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         Peurbach Georg:     more detail
  1. Georg von Peuerbach: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001

41. Microfilm
Translate this page georg von peurbach, Theorica planetarum, Venezia, arte et diligentiaErhardi Ratdolt Augustensis, 1482. (T.6.5) FA.4B.2. 4251.
Attività Prodotti Multimediali: Microfilm I numeri iniziali progressivi corrispondono rispettivamente della sezione "Fondo Antico" (opere a stampa) e "Fondo manoscritti" del Catalogo della Biblioteca di Scienze «Carlo Viganò». Fondo antico (1482-1800) e Fondo manoscritti : disponibile sia a stampa (Milano, Vita e pensiero, 1994, pp. XIX, 869) che su CD-Rom. Le segnature finali tra parentesi tonda sono quelle della 'vecchia' catalogazione, quelle tra parentesi quadra si riferiscono invece all'attuale 'nuova' catalogazione della Biblioteca. Per richiesta e stampa di microfilm contattare lo +39 - 030.2406.338 nei seguenti orari: dalle 9.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 17.00. Oppure ricorrere al collegamento e-mail FONDO ANTICO (Opere a stampa) Achillini Alessandro , De orbibus libri quatuor , Bononiae, impensis Benedicti Hectoris Bononiensis, 1498. ( T.6.9

42. Register:117 (Uppfinningarnas Bok / Sjette Bandet. Råämnenas Mekaniska Bearbet
Petzold, litografisk press 1,660. Petzval (professor), förbättring afobjektiven 4,599. peurbach, georg v. (fysiker) 2,10. Peziza 5,237.
Uppfinningarnas bok Sjette bandet. Råämnenas mekaniska bearbetning. Register
(1873-1875) Author: Friedrich Georg Wieck Otto Wilhelm Ålund
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43. 733-734 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 21. Papua - Posselt)
Peucer, Kaspar Peuciner - Peucker, Eduard von - Peuerbach l. peurbach äfvenskrivet Purbach, georg - Peumus, bot. Se Monimiaceæ - Peutinger, Konrad.
Nordisk familjebok Uggleupplagan. 21. Papua - Posselt
(1915) Tema: Reference
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Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Petöfi, Sándor (Alexander) - Petöfisällskapet - Peu à peu - Peucedanum, bot. - Peucer, Kaspar - Peuciner - Peucker, Eduard von - Peuerbach l. Peurbach äfven skrivet Purbach, Georg - Peumus, bot. Se Monimiaceæ - Peutinger, Konrad
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44. SACROBOSCO, Johannes De [John Of Holywood], Sphaera Mundi. Johannes REGIOMONTANU
century editions. br Sacrobosco s text is accompanied in this edition by two treatisesby Regiomontanus (14361476) and his teacher georg peurbach (1423-1461).
W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books
SACROBOSCO, Johannes de [John of Holywood] Sphaera Mundi. Johannes REGIOMONTANUS. Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Georg PEURBACH. Theoricae novae planetarum. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus Scotus, 4 October 1490 4to (216 x 160 mm) ff 48, with full-page woodcut on verso of a1 and over 70 woodcut diagrams in text, of which 6 are printed in colour, 41 lines, white on black initials, printer's device printed in red on recto of last leaf; a fine, large copy, retaining many deckle edges, unwashed and unpressed, in nineteenth-century quarter morocco and marbled boards. £15,000
An assembly of these basic texts of pre-Copernican astronomy, first published together in 1482. The De sphaera mundi (editio princeps 1472) was the first printed astronomical book, and a fundamental text of medieval and post-medieval astronomy. It is a synthesis of Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators, presenting an elegant, accessible Ptolemaic cosmology, and for this reason was adopted as the most authoritative astronomical textbook of its time. From the time of its composition, ca 1220, Sacrobosco's De sphaera 'enjoyed great renown, and from the middle of the thirteenth century it was taught in all the schools of Europe. In the sixteenth century it gained the attention of mathematicians, including Clavius. As late as the seventeenth century it was used as a basic astronomy text... ' (DSB). It was the most frequently printed astronomical work, some 30 incunable editions alone being published, and an even greater number of sixteenth-century editions.

45. Regiomontanus
Three years later he continued his studies at the Alma Mater Rudolfina in Vienna,Austria. There he became a pupil and friend of georg von peurbach.
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Johannes Müller von Königsberg June 6 July 6 Latin name Regiomontanus , was an important mathematician and astronomer of the 15th century. He was born in Königsberg/ Franconia He is also called Johannes Müller, der Königsberger . His Latin full name is Joannes de Regio monte, which shortens to Regiomontanus (translation of "Königsberg" or " King 's Mountain A son of a miller, at eleven years of age, he became a student at Leipzig Saxony university. Three years later he continued his studies at the Alma Mater Rudolfina in Vienna Austria . There he became a pupil and friend of Georg von Peurbach. In 1457 he graduated with the degree "magister artium" and held lectures in optics and antique literature. In the same year he built an astrolabium for Maximilian I , in 1465 a portable sundial for pope Paul II. The work with Peurbach brought him to the writings of Nikolaus von Kues (or Cusanus) who had a heliocentric approach. However, Regiomontanus remains geocentric following Ptolemy's work. After Peurbach has died he continued his translation of Ptolemy 's Almagest which was initiated by Bessarion. From 1461-65 Johannes Müller or Regiomontanus lived and worked at Cardinal Bessarion's house in

46. UniHH: FB Mathematik: Publikationen Von Gudrun Wolfschmidt
Translate this page Leipzig/Mannheim Bibliographisches Institut FA Brockhaus AG 1999, S. 158-161.Wissenschaftshistorische Veröffentlichungen 1998. peurbach, georg (von).
Fachbereiche Fachbereich 11 - Mathematik
Gudrun Wolfschmidt
Planeten, Sterne, Welteninseln. Astronomie im Deutschen Museum.
Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Hrsg.):
Deutsches Museum (Abhandlungen und Berichte, Neue Folge, Band 11)

1995. (112 Seiten, 62 Abb.)
Gudrun Wolfschmidt (Hrsg.): Popularisierung der Naturwissenschaften.
Die Botschaft des Sternenlichts -
Die Entwicklung der Astrophysik zwischen Wissenschaft, Instrumententechnik und Politik.

(Monographie in Vorbereitung, ca. 300 Seiten).
Vom Sonnenmythos zur Sonnenforschung.
(Monographie in Vorbereitung, ca. 200 Seiten).
Eroberung des Himmels, 1580-1660. In: Macht des Wissens. Entstehung der modernen Wissensgesellschaft. Biographien: George Ellery Hale (18681938) Nikolaus Thege-Konkoly (18421916) Henrietta Swan Leavitt (18681921) Bernard Ferdinand Lyot (18971952) Edward Charles Pickering (18461919) Vesto Melvin Slipher (18751969) Hermann Carl Vogel (18411907) Max Franz Joseph Cornelius Wolf (18631932) Charles Augustus Young (18341908) Popularisation of astronomy - from models of the cosmos to stargazing. Proceedings of the Pognana Conference, 1-6 June 2003. Ed. by Teichmann, Stinner et al. .... 2004.

47. Imago Mundi - Purbach.
Translate this page Purbach, georg von (1423-1461), né en 1423 à Purbach (Peuerbach, près librairie- Pierre Gassendi, Vies de Tycho Brahé, Copernic, peurbach et Regiomontanus
Dictionnaire biographique Les gens Purbach Almageste de Almageste de cesdeux astronomes est parue avec le le titre Epitome in Ptolemai magnam Compositionem Tables Tables Gassendi (Hoefer, 1873).
En librairie Pierre Gassendi Vies de Copernic , Peurbach et Regiomontanus , Albert Blanchard, 1996 A B C D ... Z

48. OU History Of Science
locally printed books was low in comparison with the Continent; for example, Englandappears never to have had its own version of georg peurbach’s Theoricae

fall 2004 course list

spring 2004 course list

summer 2004 course list

undergraduate minor
norman, ok
D octoral C andidates A bstracts
Mark Eddy
Supervisors: Marilyn B. Ogilvie and Kenneth L. Taylor Architects of the Self: Social Scientists and the Construction of the Individual in Postwar America ABSTRACT Back to top Tofigh Heidarzadeh
Supervisor: Peter Barker Cometary Theories from Newton to Laplace ABSTRACT The topic of my dissertation is the post-Newtonian cometary theories. Based on definitions and physical explanations of the comets in history of astronomy, I have divided my dissertation into three main chapters: 1) Comets as meteorological objects (from Aristotle to Brahe) 3) Comets as "regular" objects in the Solar System (from the early 19th century, following the passage of Halley in 1835)
I will concentrate mostly on transition of the cometary theories from the second to the third period (above). Therefore, the first chapter will provide a general background, while chapter 2 and especially chapter 3 will seek those factors that caused a drastic change in our understanding of the comets. To demonstrate this change, I will try to show the interaction between observation, instrumentation and calculation in cometology of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Back to top
Maureen A. McCormick

49. The Heavens Revealed Contents
Bound with georg peurbach, 14231461, Tabulae Eclypsium Magistri georgii peurbachii;and Regiomontanus, 1436-1476, Tabula Primi Mobilis Joannes de Monte Regio
Return to Exhibitions

The Heavens Revealed:
Classics of Astronomy from Ptolemy
to Copernicus to Einstein All items are from the collection of Professor Jay M. Pasachoff, held on deposit in the Chapin Library, except as noted (*) from the Chapin Library's History of Science collection.
Bible . Latin. Mainz: Johann Gutenberg, [ ca . 1455]. One leaf from the "Gutenberg Bible". Jakob Pflaum ca Calendarium . Ulm: Johannes Zainer, 1478. Regiomontanus Calendarium . Venice: Bernhard Maler (Pictor), Erhard Ratdolt, Peter Löslein, 1476. Peter Apian Cosmographicus Liber . Landshut: Johann Weyssenburger, 1524. Alfonso X , “el Sabio”, King of Castile and Leon, 1221-1284. Tabulae Astronomicae Alfontii Regis Castellae . Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 1483. Hartman Schedel , 1440-1514. Leaf from Liber Chronicarum . Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1493. R egiomontanus Epytoma in Almagestum Ptolemaei . Venice: Johannes Hamman, 31 August 1496.

50. APIANO, Pedro (Peter Bienewitz)
Translate this page Girava, Gerónimo, m. 1556. Schöner, Johann, 1477-1547. peurbach, georg von,1423-1461. Spangenberg, Johann, 1484-1550. Münster, Sebastian, 1489-1552.
Venezuela en 5 siglos de imprenta
APIANO, Pedro (Peter Bienewitz) 1495-1552
Antverpiae: ex officina Arnoldi Coninx, M.D. LXXXIIII (1584). Colophon: Typis Joan. Withagii.

51. Greek Astronomy
Vat. ar. 319 fols. 29 recto 28 verso math19 NS.15. georg peurbach and JohannesRegiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest. In Latin, Late fifteenth century
Greek Astronomy
The Revival of an Ancient Science
One of the most powerful creations of Greek science was the mathematical astronomy created by Hipparchus in the second century B.C. and given final form by Ptolemy in the second century A.D. Ptolemy's work was known in the Middle Ages through imperfect Latin versions. In fifteenth-century Italy, however, it was brought back to life. George Trebizond, a Cretan emigre in the curia, produced a new translation and commentary. These proved imperfect and aroused much heated criticism. But a German astronomer, Johannes Regiomontanus, a protege of the brilliant Greek churchman Cardinal Bessarion, came to Italy with his patron, learned Greek, and produced a full-scale "Epitome" of Ptolemy's work from which most astronomers learned their art for the next century and more. Copernicus was only one of the celebrities of the Scientific Revolution whose work rested in large part on the study of ancient science carried out in fifteenth-century Italy.

52. Overview Of Objects And Topics
Tusi, Tadhkira; georg peurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitomeof the Almagest; Ptolemy, Geography. Music Music Room One Etienne
Overview of Objects and Topics
This guide offers you direct access to any of the items on display at the Vatican Exhibit.

53. Ptolemy
epicycles. Most 16th and 17th astronomers learned the Ptolemaic systemfrom the production of georg peurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus.
Claudius Ptolemy
(A.D. c. 100 - c. 170) "When I trace at my pleasure the windings to and fro of the heavenly bodies, I no longer touch the earth with my feet: I stand in the presence of Zeus himself and take my fill of ambrosia, food of the gods.
Claudius Ptolemy Life and Times Not much is known about Claudius Ptolemy's life. This extremely influentialHellenistic Greek astronomer probably spent his adult years at Alexandria where he was involved in astronomy at least from A.D. 127 to 141. The Ptolemaic system viewed a geocentric universe with the Earth at the center of all heavenly bodies. Interestingly Aristarchus of Samos (c. 310-230 B.C.) had held a heliocentric theory of the universe, explaining the planetary motion of the planets and the Earth revolving around the Sun. Ptolemy, however, following the activities of the Hellenistic mathematical astronomers Heraclides , 338-315 B.C.; Apollonius , c. 261-c. 190 B.C.; and Hipparchus , c. 190-c. 120 B.C.) at the Museum of Alexandria would
influence how the universe was conceptualized for centuries.

54. Text Manuscripts/new Items
The work is close to but does not seem to be identical to the “Epitome of theAlmagest” written between 1460 and 1463 by georg peurbach (14231461?) and

55. Biblioteca Histórica Marqués De Valdecilla De La UCM
Translate this page Theoricae Novae Planetarum (1454) de georg von peurbach (1423-1461), editada enNuremberg, 1472, y que se editó 56 veces hasta mediados del siglo XVII..
Rafael Puyol Antolín
Rector de la Universidad Complutense Palabras preliminares
Francisco Javier de Jorge García Reyes
Director de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense Coordinadora de la exposición:
Carmen Crespo Tobarra Comisario de la exposición:
Francisco González de Posada
Catedrático de Fundamentos Físicos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Comisarios adjuntos:
Francisco A. González Redondo
Dominga Trujillo Jacinta del Castillo

Alfonso X. Rey de Castilla. Libros del saber de Astronomía
La Antigüedad: La Física en la Grecia clásica. La Edad Media: Los manuscritos El Renacimiento inicial (segunda mitad del siglo XV): Los incunables El Renacimiento maduro (siglo XVI): Los albores de la ciencia moderna ... Consideraciones sobre la España del siglo XVIII La Antigüedad: La Física en la Grecia clásica. La Edad Media: Los manuscritos LA ANTIGÜEDAD: LA FÍSICA EN LA GRECIA CLÁSICA NACIMIENTO EN LA FILOSOFÍA DE LA NATURALEZA La Física (término actual) nace con la Filosofía, o bien la Historia de la Filosofía tiene su primer capítulo común con la Física. Los dos primeros problemas que se plantea la Filosofía (el pensamiento occidental, que nace en la Grecia clásica) son: uno, el problema del Cosmos (Cosmología, Astronomía); y dos, el problema de la naturaleza de la materia. Se denominó Filosofía de la Naturaleza o Filosofía Natural, y así conviene recordar el título de la obra considerada cumbre de la Física de todos los tiempos

56. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page Julius (133*) Peterson, Karl (211*) Petit, Aléxis (120) Petrovsky, Ivan (327*) Petryshyn,Volodymyr (282*) Petzval, Józeph (421*) peurbach, georg (202) Pfaff

57. Los Datos Sobre La Vida Y La Obra De Los Científicos E Ingenieros
Translate this page su invento. georg von peurbach. Matemático y astrónomo austriaco.n 30 de mayo de 1423, peurbach. m 6 de abril de 1461. Tras completar
Tú, pregunta... CIENTIFICOS Y TECNICOS (P) Denis Papin Científico e inventor francés n 22 de agosto de 1647, Chitenay, cerca de Blois m entre 1712 y 1714 Papin estudió medicina y trabajó, al principio, como asistente de Chris­tiaan Huygens en Paris y de Robert Boyle en Londres. En el año 1680 inventó la "olla de Pa­pin", predecesora de las actuales ollas a presión que permiten la cocción rá­pida de los alimentos a alta presión. Esta olla, que no se comercializará hasta el s. XX, dispone de una válvula de seguridad inventada también por Papin. Por su condición de hugonote, tuvo que abandonar Francia, y dirigirse a Marburgo donde dio clases y, a partir de 1695, a Kassel. En el año 1690 construyó la primera máquina de va­por equipada con un émbolo. De este modo instaló una planta para la pro­pulsión de un pequeño barco dotado de una rueda de palas que se desplazó rio arriba en dirección a Kassel. Su in­tención era llegar hasta las vías nave­gables de Inglaterra pero los barque­ros airados destrozaron su máquina en Múnden. Papin se trasladó con pos­terioridad a Inglaterra donde se pier­de su rastro. Blaise Pascal Escritor y científico francés n 19 de junio de 1623, Clermont-Ferrand

58. Slide Rules And Other Calculation Tools
today. (Early 1900’s Abacus). ~1450 – Tables of sines of naturalnumbers for each minute of arch by georg von peurbach. 1553
Slide Rules and Other Calculation Tools I began collecting slide rules back in high school. I found one in the chemistry lab and took such an interest that my high school teacher gave it to me. Since then I have slowly added to my collection, which now contains over 120 pieces. My oldest is a Gunter’s scale, dating back to the late 1600’s. I am attempting to build a collection that represents the full history of calculation tools. Perhaps someday, I will build a small museum. Below are pictures of some of my collection and a brief time-line of calculation tools. Some of my collection on display at NAU 2002 Paul and I Carol and her Dad Brief Timeline of Calculating Tools (Featuring some of from my collection) ~1700 BC Tables for multiplication and reciprocals found in Babylonian mathematics. ~300 BC Evidence of the first abacus in Babylonian mathematics. ~1200 AD Abacus is brought to China , still used today. (Early 1900’s Abacus) Tables of sines of natural numbers for each minute of arch by Georg von Peurbach. Table of tangents from Erasmus Reinhold in the Canon foecundus Invention of the sector by Guidobaldi del Monte, tool maker.

59. Mathematics (Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)
georg peurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest georgpeurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest
The Library of Congress Exhibitions
Exhibition Sections: Introduction The Vatican Library Archaeology
... Credits
Greek Mathematics and its Modern Heirs
Euclid, Elements
In Greek
Ninth century Euclid's Elements, written about 300 B.C., a comprehensive treatise on geometry, proportions, and the theory of numbers, is the most long-lived of all mathematical works. This manuscript preserves an early version of the text. Shown here is Book I Proposition 47, the Pythagorean Theorem: the square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the sides. This is a famous and important theorem that receives many notes in the manuscript. Archimedes, Works
In Latin
Translated by Jacobus Cremonensis
ca. 1458 In the early 1450s, Pope Nicholas V commissioned Jacobus de Sancto Cassiano Cremonensis to make a new translation of Archimedes with the commentaries of Eutocius. This became the standard version and was finally printed in 1544. This early and very elegant manuscript may have been in the possession of Piero della Francesca before coming to the library of the Duke of Urbino. The pages displayed here show the beginning of Archimedes' On Conoids and Spheroids with highly ornate, and rather curious, illumination.

60. Occam's Razor - Encyclopedia Article About Occam's Razor. Free Access, No Regist
An Epitome of the Almagest (Epitome in Ptolemaei Almagestum) was written between1460 and 1463 by the Austrian astronomer georg peurbach and his famous pupil's Razor
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Occam's Razor
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition This article discusses the logical precept of Occam's Razor. For other (band-related) meanings, see Ockham's Razor (bands) There are a number of bands named after Ockham's Razor
  • Ockham's Razor is a Goth music (darkwave) band.
  • Ockham's Razor is an Irish style music band.
  • Ockham's Razor is a Death metal band.
There are also bands using alternate spellings:
  • Okham's Razor is an acoustic rock band.
  • Occam's Razor is a rock band.

Click the link for more information. Occam's Razor (also Ockham's Razor or any of several other spellings), is a principle attributed to the 14th century (13th century - 14th century - 15th century - more centuries) As a means of recording the passage of time, the 14th Century was that century which lasted from 1301 to 1400.
  • The transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age
  • Beginning of the Ottoman Empire
  • Black Death kills about one third of European population (1347 - 1351)

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