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1. Pearson Karl Pearson. Born 27 Karl Pearson s mother Fanny Smith and his fatherWilliam Pearson were both from Yorkshire families. William was http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Pearson.html | |
2. Pearson Karl Pearson (18571936). Last modified Feb. 25,2003. Soshichi Uchii. suchii@bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp. http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/phisci/Gallery/pearson.html | |
3. Karl Pearson -- Encyclopædia Britannica Pearson, Karl Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , Pearson, Karl Englishmathematician, one of the founders of modern statistics. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=60362&tocid=0&query=karl pearson |
4. Karl Pearson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Karl Pearson. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Karl Pearson Biography.Karl Pearson was born in London on the 27th March, 1857. He was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Pearson | |
5. The Life, Letters And Labours Of Francis Galton, By Karl Pearson Karl Pearson 1914, 1924, 1930 (Cambridge University Press, London) Facsimileby http//galton.org. Karl Pearson, biographer of Galton. http://www.mugu.com/galton/pearson/ | |
6. Karl Pearson Karl Pearson. Karl Pearson was born in 1857, the younger son and secondof three children of William Pearson, a selfmade man and http://www.atkinson.yorku.ca/~mcowles/pearson.htm | |
7. Karl Pearson Karl Pearson. Born 27 March 1857 in London, England. Died 27 April1936 in London, England. Pearson applied statistics to biological http://www.roma.unisa.edu.au/10920/Pearson.htm | |
8. Karl Pearson - Encyclopedia Article About Karl Pearson. Free Access, No Registra encyclopedia article about Karl Pearson. Karl Pearson in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Karl Pearson. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Karl Pearson | |
9. Karl Pearson Karl pearson karl Pearson (18571936) was een Engelse wiskundige. Hijbestudeerde de statistiek (in het bijzonder regressie-analyse http://www.guajara.com/wiki/nl/wikipedia/k/ka/karl_pearson.html | |
10. Karl Pearson Translate this page Karl pearson karl Pearson nasce nel 27 marzo 1857 a Londra e muore nel 27 aprile1936.\nMatematico e statistico, con i suoi lavori K.Pearson \nha influenzato http://www.guajara.com/wiki/it/wikipedia/k/ka/karl_pearson.html | |
11. Karl Pearson - EvoWiki Karl Pearson. From EvoWiki, the Evolution Education Wiki. Karl Pearson(18571936), English biometrican and statistician, was a student http://wiki.cotch.net/wiki.phtml?title=Karl_Pearson |
12. Karl Pearson Karl Pearson (18571936). URL http//www.ucl.ac.uk/stats/history/pearson.html. Biographicaldetails. Karl Pearson was born in London on the 27th March 1857. http://www.edu365.com/aulanet/comsoc/Lab_estadistica/estadistics/Karl_Pearson.ht | |
13. Lefalophodon Karl Pearson Karl Pearson. English biometrician and disciple of Galton. Pearsonwas the leading eugenicist in Europe during the early 20th century http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/~alroy/lefa/Pearson.html | |
14. Ideal Point Talk -- Karl Pearson Karl Pearson Born 27 March 1857 Died 27 April 1936. http://voteview.uh.edu/ideal_point_Karl_Pearson.htm | |
15. Pearson Karl Pearson. Born 27 March Karl Pearson applied statistics to biologicalproblems of heredity and evolution. Pearson graduated from http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Prsn.htm | |
16. Karl Pearson Karl Pearson. Karl Pearson (Brezen 27 Biografie. Karl Pearson byl narozenýv Londýne na 27th brezen 1857. On byl vzdelaný soukrome http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/k/ka/karl_pearson.html | |
17. ThinkQuest : Library : Evolution Revolution Karl Pearson, a British mathematician and philosopher of science, is best knownfor developing some of the central techniques of modern statistics while http://library.thinkquest.org/19926/text/library/bios/pearson.htm | |
18. Karl Pearson Karl Pearson. Published September, 1986 Our price 29.95 Authors Richard J. Pearson,Karl L. Hutterer, Gina L. Barnes, Kazue Pearson, and Masao Nishimura. http://www.veryhappening.com/things/karl_pearson | |
19. Human Intelligence: Redirect The biographical profile of karl pearson, focusing on his/her contributions to the development of intelligence theory and testing. Contributors. Comments. karl pearson. ( 18571936) karl pearson developed some of the central techniques of modern statistics http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/pearson.html | |
20. Pearson, Karl pearson, karl (18571936). British statistician who followed FrancisGalton in introducing statistics and probability into genetics http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/P/Pearson/1.html |
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