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161. The Perseus Society Sorry, your browser doesn t support Java(tm). ¬f , ¬f , http://barryispuzzled.com/perseus | |
162. Biographie De Pausanias El©m©ents biographiques de l'historien, adapt©s du site perseus, propos©s par l'universit© de Strasbourg. http://u2.u-strasbg.fr/lexis/html/cinscription/bous.html | |
163. Perseus Tecnologia Da Informação S.A. Translate this page http://www.perseus.com.br/ |
164. Perseus Site: Troy , images, and bibliography of Troy from Tuft's perseus directory....... http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/siteindex?entry=Troy |
165. The Perseus-Pisces Supercluster The perseusPisces Supercluster. The perseus-Pisces supercluster is the most obvious supercluster in the sky. A426 - The perseus Cluster. http://www.anzwers.org/free/universe/superc/perpsc.html | |
166. Allen And Greenough's New Latin Grammar For Schools And Colleges (eds. J. B. Gre A Latin grammar book online. This version is housed by the perseus project and has crossreferences to other sections of perseus. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0001 |
167. Perseus Translate this page perseus. Abkürzung Per. Man kann sie leicht finden, wenn man sich perseus als großes T vorstellt und den Balken dann Richtung Kassiopeia verlängert. http://www.muenster.de/~c-s/astronomie/astrper.htm | |
168. P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. J. B. Greenough) Sage von der Flucht des Aeneas aus dem brennenden Troja bis zur Landnahme in Italien und dem B¼ndnis mit den Latinern. Ein Grundtext nicht nur der r¶mischen, sondern der europ¤ischen Kultur (M. v. Albrecht). http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus:text:1999.02.0055&que |
169. Perseus Group perseus Group 150 California Street San Francisco, CA 94111 415.318.3600. Press Releases 12/03/03 perseus Group Announces Formation http://www.perseusgroup.com/ | |
170. Aristotle, Metaphysics English translation by W. D. Ross, 1924; Greek text also available perseus. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=Aristot. Met. init. |
171. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (ed. H. Rackham) English translation of Aristotle's Ethica Nichomachea by J. Bywater, 1894 (Loeb Classics). Greek text also available. perseus. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=Aristot. Nic. Eth. init. |
172. Tyndale House: Resources at perseus. perseus is use it. This entrance to the perseus site was prepared by Tyndale House, Doorway to Biblical Studies. http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/Perseus.htm | |
173. Poetics Aristotle's Poetics in 23 Volumes. Originally translated by W. H. Fyfe, 1932, for the Loeb Classical Library. Greek text also available perseus. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?vers=English;Loeb|none&lookup=aris |
174. Hippias's Quadratrix Some brief notes on Hippias' attempt to square the circle using this curve, a pictorial representation of the irrationality of pi. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Tim/Quadratrix.html | |
175. Thales 1995 paper by Kathleen Norton, focusing on the geometrical theorems of Thales. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Kathleen/thales.html | |
176. Zeno A short paper by Kristen Riley reviewing Zeno's four paradoxes of motion and their import for modern thinkers. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Kristen/Zeno1.html | |
177. Gymnasium Georgianum - Abijahrgang 2002 Translate this page Gymnasium Georgianum - Abijahrgang 2002 Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den folgenden Themen Webseite des Abiturjahrgangs 2002 des Gymnasium Georgianum http://www.versuchskaninchen2002.de/ | |
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