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         Pasch Moritz:     more detail
  1. Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics by Moritz Pasch (The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science)
  2. Vorlesungen Uber Neuere Geometrie (1882) (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 2010-02-23
  3. Veränderliche Und Funktion (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 2010-04-08
  4. Einleitung in Die Differential- Und Integral Rechnung (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 2010-01-09
  5. Zur Theorie Der Complexe Und Congruenzen Von Geraden ... (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 2010-05-25
  6. Vorlesungen Uber Neuere Geometrie. Zweite Mit Zusatzen Vesehene Ausgabe. Mit 72 Figuren Im Text by Moritz PASCH, 1912
  7. Veränderliche und funktion (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 1914-01-01
  8. Vorlesungen uber Neuere Geometrie. by Moritz. PASCH, 1882
  9. Vorlesungen Über Neuere Geometrie (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 2010-01-10
  10. Vorlesungen Uber Neuere Geometrie (1882) (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 2010-09-10
  11. Vorlesungen uber die neuere Geometrie (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften ; 23) (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 1926
  12. Vorlesungen uber Neuere Geometrie by Moritz PASCH, 1930
  13. Vorlesungen über neuere Geometrie: Mit einem Anhang von Max Dehn: Die Grundlegung der Geometrie in historischer Entwicklung (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Moritz Pasch, 1976-09-07

41. A Guide To The Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1954, 1975-1979
MathematicsHistory. Noether, Emmy, 18821935. pasch, moritz, 1843-1930. Toeplitz,Otto, 1881-1940. Topology. Zermelo, Ernst, 1871-. Administrative Information.
A Guide to the Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1954, 1975-1979
Descriptive Summary Creator Dehn, Max, 1878-1952. Title Max Dehn Papers Dates: Abstract Collection documents the career of Max Dehn (1878-1952), relating chiefly to his research in geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. Accession No. Extent 2 ft., 2 in. Languages and [code "engger" not found in ISO 639-2 list]. Repository Center for American History,The University of Texas at Austin
Biographical Note
Max Dehn (1878-1952) was a mathematician whose research focused on geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. He began his career at Frankfurt University (1921-1935) and in 1940 immigrated to the United States where he worked with the Black Mountain college.
Scope and Contents
Collection documents the career of Max Dehn (1878-1952), relating chiefly to his research in geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. The bulk of the papers is from Dehn's years at Frankfurt University (1921-1935) and after his immigration to the United States in 1940, where he was chiefly associated with Black Mountain college. Correspondents include E. Artin, O. Blumenthal, H. Bohr, S. Breuer, C. Caratheodory, M. Kneser, E. Noether, M. Pasch, O. Toeplitz, and E. Zermelo. Biographical material on Dehn is included. The collection also contains lecture notes by E. Hellinger. Included are correspondence, lecture and course notes, notebooks, manuscripts of publications, and reprints.

42. A Guide To The Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1954, 1975-1979
Mathematics historians. MathematicsHistory. Noether, Emmy, 18821935. pasch,moritz, 1843-1930. Toeplitz, Otto, 1881-1940. Topology. Zermelo, Ernst, 1871-.
TARO Repository Browse List
Frames Version
Print Version ... Accessing Materials Described Here
Descriptive Summary Biographical Note Scope and Contents Restrictions ... Accession 93-476:
A Guide to the Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1954, 1975-1979
Descriptive Summary Creator Dehn, Max, 1878-1952. Title Max Dehn Papers Dates: Abstract Collection documents the career of Max Dehn (1878-1952), relating chiefly to his research in geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. Accession No. Extent 2 ft., 2 in. Languages and [code "engger" not found in ISO 639-2 list]. Repository Center for American History,The University of Texas at Austin
Biographical Note
Max Dehn (1878-1952) was a mathematician whose research focused on geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. He began his career at Frankfurt University (1921-1935) and in 1940 immigrated to the United States where he worked with the Black Mountain college. Return to the Table of Contents
Scope and Contents
Collection documents the career of Max Dehn (1878-1952), relating chiefly to his research in geometry, topology, group theory, and the history of mathematics. The bulk of the papers is from Dehn's years at Frankfurt University (1921-1935) and after his immigration to the United States in 1940, where he was chiefly associated with Black Mountain college. Correspondents include E. Artin, O. Blumenthal, H. Bohr, S. Breuer, C. Caratheodory, M. Kneser, E. Noether, M. Pasch, O. Toeplitz, and E. Zermelo. Biographical material on Dehn is included. The collection also contains lecture notes by E. Hellinger. Included are correspondence, lecture and course notes, notebooks, manuscripts of publications, and reprints.

43. Aktuelles
(Niederlande), 3. Morten Löhr, 7. Jonathan pasch, 10. moritz Lamers (alle
Von NILS JANSEN KREFELD. Schon am vergangenen Freitag hatten Vicki und Jamie Albert ihr umfangreiches Gepäck in einem Hotel in Krefeld deponiert. Zurückgelegt hatten sie eine Reise vom mittelenglischen Harrogate in der Provinz Yorkshire via Manchester und Düsseldorf. Ihr Ziel: Das 22. Lajos-Csire-Gedächtnisturnier für Fechter in der Seidenstadt. Erst am Sonntag stieg der neunjährige Jamie dann ins Turnier ein. Es sollte sich für ihn lohnen, denn am Ende belegte er in einer starken Florett-Konkurrenz den dritten Rang bei den Schülern des Jahrgangs 93. "Er spricht kein Deutsch, also habe ich ihm vorher noch schnell die Kommandos übersetzt", meinte Mutter, Trainerin und Dolmetscherin Vicki Albert. Sie freuten sich über ein hervorragend organisiertes Turnier der SFG Krefeld unter Führung des Vorsitzenden Uwe Legermann. Rund 250 Aktive aus sechs Ländern waren nach Krefeld gekommen, um sich international zu messen. "Besonders die jüngeren Jahrgänge waren stark vertreten", stellte Heinz-Günther Schriefers, der zweite Vorsitzende fest. "Das motiviert uns, im kommenden Jahr so weiter zu machen." Gastgeber SFG Krefeld im Degenturnier sowie der benachbarte Fechtclub Moers im Florett-Turnier stellten die stärksten Kontingente. Moers reiste gar mit 48 Startern an. Über diese Resonanz freite sich eine Dame ganz besonders: Gizella Csire, Witwe des Vereinsgründers Lajos Csire senior. Sie war eigens aus Budapest angereist, um sich die Früchte der Arbeit ihres Mannes und ihres Sohnes, Sportwart Lajos Csire junior, genau anzuschauen. "Ich bin begeistert darüber, dass hier eine so wunderbare Nachwuchsarbeit verrichtet wird. " Sie registrierte ganz genau, dass die SFG drei erste, drei zweite und fünf dritte Ränge belegt hatte. Aber auch die Platzierungen der Aktiven aus ihrem Heimatland Ungarn sowie aus Luxemburg, Belgien und den Niederlanden entgingen ihr nicht. "Es war ein internationales Familienfest der Fechter", freute sich Gizella Csire vor ihrer Abreise nach Budapest.

44. Esoterische-filosofische-medische Encyclopedie - P
pasch, moritz. Duits wiskundige (18431930). Werd in 1870 hoogleraar te Giessen.Vooral bekend om zijn onderzoekingen over de grondslagen van de meetkunde.
Pad, Het


[volgende pagina]
Pad, Het
De universele natuur , onze grote ouder, bestaat onlosmakelijk in ieder van ons, in iedere entiteit , overal, en het is niet mogelijk een deel van het geheel, het individu van de kosmos te scheiden, behalve in zuiver denkbeeldige zin. Dit toont ons het pad naar de volstrekte werkelijkheid en leidt ons daar ook heen. Het is het pad naar binnen, steeds verder binnenwaarts, een eindeloos pad dat naar uitgestrekte innerlijke gebieden van kennis voert; want zoals alle grote wereld ons zeggen, als u uzelf kent, kent u het heelal , omdat ieder van u er een onafscheidelijk deel van is en het in u, zijn kind, is.
mystici van alle tijden hebben gezegd.
Het pad is in uzelf. Er is voor u individueel geen ander pad dan het pad dat steeds binnenwaarts leidt, naar uw eigen innerlijke god . Het pad van een ander is datzelfde pad voor die ander; maar het is niet uw pad omdat uw pad uw zelf is, zoals het voor die ander zijn zelf is; en toch, wonder der wonderen, mysterie der , is het zelf in iedereen gelijk. Allen gaan hetzelfde pad, maar ieder mens moet het zelf betreden en niemand kan dat voor een ander doen. Dit pad leidt naar verruiming van bewustzijn, naar ondenkbaar

45. Lords Of Creation Rezension Der Westpark Gamers
Translate this page Tester moritz Eggert. Der besondere Clou ist eine zuerst doof klingende Regelwer einen pasch würfelt, muß seinen Zug sofort beenden, dh bricht seinen
Hersteller Autor : Martin Wallace Getestet : Deutsch/Englische Ausgabe (erschienen 1999) Tester : Moritz Eggert Szenario Das Spiel Spieldauer : Risiko (von der Komplexität her vergleichbar), Civilization, History of the World (die wesentlich komplexer und mehr "realistischer" Natur sind) Kommentar der Westpark Gamers : 8 von 10 Westpark momentante Gesamtbewertung Game Cabinet

46. The Science Bookstore - Chronology
Ripley, Martha Born 11/30/1843, 1843 AD, pasch, moritz Born 11/8/1843Died 9/20/1930, 1843 AD, Abney, William Born 7/24/1843, 1843 AD,

47. Search Results For Karl Gauss - Encyclopædia Britannica
Later geometers, especially Felix Klein (1849–1925), moritz pasch Latergeometers, especially Felix Klein (1849–1925), moritz pasch Gauss&ct=&fuzzy=N

48. Karl Georg Christian Von Staudt --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Later geometers, especially Felix Klein (1849–1925), moritz pasch (1843–1930),and David Hilbert (1862–1943), exploited these possibilities for bridging gauss&ct=

49. Di Maddalena Falanga E Luciano Battaia
Translate this page Fu moritz pasch, nel 1882, ad accorgersi per primo della impossibilitàdi dedurre questo fatto come conseguenza degli altri assiomi.
geo home Capitolo 1
Gli enti fondamentali: punti, rette, semirette, segmenti, poligoni, angoli
Siamo ora pronti per addentrarci nel campo della geometria piana, cominciando ad introdurre assiomi, teoremi, definizioni. Dovremo preoccuparci di procedere rigorosamente con il metodo assiomatico-deduttivo, controllando sempre di utilizzare solo termini già definiti o affermazioni già provate. In realtà la cosa non è per niente semplice, ed è forse troppo ambiziosa per gli scopi che ci siamo prefissi: per questo abbiamo scelto la strada di iniziare a presentare la teoria nella forma più rigorosa possibile, con lo scopo di evidenziare le difficoltà che si presentano, per poi adottare un metodo "abbreviato" che ci consenta di giungere rapidamente ai risultati voluti. L'impostazione che seguiremo prende le mosse da quella di Hilbert, con le necessarie semplificazioni e adattamenti: riteniamo importante che uno studente di Scuola Media Superiore abbia una conoscenza seppur parziale di una costruzione storicamente così importante. In ogni caso avvertiamo il lettore che questa pagina di introduzione degli enti fondamentali ha un aspetto "poco invitante", in quanto è infarcita di assiomi, piccoli teoremi, definizioni, ma non c'è scampo se vogliamo almeno cercare di far vedere come si inizia la costruzione di una teoria con le caratteristiche che ci siamo prefissi. ASSIOMA 1 Dati due punti distinti A e B esiste una ed una sola retta r che li contiene.

50. Paar, Jack Harold US Comedian Television Host; 1st Host Of Show
of Haiti 19901991 _1943 pasch, moritz Ger. math. _1843-1933? paschal It. antipope687 _6XX-692 paschal I It. pope 817-824 _7XX-824 paschal II (orig.

51. NDB 20 - Inhaltsverzeichnis
Translate this page Paryla, Karl, 1905, 1996, Schauspieler, 80 f. pasch, moritz, 1843, 1930,Mathematiker, VIII 731*, 81 f. paschen, Enrique, 1860, 1936, Bakteriologe,82, 82*.
NEUE DEUTSCHE BIOGRAPHIE NDB (12) Inhaltsverzeichnis zum 20. Band
neu: Vorab-Publikation : Kumuliertes Register der Neuen Deutschen Biographie (NDB) und der Allgemeinen Deutschen Biographie (ADB) Zum Inhalt des 17. Bandes Zum Inhalt des 18. Bandes Zum Inhalt des 19. Bandes
Inhaltsverzeichnis zu NDB 20 Erstellt von Bernhard Ebneth in Zusammenarbeit mit Marianne Wolf und Franz Menges
Name geboren bzw. Verweis auf Namensvariante gestorben Beruf NDB 20
(soweit nicht anders angegeben), Seite
Alethinos Ps. f. Pahl, Johann Gottfried v. 3 f. Angler , Hermann s. Piscator , Hermann Anselm , Felix Ps. f. Pollak , Felix 603 f. Aristide Ps. f. Pilat , Josef v. 438 f. Badner , Jakob Ps. f. Picard, Jacob 406 f. Baumann , Karl Ps. f. Pollock , Fritz 607 f. Baumann , Conrad s. Paumann, Conrad 138 f. Baurmeister v. Kochstedt, Tobias s. Paurmeister, v. Kochstedt, Tobias 139 f. , Jakob s. Paix, Jakob Benz , Georg s. Pencz, Georg Berthold , Paul Ps. f. Pappenheim, Bertha Betel , Georg s. Petel, Georg 217 f. Beucker , Caspar s. Peucer, Caspar 278 f.

52. Food For Thought: Biographies
1662. Pascarella, Cesare (Italian poet), 18581940. pasch, moritz(German mathematician), 1843-1930. paschasius Radbertus, Saint (Fr.
Paap, Willem Anthony (Dutch novelist, playwright) Paasche, Hermann (German economist) Paasikivi, Juho Kusti (Finnish businessman, politician) Pabst, George Wilhelm (German film director) Paca, William (American Revolutionary leader) Pacatus Drepanius, Latinis (Gallo-Roman orator, poet) fl. 390 Pacca, Bartolommeo (Italian prelate, diplomat) Paccanari, Niccolo (Italian monk; founded Paccanarist order) b.1773 Paccard, Michel-Gabriel (French physician) Pacchioni, Antonio (Italian anatomist) Pace, Richard (English diplomat) Pachacuti (or Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui) (Inca emperor 1438-71) d.1471 Pacheco, Francisco (Spanish painter) Pacheco, Juan Manuel Fernandez (Spanish scholar) Pacheco Pereira, Duarte "Aquilles Lusitano" (Port. explorer) 15th-16th cent. Pachelbel, Johann (German organist, composer) Pacher, Michael (German painter, woodcarver) c.1435-1498 Pachmann, Vladimir von (aka Vladimir de Pachman) (Rus. pianist) Pachomius, Saint (Christian monk) c.290-346 Pacifico, David (Portuguese Jewish merchant) Pacini, Emilio (Italian librettist; brother of Giovanni) Pacini, Filippo (Italian anatomist)

53. Editeur - Springer-Verlag
Translate this page Vorlesungen uber die neuere geometrie,mit einem anhang max dehn die grundlegungder geometrie in historischer entwicklung pasch, moritz (Principal) Springer

54. Euclid's Mathematical System
He built on the earlier work of moritz pasch, who in 1882 published the first rigoroustreatise on geometry; pasch made explicit Euclid s unstated assumptions
Next: Incidence Geometry Up: Neutral and Non-Euclidean Geometries Previous: Proof Creativity
Euclid's Mathematical System
We will accept the Rules of Reasoning that we have been discussing as our logic rules in our mathematical system. There are several ways in which we can go about setting forth our axioms and undefined terms for geometry . We can keep the number of axioms down to a very few, in which case we need a large number of undefined terms, relations, and operations. We can keep the number of undefined terms, relations, and operations to a small number, thus requiring a larger number of axioms. We will actually work with the Axiom system set up by David Hilbert in 1899 in his book Foundations of Geometry . He not only clarified Euclid's definitions but also filled in the gaps in some of Euclid's proofs. Hilbert recognized that Euclid's proof for the side-angle-side criterion of congruence in triangles was based on an unstated assumption (the principle of superposition) and that this criterion had to be treated as an axiom. He built on the earlier work of Moritz Pasch, who in 1882 published the first rigorous treatise on geometry; Pasch made explicit Euclid's unstated assumptions about betweenness. At the same time we could have used the axioms set forth by Garret Birkhoff. These axioms are the ones with which you are more familiar, being the basis for the texts in High School Geometry. I have included both sets of axioms, so that you can compare the two. We will work exclusively with the Hilbert axioms. An interesting exercise is to prove everything that we will prove using Birkhoff's axioms. Some proofs are easier, and some are harder.

55. 1843
Translate this page pasch, moritz (Breslavia 1843-Bad Homburg 1930) matematico tedesco, laureatosinella città natale, si recò a Berlino per seguire gli insegnamenti di K. secolo/1843.php
Il Viandante in rete dal 1996 HOME E-MAIL STORIA GIALLI ... VIAGGI NUOVO CERCA
FORUM una storia particolare Nuova Ricerca Papa Gregorio XVI
Forma italiana del " cattolicesimo liberale ", che sa però evitare la condanna dottrinale della Chiesa;
il termine neoguelfismo , usato prima in senso polemico dagli avversari dei cattolici liberali italiani, viene poi da questi accettato;
con un vago richiamo al guelfismo medievale, nasce per giunta da una deformazione patriottica operata dalla storiografia ottocentesca (il Papato medievale visto come fautore dell'indipendenza d'Italia);
suo sforzo principale è quello di conciliare il cattolicesimo con i due nuovi principi della libertà e della nazionalità, creando un movimento che sia cattolico-liberale-nazionale; può essere anche definito come il movimento culturale e poi politico che negli anni immediatamente precedenti la crisi del 1848-49 cercherà di risolvere i problemi della società italiana facendo perno sul Papato;
preesistente alla predicazione giobertiana, come stato d'animo di molti cattolici non reazionari (per es.

56. WisFaq!
had). Willen we dus een steviger fundament hebben dan dat van Euclides,dan zijn meer axioma s nodig (moritz pasch, 1862). Een voorbeeld

57. Reinhold-Baer-Kolloquium
Translate this page Winter 80/1 (25.10.80), Gießen Gewidmet dem Gedenken an moritz pasch(8.11.184320.9.1930) Vortragende G. Pickert (Gießen) Leben
Reinhold Baer
Diese Seite wurde bislang mal nachgefragt. Markus Stroppel
Eine Erinnerung von an den Anlass zur Einrichtung des Baerkolloquiums finden Sie ganz unten Winter 62/3 (Januar 63) Frankfurt: nach oben Sommer 63 (15.6.63),
  • H. Salzmann (Frankfurt): Moulton-Ebenen H. Karzel (Hamburg): Verallgemeinerte euklidische Ebenen F. Bachmann (Kiel): Zur Parallelenfrage P. Dembowski (London):
nach oben Winter 63/4 Mainz: nach oben Sommer 64 Frankfurt: nach oben Winter 64/5 (6.2.65),
  • D. R. Hughes (London): t-designs and their extensions H. Salzmann (Mainz-Frankfurt): Metrische Kollineationen R. Lingenberg (Darmstadt): Absolute Geometrie der Ebene Differenzierbare projektive Ebenen
nach oben Sommer 65 Mainz: nach oben Winter 65/6 (5.2.66), Darmstadt:
  • F. Bachmann (Kiel): Affine Punktgeometrie J. Joussen (Hamburg): W. Klingenberg (Mainz): Fundamentalsatz der Laguerre-Geometrie
nach oben Sommer 66 (25.6.66), Frankfurt:
  • Lokal euklidische projektive Ebenen K. Strambach (Frankfurt):

58. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 492*) Pappo di Alessandria (197) Pars, Leopold (328*) Parseval des Chênes, MA (55)Pascal, Blaise) (1824*) Pascal, Etienne (175) pasch, moritz (132*) Pastor

59. Racing Results Page 2
Pro Women s Gabby Rivard (Dryden, ON) – 4th Jolene Bute (Alden, MN) – 6thMichelle pasch (Thunder Bay, On) – 6th April moritz (Emily, MN) – 10th
1999-2000 SEASON RACE RESULTS Click onto the association name to see the '99-'00 Season Results WSA MRP PRO ICE (Motorsports Racing Plus) MIRA (Midwest International Racing Association) USSA (United States Snowmobile Association) ...
Can-Am Racing

Rock Maple Racing - CCMQ
WSA Black Magic Duluth National
Spirit Mountain - Duluth, Minnesota
December 5, 1999
Pro Stock
Blair Morgan (Prince Albert, SK) - 1st Place
Earl Reimer (Vermillion Bay, ON) - 7th Place
Aaron Scheele (North Branch, MN) - 9th Place
Brian Call (Preston, ID) - 10th Place
Nick Hutchinson (Duluth, MN) - 13th Place
Pro Open
Earl Reimer (Vermillion Bay, ON) - 3rd Place
Kirk Hibbert (Goodridge, MN) - 8th Place Aaron Scheele (North Branch, MN) - 10th Place Pro Veterans Kirk Hibbert (Goodridge, MN) - 1st Place Dan Illies (Aurora, MN) - 2nd Place Ken Fett (Frazee, MN) - 4th Place Gary Gengel (Eden Prairie, MN) - 5th Place Dale Lindbeck (White Bear Lake, MN) - 6th Place Dana Sibbet (Prior Lake, MN) - 9th Place Pro Womens Jolene Bute (Alden, MN) - 3rd Place

60. HGS: Hamburg Passenger List 1872, Par-Paz
pasch, Wilhelm, 49, 11 May 1872, Pacha, NY/Liverpool, C, 349. pasch, Wilhelmine,28, 5 Apr 1872, Hansa, US/Hull, C, 235a. Pasner, moritz, 14, 31 Jul 1872, Cimbria,NY, B, 848.
Hamburg Passenger List - 1872, Par-Paz
Surname Given Name Age Depart Date Vessel Destination Film Page Paradies Abel 26 Jul 1872 Urania NY/Liverpool C Paradies Adolph 14 Feb 1872 Silesia NY A Paradies August 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Bertha 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Carl 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Caroline 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Christian 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Friederike 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies H. 3 Jul 1872 Westphalia NY B Paradies Heinrich 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Ida 3 Jul 1872 Westphalia NY B Paradies Jette 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Otto 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradies Wilhelmine 4 Apr 1872 Humboldt Port Denison A Paradowska Constanzia 13 Nov 1872 Silesia NY B Paradowska Josephaa 13 Nov 1872 Silesia NY B Paradowska Marianne 13 Nov 1872 Silesia NY B Paradowska Michalina 13 Nov 1872 Silesia NY B Paradowska Victoria 13 Nov 1872 Silesia NY B Paradowski Matth 24 Apr 1872 Hammonia NY A Paraeska Johann 13 Sep 1872 Minerva NY D Paraeska Michalina 13 Sep 1872 Minerva NY D Paraeska Simon 13 Sep 1872 Minerva NY D Parasnivich John 20 Nov 1872 Gitana NY D Parbs Hans H J 17 Jul 1872 Washington NY B Parchen Heinrich 6 Dec 1872 Brasilien Santos B Parchen Ludwig 6 Dec 1872 Brasilien Santos B Pardo Michael 23 Jul 1872 Germania Colon B Pardon August 28 Aug 1872 Westphalia NY B Pardua Julie 8 Oct 1872 Cumberland US D Parel Emil 13 Aug 1872 Cumberland NY D Paris Isidor 28 Jun 1872 Hansa NY/Liverpool C Pariser Adolph 23 Oct 1872 Holsatia NY B Pariser Heimann 18 Oct 1872 Hansa NY D Parlow Emilie 28 Aug 1872 Weatphalia NY B Parnitzka Emma 15 Nov 1872

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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