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61. Jewish Mathematicians 24; Louis Nirenberg; Emmy Noether; Max Noether; Donald Ornstein; AlexanderOstrowski; moritz pasch; Grigori Perelman; Rózsa Péter; Ralph http://www.jinfo.org/Mathematics_Comp.html | |
62. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] How Much Did H. Know Of Italian W Having recalled this, I would hazard a name moritz pasch. Most historiansand mathematicians would concur in this name, I presume. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jul98/0069.html | |
63. Ciberoteca - Índice De Autores Translate this page Partridge, William Ordway, Parvatareddy, Hari, Pascal. Pascal, Blaise, Pascal, Ernst,pasch, moritz. paschal, George W. Pascoe, Charles E. Pascual de Sanjuán, Pilar. http://www.ciberoteca.com/search/ind_autor.asp?INI=P&PAG=4 |
64. Zahlen /Fakten Translate this page Grothe pasch / Rinecker. 1980. Das Tierhäuschen Der Vogelhändler Ein irrer Duftvon frischem Heu Madame Favart Max und moritz Der Waffenschmied Rock-Konzert http://www.theater-im-gruenen.de/Geschichte/________Zahlen_Fakten_/body_________ | |
65. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page des Chenes, Marc-Antoine (27.4.1755 - 16.8.1836) Pascal, Blaise (19.6.1623 - 19.8.1662)Pascal, Etienne (1588 - 1640) pasch, moritz (1843 - 1930) Pastor, Julio http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
66. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Paramesvara, Paramesvara (776) Pars, Leopold (328*) Parseval des Chênes, MA (896)Pascal, Blaise (1824*) Pascal, Etienne (175) pasch, moritz (132*) Pastor http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
67. ORDINOLOGY And, even before that, a critical gap in Euclid s axioms was filledin 1880 by moritz pasch an axiom of order. This deficiency http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/ordinology.htm | |
68. EUCLID illusions about Euclid belief in Euclid s great axiomatic achievement, whereasan axiom for order was not formulated until 1880 by moritz pasch (please see http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/euclid.htm | |
69. ALPHABETISCHES VERZEICHNIS DER KÜNSTLER (GEMÄLDE, GRAPHIK, HANDZEICHNUNGEN UND Translate this page 4162 MANNHEIM 1143 MANSFELD, moritz 4129 MARBACH 4501 MARLET, Jean Henry 4526 MARNY 1041PAPP, Zoltan 1231 PAPPERITZ, Georg 4373 PARIS 1084 pasch, Hanns 1085 http://www.auktionshaus-rieber.de/maler.html | |
70. Cornell Univeristy Mathematics Library 158. pasch, moritz, Veranderliche und Funktion ,1914, 196. Peano http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/reformatpqrs.php | |
71. WETTKAMPF-ERGEBNISLISTE Translate this page 02,. 50 m Freistil 93 m O.Kl. 1. moritz Lehmann (93), (ohne Verein),039,78,. 2 94,. 3. Jürgen pasch (62), (ohne Verein), 031,63,. 4 http://www.tura-schwimmen.de/ProtGM03.htm | |
72. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Pascal, Etienne (1588 - 1640). pasch, moritz (1843 - 1930). Pastor, JulioRey (16.8.1888 - 21.2.1962). Patodi, Vijay Kumar (12.3.1945 -21.12.1976). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
73. Nineteenth Century Geometry and, if one may say so, serious instance of axiomatization of a branch of knowledgewas not available in print until 1882, when moritz pasch (b. 1843, d. 1930 http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/geometry-19th/ | |
74. CDU - Die Hennefpartei moritz . Eulenberg/Eichholz),Klaus Pipke (Allner/Bröl), Rainer pasch (Happerschoß/Heisterschoß |
75. Physik: DPG Tagungen 2001 - Sitzung P 8 P 8.19, Poster, Mo 1230, AT2. Plasma treatment of vapor grown carbon fibers.Ekkehard pasch , moritz Heintze und Karsten Schröder INPGreifswald. http://dpg.rz.uni-ulm.de/archive/2001/html/p_8.html | |
76. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of P Pascal, Frederic, 1992. Pascal, Ernesto, pasch, moritz, Universität Breslau,1865. paschalidis, Ioannis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996. http://genealogy.impa.br/html/letter.phtml?letter=P&fShow=1 |
77. Znajd¼ B³±d - MATEMATYKA - Dokonal tego Niemiec, moritz pasch w 1882 roku. Ale to juz calkiem inna historia.Autor MK. Komentarze, + Dodaj komentarz. , ojej, Inerka. , ))) soterr. http://eduseek.interklasa.pl/artykuly/artykul/ida/3032/ | |
78. Znajd¼ B³±d - MATEMATYKA - dziela Euklidesa Elementy. Dokonal tego Niemiec, moritz pasch w 1882roku. Ale to juz calkiem inna historia. Artykul wydrukowany http://eduseek.interklasa.pl/artykuly/drukuj.php?ida=3032 |
79. Jaime Nubiola And Jesus Cobo: "The Spanish Mathematician Ventura Reyes Prosper A Hübner, WE Johnson, Bray Kempe, Dairoku Kikuchi, Felix Klein, Christine LaddFranklin,Hugh MacColl, Joseph Murphy, Albino Nagy, moritz pasch, Giuseppe Peano http://members.door.net/arisbe/menu/library/aboutcsp/nubiola/reyes.htm | |
80. Graubünden Translate this page Dr. med. Arzt. pasch 323, 7214 Grüsch, Tel 081 325 10 31. Igis. Bösch Hans ChesaPolaschin, 7513 Silvaplana, Tel 081 834 30 70. St. moritz. Eberhard Robert http://www.doktor.ch/aerzte/alg/alg_k_gr.htm | |
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