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         Peirce Charles:     more books (100)
  1. Peirce's Philosophy of Communication: The Rhetorical Underpinnings of the Theory of Signs (Continuum Studies in American Philosophy) by Mats Bergman, 2009-08-25
  2. Peirce's Scientific Metaphysics: The Philosophy of Chance, Law, and Evolution (Vanderbilt Library of American Philosophy) by Andrew Reynolds, 2002-06-03
  3. Peirce's Conception of God: A Developmental Study (Peirce Studies) by Donna M. Orange, 1984-09
  4. His Glassy Essence: An Autobiography of Charles Sanders Peirce (Vanderbilt Library of American Philosophy) by Kenneth Laine Ketner, 1998-08-15
  5. Charles S. Peirce's Evolutionary Philosophy by Carl R. Hausman, 1997-05-28
  6. Truth, Rationality, and Pragmatism: Themes from Peirce by Christopher Hookway, 2003-03-27
  7. Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce
  8. Charles S. Peirce: Zur Begrundung einer Metaphysik der Evolution (European university studies. Series XX, Philosophy) (German Edition) by Rolf Wohlgemuth, 1993
  9. Charles S. Peirce: An Intellectual Biography by Gerard Deledalle, 1990-04
  10. Phenomenology of Charles S. Peirce: From the Doctrine of Categories to Phaneroscopy (Philosophical currents) by William L. Rosensohn, 1974-12
  11. Zeichen deuten auf Gott: Der zeichentheoretische Beitrag von Charles S. Peirce zur Theologie der Sakramente (Marburger theologische Studien) (German Edition) by Martin Vetter, 1999
  12. Konzeption und Begrundung der Induktion: Eine Untersuchung zur Methodologie von Charles S. Peirce (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Ines Riemer, 1988
  13. Charles Sanders Peirce (Einfuhrungen) (German Edition) by Ludwig Nagl, 1992
  14. Charles Sanders Peirce (Becksche Reihe) (German Edition) by Klaus Oehler, 1993

41. Peirce

42. Digital Encyclopedia Of Charles Sanders Peirce
Brings together the most recent writings about Pierce, and new works inspired by the logician.

43. Charles Sanders Peirce
Translate this page charles Sanders peirce Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen, charles Sanders peirce (1839 - 1914).
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Charles Sanders Peirce (1839 - 1914)
Der nordamerikanische Philosoph Logiker algebraischen Logik Peirce nennt seinen eigenen Pragmatismus Pragmatizismus Begriffen als Handlungsregeln. Nach der pragmatischen Maxime beurteilen Wahrheit oder Falschheit einen Unterschied in bezug auf unsere Wahrnehmungs- Er befasste sich auch mit Problemen der induktiven Logik Nach Peirce ist in der zweiwertigen Logik die Peirce-Funktion bezeichnet.
(((A B) A) A),
das in der intuitionistischen und parakonsistenten Logik eine Rolle spielt. In den Reasoning and the Logic of Things existentiellen Graphen (existential graphs).

44. Institute For Studies In Pragmaticism ( Peirce & Pragmatism )
Center for research on the life and works of charles Sanders peirce.
INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES IN PRAGMATICISM Site Navigation Bar Home Frequently Asked Questions Academic Programs Contents of Peirce Society TRANSACTIONS Institute Staff Institute Major Collections Recent Institute Publicity Peirce's Century Dictionary Definitions Peirce Links Contact Us Texas Tech University Libraries Texas Tech University
Charles Sanders Peirce, 1839-1914 The Institute is the first and oldest organized center for research on the life and works of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), the American Physicist, Mathematician, Logician, and Engineer, one of the greatest interdisciplinary scientists in history.
It was founded during the 1971-72 academic year at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas by Charles S. Hardwick and Kenneth L. Ketner.
Its mission is to facilitate study of the life and works of Peirce and his continuing influence. prag-mat-i-cism the philosophic doctrine of C. S. Peirce prag-mat-i-cist an advocate of pragmaticism Webster's Third New International Dictionary
of the English Language
1993 unabridged edition, page 1781

45. Peirce, Charles Sanders
peirce, charles Sanders. charles Sanders peirce, pronounced purse (18391914), the founder of pragmatism and a pioneering theorist
Peirce, Charles Sanders
Charles Sanders Peirce, pronounced "purse" (1839-1914), the founder of pragmatism and a pioneering theorist of Semiotics , was one of America's most important and most original philosophers. His scope and range are perhaps wider than that of any philosopher since Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. He made fundamental contributions to probability theory, symbolic logic, the philosophy of science, mathematics, and semiotics, while publishing numerous papers on astronomy, physics, chemistry, and scientific method. Peirce generally described himself as an experimentalist and a "logician," a term that expanded in scope from his earliest papers to encompass virtually the whole enterprise of organized thought and inquiry.
Despite being frequently recommended for university appointments, Peirce served only as a part-time lecturer in logic at Johns Hopkins University from 1879 to 1884 and for three years as a special lecturer in the philosophy of science at Harvard. Although he was a prolific writer, only two books appeared during his lifetime: Photometric Researches (1878), which established him as one of the leading astrophysicists of his day, and

46. MSN Encarta - Peirce, Charles Sanders
Translate this page peirce, charles Sanders. peirce, charles Sanders (1839-1914), philosophe etphysicien américain. Plus de résultats pour peirce, charles Sanders,
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher
Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Peirce, Charles Sanders Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839-1914), philosophe et physicien am©ricain. N©   Cambridge, Massachusetts, il ©tudia   l'universit© d'Harvard. Entre 1864... Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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Plus de r©sultats pour Peirce, Charles Sanders

47. Creative Quotations From Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914)
Creative Quotations from . . . charles Sanders peirce (18391914) born on Sep3 Search millions of documents for charles Sanders peirce. Highbeam Research,
CQHome Search CQ CQ Indexes CQ E-books ... creative
Creative Quotations from . . . Charles Sanders Peirce 1839-1914) born on Sep 3 US philosopher, scientist, logician. He was noted for his work on the logic of relations and on pragmatism as a method of research. Search millions of documents for Charles Sanders Peirce
Creative Hats
Tshirts African Cichlids There is one thing even more vital to science than intelligent methods; and that is, the sincere desire to find out the truth, whatever it may be.
The idea does not belong to the soul; it is the soul that belongs to the idea. Truly, that reason upon which we plume ourselves, though it may answer for little things, yet for great decisions is hardly surer than a toss-up. All the evolution we know of proceeds from the vague to the definite. The pragmatist knows that doubt is an art which has to be acquired with difficulty.
Published Sources for Quotations Above:
F: In "The New Book of Christian Quotations," by Tony Castle, 1982. R: In "The Speaker's Electronic Reference Collection," AApex Software, 1994. A: N: K: Collected Papers.

48. Peirce's Life
charles S. peirce. charles Sanders peirce States. Intellectually,charles peirce and his father had a lot in common. One curious
C H A R L E S S. P E I R C E Charles Sanders Peirce was born on 10 September 1839 in Cambridge, Massachusetts when Darwin was only 30 years oldand he lived until 1914, the year World War I began. His father, Benjamin Peirce Intellectually, Charles Peirce and his father had a lot in common. One curious statement to this effect comes from a letter from Thomas Davidson to William Torrey Harris. After listening to Charles give a lecture to the Harvard Philosophy Club on 21 May 1879, Davidson wrote to Harris: "Peirce's paper was captious, bright, and poor. After it was over, I had a long talk with Prof. Ben. Peirce, who undertook to prove to me mathematically that space has four dimensions. The Peirce's are all a little crazy, I think." Just 7 years later, Charles's friend, Francis Ellingwood Abbot, made this entry in his diary: Attended a meeting of "philosophers,' including John Fiske, James, Royce, and Perry, at Prof. J. M. Peirce's, 4 Kirkland Place, to welcome Prof. Chas. S. Peirce, of Johns Hopkins, (my classmate), and hear from him a new "logical theory of Evolution." Peirce begins with absolute or pure potentiality, with absolute chance or negation of all law, even logical, to evolve at last Absolute Being and Absolute Lawin fact, to evolve Infinity out of Zero, God out of Nothing. Brilliant, ingenious, andimpossible. Had a wine supper, during which Charley continued to spin his glistening cobweb. The Peirce family was well connected in academic and scientific circles, and Charles grew up on intimate terms with the leading figures. He was regarded as a prodigy both in science and philosophy, and more brilliant in mathematics than even his father. Although

49. Peirce, Charles (1839-1914) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograp
Alphabetical Index. About this site. Branch of Science , Mathematiciansv. Nationality , American v. peirce, charles (18391914), American
Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality American
Peirce, Charles (1839-1914)

American mathematician who showed that there are only three algebras with a uniquely defined division: those of the real numbers complex number and quaternions
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)

50. Bücher - Peirce, Charles Sanders >> Buch / Literatur / Günstig
peirce,charles Sanders Was suchen Sie? . Bücher - peirce, charles Sanders.
::: Sie befinden sich hier: Buch / Literatur / günstig >>> Bücher - Peirce, Charles Sanders Was suchen Sie? >> [ PRODUKTFINDER ] Bücher - Peirce, Charles Sanders Auswahl Bücher - Polyamid ... Bücher - Pombo, Alvaro Bücher - Peirce, Charles Sanders bei - IMPRESSUM

51. - Biografia De Peirce, Charles Sanders
Translate this page peirce, charles Sanders. (Cambridge, EE UU, 1839-Milford, id., 1914)Lógico, matemático y astrónomo estadounidense. Al terminar
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Peirce, Charles Sanders

52. Peirce, Charles Sanders - Physik Lexikon - Peirce, Charles Sanders
Translate this page peirce, charles Sanders. peirce, charles Sanders (1839-1914), amerikanischerPhilosoph und Physiker. peirce wurde am 10. September, Charles Sanders

53. Peirce, Charles Sanders - Physik Lexikon - Peirce, Charles Sanders
Translate this page peirce, charles Sanders. peirce, charles Sanders (1839-1914), amerikanischerPhilosoph und Physiker. peirce wurde am 10. peirce, charles Sanders., Charles Sanders

54. The Charles S. Peirce Society
Fellows of the charles S. peirce Society (living past Presidents) Robert Almeder,Richard J. Bernstein, Arthur Burks, Cornelius F. Delaney, Umberto Eco
The purpose of the Charles S. Peirce Society shall be to encourage study of, and communication about, the works of Charles S. Peirce and its ongoing influence in the many fields of intellectual endeavor to which he contributed. President: Gérard Deladalle Vice-President: Nathan Houser Secretary-Treasurer: Mark Migotti Fellows of the Charles S. Peirce Society (living past Presidents): Robert Almeder, Richard J. Bernstein, Arthur Burks, Cornelius F. Delaney, Umberto Eco, Carolyn Eisele, Susan Haack, Peter H. Hare, Charles Hartshorne, Carl R. Hausman, Jaako Hintikka, Christopher J. Hookway, Joseph M. Ransdell, Kenneth L. Ketner, Christian J. W. Kloesel, John Lachs, Isaac Levi, Edward H. Madden, Murray G. Murphey, Klaus Oehler, Hilary Putnam, Andrew J. Reck, Nicholas Rescher, B. Gresham Riley, Don D. Roberts, Richard S. Robin, Sandra B. Rosenthal, Israel Scheffler, Michael Shapiro, Thomas L. Short, John E. Smith, Paul Weiss, Rulon Wells. History : The first President of the Charles S. Peirce Society, elected in 1946, was Paul Weiss. Other early presidents include James K. Feibleman, Isabel Stearns, Philip Wiener, Thomas Goudge, and Max Fisch. The Society's annual meetings have been held with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association for several decades. Publication: Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy

55. LookSmart - Directory - Charles S. Peirce
YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Social Science Linguistics Semiotics peirce, charles S. charles S. peirce Examine the life
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    Compiles links to profiles and biographies of this American philosopher.
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    Browse details on the works, contributions, life, and philosophy of the American philosopher and polymath. Read about pragmatism, semiotics, and Benjamin Peirce.
    Arisbe - Charles Sanders Peirce

    Home of the International Peirce Telecommunity posts a biography of this philosopher, as well as a selection of his papers. - Charles Sanders Peirce

    Biographical profile of this American philosopher briefly describes his childhood, schooling, and personality.
    Charles Peirce and The Logic of Community
    Offers an abstract of a thesis investigating Peirce's semiotic and the process whereby the interpretive community is led to a true opinion. Corsense Institute Features the prepublication manuscript of "The Technology of Love" authored by Charles E. Hansen. Invites readers to comment and discuss.
  • 56. Peirce, Charles Sanders - Informationen Und Links

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    Peirce, Charles Sanders
    Abduktion und ihre Anwendungen
    In den letzten 50 Jahren konnte ein steigendes Interesse am Thema "abduktive Inferenz" festgestellt werden, die Charles Sanders Peirce als "ersten Schritt" des Denkens und Interpretierens bezeichnete. Ein Artikel von U. Wirth.
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    57. Peirce, Charles Sanders
    peirce, charles Sanders, pûrs Pronunciation Key. peirce, charles Sanders ,1839–1914, American philosopher and polymath, b. Cambridge, Mass., grad.
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      Peirce, Charles Sanders Pronunciation Key Peirce, Charles Sanders , American philosopher and polymath, b. Cambridge, Mass., grad. Harvard, 1859; son of Benjamin Peirce . Except for occasional lectures he renounced the regimen of academic life and was in government service with the Geodetic Survey for many years. Regarding logic as the beginning of all philosophical study, Peirce felt that the meaning of an idea was to be found in an examination of the consequences to which the idea would lead. This principle was published in 1878 in Popular Science Monthly, using the term pragmatism , which was later employed, with acknowledgment, by his friend William James A major thinker in a number of fields, Peirce is also recognized as the originator of the modern form of semiotics and the first American experimental psychologist. His influence is clearly seen in the works of Josiah

    58. Charles Sanders Peirce, A Fixação Da Crença
    Translate this page pp. 1-15) (versão inglesa). charles Sanders peirce. (tradução deAnabela Gradim Alves, Universidade da Beira Interior). I. Poucas
    A fixação da crença Popular Science Monthly 12 (November 1877), pp. 1-15) (versão inglesa) Charles Sanders Peirce (tradução de Anabela Gradim Alves, Universidade da Beira Interior) I Poucas pessoas se dão ao trabalho de estudar lógica, porque toda a gente se concebe a si própria como sendo já suficientemente versado na arte de raciocinar. Mas eu constato que essa satisfação se limita à sua própria capacidade de raciocinar, e não se estende à dos outros homens. Entramos na plena posse do nosso poder de retirar inferências como a última das nossas faculdades, pois não é tanto um dom natural, mas uma longa e difícil arte. A história da sua prática daria um esplêndido assunto para um livro. Os escolásticos medievais, seguindo os romanos, faziam da lógica, depois da gramática, o primeiro dos estudos de um rapaz, e apresentavam-no como sendo muito fácil. Assim era, tal como o entendiam. O seu princípio fundamental, segundo eles, era que todo o conhecimento repousa ou na autoridade ou na razão; mas o que quer que seja deduzido pela razão depende em última análise de uma premissa derivada da autoridade. Deste modo, assim que um rapaz era perfeito no procedimento silogístico, acreditava-se que o seu conjunto de ferramentas intelectuais estava completo. Os primeiros cientistas, Copérnico, Tycho Brahé, Kepler, Galileu e Gilbert, tinham métodos mais semelhantes aos dos seus modernos confrades. Kepler empreendeu desenhar uma curva através da órbita de Marte; e o seu maior serviço à ciência foi imprimir na mente dos homens que isto era o que deveria ser feito se desejavam melhorar a astronomia; e que não deveriam contentar-se com inquirir se um sistema de epiciclos era melhor que outro, mas que deveriam reflectir sobre os números e descobrir o que a curva, na verdade, era. Ele conseguiu isto pela sua incomparável energia e coragem, tropeçando às cegas da forma mais inconcebível (para nós), de uma hipótese irracional para outra, até que, depois de tentar vinte e duas destas tropeçou, por mera exaustão da sua invenção, sobre a órbita que uma mente bem apetrechada com as armas da lógica moderna teria tentado quase à partida.

    59. Charles S. Peirce, Sobre Uma Nova Lista De Categorias
    Translate this page 287-298.). (original em inglês). charles Sanders peirce. (traduçãode Anabela Gradim Alves, Universidade da Beira Interior). Sec.
    Sobre uma Nova Lista de Categorias (Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7 (1868), pp. 287-298.) (original em inglês) Charles Sanders Peirce (tradução de Anabela Gradim Alves, Universidade da Beira Interior) Sec. 1. Este estudo baseia-se na teoria, já estabelecida, de que a função dos conceitos é reduzir a multiplicidade das impressões sensíveis à unidade, e de que a validade de uma concepção consiste na impossibilidade de reduzir o conteúdo da consciência à unidade sem a sua introdução. Sec. 2. Esta teoria dá origem a uma concepção da gradação entre aqueles conceitos que são universais. Pois um desses conceitos pode unificar a pluralidade das impressões dos sentidos, e contudo um outro pode ser necessário para unir o conceito e a multiplicidade à qual é aplicado; e assim por diante. Assim a substância e o ser são o princípio e o fim de todo o conceito. A substância é inaplicável a um predicado, e o ser é-o igualmente em relação a um sujeito. Sec. 6. Os factos agora coligidos constituem a base para um método sistemático de pesquisa com vista a descobrir quaisquer conceitos universais elementares que possam intermediar entre a pluralidade da substância e a unidade do ser. Foi mostrado que a ocasião da introdução de um conceito universal elementar é, ou a redução da pluralidade da substância à unidade, ou a junção à substância de outro conceito. E foi ainda mostrado que os elementos conjuntos não podem ser supostos sem o conceito, enquanto o conceito pode geralmente ser suposto sem estes elementos. Agora, a psicologia empírica descobre a ocasião de introdução de um conceito, e apenas temos de averiguar que conceito já reside nos dados que são unidos ao de substância pelo primeiro conceito, e que não pode ser suposto sem este primeiro conceito, para encontrar o conceito seguinte na ordem ao passarmos do ser à substância.

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    peirce, charles S. Home Philosophy Philosophers peirce, charles S. Theleading academic websites reviewed and catalogued by university experts.

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