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Philon Of Byzantium: more detail |
41. Biography-center - Letter P ilives/phillips/phillips.html; philon of byzantium, wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Philon.html;Piaff, Edith fr http://www.biography-center.com/p.html | |
42. Small Wonders Approximately two thousand years ago, philon of byzantium (presentday Istanbul,Turkey) compiled a list considered by the Ancient Romans to be the seven great http://www.agreka.com/small_wonders.htm | |
43. Registry Of Hurlers Email replica of an ancient Greek ballista built according to engineering texts leftto us by Heron of Alexandria (c. 62 AD) and philon of byzantium (c. 250 BC). http://www.trebuchet.com/registry/sendemail.php/5 | |
44. Untitled Document According to the ancient accounts of Athenaeus, of philon of byzantium and, indirectly,of Vitruvius, the Hydraulis was invented by the famous engineer http://www.culture.gr/2/23/232/epked/en/00_standard_menu/00a_ydraulis/00a.htm | |
45. European Cultural Centre Of Delphi According to the accounts of Athenaeus (Deipnosophists iv, 75), of philon of byzantium(see R. Schone, Philonis Mechanicae Syntaxis, Berlin 1893, iv, 77, 61 http://www.culture.gr/2/23/232/e232012.html | |
46. Learn English - British Council Antipater of Sidon, and philon of byzantium, drew up two of the best known lists.This type of list does not really serve any particularly practical purpose. http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/magazine/people.asp?person=106 |
47. The Seven Great Wonders - Part II philon of byzantium once wrote about the great temple I have seen the wallsand Hanging Gardens of ancient Babylon, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the http://www.chevroncars.com/wocc/lrn/artcl/artcl.jhtml?id=/content/History/Ancien |
48. Entertainment - World's End - ICON5 drank and moved and bird that sang. philon of byzantium(220200BC) supposidlycreated performed statuets that were powered by water. http://www.nzwwa.com/entertainment/music/worlds-end/fearwrld/icon5.htm |
49. Bilkent University - Department Of Archaeology And History Of Art And what makes that even more remarkable is that they are the only example of adefensive system first suggested by philon of byzantium in c. 200 BC, whose http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~arkeo/newsletter/newsle29.html | |
50. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics The Islamic Arabic Automatic Control Technology had as a basis the Greek Technologyof two scientists namely philon of byzantium (Rhodes and Alexandria) of the http://www.muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?TaxonomyTypeID=103&TaxonomySubT |
51. The Seven Wonders Of The World lists drawn up by many famous Greeks, but the lists containing those monument weknow best were been compiled by Antipater of Sidon and philon of byzantium (ca http://www.cayweb.com/7wonders/ | |
52. HERO (THE YOUNGER) by W. Schmidt; contains the Pneumatica and Automata, the fragment on Water Clocks,the De ingeniis spiritualibus of philon of byzantium and extracts on http://58.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HE/HERO_THE_YOUNGER_.htm | |
53. A Visit To Verdi Daedalus attributes the notion to philon of byzantium, of the second century BC.)The vessel needs merely to anchor itself in a good magic aura, and it is well http://amurgsval.org/magi/aristeia/Verdi.html | |
54. Power And Pumps 287212 BC Ctesibus - ca. 287-212 BC philon of byzantium - late 3rdBC Hero of Alexandria - ca. AD 62 Pliny the Elder - AD 23-79 II. http://www.missouri.edu/~ahawb/AHA222/PwrPmps.html | |
55. An Untitled Web Page Greece is well known for their very talented and intelligent inventors; Archimedes,Heron of Alexandria, and philon of byzantium were the most well known.Some http://www.edu.pe.ca/gulfshore/heroes/greece/invents.htm | |
56. The Seven Wonders Page philon of byzantium or possibly another writer assuming his name also complied hisown list around 200 BC The best compliation from antiquity though comes to http://uk.geocities.com/justins_page101/wonders_fla.htm | |
57. Dear Uncle Ezra - Questions For Tuesday, October 8, 1996 - Cornell University writer Antipater of Sidon and of a later but unknown observer of the 2nd centuryBC who claimed to be the mathematician philon of byzantium . Therefore, the http://ezra.cornell.edu/posting.php?timestamp=844747200 |
58. HoustonChronicle.com - What's Online WONDER WORLD In 200 BC, philon of byzantium proposed a list of humancivilization s most masterful architectural accomplishments. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/tech/weekly/1726362 | |
59. Mathem_abbrev Pacioli, Luca Pappus of Alexandria Pascal, Blaise Peacock, George Peano, GiuseppePell, Anna (Wheeler) Perron, Oskar Perseus philon of byzantium Pieri, Mario http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
60. Ekathimerini.com | Wonders Of Ancient Machines Ctesibius in the third century BC, who is considered to be the founder of the Alexandrianschool of mechanics, his student philon of byzantium, and Archimedes http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/news/content.asp?aid=15702 |
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