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         Perseus:     more books (100)
  1. Perseus by Geraldine McCaughrean, 2005-04-10
  2. Perseus in the Wind (Traveller's) by Freya Stark, 1984-02
  3. Perseus by Richard Matturro, 2010-07-31
  4. The Adventures of Perseus (Ancient Greek Myths) by Mark Bergin, 2004-08-01
  5. Perseus and Medusa by Corinne J. Naden, 1980-06
  6. Perseus Spur (Rampart Worlds Series Volume 1) by Julian May, 1999-06-28
  7. Perseus: The Hunt for Medusa's Head : A Greek Myth (Graphic Myths and Legends) by Paul D. Storrie, 2009-03
  8. Perseus (Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World) by Daniel Ogden, 2008-04-25
  9. Perseus and Medusa (Mythology)
  10. Perseus and Medusa (Graphic Greek Myths and Legends) by Nick Saunders, 2007-01-12
  11. BRONZE PERSEUS (50 Classics of Crime Fiction, 1950-1975) by Hough, 1983-02-01
  12. The Ultimate Small Business Guide: A Resource For Startups And Growing Businesses (Ultimate Business Library) by Editors Of Perseus Publishing, 2004-01-08
  13. Perseus and the Monstrous Medusa (First Greek Myths) by Saviour Pirotta, 2006-04-06
  14. Perseus: The Boy With Super Powers (Myth Men: Guardians of the Legend) by Laura Geringer, 1996-11

1. Perseus Digital Library
perseus contact and support information. About perseus. perseus is an evolving digital library, engineering interactions through time, space, and language.

text-only home page


Greek, Latin, Archaeology

Duke Data Bank English Renaissance
Shakespeare, Marlowe, ... London
Bolles Collection California
Upper Midwest


Library of Congress Tufts History Since 1852 Boyle Papers History of Science Home site: Somerville, MA Mirror sites: Berlin, Germany Chicago, IL Oxford, England A graph of the places and dates mentioned in Perseus Perseus contact and support information Perseus is a non-profit enterprise, located in the Department of the Classics Tufts University The Perseus Project is funded by the Digital Libraries Initiative Phase 2 , the National Endowment for the Humanities , the National Science Foundation private donations , and Tufts University.

2. Perseus Development Corporation
Advanced survey software for creating Web surveys and polls. Create Web surveys, email surveys, exit polls, and customer satisfaction surveys easily. perseus names Dwight Galler new Vice President of Marketing. perseus opens new offices in Toronto Singapore. perseus named to Inc
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3. The Perseus Foundation
A website operated by a nonprofit organization interested in supporting basic and clinical research into animal cancer. Provides animal cancer information, and links to available animal cancer clinical trials.
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The Perseus Foundation
9810 Dairyton Court
Gaithersburg, MD 20879 USA
Telephone: +1 301 417 2721

The perseus Books Group was created with the belief that a new model for profitably publishing quality books is necessary and desirable in today s marketplace.
Visit one of our member publishers' websites by clicking on the name,
or click here to enter the Perseus Books Group website.

5. Perseus Mirror Site Maintenance
Oxford perseus Mirror Site. The perseus Mirror Site in Oxford will be offline for maintenance for a few days. We hope to have service restored shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience this interruption may cause.
Oxford Perseus Mirror Site
The Perseus Mirror Site in Oxford will be off-line for maintenance for a few days. We hope to have service restored shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience this interruption may cause. Please use the main Perseus site , which should continue to be available during this period.

6. Perseus
perseus. Abbreviation Per. Genitive Persei. Translation The Hero Peoria Astronomical Society perseus Page. Interactive star chart (Java applet)
Position in the Sky
Named Stars
Messier Objects
  • (open cluster)
  • The Little Dumbell, Cork, or Butterfly (planetary nebula)
The Story of Perseus
Take a look at the story of how Perseus slew Medusa, the mother of Pegasus , and rescued Andromeda , the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia , from the sea monster Cetus More Perseus information Back to Constellations Home Page
Chris Dolan's Home Page

7. The Ancient Olympics
Members of the perseus Project created this exhibit on the ancient Olympics in 1996, as a tribute to the Centennial Olympic Games held in Atlanta, Georgia.
Members of the Perseus Project created this exhibit on the ancient Olympics in 1996, as a tribute to the Centennial Olympic Games held in Atlanta, Georgia. In this exhibit, you can compare ancient and modern Olympic sports, tour the site of Olympia as it looks today, learn about the context of the Games and the Olympic spirit, or read about the Olympic athletes who were famous in ancient times.
The Perseus Digital Library Project is centered in the Classics Department at Tufts University. Ancient and Modern Olympic Sports
A Tour of Ancient Olympia

The Context of the Games and the Olympic Spirit

Athletes' Stories
Classics Department

124 Eaton Hall, Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155 U.S.A.

Please send us your comments.
Last modified 21 May, 2004.

8. Perseus Verlag Basel
Translate this page Herzlich willkommen bei. perseus Verlag Basel. Falls Sie diesen Text sehen, kann Ihr Browser die Frames der perseus-Seiten nicht korrekt darstellen.
Herzlich willkommen bei Perseus Verlag Basel Falls Sie diesen Text sehen, kann Ihr Browser die Frames der Perseus-Seiten nicht korrekt darstellen. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Option zur Verwendung von Frames in Ihrem Browser eingestellt ist. Internet Explorer:

9. Perseus - Software Di Simulazione Astronomica
Translate this page Il software, Scopri le caratteristiche di perseus. Compra online, Acquista online e ricevi direttamente a casa la tua copia di perseus.

Il software
Scopri le caratteristiche di Perseus Compra online Acquista online e ricevi direttamente a casa la tua copia di Perseus Chi siamo Scopri da chi e come è stato realizzato Perseus Risorse Situazioni, script e aggiornamenti per gli utenti di Perseus Attivazione Attivazione e disinstallazione della vostra copia di Perseus FAQ Le risposte alle domande più frequenti Sondaggio Rispondi al nostro sondaggio online Contatto Mettiti in contatto con noi
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di Perseus. Per scaricarla andate nella sezione patch
di Perseus. Per scaricarla andate nella sezione patch ELItalia S.r.l. - via A. Grossich 32 - 20131 Milano
Tel. +39 02 236 37 42 +39 02 236 39 72 Fax +39 02 236 24 67

10. Perseus
The perseus Project

11. Perseus Blog Survey
Advanced survey software for creating Web surveys and polls. Create Web surveys, email surveys, exit polls, and customer satisfaction surveys easily. perseus estimates that 4.12 million blogs have been created on these services BlogCity, BlogSpot, Diaryland But the perseus survey estimates there are 4.12 million hosted blogs
Home Downloads FAQ About Perseus ... Perseus Blog Survey
A weblog covering research of the blogosphere Software Products SurveySolutions Enterprise SurveySolutions Professional SurveySolutions Standard ... Newsletter Signup Enter your e-mail address to sign-up for one of our newsletters.
In Google We Trust
1/31/04 - 1:12 PM - Ingrid Jones of Me and Ophelia asks: Perseus estimates that 4.12 million blogs have been created on these services: Blog-City, BlogSpot, Diaryland, LiveJournal, Pitas, TypePad, Weblogger and Xanga. Recently, I visited Google's Web Directory where it states that the Google directory contains over 1.5 million URLs. But the Perseus survey estimates there are 4.12 million hosted blogs. Does Google not know everything, or are there a lot less blogs than estimated? Currently Google is programmatically indexing 3.3 billion web pages. The 1.5 million URLs are pages that have been manually classified by people as part of the Open Directory Project . As one indication of the disparity, Google has over 23.1 million pages using the word "blog"

12. Perseus House, Inc.
Nonprofit organization serving troubled adolescents through alternative education, court-ordered treatment, residential placement, and public school-based delinquency prevention programs. Located in Erie, Pennsylvania.
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via e-mail.

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Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval recipient Learn more about the Charter School of Excellence.
Learn more about the Spartansburg Recreation Center project!
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1511 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16501 • (814) 480-5900 voice • (814) 454-8670 fax •

13. Texts In Perseus For Browsing: Latin
Primary Text Index Latin Texts
Perseus Tufts Collections: Classics Papyri Renaissance London ... Support Perseus
Primary Text Index: Latin Texts
Note: This page is outdated. Perseus Texts are found in the Table of Contents Some links below may not work.
Index of Authors
Caesar Catullus Cicero Hirtius ... Vergil
Authors and their works:

14. Perseus Project An Evolving Digital Library
perseus project an evolving digital library The perseus Project is a large digital library of texts and images for the study of ancient Greece and, more recently, ancient Rome. The resources

15. Text Tools & Lexica
From The perseus Project. Includes an English/Greek Word Search, English/Latin Word Search, Liddell ScottJones Greek Lexicon, and Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary.
Perseus Tufts Collections: Classics Papyri Renaissance London ... Support Perseus
Note: This page is outdated. Perseus Tools are found in the Table of Contents Some links below may not work.
If you are starting with an English word:
  • English Index to primary texts and
  • English to Greek Word Search Tool (example word: wealth
  • English to Latin Word Search Tool (example word: praise
If you are starting with a Greek or Latin word:
  • Greek Word Search Tool
  • Latin Word Search
  • Word Study and Morphological Analysis Tool for Greek (example word: poiountai
  • Word Study and Morphological Analysis Tool for Latin (example word: delenda
    These tools analyze any Greek or Latin wordnormally, one you've found in the textsto tell you what form it is (e.g. "swam" is past tense of "swim").
    It also gives you the dictionary entry form of the word, which allows you to use the following tools: Intermediate Liddell-Scott Greek Lexicon (example word:
    This gives the basic definitions of the word. Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek Lexicon (example word:
    Defines the word and cites numerous examples of it in the texts to help place its meaning in context.

16. PerseusProject
Quiz, facts, and behind the scenes tidbits from cast and crew members.

17. Perseus Digital Library
textonly home page, perseus Contents. About perseus. perseus is an evolving digital library, engineering interactions through time, space, and language.

text-only home page


Greek, Latin, Archaeology

Duke Data Bank English Renaissance
Shakespeare, Marlowe, ... London
Bolles Collection California
Upper Midwest


Library of Congress Tufts History Since 1852 Boyle Papers History of Science Home site: Somerville, MA Mirror sites: Berlin, Germany Chicago, IL A graph of the places and dates mentioned in this collection Perseus contact and support information Perseus is a non-profit enterprise, located in the Department of the Classics Tufts University The Perseus Project is funded by the Digital Libraries Initiative Phase 2 , the National Endowment for the Humanities , the National Science Foundation private donations , and Tufts University.

18. Perseus Project Texts And Translations
perseus Project Texts and Translations A hypertext resource for scholars of ancient philosophy, history and literature, hosted by Tufts University. This includes many classic greek and latin

perseus Publishing. perseus Publishing titles are now published under the Da Capo and Basic Books imprints. Enter the perseus Books Group website.
Search by author, title, or keyword Browse by Discipline: American Government Agriculture Anthropology Area Studies Arts Asia Studies Business/Economics Communications Cultural Studies Education Environmental Studies Europe and Russia Fiction and Poetry Film/TV/Media Gender Studies General Interest Geography Health/Health Care History International Relations Language/Literature Latin America Law Middle East Studies Music Parenting/Child Care Philosophy Politics Psychology Public Policy Reference Religion Science Sociology
Perseus Publishing Perseus Publishing titles are now published under the Da Capo and Basic Books imprints. You can find titles previously published as Perseus on the Perseus Books Group site, searchable by author, title, or ISBN. Enter the Perseus Books Group website.
Book Search
About Us Ordering Information ... Mailing List

20. Perseus Foundation Article On Bearden And Hoagland
Notes on Alpha Foundation's Institute of Advanced Study and on getting electromagnetic energy from vacuum. The site of Arkadiusz Jadczyk.
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