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41. Address Of Professor Benjamin Peirce, President Of The American 04. Address of Professor benjamin peirce, President of the AmericanAssociation. benjamin peirce. Dewey Subject Code 973. http://www.books-on-line.com/bol/bookdisplay.cfm?BookNum=17440 |
42. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Benjamin Peirce (Mathematics, Biographies) - Encyclopedi AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onBenjamin peirce, Mathematics, Biographies. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/P/Peirce-B.html | |
43. TheDAG - The English Titles Selection Of The Cornell Library Historical Math Mon Address of Professor benjamin peirce, President of the American Association forthe Year 1853, on Retiring from the Duties of President by peirce, benjamin. http://antennas.ee.duth.gr/ooo/cornelllibselection/thedagenutitlescornellmathmon | |
44. AUTOGRAPHS MANUSCRIPTS BENJAMIN PEIRCE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER benjamin peirce AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/08/1863 HISTORY FOR SALE AutographAuctions Direct Sales offer an exciting and unique opportunity to purchase http://www.galleryofhistory.com/archive/5_2004/scientists_inventors/264320-BENJA |
45. Names In Encyclopedia Of American Biography 18861969) Mills, C. Wright (1916-1962) Mumford, Lewis (1895-1990) Niebuhr, Reinhold(1892-1971) Parsons, Talcott (1902-1979) peirce, benjamin (1809-1880). http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/encyclopedia_amer_biography.htm | |
46. No Match For Benjamin Peirce No match for benjamin peirce. Sorry, the term benjamin peirce is not in the dictionary.Check the spelling and try removing suffixes like ing and -s . http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Benjamin Peirce |
47. The Peirce Edition Project | Peirce's Correspondents George F. Parsons, John W. Patents, Commissioner of Patterson, Carlile P. PeabodyInstitute (Baltimore) Peck, George Mann peirce, benjamin (father) peirce http://www.iupui.edu/~peirce/peirce/lettersx.htm | |
48. Peirce's Life began. His father, benjamin peirce, was a distinguished professor atHarvard College and the most respected mathematician in America. http://www.iupui.edu/~peirce/peirce/life/lifex.htm | |
49. Www.biography.com/search/article.jsp?aid=9436360 The Mathematics Genealogy Project benjamin peirce Select a mirror NDSU (main) AMS Bielefeld Ole Miss IMPA. benjamin Osgoodpeirce Biography Dr. phil. Universität Leipzig 1877. Dissertation http://www.biography.com/search/article.jsp?aid=9436360 |
50. Index For Robert Peirce Family Arthur H. June 12, 1852 peirce, Asa March 11, 1776 May 04, 1841 peirce, AudubonApril 08, 1850 Back To Table Of Contents peirce, B peirce, benjamin January 31 http://conexion.rootsweb.com/ropefain.htm | |
51. Index For Daniel Peirce Family 1717 peirce, Anne March 09, 1787 1834 peirce, Anne Burroughs December 06, 1867 BackTo Table Of Contents peirce, B peirce, benjamin February 20, 1667/68 May 19 http://conexion.rootsweb.com/dapefain.htm | |
52. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Save this query to My Saved Searches; Alert Me when there are new results for peirceAND benjamin. peirce s father, benjamin, was a Harvard mathematician http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
53. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Advanced Search. Save this query to My Saved Searches; Alert Me when thereare new results for peirce AND benjamin. 4,644 results sorted by Relevance. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
54. Philosopher Images Sources And Credits benjamin peirce; Porphyry; Hans Reichenbach; Bertrand Russell; AlfredTarski; Alfred North Whitehead; Zeno of Elea. The images for the http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/ImageSources.aspx | |
55. SearchBug Directory: Science: Math: History: People peirce, benjamin (18091880) - http//plato.stanford.edu/entries/peirce-benjamin/Life and work of 19th century mathematician and philosopher of mathematics http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Science/Math/History/People/ | |
56. Words Beginning With B benjamin Harris benjamin Harrison benjamin Henry Latrobe benjamin Jonson benjamin Jowett benjamin peirce benjamin Ricketson Tucker benjamin http://www.yourdictionary.net/dir/B2500.html | |
57. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books peirce, benjamin Osgood A Short Table of Integrals Ginn and Company, 1910.peirce, benjamin Osgood A Short Table of Integrals Ginn and Company, 1929. http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/p.html | |
58. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Idempotent 1980. 3 peirce, benjamin (18091880) Linear associative algebra ,published by BP himself in Washington City, 153 pages, 1870. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/nov98/0178.html | |
59. Pane-Joyce Genealogy 36 Elizabeth died at Woburn, MA, on 16 Oct 1715. 6795. benjamin peirce. Bornin 1649 at Watertown, MA. 10 benjamin was admitted freeman 18 Apr 1690. http://babbage.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr03/rr03_379.html | |
60. Pane-Joyce Genealogy 36 6812. John peirce. 6813. benjamin peirce. Born in 1667 at Woburn, MA. 366814. Joseph peirce. Born on 1 May 1672 at Woburn, MA. 36 Joseph m. Ruth. http://babbage.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr03/rr03_382.html | |
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