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41. Announcing Latin Texts & Tools Announcing the first Roman perseus release Latin texts and text tools! Also, full bibliographic information for the Roman perseus texts is forthcoming. http://medusa.perseus.tufts.edu/newlatin.html | |
42. Perseus Encyclopedia http://medusa.perseus.tufts.edu/Secondary/Encyclopedia/encyc.subj.html | |
43. Perseus Art Archaeology This database includes information and pictures on architecture, sculpture, coins, pottery, and special topics. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/art&arch.html |
44. Perseus 2.0 perseus 2.0 Interactive Sources and Studies on Ancient Greece PlatformIndependent Version Now available for Windows and Macintosh systems. About perseus 2.0. http://www.yale.edu/yup/Perseus2.html | |
45. Search For Dictionary Headwords A detailed dictionary which is searchable in Latin or English. Contains links to source material. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/resolveform?lang=Latin |
46. Www.geocities.com/~stilicho The Mythology of the Constellations perseusperseus. perseus was one of the great heroes of classical mythology. perseus accomplishes it, however, by the aid of Pluto, Mercury and Minerva. http://www.geocities.com/~stilicho |
47. Perseus Encyclopedia Of Ancient Greece Short definitions and articles about ancient Greece. http://hydra.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=encyclopedia toc |
48. Perseus perseus was the son of Zeus and Danae. Danae s father, King Acrisius, set Danae and her son adrift on the perseus by James Hunter. http://www.pantheon.org/articles/p/perseus.html | |
49. Perseus Atlas Very detailed, configurable maps of the Greek Classical World. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/patlas | |
50. APOD: August 15, 1998 - The Perseus Cluster Of Galaxies Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available. The perseus Cluster of Galaxies Credit and Copyright Digitized Sky Survey. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap980815.html | |
51. APOD: 2000 June 15 - X-Rays From The Perseus Cluster Core available. Xrays From The perseus Cluster Core Credit A. Fabian (IoA Cambridge) et al., NASA. Explanation The perseus Cluster http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap000615.html | |
52. M. Tullius Cicero, Orations: Three Orations On The Agrarian Law, The Four Agains English translation by Yonge with link to Latin original text, notes and lexica. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/text?lookup=cic. catil. init. |
53. Perseus - Home perseus sro nabízí komplexní sluby (vcetne vývoje, poradenství a servisu) v oblasti informacních technologií a systému ekonomický software http://www.perseus.cz/ | |
54. Perseus perseus. Transit Date of principal star 12 November. With a father like Zeus, it s no wonder perseus became one of antiquity s most notable characters. http://www.dibonsmith.com/per_con.htm | |
55. Veterinary Oncologists By Location Find a veterinary oncologist close to you with this finder provided by the perseus Foundation http://www.perseusfoundation.org/page22.html | |
56. Perseus perseus is found in the Milky Way, which means that the skies here are replete with glittering background stars, wonderfully seen in binoculars. http://www.dibonsmith.com/per.htm | |
57. Classical Mythology - Art Gallery - Perseus Releases Andromeda Painting by Pieter Paul Rubens 15771640. http://towerwebproductions.com/mythology/art/perseus_wiewael.htm | |
58. Perseus ExpressPoll : Create Instant Web Polls Thank you for using perseus ExpressPoll to create an instant web poll! 19932003 perseus Development Corporation. All Rights Reserved. http://www.expresspoll.com/ | |
59. Greek Mythology: Perseus perseus and the Gorgon Medusa. The Quest. Index. Illustrated by Mark Fiore. Old Man of the Sea Olympics. Pegasus perseus Phineus Polydectes Poseidon. Seriphos. Titan. http://www.mythweb.com/heroes/perseus/ | |
60. The Greek Heroes Tales of perseus, the Argonauts, and Theseus, by Charles Kingsley. http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php3?author=kingsley&book=heroes&story |
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