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         Perseus:     more books (100)
  1. The Legend of Perseus: Volume 1 by Edwin Sidney Hartland, 2000-12-27
  2. Perseus by Marianna Mayer, 2010-11-30
  3. Perseus (Profiles in Greek & Roman Mythology) (Profiles in Greek and Roman Mythology) by Susan Sales Harkins and William H. Harkins, 2007-09-14
  4. Legend of Perseus by G.E. Klyve, Christopher G. Oakley, 1989-06
  5. The Legend of Perseus: Volume 2 by Edwin Sidney Hartland, 2000-12-27
  6. The Minaret Of Djam And Perseus In The Wind by Freya Stark, 1991-11-01
  7. Absent Father: Crisis and Creativity: The Myth of Danae and Perseus in the Twentieth Century (Arkana) by Alix Pirani, 1990-01-02
  8. Practical Approaches to Dramatherapy: The Shield of Perseus
  9. Works of the British Poets: The Comedies of Aristophanes; Select Comedies of Terence, Tr. by George Coleman, the Satires of Perseus, Tr. Into English Verse by William Gifford by Homer, Aristophanes, et all 2010-04-01
  10. Zwischen Perseus und Schütze by Karl-Heinz Tuschel, 2006
  11. Die Urkonige, Perseus, Bellerophon, Herakles und Theseus in der klassischen und hellenistischen Kunst (German Edition) by Karl Schefold, 1988
  12. Perseus Spur: The Rampart Worlds Book 1 by Julian May, 1111
  13. Perseus (Hopscotch Myths) by Karen Wallace, 2009-03-12
  14. HMS Perseus (N36)

21. Perseus Publishing
perseus Publishing. perseus Publishing titles are now published under the Da Capo and Basic Books titles previously published as perseus on the perseus Books Group site, searchable

22. Perseus Software Products - Download Your Free Trial Here
If you are interested in SurveySolutions Enterprise, please contact 19932004 perseus Development Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

23. CGFA- Edward Burne-Jones: The Arming Of Perseus (unfinished)
Edward BurneJones The Arming of perseus (unfinished)1885, oil, private collection. 127KB

24. Perseus Blog Survey
Home perseus Blog Survey A weblog covering research of the blogosphere. But the perseus survey estimates there are 4.12 million hosted blogs.
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A weblog covering research of the blogosphere Software Products SurveySolutions Enterprise SurveySolutions Professional SurveySolutions Standard ... Newsletter Signup Enter your e-mail address to sign-up for one of our newsletters.
In Google We Trust
1/31/04 - 1:12 PM - Ingrid Jones of Me and Ophelia asks: Perseus estimates that 4.12 million blogs have been created on these services: Blog-City, BlogSpot, Diaryland, LiveJournal, Pitas, TypePad, Weblogger and Xanga. Recently, I visited Google's Web Directory where it states that the Google directory contains over 1.5 million URLs. But the Perseus survey estimates there are 4.12 million hosted blogs. Does Google not know everything, or are there a lot less blogs than estimated? Currently Google is programmatically indexing 3.3 billion web pages. The 1.5 million URLs are pages that have been manually classified by people as part of the Open Directory Project . As one indication of the disparity, Google has over 23.1 million pages using the word "blog"

25. Word Study Tool
An interactive analyzer for Greek words, in Latin transliteration.
Perseus Tufts Collections: Classics Papyri Renaissance London ... e-mail us Perseus Word Study Tool
Morphological Analyses for Inflected Greek Words
Form: Enter Text in Greek

26. Perseus Prava
Zastupanje izdavačkih prava američkih kuća perseus Books Group za područje bivše Jugoslavije.
od 5. 11. 2003:
Perseus Books Group je stvorena prema inovativnom i agresivnom modelu izdavaštva koji omoguæava da se djela vrhunske kvalitete izdaju i dobro i profitabilno. U potpunosti posveæen podršci i poticanju takvih djela, svaki èlan kompanije Perseus grupe izdavaèki je neovisan i pojedinaèno usmjeren, a svi su posveæeni izdavanju za javnost važnih knjiga. Èlanovi Perseus grupe Basic Books
Da Capo Press
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Basic Books asic Books
Basic Books je svjetski èuven po svojim izazovnim i uèenjaèkim djelima u podruèju publicistike. Specijaliziran za psihologiju, politièke i društvene znanosti, religiju, ekonomiju, povijest, filozofiju i popularnu znanost, Basic Books nastavlja nadograðivati svoju bogatu tradiciju kvalitetnih izdavaèkih naslova takvim sjajnim imenima kao što su Douglas Hofstadter, Steven Pinker, Chirstopher Andrew, Niall Ferguson, Alice Miller, John Searle, Lawrence Kraus, Hernando de Soto, Clifford Geertz, Michael Walzer, Irwin Yalom, Howard Gardner, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samantha Power, Stephen Carter, Iris Chang

27. Apollodorus Summary
Frazer's summary of Apollodorus' handbook of Greek mythology all aspects of ancient texts, and including a superb image library.
Perseus Tufts Collections: Classics Papyri Renaissance London ... Support Perseus
SUMMARY of Apollodorus's Library
Translated, with some modifications, from the Argumentum prefixed to R. Wagner's edition of Apollodorus, by J.G. Frazer. Minor modifications made by Perseus staff to facilitate text formatting on the Web.
I.-THEOGONY. Book I., Chaps . I.-VI.
OFFSPRING of Sky and Earth: the Hundred-handed, Cyclopes, Titans, . The Titans attack and mutilate Sky, origin of the Furies, . The children of Cronus and Rhea, the birth of Zeus, . Zeus conquers the Titans and divides the kingdom with his brothers, . Offspring of the Titans, . Offspring of Sea and Earth, Children of Zeus by Hera, Themis, Dione, Eurynome, Styx and Memory (the Muses), . Children of the Muses: Calliope's children Linus and Orpheus, , Clio's child Hyacinth (Thamyris), , Euterpe's child Rhesus, Thalia's children the Corybantes, Melpomene's children the Sirens, . Hephaestus

28. Perseus
The perseus Project Saaland University. perseus A Quick OpenSource Path to Secure Electronic Signatures perseus is an open-source project that shows that this can be achieved with much less

29. Texts In Perseus For Browsing: English
English translations in hypertext.
Perseus Tufts Collections: Classics Papyri Renaissance London ... Support Perseus
Primary Text Index: English Translations
Note: This page is outdated. Perseus Texts are found in the Table of Contents Some links below may not work. Here are the primary texts currently available on our web site. They have been broken into chunks for ease of browsing, with links and a lookup tool to help you navigate through the texts quickly. Note: Textual reference appearing after titles in parentheses gives their standard scholarly abbreviations, and provides a template for how to look up other passages in that author while browsing.
Index of Authors
Aeschines Aeschylus Andocides Antiphon ... Xenophon
Authors and their works:

30. Perseus
Constellation index. More on constellation perseus MAA Original More on perseus ( Chris Dolan
  • Download map Messier Objects in Perseus:
  • Constellation index
  • More on constellation Perseus MAA Original
  • More on Perseus (Chris Dolan)
  • Digital images - Constellation Perseus page (T. Credner/S. Kohle) [ unframed version Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg
  • 31. Stars And Constellations
    The Myth of perseus. perseus is the son of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, and a mortal woman. perseus flew using the sandals to find Medusa.
    The Myth of Perseus
    Perseus is the son of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, and a mortal woman. The woman's husband, Polydectes, king of Seriphos, was naturally angry, but when your wife has an affair with a god, what can you do? So, instead, when Perseus grew up Polydectes sent him on what he believed was an impossible quest. The king sent his step-son out to kill Medusa, one of three sisters called the Gorgons who were so ugly, anyone who looked at them would turn to stone. He appealed to the gods for help and was given a mirrored shield by Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and a pair of winged sandals by Hermes (also know as Mercury), the messenger of the gods. Perseus flew using the sandals to find Medusa. When he found her, he did not look at her. Instead, he used the reflection in the shield to guide his sword so he could behead her as she slept. As she died, the white, winged horse Pegasus sprang from her neck. On his way back from his victory against the Gorgons, Perseus came across a woman chained to a rock, waiting to be sacrificed to a sea monster, called either Cetus or Draco , depending on which version of the myth you believe. This woman was

    32. Perseus Texts & Translations
    Texts and Translations of ancient Greeks, and Romans.
    Perseus Tufts Collections: Classics Papyri Renaissance London ... Support Perseus
    Texts and Translations
    Note: This page is outdated. Perseus Texts are found in the Table of Contents Some links below may not work.
    • Ancient Greek texts with morphological links to text tools
    • Latin texts with morphological links to text tools
    • English translations and secondary sources
    • Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri : 500 papyrus publications
    • The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe , Elizabethan playwright
    • Julius Caesar : Shakespeare's play and ancient sources
    • Frazer's summary of Apollodorus' handbook of Greek mythology Sources for Thucydides research : modern scholarship on the ancient historian

    33. Welcome
    lives. To aid in the fight against cancer, a percentage from the purchase of each bracelet will be donated to The perseus Foundation.
    Click to subscribe to Canine Cancer Awareness
    New, Effective, and Non-toxic Treatments
    Blessing Bracelet Collection
    The Blessing Bracelet Collection celebrates the unconditional love of our loyal companions and our faithful friends; commemorating those that we are blessed with now and remembering those whose parting came much too soon. In so many ways our animal friends bless our lives poignantly and profoundly. The Blessings Bracelets will bring comfort for those whose animal friends are undergoing cancer treatment, are cancer survivors, or those who want to ever so gently raise awareness about animal cancer. We are all interconnected beings. We honor the humble dignity of all creatures and we are blessed by everything the animals of the world bring to our lives. To aid in the fight against cancer, a percentage from the purchase of each bracelet will be donated to The Perseus Foundation. Blessing Bracelet Collection

    34. PERSEUS BOOKS GROUP - Science
    About 40 mathematics titles, some printed on demand.
    Search by author, title, or keyword Browse by Discipline: American Government Agriculture Anthropology Area Studies Arts Asia Studies Business/Economics Communications Cultural Studies Education Environmental Studies Europe and Russia Fiction and Poetry Film/TV/Media Gender Studies General Interest Geography Health/Health Care History International Relations Language/Literature Latin America Law Middle East Studies Music Parenting/Child Care Philosophy Politics Psychology Public Policy Reference Religion Science Sociology
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    Physics Technology General Science All All Products General Interest Books Textbooks Monographs Sort by publication date Sort by title Sort by author Author Feature Are You a Feynman Fanatic? Richard Feynman was one of the greatest physicists and one of the most influential personalities of the 20th century. Publishing history was made when, several years ago, Perseus Books (at that time the General Publishing Group of Addison-Wesley) acquired the exclusive publishing rights to the massive Feynman archive at CalTech. Click here to explore the collection of Perseus Books titles on and by Richard Feynman Series Feature The Science Masters Series "I think of this series as casting a net over the world. The harvest will be our planet's next generation of thinkers and scientists."

    35. Constellation Perseus
    de it perseus. Pic Abbreviation Per English name perseus Coordinates see Stellar data. perseus gives name to one of the constellation families.
    English name:
    see Stellar data

    • Double star gamma Per epsilon Per zeta Per eta Per tau Per
    • Occulting variable star beta Per (period: 2,87 days)
    • Semiregular variable star rho Per
    • Open star clusters NGC 884 NGC 869 NGC 1342 NGC 1444 NGC 1528
    • Planetary nebula M 76
    • Diffuse nebula NGC 1499
    • Galaxies NGC 1003 NGC 1023
    • Meteor Showers: Perseids Zeta Perseids
    General: One of the larger constellations of the northern hemisphere. The northern border reaches as high as DECL=+59 degrees, the southern border reaches DECL=+31 degrees (touching Aries and Taurus ). From east to west this constellation extends from roughly RA=4h 50m to RA=1h 30m.
    Perseus gives name to one of the constellation families
    The figure of Perseus ist thought to held the head of Medusa in his hand (the star beta Per represents the evil eye of her). Stars and other objects The leading star alpha Per , called Marfak or Algenib , is an F5 supergiant with 1.79 mag, which makes it, together with alpha UMa , the 32nd brightest star in the sky. It lies within a widely scattered cluster of stars making it an interesting region for binoculars.

    36. Perseus Digital Library
    A large collection of original texts, encyclopedias, and other information and tools for the study of history.

    text-only home page


    Greek, Latin, Archaeology

    Duke Data Bank English Renaissance
    Shakespeare, Marlowe, ... London
    Bolles Collection California
    Upper Midwest


    Library of Congress Tufts History Since 1852 Boyle Papers History of Science Home site: Somerville, MA Mirror sites: Berlin, Germany Chicago, IL Oxford, England A graph of the places and dates mentioned in Perseus Perseus contact and support information Perseus is a non-profit enterprise, located in the Department of the Classics Tufts University The Perseus Project is funded by the Digital Libraries Initiative Phase 2 , the National Endowment for the Humanities , the National Science Foundation private donations , and Tufts University.

    37. Perseus
    perseus. Download map Messier Objects in perseus M34, M76. Constellation index; More on constellation perseus MAA Original; More on perseus (Chris Dolan);
  • Download map Messier Objects in Perseus:
  • Constellation index
  • More on constellation Perseus MAA Original
  • More on Perseus (Chris Dolan)
  • Digital images - Constellation Perseus page (T. Credner/S. Kohle) [ unframed version Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg
  • 38. Perseus Table Of Contents
    Latin texts usually accompanied by English translations. The texts are heavily linked to dictionaries, commentaries, grammars and other tools.
    Perseus Tufts Collections: Classics Papyri Renaissance London ... Support Perseus Classics:
    Classics collection contents

    About the Classics collection

    Greek Hist. Overview
    Perseus Table of Contents Browser Change displayed items Table of Contents help
    Greek and Roman Materials
    Primary and secondary sources for the study of ancient Greece and Rome More about this collection... Parts of this collection:
    Word counts by language (click any bar to limit display):
    Places and dates in this collection:
    Texts Aeschines. Speeches . (Greek) (Aeschin. 3) ( search this work Aeschines. Speeches . (English) (Aeschin. 3) ( search this work Aeschylus. Agamemnon . ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph.D. (Greek) (Aesch. Ag.) ( search this work Aeschylus.

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