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         Pascal Blaise:     more books (102)
  1. Pensees (Thoughts) (Dover Philosophical Classics) by Blaise Pascal, 2003-11-19
  2. ?uvres de Blaise Pascal: Tome 4 (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2001-01-16
  3. Pensées de Pascal: Publiées dans leur texte authentique avec un commentaire suivi par Ernest Havet (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2001-03-16
  4. Les Lettres Provinciales De Blaise Pascal (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2010-02-14
  5. The Provincial Letters; Pensees; Scientific Treatises (Volumn 33, The Great Books of the Western World, Britannica Series) by Blaise Pascal, 1984
  6. Pensées De Blaise Pascal, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2010-01-10
  7. Pensees De Blaise Pascal, Suivies Des Lettres Ecrites A Un Provincial (1836) (French Edition) by D'Abel Ledoux Publisher, 2010-09-10
  8. Études sur Blaise Pascal by A. Vinet, 2009-11-04
  9. Eloge de Blaise Pascal: Accompagné de Notes Historiques et Critiques. (French Edition) by George Marie Raymond, 2009-04-27
  10. Selections from Pascal by Blaise Pascal, F M. 1859-1931 Warren, 2010-08-29
  11. Les Pensées De Blaise Pascal, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, Auguste Molinier, 2010-03-09
  12. Aflame with love: Selections from the writings of Blaise Pascal by Blaise Pascal, 1992

41. Blaise
An objectoriented scripting language with Object pascal-like syntax. Open source, MPL

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Blaise is an open-source object-oriented scripting language. more
31 Oct 2003 - Blaise 0.9 Beta 1 released.
This is the first public release of Blaise Script.
Feedback would be appreciated.

42. Liceo Scientifico B. Pascal - Home Page
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43. Biographie De Pascal
blaise pascal, mathématicien, physicien et théologien français du 17e siècle, parues dans le magazine Info Science, le Quotidien en
Accueil Actualités En bref Dossiers ... Archives Histoire des sciences Civilisations Portraits Biographies Sciences en culture Livres Cédéroms Télévision Vidéos ... Expositions Dialogues Forums 6 Chat Notre sélection web Vie des universités Petites annonces Adresses Colloques Vie pratique Pollution Météo Astronomie Unités de mesure ... autres portraits "Un génie". Tel est qualificatif le plus souvent associé au nom de Blaise Pascal. Un génie qui, malgré une mort prématurée et une grande partie de son temps consacré à la religion, a marqué l'histoire de la science, en particulier par sa grande rigueur d'analyse et son sens de l'expérience. Né à Clermont, en Auvergne le 19 juin 1623, Blaise Pascal est le seul fils d'Antoinette Begon, morte alors qu'il n'a que trois ans, et d'Etienne Pascal. Ce père, juriste et mathématicien, prend totalement en charge l'éducation du garçon. Il commence par les lettres, réservant les mathématiques pour un âge plus avancé, mais le jeune Pascal est précoce.

44. Paginatitel
Gedachten over de godsdienst.
Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Frans wiskundig genie,
natuurkundige, polemist,
wijsgeer en apologeet.
Pascal is een christelijk denker en schrijver wiens grote aantrekkingskracht vooral ligt in zijn religieuze persoonlijkheid. Daarbij komt dat hij de gave bezat zijn religieus beleven zo direct uit te leggen dat ook wij nu nog bij het lezen worden ontroerd. Pascal is door deze existentiële houding actueel in onze tijd.
Gedachten over de godsdienst. Een verkorte populaire bewerking door Sipke van der Land uit meer dan duizend gedachten van de 17 e eeuwse Franse schrijver / filosoof / wiskundige.
Van Blaise Pascal is verschenen het boek in de Nederlandse taal "Gedachten" (vertaald uit het Frans van Pensées) in de uitgave van Uitgever Boom (Amsterdam), 1997.
De vader van Blaise Pascal, hoofd van het gerechtshof in Clermont-Ferrand, gaf zijn post op om zijn kinderen een betere opvoeding te gunnen en vestigde zich in Parijs. Hij was zelf een groot wiskundige en zag tot zijn genoegen dat de jonge Blaise zich in snel tempo op alle gebieden van de exacte wetenschap ontwikkelde; hij verwachtte niet ten onrechte dat zijn zoon hem op het terrein van de wiskunde, maar ook op dat van de filosofie, verre zou overtreffen. Een ongeluk dat de vader overkwam, leidde tot het contact van het hele gezin met het jansenisme (al ging Blaise Pascal daartoe pas later over): twee edellieden lieten hem en al de andere familieleden de geschriften van de godgeleerde Jansenius, Arnauld en de belangrijke theoretici van deze beweging lezen.

45. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Pascal
blaise pascal, Biographie en
Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer Dossiers connexes Infini

Extrait: «C'est un lieu commun qu'il y a des talents et même des génies inconnus. Il y en a sans doute assez peu, s'il s'agit d'une obscurité absolue; il y en a beaucoup, s'il ne s'agit que d'une obscurité relative.»

Extrait: Juif originaire originaire de Palestine. Fondateur du christianisme,il est considéré par les chrétiens comme le fils de Dieu et le Messie annoncé par les prophètes.
Grandes questions, L'humain, Lettres Blaise Pascal Biographie en résumé
«La science des choses extérieures ne me consolera pas de l'ignorance de la morale, au temps d'affliction; mais la science des moeurs me consolera toujours de l'ignorance des sciences extérieures» ( Pensées
Siècle étonnant où un être habité par de telles pensées inventait la machine arithmétique, après avoir, à seize ans, écrit un remarquable essai sur les coniques, et s'être imposé ensuite comme physicien par ses expériences sur le vide. Ce savant, qui devint un mystique, s'adonna aux jeux de hasard pendant quelques années, ce qui le conduisit tout droit à inventer, avec Fermat , le calcul des probabilités, puis à acquérir, dans le feu de la vie, cet esprit de finesse, qui, complétant son esprit de géométrie fit de lui l'un des plus grands écrivains français. «Le coeur, écrit-il dans

46. Paginatitel
blaise pascal (1623 1662) Frans wiskundig genie, natuurkundige, polemist, wijsgeer en apologeet. pascal is een christelijk denker
Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Frans wiskundig genie,
natuurkundige, polemist,
wijsgeer en apologeet.
Pascal is een christelijk denker en schrijver wiens grote aantrekkingskracht vooral ligt in zijn religieuze persoonlijkheid. Daarbij komt dat hij de gave bezat zijn religieus beleven zo direct uit te leggen dat ook wij nu nog bij het lezen worden ontroerd. Pascal is door deze existentiële houding actueel in onze tijd.
Gedachten over de godsdienst. Een verkorte populaire bewerking door Sipke van der Land uit meer dan duizend gedachten van de 17 e eeuwse Franse schrijver / filosoof / wiskundige.
Van Blaise Pascal is verschenen het boek in de Nederlandse taal "Gedachten" (vertaald uit het Frans van Pensées) in de uitgave van Uitgever Boom (Amsterdam), 1997.
De vader van Blaise Pascal, hoofd van het gerechtshof in Clermont-Ferrand, gaf zijn post op om zijn kinderen een betere opvoeding te gunnen en vestigde zich in Parijs. Hij was zelf een groot wiskundige en zag tot zijn genoegen dat de jonge Blaise zich in snel tempo op alle gebieden van de exacte wetenschap ontwikkelde; hij verwachtte niet ten onrechte dat zijn zoon hem op het terrein van de wiskunde, maar ook op dat van de filosofie, verre zou overtreffen. Een ongeluk dat de vader overkwam, leidde tot het contact van het hele gezin met het jansenisme (al ging Blaise Pascal daartoe pas later over): twee edellieden lieten hem en al de andere familieleden de geschriften van de godgeleerde Jansenius, Arnauld en de belangrijke theoretici van deze beweging lezen.

47. Pascal, Blaise
pascal, blaise. The French thinker, mathematician, and scientist blaise pascal, b. June 19, 1623, d. Aug. 19, 1662, has been credited
Pascal, Blaise
At the end of 1654, after several months of intense depression, Pascal had a religious experience that altered his life. He entered the Jansenist monastery at Port-Royal, although he did not take orders. He never published in his own name again. The Jansenists encouraged him in his mathematical studies, which he resumed. To assist them in their struggles against the Jesuits, he wrote, under a pseudonym, a defense of the famous Jansenist Antoine Arnauld, in the form of 18 epistles. Known as Lettres provinciales, they were likely responsible for the subsequent reputation of the Jesuits as hypocritical and casuistic. In 1658 he broke with the Jansenists and left the monastery. He continued mathematical study and worked on calculus and on probability theory with Pierre de Fermat. Pascal died at the age of 39 in intense pain after a malignant growth in his stomach spread to the brain. His most famous work is the Pensees (Thoughts), a set of deeply personal meditations in somewhat fragmented form on human suffering and faith in God. "Pascal's wager" expresses the conviction that belief in God is rational: if God does not exist, one stands to lose nothing by believing in him anyway, while if he does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing. Author: Catherine Wilson
Bibliography: Bishop, Morris, Pascal, the Life of Genius (1936; repr. 1968); Broome, Jack Howard, Pascal (1966); Conway, Richard, A Primer on Pascal (1976); Davidson, Hugh M., Blaise Pascal (1983); Fletcher, Frank Thomas Herbert, Pascal and the Mystical Tradition (1954); Hazelton, Roger, Blaise Pascal: The Genius of His Thought (1975); Mesnard, Jean, Pascal, trans. by Claude and Marcia Abraham (1969); Nelson, Robert J., Pascal (1982); Stewart, Hugh F., Blaise Pascal (1942; repr. 1977) and The Secret of Pascal (1941).

48. Université Blaise Pascal / Clermont-Ferrand II
Pr©sentation des domaines de l'enseignement lettres, langues, sciences exactes, sciences naturelles et sciences humaines. Dipl´mes d©livr©s.
Si le transfert ne se fait pas, cliquez ICI

49. Inventor Blaise Pascal
Fascinating facts about blaise pascal inventor of the mechanical adding machine in 1642. back to HOME HISTORY INVENTOR PROFILE blaise pascal,
"The heart has its reasons that the mind knows nothing of. " Blaise Pascal "If God does not exist, one will lose nothing by believing in him, while if he does exist, one will lose everything by not believing." Blaisé Pascal Blaise Pascal
Fascinating facts about Blaise Pascal inventor of an early computer, mechanical adding machine in 1642. Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662), French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, considered one of the great minds in Western intellectual history. Inventor of the first mechanical adding machine. Pascal was one of the most eminent mathematicians and physicists of his day and one of the greatest mystical writers in Christian literature. His religious works are personal in their speculation on matters beyond human understanding. He is generally ranked among the finest French polemicists, especially in the Lettres provinciales, a classic in the literature of irony. Pascal's prose style is noted for its originality and, in particular, for its total lack of artifice. He affects his readers by his use of logic and the passionate force of his dialectic. TO LEARN MORE RELATED INFORMATION:
History of Computing
from The Great Idea Finder
Invention of the Adding Machine
from The Great Idea Finder
The Kid Who Invented the Popsicle : And Other Surprising Stories About Inventions

by Don L. Wulffson / Paperback - 128 pages

50. Lycée Blaise Pascal à Orsay (91)
Enseignement g©n©ral et classes pr©paratoires. Pr©sentation de la vie et des activit©s scolaires.

20, rue Alexandre Fleming
91401 ORSAY Cedex
Fax : 01 64 86 16 08
Courriel :
Le club "Math En Jean's"
L'enseignement d'Histoire des Arts

51. ITIS Blaise Pascal - Cesena -
Informazioni ufficiali dalla sede dell'Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale.



52. Pensees - Title
Pensees. PENSÉES. by blaise pascal. 1660. translated by WF Trotter.
by Blaise Pascal
translated by W. F. Trotter
  • Other formats available:
  • 53. Liceo Sc. Donatelli-Pascal
    Presenta istituto e sedi, informazioni utili per l'utenza (corsi, attivit , libri di testo, modalit  d'iscrizione), aree per studenti, genitori e docenti.
    BENVENUTI! Il nostro istituto, nato il 1 settembre 1997 dalla fusione di due licei dei quali conserva il nome, propone un modello di scuola aperto, dinamico e flessibile, finalizzato al successo dello studente. Il criterio ispiratore di tutta la nostra azione educativa è la centralità dell'individuo e l'azione della scuola è rivolta ad aiutarlo nel suo lungo cammino di crescita personale. Sede di viale Campania SEDI COMPLETAMENTE RINNOVATE! Sede di via Corti I nformazioni utili per i genitori: si apre uno spazio informativo a loro riservato Concorso Assotec "I giovani e l'energia del futuro": vedi il lavoro presentato Il liceo è centro accreditato per sostenere gli esami dell'ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) Cos'è l'ECDL Come iscriversi agli esami PROGETTO QUALITà Lunedì 17 maggio 2004, con l'Audit condotto da Moody International Certification SRL, si è concluso positivamente il percorso del Progetto Qualità del nostro Liceo: vedi il programma di miglioramento

    54. Bienvenue Au Lycée Blaise Pascal
    Pr©sentation du lyc©e et des fili¨res. Informations sur blaise pascal et SaintDizier.
    SAINT-DIZIER Dernière mise à jour : 09-Avr-2004

    55. Blaise Pascal --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
    pascal, blaise Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , pascal, blaise French mathematician, physicist, religious philosopher, and master of prose. will&ct=ebi

    56. Maison De La Recherche En Lettres, Langues Et Sciences Humaines De Clermont-Ferr
    UFR LLSH Pr©sentation des colloques, laboratoires et presses de cette entit© de l'universit© blaise pascal de Clermont-Ferrand.
    Univ. Blaise Pascal
    English Español
    4 rue Ledru
    63057 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1 FRANCE
    Tél. (33) Fax (33)
    Toilemestre : Site optimisé pour IE 5.x en 800 x 600

    57. Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662
    Brief biography with excerpts from pascal's writings.
    Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662
    We run carelessly to the precipice, after we have put some thing before us to prevent us seeing it. The French mathematician, theologian, physicist and man-of-letters, Blaise Pascal, was born June 19 at Clermont-Ferrand, the son of the local president of the court of exchequer. Pascal's mother died in 1630 and the family moved to Paris, where his father, a prominent mathematician, personally undertook his children's education. Unlike the famous education of John Stuart Mill, the young Pascal was not allowed to begin a subject until his father thought he could easily master it. Consequently it was discovered that the eleven year old boy had worked out for himself in secret the first twenty-three propositions of Euclid, calling straight lines "bars" and circles "rounds." At sixteen he published a paper on solid geometry which Descartes refused refused to believe was the handiwork of a youth. Father an son collaborated in experiments to confirm Torricelli's theory, unpalatable the the Schoolmen, that nature does, after all, not abhor a vacuum. These experiments, carried out by Pascal's brother-in-law, Florin Périer, consisted in carrying up the Puy de Dôme two glass tubes containing mercury, inverted in a bath of mercury and noting the fall of the mercury columns with increased altitude. Again, Descartes disbelieved the principle, which Pascal fully described in three papers on the void published in 1647, when he also patented a calculating machine, later simplified by Leibniz, which he had built to assist his father in his accounts. Pascal was also led to invent the barometer, the hydraulic press and the syringe.

    58. Blaise Pascal - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    pascal, blaise. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. pascal, blaise. (bl z päskäl´) (KEY) , 1623–62, French scientist and religious philosopher.
    Blaise Pascal
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    See also: Pascal's Wager Pascal (unit) Pascal programming language
    Blaise Pascal June 19 August 19 ) was a French mathematician physicist and religious philosopher . His contributions to the natural sciences include the construction of mechanical calculators, considerations on probability theory , studies of fluids, and clarification of concepts such as pressure and vacuum . Following a profound religious experience in 1654, Pascal abandoned mathematics and physics for philosophy and theology Born in Clermont-Ferrand Puy-de-Dôme France , Blaise Pascal lost his mother at the age of three. His mathematician father, Étienne Pascal (1588 - 1651), brought him up. Blaise Pascal was the brother of Jacqueline Pascal Computer historians recognize his contribution to their field as his construction at the age of 18 of a mechanical calculator capable of addition and subtraction (the Zwinger museum , in Dresden Germany exhibits one of his original mechanical calculators). He also produced a treatise on conic sections as a young man. In

    59. Augustonemetum
    Proverbes et citations, dossiers sur les recettes de cuisine romaine, le temps   Rome, la mythologie. Textes num©ris©s classiques accompagn©s d'©l©ments biographiques et bibliographiques. Par l'Universit© blaise pascal de ClermontFerrand.

    60. Pascal - Gymnasium - Grevenbroich
    Interessantes und Wissenswertes rund um die Schule und den franz¶sischen Mathematiker und Philosophen blaise pascal.

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