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41. Statisticians In History She also worked closely with Jerzy Neyman and egon pearson, Karl pearson s son,launching a new statistical journal called Statistical Research Memoirs, in http://www.amstat.org/about/statisticians/index.cfm?fuseaction=biosinfo&BioID=3 |
42. Pe-ph Translate this page pearson, egon Sharpe (1895-1982) Matematico inglese, figlio di Karl.Fondò la teoria dei test statistici su basi logico-matematiche. http://macosa.dima.unige.it/diz/p3.htm | |
43. Karl Pearson oni meli 2 dcery a syna. Syn, egon Sharpe pearson, následoval jejjako hlava aplikovaných statistik sekce ve vysoké kole. http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/k/ka/karl_pearson.html | |
44. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics pearson, egon Sharpe, 18951980, Joint statistical papers by J. Neyman ES pearson, 1, QA 276 N47, Killam. pearson, egon Sharpe, 1895 http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
45. Search Results For Egon Brunswik - Encyclopædia Britannica Results 616 of 32. egon Sharpe pearson University of St.Andrews Biographical sketchof this English mathematician known for his research works in statistics. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=egon brunswik&fuzzy=N&ct=igv&start=6&show |
46. Life And Work Of Statisticians pearson, egon Sharpe, 18951980. Review of RA Fisher s Statistical Methodsfor Research Workers by ES pearson. pearson, Karl, 1857-1936. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/lifework.htm | |
47. Egon Sharpe Pearson Textbooks Textbooks & Books Price Comparison - Direct Textbo AddisonWesley versandkostenfrei Schmid,egon - Translate this page PHP 5, egon Schmid / Christian Wenz / Wolfgang Drews / Hartmut Holzgraefe / Uwe Steinmann,3-8273-2116-6, 7-2004, 49,95 D 2003 by pearson Education Deutschland http://www.directtextbook.com/author/egon-sharpe-pearson | |
48. Addison-Wesley Buch : PHP 5 - Egon Schmid / Christian Wenz / Wolfgang Drews / Ha Translate this page egon Schmid / Christian Wenz / Wolfgang Drews / Hartmut Holzgraefe / Uwe Steinmann.Hinweis Erscheint ca. ..2003 by pearson Education Deutschland GmbH. http://www.awl.de/3827321166.html | |
49. Int. J. Epidemiol. -- Senn 31 (1): 269 The editors of this collection, Sir David Cox (who edited Biometrika for 25 yearsfrom 1966 having succeeded egon pearson who succeeded Karl pearson) and http://ije.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/31/1/269 | |
50. Pearson - ChilliSearch Reviewed Websites pearson_egon Biography of egon pearson (18951980) egon pearson s father was Karlpearson, whose biography is given in this archive, and his mother was http://www.chillisearch.co.uk/p/e/pearson/ | |
51. Markt Und Technik Versandkostenfrei: Schmid,Egon Translate this page PHP 4.3, egon Schmid / Christian Wenz / Peter Kuo / Wolfgang Drews / Hartmut Holzgraefe/ Uwe Steinmann / Michael Rinke, 3 2004 by pearson Education Deutschland http://www.mut.de/verzeichnis_autor_Egon_Schmid_f10af7fa-95da-41c0-a503-2f333a6a | |
52. Markt Und Technik Buch : PHP 4.3 - Egon Schmid / Christian Wenz / Peter Kuo / Wo dieses Buches und steuert vor allem 2004 by pearson Education Deutschland http://www.mut.de/main/main.asp?page=bookdetails&productID=16993 |
53. INDICE INTERNO CAOTICO Translate this page PARZEN, Emanuel 1929-. PASCAL, Blaise 1623-1662. pearson, egon Sharpe 1895-1980.OPERADOR VARIANZA. CHERNOFF, Herman 1923-. CUNLIFFE, Stella Vivian 1917-. http://www.uv.es/~econinfo/hipe/intro/glocaos1.htm | |
54. History Of Statistics evolutionary biology. 1930 s Jerzy Neyman and egon pearson (son of Karlpearson) type II errors, power of a test, confidence intervals. http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/histofstats.html | |
55. Language Author Index Of Conlangs Aszlan Majas, Muila. B. egon Breitenbach, Fasile. B. Morgan White, inif Xeuivteles. Mathias,Tunu. Matt Groening; et al, Futurama. Matt pearson, Tokana. Matthew Butt, bac. http://www.langmaker.com/db/mdl_index_languageauthor.htm | |
56. Re: R-Bar/d2 It turns out that the first attempt was by Tippet in 1925 followed by an effortby pearson (egon) in the 30s. These were N of 2 and 3 (at least). http://deming.ces.clemson.edu/pub/den/archive/2004.05/msg00021.html | |
57. Correspondence Files - Papers Of Sir R.A. Fisher A. Panse, VG Pantin, A. Pantin, Carl Parish, E. Parker, ER Parkes, AS Passey, RDPatrick, CV Payne, Lawrence C. Peake, H. pearson, egon S. pearson, Karl Pease http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/digitised/fisher/list.html | |
58. Paper Abstract an anonymous hybrid of the competing and frequently contradictory approaches formulatedby RA Fisher on the one hand, and Jerzy Neyman and egon pearson on the http://ftp.isds.duke.edu/WorkingPapers/03-26.html | |
59. University Of Arkansas Libraries - New Book Acquisitions January 2004 | QA-QD 8 Main Table of the logarithms of the complete function (for arguments 2 to 1200,ie beyond Legendre s range) by egon S. pearson View the full record in http://libinfo.uark.edu/acquisitions/jan2004/qa-qd.asp | |
60. University Of Arkansas Libraries - New Book Acquisitions December 2003 | QA-QD 8 Main Table of the logarithms of the complete function (for arguments 2 to 1200,ie beyond Legendre s range) by egon S. pearson View the full record in http://libinfo.uark.edu/acquisitions/feb2004/qa-qd.asp | |
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