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         Pincherle Salvatore:     more books (15)
  1. Algebra Complementare, Volume 1 (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2010-04-03
  2. Le Operazioni Distributive E Le Loro Applicazioni All'analisi (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, Ugo Amaldi, 2010-03-20
  3. Algebra Elementare (1894) (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2010-02-23
  4. Geometria Metrica E Trigonometria (1918) (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2009-03-04
  5. Lezioni di algebra complementare dettate nella R. Università di Bologna e redatte per uso degli studenti (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 1906-01-01
  6. Geometria metrica e trigonometria (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 1918-01-01
  7. Le Operazioni Distributive E Le Loro Applicazioni All' Analisi (1901) (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, Ugo Amaldi, 2010-02-22
  8. Lezioni sulla teoria delle funzioni analitiche: tenute nella R. Università di Bologna (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 1899-01-01
  9. Algebra Complementare: Teoria Delle Equazioni (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2010-03-24
  10. Algebra Elementare (1894) (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2010-09-10
  11. Algebra Elementare (1894) (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2010-09-10
  12. Geometria Metrica E Trigonometria (1918) (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2010-09-10
  13. Geometria Metrica E Trigonometria (1918) (Italian Edition) by Salvatore Pincherle, 2010-09-10
  14. Pincherle Derivative: Commutator, Endomorphism Ring, Salvatore Pincherle, Derivation, Differential Operator, Mathematical Induction

1. Pincherle
Salvatore Pincherle. Born 11 Salvatore Pincherle was born in Trieste (part of Austria at the time) into a Jewish family. His father
Salvatore Pincherle
Born: 11 March 1853 in Trieste, Austria (now Italy)
Died: 10 July 1936 in Bologna, Italy
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Salvatore Pincherle was born in Trieste (part of Austria at the time) into a Jewish family. His father was a business man and, after Pincherle had undertaken part of his education in Trieste, he moved to Marseilles taking his family with him. So Pincherle completed his school education in Marseilles. When he was at school in Trieste, Pincherle's interests were in the humanities, but the school in Marseilles specialised in science teaching and Pincherle soon became fascinated with mathematics through excellent teaching there. Leaving Marseilles when his schooling was complete, Pincherle entered the University of Pisa in 1869 to study mathematics. A student of Betti and taught by Dini , Pincherle was strongly influenced by both men. Graduating in 1874 he taught in a school in Pavia but won a scholarship to enable him to study abroad for a year. Pincherle spent his year abroad in Germany, studying at the University of Berlin. There he was strongly influenced by Weierstrass during 1877-78 and all his mathematical work from this time on shows the influence of the great mathematician.

2. Re: Continuum, Orders Of Infinity By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
pincherle salvatore Le operazioni distributive e le loro applicazioni all analisi / di Salvatore Pincherle, in collaborazione con Ugo Amaldi, Bologna N.
Re: continuum, orders of infinity by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: Re: continuum, orders of infinity Author: Date: The Math Forum

3. Rigorous Treatment Of Real Numbers By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
133160, Paris, 1904. 18) pincherle salvatore Saggio d una introduzione alla teoria delle funzioni analitiche secondo i principii del prof.
rigorous treatment of real numbers by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: rigorous treatment of real numbers Author: Date: The Math Forum

4. Rigorous Treatment Of Real Numbers By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
133160, Paris, 1904. 18) pincherle salvatore "Saggio d'una introduzione alla teoria delle funzioni analitiche secondo
rigorous treatment of real numbers by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: rigorous treatment of real numbers Author: Date: The Math Forum

5. Pincherle
Salvatore Pincherle. Born 11 Salvatore Pincherle was born in Trieste (part of Austria at the time) of a Jewish family. A student
Salvatore Pincherle
Born: 11 March 1853 in Trieste, Austria (now Italy)
Died: 10 July 1936 in Bologna, Italy
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(Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Salvatore Pincherle was born in Trieste (part of Austria at the time) of a Jewish family. A student of Betti and taught by Dini , he worked on functional equations and functional analysis. He was much influenced by Weierstrass and can claim, together with Volterra , to be the founder of functional analysis. He worked in Bologna. References (8 books/articles) References elsewhere in this archive: Tell me about Pincherle's work on abstract linear spaces Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index
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6. Matematici Italiani
Translate this page Picciati Giuseppe, 1868-1908, Picone Mauro, 1885-1977, Pieri Mario, 1860-1913, pincherle salvatore, 1853-1936, Pinto Luigi, 1846-1920, Piola Gabrio, 1791-1850,
Matematici italiani
Abetti Antonio Abbati Marescotti Pietro Abetti Giorgio Abrahm Max Agnesi Maria Gaetana R Agostinelli Cataldo R Agostini Amedeo Aimonetti Cesare Alagna Rosario Alasia Cristoforo Albanese Giacomo Albanese Maria Albeggiani Giuseppe Albeggiani Michele Luigi Ales Maria Alessio Alberto Almansi Emilio Amaldi Italo Amaldi Ugo Amanzio Domenico ... Amato Vincenzo Amaturo Enrico Amerio Luigi Amici Giovanni Battista Amici Nicola Amodeo Federico Amoroso Luigi Andreoli Giulio Andreotti Aldo R Angelitti Filippo Antonelli Giovanni Antoniazzi Anton Maria Aprile Antonio Giorgio Araldi Giambattista Araldi Michele Aresti Giuseppe Ariani Agostino Armellini Giuseppe Armenante Angelo Arrighi Gino Arrigo Michelangelo Artom Emilio R Aschieri Ferdinando Ascoli Giulio Ascoli Guido R Audisio Fausta Avondo Bodino Giuseppe Azzarelli Mattia Bagnera Giuseppe Bajada Emilio ... Barilari Pacifico Barilli Giuseppe (pseud. Quirico Filopanti) Baroni Ettore Baraco Vito Rodolfo Barsotti Giovanni Barsotti Iacopo Bartolozzi Giuseppe Bassani Anselmo ... Bassi Achille Bassi Laura Basso Giuseppe Battaglini Giuseppe R Beccaria Giambatista R Bedarida Albero Maria Belardinelli Giuseppe Bellacchi Giacomo Bellavitis Giusto R Belli Giuseppe Belli Serafino Bellino Rosina Antonio Belluzzi Odone Beloch Piazzolla Margherita Beltrami Eugenio R Bemporad Azeglio Bemporad Giulio Benedetti Piero Benevento Rodolfo Bernstein Vladimiro Bersano carlo Bertelli Timoteo Bertini Eugenio R Bertini P. M.

7. Editions Jacques Gabay - Salvatore PINCHERLE
Translate this page Salvatore PINCHERLE. Salvatore PINCHERLE. 1853 - 1936. Au catalogue des Editions Jacques Gabay MOLK ENCYCLOPEDIE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES Salvatore

8. Editions Jacques Gabay - Index Des Auteurs
Translate this page PETERSEN Julius. PICARD Emile. PICART L. PIERI M. pincherle salvatore. PISOT Charles. PIZZETTI P. POGGENDORFF Johann Christian. POINCARE Henri. POISSON Siméon-Denis.

9. 1900-1949
Translate this page 1904. Torino. Nasini Raffaello. 1904. Padova. Spezia Giorgio. 1904. Torino. pincherle salvatore. 1904. Bologna. Briosi Giovanni. 1905. Pavia. Castelnuovo Guido. 1906. Roma.
Accademia Soci Elenco Cronologico
Elenco cronologico dei soci nazionali 1900/1949
Todaro Francesco Roma Tacchini Pietro Modena Cesàro Ernesto Napoli Luciani Luigi Roma Bombicci Luigi Bologna Koerner Guglielmo Milano Foà Pio Torino Nasini Raffaello Padova Spezia Giorgio Torino Pincherle Salvatore Bologna Briosi Giovanni Pavia Castelnuovo Guido Roma Capelli Alfredo Napoli Millosevich Elia Roma Levi-Civita Tullio Padova Pirotta Romualdo Pietro Roma Tizzoni Guido Bologna Macaluso Damiano Palermo Corbino Orso Mario Roma Arzelà Cesare Palermo Enriques Federico Bologna Dalla Vedova Giuseppe Roma Somigliana Carlo Torino Cerulli Vincenzo Roma Garbasso Antonio Firenze Beccari Odoardo Firenze Angeli Angelo Firenze Cantone Michele Napoli Mattirolo Oreste Torino De Stefani Carlo Firenze Reina Vincenzo Roma Severi Francesco Padova Marconi Guglielmo Roma Parona Carlo Fabrizio Torino Fano Giulio Roma Ricci-Curbastro Gregorio Padova Almansi Emilio Firenze Borzì Antonino Palermo Rosa Daniele Bologna Pascal Ernesto Napoli Marchiafava Ettore Roma De marchi Luigi Padova Artini Ettore Milano Perroncito Eduardo Torino Fantoli Gaudenzio Milano Stefani Aristide Padova Raffaele Federico Roma Silvestri Filippo Portici Viola Carlo Parma

10. Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei - Premi E Borse Di Studio - Premi Reali Conferiti
Translate this page Sylloge patologica. fungorum omnium hucusque cognitorum. 1889. Matematica BIANCHI LUIGI, pincherle salvatore. Memorie varie. DE PAOLIS RICCARDO.
Home Premi e borse di studio Premi Reali conferiti dal 1879 al 1943
Per le Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali: 1879. Astronomia
  • CELORIA GIOVANNI. Sopra alcuni eclissi di sole antichi e su quello di Agatocle in particolare. TEMPLE GUGLIELMO. Sulle nebulose.
1879. Scienze biologiche
  • MOSSO ANGELO. Intorno alla circolazione del sangue nel cervello dell'uomo. TRINCHESE SALVATORE. I primi momenti della evoluzione nei molluschi.
1880. Mineralogia e Geologia
  • TARAMELLI TORQUATO. Geologia delle provincie Venete.
1881. Chimica
  • PATERNO' EMANUELE. Memorie di chimica organica.
1882. Fisica
  • PISATI GIUSEPPE PUCCI ENRICO. Ricerche sulla lunghezza del pendolo semplice a secondi.
1884. Astronomia
  • VENTURI ADOLFO. I. Metodo di Hansen per calcolare le perturbazioni dei piccoli pianeti, interamente rifuso e originalmente esposto. II. Le perturbazioni assolute di Feronia (72) prodotte dall'attrazione di Giove.
1885. Scienze biologiche
  • BELLONCI GIUSEPPE. Varie Memorie d'istologia e di embriologia comparate.
1887. Chimica

Translate this page Str. sc. m., 25 novembre 1989. pincherle salvatore. Corr. sc. f., 1 agosto 1887. Naz. id., 28 agosto 1901. (11 marzo 1853-11 luglio 1936). PINI Bruno. Corr.
ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ELENCO GENERALE DEI SOCI DELL'ACCADEMIA DAL 1870 P Q R S ... Z P PACCHIONI Giovanni. Corr. sc. m., 15 luglio 1935. (23 maggio 1867-18 ottobre 1946). PACE Biagio. Corr. sc. m., 11 luglio 1927. Naz. id., 4 febbraio 1947. (13 novembre 1889-27 settembre 1955). PACIFICI MAZZONI Emidio. Corr. sc. m., 17 giugno 1878. (13 dicembre 1834-15 agosto 1880). PACINI Franco. Corr. sc. f., 3 agosto 1984. Naz. id., 20 ottobre 1999. PACINOTTI Antonio. Corr. sc. f., 31 dicembre 1883. Naz. id., 2 agosto 1898. (17 giugno 1841-25 marzo 1912). PADOVA Ernesto. Corr. sc. f., 18 luglio 1891. (... 1845-9 marzo 1896). PADULA Fortunato. Corr. sc. f., 9 giugno 1872. (23 dicembre 1815-29 giugno 1881). PAGLIARO Antonio. Corr. sc. m., 2 agosto 1999. PAGLIARO Antonino. Corr. sc. m., 25 novembre 1952. Naz. id., 22 agosto 1966. (1 gennaio 1898-6 dicembre 1973). PAGNINI Marcello. Corr. sc. m., 28 luglio 2000. PAINLEVE Paul. Str. sc. f., 16 agosto 1906. (5 dicembre 1863-29 ottobre 1933). PAIS Ettore. Corr. sc. m., 20 luglio 1898. Naz. id., 31 agosto 1910. (27 luglio 1856-28 marzo 1939). PALADIN Livio. Corr. sc. m., 2 agosto 1999. (30 novembre 1933-2 aprile 2000).

pincherle salvatore (1). SALVATORE_001.html

Translate this page J. 1969, 215 Piganiol André (Hermann Bengtson) J. 1969, 191 Piloty Hans (Winfried Otto Schumann) J. 1970, 228 pincherle salvatore (Oskar Perron) J. 1936/37
NACHRUFE Zuerst ist der Name des Verstorbenen genannt, dann in Klammern kursiv der Name des Verfassers. Es bedeutet z. B.: J. 1933/34, 41 = Jahrbuch 1933/34, S. 41
Schl. 1938, 15 = Schlussheft der Sitzungsberichte der Phil.-hist. Klasse 1938, S. 15 Alder Kurt (Stefan Goldschmidt ) J. 1958, 197
Alefeld Georg (Wolfgang Kaiser) , J. 1995, 284
(Hermann Bengtson ) J. 1982, 201
(Alfred Noyer-Weidner) J. 1991, 210
Althaus Paul (Walther v. Loewenich ) J. 1966, 193
(Helmut Gneuss) J. 1991, 229
Amonn Alfred (Erich Preiser ) J. 1963, 201
Andersen Einar (Rudolf Sigl ) J. 1987, 271
Andreades Andreas Michael ) J. 1935/36, 38
Andreas Willy (Fritz Wagner ) J. 1968, 179 Angenheister Gustav (Heinz Jagodzinski) J. 1991, 226 (Thrasybulos Georgiades ) J. 1970, 203 Arangio-Ruiz Vincenzo (Wolfgang Kunkel ) J. 1964, 183 Aubin Hermann (Karl Bosl ) J. 1969, 223 Aumann Georg (Otto Haupt ) J. 1981, 266 Axelson Bertil (Ernst Vogt ) J. 1985, 211 Baade Walther (Erich Schoenberg ) J. 1960, 177 Babinger Franz (Hans-Georg Beck) J. 1970, 195 Baeschlin Carl Fridolin (August Wilhelm Forst ) J. 1962, 212

14. Biography-center - Letter P
history/Mathematicians/Pillai.html. pincherle, salvatore. Mathematicians/pincherle.html. Pinckney, Charles
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  • Paar, Jack
  • Paavolainen, Olavi
  • pablo, picasso
  • Pacchia, Girolamo del
  • Pacchioni, Antonio
  • Pace, Carlos
  • Pacher, Michael
  • Pacioli, Luca
  • Packer, Kerry

15. Collected Works
CALL NO QA3 P5. AUTHOR pincherle, salvatore, 18531936. Note "Elenco delle pubblicazioni di salvatore pincherle" v. 1, p
CALL NO: QA3 A14 1881
AUTHOR: Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829.
MAIN TITLE: OEuvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel.
EDITION: Nouv. ed., publiee aux frais de l'etat norve-gien par L. Sylow
PUBLISHER: Christiania [Sweden] Grondahl, 1881.
Material: 2 v. in 1. 28 cm.
Contents: t. 1. Memoires publies par Abel.t. 2. Memoires posthumes d'Abel
Subject: Mathematics. cm
Added Entry: Sylow, Peter Ludvig Mejdel, 1832-
Added Entry: Lie, Sophus, 1842-1899. CALL NO: QB3 A2 AUTHOR: Adams, John Couch, 1819-1892. MAIN TITLE: The scientific papers of John Adams Couch, edited by William Grylls
Adams, with a memoir by J. W. L. Glaisher. PUBLISHER: Cambridge, University press, 1896-1900. LOCATION: Branson V.1 and V.2
Material: 2 v. front. (port.) fold. map, facsims., diagr. 30 cm.
Contents: v. 1. Biographical notice, by J. W. L. Glaisher. [Original papers published by the author during his lifetime, 1844-1890, ed. by William Grylls Adams]v. 2. pt. 1. Extracts from unpublished manuscripts, ed. by Ralph Allen Simpson. pt. 2. Terrestial magnetism, ed. by William Grylls Adams.
Subject: Geomagnetism.

16. Geometria Pura Elementare, Per S. Pincherle.
Geometria pura elementare, per S. pincherle. pincherle, salvatore, 18531936. salvatore, 1853-1936. pincherle

17. References For Pincherle
References for salvatore pincherle. Articles U Amaldi, salvatore pincherle, Annali di matematica pura ed applicata 17 (1938), 121.
References for Salvatore Pincherle
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • U Amaldi, Salvatore Pincherle, Annali di matematica pura ed applicata
  • U Bottazzini, Pincherle and the theory of analytic functions (Italian), Geometry and complex variables, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. (New York, 1991), 25-40.
  • U Bottazzini and S Francesconi, Manuscript volumes and lecture notes of Salvatore Pincherle, Historia Mathematica
  • A Natucci, Nel primo centenario della nascita di Salvatore Pincherle, Giorn. Mat. Battaglini
  • Jahrbuch Akad. Munichen
  • B Segre, Discorso commemorativo dell'insigne matematico Salvatore Pincherle, Rivista Mat. Univ. Parma
  • D C Struppa and C Turrini, Pincherle's contribution to the Italian school of analytic functionals, Conference on the History of Mathematics, Sem. Conf. (Rende, 1991), 551-560. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
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  • 18. Pincherle
    Biography of salvatore pincherle (18531936) salvatore pincherle. Born 11 March 1853 in Trieste, Austria (now Italy) salvatore pincherle was born in Trieste (part of Austria at the time) into a Jewish family
    Salvatore Pincherle
    Born: 11 March 1853 in Trieste, Austria (now Italy)
    Died: 10 July 1936 in Bologna, Italy
    Click the picture above
    to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Salvatore Pincherle was born in Trieste (part of Austria at the time) into a Jewish family. His father was a business man and, after Pincherle had undertaken part of his education in Trieste, he moved to Marseilles taking his family with him. So Pincherle completed his school education in Marseilles. When he was at school in Trieste, Pincherle's interests were in the humanities, but the school in Marseilles specialised in science teaching and Pincherle soon became fascinated with mathematics through excellent teaching there. Leaving Marseilles when his schooling was complete, Pincherle entered the University of Pisa in 1869 to study mathematics. A student of Betti and taught by Dini , Pincherle was strongly influenced by both men. Graduating in 1874 he taught in a school in Pavia but won a scholarship to enable him to study abroad for a year. Pincherle spent his year abroad in Germany, studying at the University of Berlin. There he was strongly influenced by Weierstrass during 1877-78 and all his mathematical work from this time on shows the influence of the great mathematician.

    19. Catàleg De Les Biblioteques De La UPC
    Translate this page AUTORS. Entrades, Encapçalament. 8, pincherle, salvatore. 2, Pinches, Michael J. 1, Pinches, Theophilus G. 2, Pinchon, Jean-François. 2, Pinchuck, Amy. 1, Pinci, Enzo.

    20. Catàleg De Les Biblioteques De La UPC
    Translate this page 1903, 28. Esercizi sulla geometria elementare, pincherle, salvatore. 1915, 29. Geometria metrica e trigonometria, pincherle, salvatore. 8a ed. 1918, 30.étri

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