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         Perseus:     more books (100)
  1. Perseus by Geraldine McCaughrean, 2005-04-10
  2. Perseus in the Wind (Traveller's) by Freya Stark, 1984-02
  3. Perseus by Richard Matturro, 2010-07-31
  4. The Adventures of Perseus (Ancient Greek Myths) by Mark Bergin, 2004-08-01
  5. Perseus and Medusa by Corinne J. Naden, 1980-06
  6. Perseus Spur (Rampart Worlds Series Volume 1) by Julian May, 1999-06-28
  7. Perseus: The Hunt for Medusa's Head : A Greek Myth (Graphic Myths and Legends) by Paul D. Storrie, 2009-03
  8. Perseus (Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World) by Daniel Ogden, 2008-04-25
  9. Perseus and Medusa (Mythology)
  10. Perseus and Medusa (Graphic Greek Myths and Legends) by Nick Saunders, 2007-01-12
  11. BRONZE PERSEUS (50 Classics of Crime Fiction, 1950-1975) by Hough, 1983-02-01
  12. The Ultimate Small Business Guide: A Resource For Startups And Growing Businesses (Ultimate Business Library) by Editors Of Perseus Publishing, 2004-01-08
  13. Perseus and the Monstrous Medusa (First Greek Myths) by Saviour Pirotta, 2006-04-06
  14. Perseus: The Boy With Super Powers (Myth Men: Guardians of the Legend) by Laura Geringer, 1996-11

161. The Perseus Society
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162. Biographie De Pausanias
El©m©ents biographiques de l'historien, adapt©s du site perseus, propos©s par l'universit© de Strasbourg.
BOUSTROPHEDON (à propos de ...)
source : les informations qui vous sont présentées ici ont été puisées (puis adaptées et traduites) dans "Perseus Project", site internet qui est une mine d'informations encyclopédiques et linguistique sur le monde grec. adresse : retour au cours 1. l'auteur grec qui compare le boustrophédon à la course de l'athlète est:
QUI EST PAUSANIAS ? naissance de Pausanias : 115 après J.C.,
mort de Pausanias : autour de 180 après J.C.
Pausanias était contemporain de l'empereur Hadrien, c'est à dire qu'il vécut plus de deux siècles après Jules César, le dernier empereur romain qu'il ait connu fut Marc Aurèle. Pausanias a grandi, et a été éduqué dans le monde grec, bien que dans une région séparée de la grèce continentale. Pausanias a composé un guide de la Grèce, (Description de la Grèce) où il rapporte avec de nombreux détails ce qu'il vit au cours d'un voyage en grèce continentale . comme tout guide de voyage, l'ouvrage est organisé selon l'odre géographique, il décrit les choses comme elles apparaissent au voyage. Cependant les sites et les monuments ne sont pas seulement présenté en tant que curiosités archéologiques ou artistiquesmais comme points focaux où se nouent histoire et culture de la Grèce. Ainsi, par exemple, le voyage à Athènes, est l'occasion d'amples discussions sur l'histoire et les coutumes des Athéniens. Le guide de Pausanias nous donne un panorama incomparable de la grèce du second siècle de notre ère, telle qu'elle se présentait au regard d'un observateur sensible, cultivé et infatigable.

163. Perseus Tecnologia Da Informação S.A.
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164. Perseus Site: Troy
, images, and bibliography of Troy from Tuft's perseus directory.......

165. The Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
The perseusPisces Supercluster. The perseus-Pisces supercluster is the most obvious supercluster in the sky. A426 - The perseus Cluster.
The Perseus-Pisces Supercluster
The Perseus-Pisces supercluster is the most obvious supercluster in the sky. Although, like all superclusters, it is much to faint to be seen with the naked eye, this plot of bright galaxies in this region of the sky (from the Principal Galaxies Catalogue) shows how prominant it is. The Perseus-Pisces supercluster is a long, dense wall of galaxies with a length of almost 300 million light years. At the left end of the supercluster lies the massive 'Perseus cluster' (A426), one of the most massive clusters of galaxies within 500 million light years. Below are the major clusters in the Perseus-Pisces supercluster as listed in the Abell catalogue. A426 is the most important of these clusters and was given a 'richness class' of 2, which means it is a very rich cluster of galaxies. A262 is also a fairly rich cluster although it only received a 'richness class' of 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abell Equatorial Redshift Distance Rich Notes Number Coordinates z Mly RA Dec A262 01 52.8 +36 09 .0151 210 A347 02 25.8 +41 52 .0172 240 A426 03 18.6 +41 31 .0167 230 2 Perseus cluster Below are some of the other major groups of galaxies in the Perseus-Pisces supercluster. Several of these groups are quite big, especially the NGC 383 group and the NGC 507 group. There are also some groups of galaxies around the 'Pegasus cluster' which is part of a much smaller supercluster slightly detached from the Perseus-Pisces supercluster.

166. Allen And Greenough's New Latin Grammar For Schools And Colleges (eds. J. B. Gre
A Latin grammar book online. This version is housed by the perseus project and has crossreferences to other sections of perseus.

167. Perseus
Translate this page perseus. Abkürzung Per. Man kann sie leicht finden, wenn man sich perseus als großes T vorstellt und den Balken dann Richtung Kassiopeia verlängert.
STERN HELLIGK. SPEKTR. NAME ENTF. a Per F5 Ib Mirphak 600 Lichtjahre b Per B8 V Algol Hauptstern einer
gleichnamigen Klasse von
90 Lichtjahre g Per G8 III 150 Lichtjahre d Per B5 III 300 Lichtjahre e Per d B0 V 600 Lichtjahre z Per B1 Ib 1200 Lichtjahre h Per K7 Ib 800 Lichtjahre x Per O7 V Menkib 1500 Lichtjahre
Persues entstammt der gleichen griechischen Sage wie auch Andromeda Kepheus Kassiopeia und Walfisch
Bekannt sind sicherlich die beiden Sternhaufen h und c Persei , die zwischen Perseus und Kassiopeia liegen und auch auf der Monatssternkarte T
aktuelle Sternenkarte des Monats mit Beobachtungstips

Carsten Schweder

168. P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. J. B. Greenough)
Sage von der Flucht des Aeneas aus dem brennenden Troja bis zur Landnahme in Italien und dem B¼ndnis mit den Latinern. Ein Grundtext nicht nur der r¶mischen, sondern der europ¤ischen Kultur (M. v. Albrecht).

169. Perseus Group
perseus Group 150 California Street San Francisco, CA 94111 415.318.3600. Press Releases 12/03/03 perseus Group Announces Formation
Perseus Group
150 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
Press Releases:
Perseus Group Announces Formation

Charles Schwab and SoundView Technology Announce Strategic

Alliance With Perseus Group

All investment banking and securities services are performed by Perseus Advisors, LLC, a subsidiary of the
Perseus Group, and an NASD member firm.

170. Aristotle, Metaphysics
English translation by W. D. Ross, 1924; Greek text also available perseus. Met. init.

171. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (ed. H. Rackham)
English translation of Aristotle's Ethica Nichomachea by J. Bywater, 1894 (Loeb Classics). Greek text also available. perseus. Nic. Eth. init.

172. Tyndale House:
Resources at perseus. perseus is use it. This entrance to the perseus site was prepared by Tyndale House, Doorway to Biblical Studies.
Resources at Perseus
Perseus is a site run by Tufts university dedicated to the study of ancient Greek literature. It runs from a site in the USA with mirrors in Germany and Oxford, UK. Its main resources are: A large number of articles on all aspects of the Greek life and History, together with maps , a gazeteer , some books, including Greek grammars , and a huge database of pictures . Start with the Contents Search or the Index Search Platner and Ashby's dictionary of 1928 contains a wealth of references to scholarship and primary source materials for studying the growth and development of Rome from a literary, historical, and archaeological perspective. Updated with links to hundreds of photographs. Search for place names or dates . These may one day be linked to their world atlas
A large number of Greek works (including the New Testament ) and some significant Latin works . Most words are tagged to produce an English definition and morphological analysis when you click on them. Hint: the definitions always go to a separate window which sometimes gets hidden under your main browser window. One can search these texts for Greek words Greek phrases Latin words or Latin phrases in their lexical form.

173. Poetics
Aristotle's Poetics in 23 Volumes. Originally translated by W. H. Fyfe, 1932, for the Loeb Classical Library. Greek text also available perseus.;Loeb|none&lookup=aris

174. Hippias's Quadratrix
Some brief notes on Hippias' attempt to square the circle using this curve, a pictorial representation of the irrationality of pi.
Hippias's Quadratrix
This is a curve formed as the intersection of a radius and a line segment moving at corresponding rates. A square and a circle are drawn so that one corner of the square is the center of the circle, and the side of the square is the radius of the circle. The idea is this. A radius falls over from the side of the square to the base at a constant rate. At the same time, a line segment falls from the top of the square at constant rate. Both start moving at the same time, and both hit the bottom at the same time. Thus, the ratio, change in arc length/ displacement of falling cross piece, represents the speed of the sweeping radius relative to the falling cross piece. Since both move at constant speeds, this ratio is always the same value. With some knowledge of "modern" trigonometry, it can then be calculated. The length of the arc swept out from beginning to end is pi/2 radians(90 deg.) time radius length. The distance the cross piece falls is simple the length of the square's side. But, since the length of the square's side is equal to the length of the radius, (pi/2) times radius length/side length= pi/2. Thus, the curve is a pictorial representation of the irrationality of pi.

175. Thales
1995 paper by Kathleen Norton, focusing on the geometrical theorems of Thales.
Please note: These papers were prepared for the Greek Science course taught at Tufts University by Prof. Gregory Crane in the spring of 1995. The Perseus Project does not and has not edited these student papers. We assume no responsibility over the content of these papers: we present them as is as a part of the course, not as documents in the Perseus Digital Library . We do not have contact information for the authors. Please keep that in mind while reading these papers.
Thales of Miletus
c.585 B.C.E.
Kathleen Norton April 15, 1995 Look at the comments on this paper. Thales of Miletus was a statesman, engineer, astronomer, mathematician and a philosopher. Such activity in varied fields was not uncommon among academics in ancient Greece. However, according to Plutarch, "Thales was the only wise man of the time who carried his speculations beyond the realm of the practical ( Solon 3.4)." Because Thales did not always seek answers to practical questions, he was seen by some people as " wise but not prudent. " One tale by Plato describes Thales falling into a well because he was too busy examining the stars above.

176. Zeno
A short paper by Kristen Riley reviewing Zeno's four paradoxes of motion and their import for modern thinkers.
Zeno of Elea
by Kristen Riley
Look at the comments on this paper. Zeno of Elea , born approximately 490-485 BC , was a follower of Parmenides, said to be his favorite. He published a book on philosophical puzzles and paradoxes, which is a defense of Parmenides' theory of oneness (Kirk, Raven, Schofield, p. 248) According to Aristotle, Zeno was the first to use dialectic, the method of interrogation and analysis used later by Socrates. His method was to challenge a person's beliefs by reducing them to absurdity or showing that they conflicted with other beliefs. Zeno is most well-known for his four paradoxes of motion, which argue against the possibility of motion as we see it. The Dichotomy , otherwise known as the Stadium, argues that a runner going from point A to point B will never be able to reach his goal because he must traverse an infinite distance. Similarly, the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise shows that the faster Achilles can never catch up to the slower tortoise as long as the tortoise has had a head start of a certain distance, because Achilles can only reach as far as the last place the tortoise has been. These two paradoxes refute the assumption that space and time are infinitely divisible. The second pair of paradoxes, the

177. Gymnasium Georgianum - Abijahrgang 2002
Translate this page Gymnasium Georgianum - Abijahrgang 2002 Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den folgenden Themen Webseite des Abiturjahrgangs 2002 des Gymnasium Georgianum
Gymnasium Georgianum - Abijahrgang 2002
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den folgenden Themen:
Webseite des Abiturjahrgangs 2002 des Gymnasium Georgianum Hildburghausen
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