert (enc.) Julius Hoffman (enc.) Julius Houseman (enc.) Julius I (enc.) Julius II (enc.) Julius III (enc.) Julius Kambarage Neyrere (enc.) Julius Kambarage Nyerere (enc.) Julius Knipl (enc.) Julius Korngold (enc.) Julius L. Meier (enc.) Julius Lippert (enc.) Julius Lothar Meyer (enc.) Julius Majorian (enc.) Julius Martov (enc.) Julius Marx Julius Mosen (enc.) Julius Müller (enc.) Julius Nepos (enc.) Julius Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Petersen (enc.) Julius Plucker (enc.) Julius Plücker (enc.) Julius Raab (enc.) Julius Reubke (enc.) Julius Robert Oppenheimer (enc.)

89. Julius Streicher Definition Of Julius Streicher In Computing. What Is Julius Str
julius Streicher. Word Word. julius Streicher is not available in thecomputing dictionary. Streicher
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Julius Streicher
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Julius Streicher is not available in the computing dictionary. Try: You may also use the word browser links: Full Dictionary Browser Julius Hibbert (enc.)
Julius Hoffman
Julius Houseman
Julius I
Julius II
Julius III
Julius Kambarage Neyrere
Julius Kambarage Nyerere
Julius Knipl
Julius Korngold
Julius L. Meier
(enc.) Julius Lippert (enc.) Julius Lothar Meyer (enc.) Julius Majorian (enc.) Julius Martov (enc.) Julius Marx Julius Mosen (enc.) Julius Müller (enc.) Julius Nepos (enc.) Julius Nyerere (enc.) Julius Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Petersen (enc.) Julius Plucker (enc.) Julius Plücker (enc.) Julius Raab (enc.) Julius Reubke (enc.) Julius Robert Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Robert von Mayer (enc.) Julius Rosenberg (enc.) Julius Schwartz (enc.) Julius Sumner Miller (enc.) Julius Ullman Julius Valerius Majorianus (enc.) Julius Verus Philippus (enc.) Julius Vogel (enc.)

90. Julius Vogel Legal Definition Of Julius Vogel. What Is Julius Vogel? Meaning Of
julius Vogel. Word Word. julius Vogel is not available in the legal dictionary.Try encyclopedia. Vogel
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Julius Vogel
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Julius Vogel is not available in the legal dictionary. Try: You may also use the word browser links: Full Dictionary Browser Julius III (enc.)
Julius Kambarage Neyrere
Julius Kambarage Nyerere
Julius Knipl
Julius Korngold
Julius L. Meier
Julius Lippert
Julius Lothar Meyer
Julius Majorian
Julius Martov
Julius Marx
Julius Mosen (enc.) Julius Müller (enc.) Julius Nepos (enc.) Julius Nyerere (enc.) Julius Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Petersen (enc.) Julius Plucker (enc.) Julius Plücker (enc.) Julius Raab (enc.) Julius Reubke (enc.) Julius Robert Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Robert von Mayer (enc.) Julius Rosenberg (enc.) Julius Schwartz (enc.) Julius Streicher (enc.) Julius Sumner Miller (enc.) Julius Ullman Julius Valerius Majorianus (enc.) Julius Verus Philippus (enc.) Julius von Haast (enc.) Julius von Payer (enc.) Julius von Sachs (enc.) Julius von Verdy du Vernois (enc.) Julius Wegscheider (enc.)

91. Julius Von Haast Legal Definition Of Julius Von Haast. What Is Julius Von Haast?
julius von Haast. Word Word. julius von Haast is not available inthe legal dictionary. von Haast
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Julius von Haast
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Julius von Haast is not available in the legal dictionary. Try: You may also use the word browser links: Full Dictionary Browser Julius Kambarage Neyrere (enc.)
Julius Kambarage Nyerere
Julius Knipl
Julius Korngold
Julius L. Meier
Julius Lippert
Julius Lothar Meyer
Julius Majorian
Julius Martov
Julius Marx

Julius Mosen
(enc.) Julius Müller (enc.) Julius Nepos (enc.) Julius Nyerere (enc.) Julius Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Petersen (enc.) Julius Plucker (enc.) Julius Plücker (enc.) Julius Raab (enc.) Julius Reubke (enc.) Julius Robert Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Robert von Mayer (enc.) Julius Rosenberg (enc.) Julius Schwartz (enc.) Julius Streicher (enc.) Julius Sumner Miller (enc.) Julius Ullman Julius Valerius Majorianus (enc.) Julius Verus Philippus (enc.) Julius Vogel (enc.) Julius von Payer (enc.) Julius von Sachs (enc.) Julius von Verdy du Vernois (enc.) Julius Wegscheider (enc.)

92. Julius Von Haast Medical Definition Of Julius Von Haast In The Medical Dictionar
julius von Haast. Word Word. julius von Haast is not available in themedical dictionary. von Haast
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Julius von Haast
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Julius von Haast is not available in the medical dictionary. Try: You may also use the word browser links: Full Dictionary Browser Julius Kambarage Neyrere (enc.)
Julius Kambarage Nyerere
Julius Knipl
Julius Korngold
Julius L. Meier
Julius Lippert
Julius Lothar Meyer
Julius Majorian
Julius Martov
Julius Marx

Julius Mosen
(enc.) Julius Müller (enc.) Julius Nepos (enc.) Julius Nyerere (enc.) Julius Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Petersen (enc.) Julius Plucker (enc.) Julius Plücker (enc.) Julius Raab (enc.) Julius Reubke (enc.) Julius Robert Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Robert von Mayer (enc.) Julius Rosenberg (enc.) Julius Schwartz (enc.) Julius Streicher (enc.) Julius Sumner Miller (enc.) Julius Ullman Julius Valerius Majorianus (enc.) Julius Verus Philippus (enc.) Julius Vogel (enc.) Julius von Payer (enc.) Julius von Sachs (enc.) Julius von Verdy du Vernois (enc.) Julius Wegscheider (enc.)

93. Julius Vogel Medical Definition Of Julius Vogel In The Medical Dictionary. What
julius Vogel. Word Word. julius Vogel is not available in the medicaldictionary. Try Vogel
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Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Julius Vogel is not available in the medical dictionary. Try: You may also use the word browser links: Full Dictionary Browser Julius III (enc.)
Julius Kambarage Neyrere
Julius Kambarage Nyerere
Julius Knipl
Julius Korngold
Julius L. Meier
Julius Lippert
Julius Lothar Meyer
Julius Majorian
Julius Martov
Julius Marx
Julius Mosen (enc.) Julius Müller (enc.) Julius Nepos (enc.) Julius Nyerere (enc.) Julius Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Petersen (enc.) Julius Plucker (enc.) Julius Plücker (enc.) Julius Raab (enc.) Julius Reubke (enc.) Julius Robert Oppenheimer (enc.) Julius Robert von Mayer (enc.) Julius Rosenberg (enc.) Julius Schwartz (enc.) Julius Streicher (enc.) Julius Sumner Miller (enc.) Julius Ullman Julius Valerius Majorianus (enc.) Julius Verus Philippus (enc.) Julius von Haast (enc.) Julius von Payer (enc.) Julius von Sachs (enc.) Julius von Verdy du Vernois (enc.)

94. RLE - Changing The Image Of Broadcast Technology: Currents Vol. 10 No. 1
Cathode rays were first identified in 1859 by German mathematician and physicistJulius plucker, and British chemist William Crookes confirmed their existence
Changing the Image of Broadcast Technology:
RLE's Advanced Television and Signal Processing Group
Spring 1998: Vol. 10, No. 1 Contents:
Corresponding portions of a National Television System Committee (NTSC) image (top) and a high-definition television (HDTV) image are shown. An HDTV image contains more than two million picture elements (pixels) and is approximately six times the spatial resolution of current NTSC images. HDTV employs a 16x9 aspect ratio, compared to A lthough no single person or invention can be credited with the development of television, the so-called electronic hearth of today has its roots in the 1817 discovery of light-sensitive selenium by Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius. By 1881, silhouettes were transmitted using selenium and a scanning phototelegraph device. However, there was a growing desire to transmit sound with moving images. Defining the Standards The National Television System Committee (NTSC) set the standard for color television broadcasts in the United States. In 1951, the color system developed by Hungarian-American engineer Peter Goldmark was tried, but it was incompatible with the 525-line broadcast standard established in 1941. The color system selected by the NTSC in 1953 was compatible with existing black-and-white sets, and it inserted the color signal information inside the black-and-white signal. In 1960, Japan also adopted the NTSC system. The former Soviet Union and France adopted the SECAM system (syste`me électronique couleur avec mémoire) in 1967, which transmits 625 lines at 25 frames per second with less color distortion than the NTSC system. Today, there are no less than fifteen broadcast standards around the world.

95. Bibliography
A Bibliography of Collected Works and Correspondence of Mathematicians. This bibliography is available from the Cornell University Mathematics Library. Contact Librarian Steve Rockey for details. A B
A Bibliography of Collected Works and Correspondence of Mathematicians
This bibliography is available from the Cornell University Mathematics Library. Contact Librarian Steve Rockey for details.
back to Y Author Title Place Publisher Date Abbe, Ernst Carl, 1840-1905 Gesammelte Abhandlungen Jena G. Fischer Abbe, Ernst Carl, 1840-1905 Gesammelte Abhandlungen Hildesheim Olms Abbe, Ernst Carl, 1840-1905 Briefe an seine Jugend- und Studienfreunde Carl Martin und Harald Schutz, 1858-1865 Berlin Akademie-Verlag Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829 Oeuvres completes de N. H. Abel, mathematicien / avec des notes et developpements, redigees par ordre du roi par B. Holmboe Christiania C. Grondahl Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829 Oeuvres completes / nouvelle ed. ; publiee aux frais norvegien par L. Sylow et S. Lie. Christiania C. Grondahl Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829 Oeuvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel / nouv. ed. ; publiee aux frais de l'Etat norvegien par L. Sylow et S. Lie. Christiania, Impr. de Grondahl, 1881. New York Johnson Reprint Corp.

96. Untitled
AuthorTitlePlace PublisherDateVolPagesCornell Holding Libary "Abbe, Ernst Carl, 18401905" Gesammelte AbhandlungenJenaG.
; forward by George Marx ; translators: Jozsef Illy… ; editorial assistants: Mary Gay…

97. Famous Deaths On This Day In History
at 80 1859 Ferdinand II, Re Bomba, Dutch King of Sicily, dies at 49 1868 - JuliusPlucker, German mathematician/physicist (formula of P), dies 1878 - Franz
Home Today in History America Asia ... Quiz
Famous Deaths
Welcome to Today In History for Tuesday, June 1, 2004. Famous Deaths on this Day in History ... - Didius Julianus, ship owner/emperor of Rome (193), murdered at 61
- Philips van de Elzas, count of Vlanderen, dies
- Jan III van Diest, bishop of Utrecht (1322-40), dies
- Jagiello, King of Lithuania/Poland, dies
- Joƒo III, King of Portugal (1521-57), dies at 54
- Duke of Alva, and 18 nobles, beheaded
- Gijsbert van Bronkhorst-Batenburg, calvinist leader, beheaded
- Honor‚ d'urf‚, French writer (L'astr‚e), dies at 67
- Creutz, Swedish admiral (™land), dies in battle
- Uggla, Swedish admiral (™land), dies in battle
- Johan Runius, Swedish poet (Dudaim), dies at 34 - Matthaeus de Cock, gov-gen of Neth Indies (1725-29), dies at about 65 - Johann Caspar Vogler, composer, dies at 67 - Johann Paul Wessely, composer, dies at 47 - Louis Nicholas Davout, French fieldmarshal, dies at 53 - Gregory XVI, [Bartolomeo A Cappellari]/Mauro, Pope dies at 80 - John Q Marr, US Union captain, dies in battle at Fairfax Courthouse - Solomon George Washington Dill, poor white ally of blacks, assassinated in his home by white terrorists in SC

98. CRTÀÚ·á½Ç
The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
CRT (Cathod Ray Tube)
CRTÀÇ ±¸Á¶¿Í µ¿ÀÛ¿ø¸®
2) CRTÀÇ º¯µ°úÁ¤ ix) Karl BraunÀÇ Á¶±³ÀÎ Jonathan ZenneckÀº 1899³â±îÁö °³¼±µÈ tube¸¦ °³¹ßÇØ ¿Ô°í ÆÄÇüµéÀ» ȸÀü °Å¿ï¾øÀÌ ½ºÅ©¸°¿¡ Ç¥½ÇÔÀ» °¡´ÉÇÏ°Ô ÇÏ´Â Àü±â-±â°èÀû ½°£-±âº» ȸ·Î¸¦ °³¹ß. ÀÌ°ÍÀº ÇöÀç À½±Ø¼± oscillograph °³³äÀ» ¿Ï¼º. x) 1903³â 7¿ù Harris J. Ryan ±³¼ö´Â ¹Ì±¹ Àü±â°øÇÐ ÇÐȸ ȸÀÇ¿¡¼­ ±³·ù ¿¬±¸µéÀ» À§ÇÑ ÀÚ±â-ÆíÇâ ÄÚÀÏÀÌ ¼öÁ÷À¸·Î ÀåÂøµÈ À½±Ø¼± oscillograph ÀÌ¿ëÀ» º¸°í. xi) ¹Ì±¹¿¡¼­ÀÇ ¹ ¹ø° »ó¾÷ÀûÀÎ CRT´Â 1921³â¿¡ H. J. van der Bijl°ú John B. Johnson¿¡ ÀÇÇØ °³¹ßµÈ Western Electric type 224-A½ÆÇ. xii) 1929³â Vladimir K. ZworykinÀº Westinghouse¿¡ ÀÖ´Â µ¿¾È ¸ðµç ÀüÀÚÀû ÅÚ·¹ºñÁ¯ ½½ºÅÛÀ» Á¦½. xiii) Von ArdenneÀº ÅÚ·¹ºñÁ¯¿¡¼­ÀÇ Ê±â ±â¼-Æ÷Ä¿½º CRTÀÇ »ç¿ëÀ» Á¶»çÇß¾ú°í 1931³â¿¡ ¼Ò°³µÈ General Radio 496-A Electron Oscillograph (ÀÌ·¯ÇÑ Á¾·ù¿¡¼­ ÖÊÀÇ »ó¾÷Àû ¼º°ø ±â±âÀÎ)¿¡¼­ ±â¼-Æ÷Ä¿½º 496-AÀÇ °ø±ÞÀÚÀÌ´Ù. ¾Æ·¡ ±×¸²Àº Von ArdenneÀÇ Ê±â Á¤Àü ÆíÇâ CRTÀÇ ±¸Á¶¸¦ º¸¿©ÁØ´Ù. xiv) ´ëÈ­¸é ÅÚ·¹ºñÁ¯ÀÇ ÁÖµµÀûÀÎ Á¦¾ÈÀÚÀÎ Du Mont´Â 1938³â ¹Ì±¹¿¡¼­ 14inch CRT¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ´ëÈ­¸é ÅÚ·¹ºñÁ¯ ¼ö»ó±â¸¦ ¼Ò°³. xv) 1950³â RCA shadow-mask color picture tubeÀÇ °ø°³ÀûÀÎ Á¦Ç° ¹ßÇ¥.

99. Skeptical Inquirer: The Strange Case Of Cathode Rays And What Counts For Evidenc
In 1859, the year Darwin published On the Origin of Species, German physicist JuliusPlucker discovered what for some time were referred to as cathode rays
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Skeptical Inquirer
March-April, 2003 by Massimo Pigliucci
In 1859, the year Darwin published On the Origin of Species, German physicist Julius Plucker discovered what for some time were referred to as "cathode rays." Plucker used a glass tube filled with air and containing a positive and a negative electrode. When he lowered the air pressure inside the tube to 0.001 mm of mercury and connected a source of electric potential to the positive electrode (the anode), the region of the glass near the negative electrode (the cathode) started glowing with green phosphorescence. Plucker's conclusion was that something was being emitted by the cathode, and one of his students, Johan Wilhelm Hittorf, demonstrated in 1869 that a solid placed between the cathode and the walls casts a shadow: the mysterious cathode rays were traveling in straight lines. Physicists soon split themselves into two camps providing different theories concerning the nature of cathode rays: on the one hand they were thought to be atoms or gas molecules inside the tube that had become negatively charged. An alternative hypothesis was that they were not particles at all, but rather a type of wave moving through ether. Heinrich Hertz was among the physicists proposing the second scenario, and in 1883 he conducted a crucial experiment to demonstrate that cathode rays were nor in fact charged particles. Hertz generated cathode rays inside an apparatus that included an electrometer to measure the electrical charge of the rays. He found that the electrometer did not register any charge, which led him to state that: "As far as the accuracy of the experiment allows, we can conclude with certainty that no electrostatic effect due to the cathode rays can be perceived."

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