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         Pascal Blaise:     more books (102)
  1. Pascal's Pensees by Blaise Pascal, 2010-07-12
  2. Blaise Pascal: Apologist to Skeptics by Charles Sherrard MacKenzie, 2008-03-03
  3. Pensees by Blaise Pascal, Roger Ariew, 2005-03-31
  4. The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal by Blaise Pascal, Charles Kegan Paul, et all 2010-01-11
  5. Pensamientos/ Thoughts (Spanish Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 2007-06-30
  6. Blaise Pascal: Reasons of the Heart (Library of Religious Biography Series) by Mr. Marvin R. O'Connell, 1997-07-10
  7. The Physics of Chance: From Blaise Pascal to Niels Bohr by Charles Ruhla, 1992-12-10
  8. Pensées de Pascal, précédées de sa vie (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, 1620-1685 Perier, et all 2010-08-17
  9. Logic of the Heart, The: Augustine, Pascal, and the Rationality of Faith by James R. Peters, 2009-03-01
  10. Blaise Pascal (French Edition) by Joséph Bertrand, 2010-02-10
  11. Blaise Pascal (Modern critical views) by Harold Bloom, 1989-01-01
  12. Bibliographie Blaise Pascal (1960-1969) (French Edition) by Lane M Heller, 1989
  13. Pascal's anguish and joy, by Charles Sherrard MacKenzie, 1973
  14. Pensées De Pascal (French Edition) by Blaise Pascal, Perier, 2010-03-08

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Pascal Blaise
InfoBitte Universal-Lexikon Navigation: Lexikon Gesamt-Index Rubrik-Hauptseite Pascal Blaise , *Clermont-Ferrand 19.6. Paris , frz. Mathematiker, Physiker und Philosoph Philosoph Exklusiv für Sie Produkte Chronik CD-ROM Kalenderblatt in Schmuckblatt Geburtstags-Bios Shopping gehen Gehen Sie online Einkaufen?

22. Perpignan La Catalane , Perpinyà La Catalana - PASCAL Blaise
pascal blaise; PICASSO Pablo; PONT NEUF; RIGAUD Hyacinthe; ROUDAYRE Emile;

23. Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at. Calvin College.......pascal, blaise (16231662) French theologian, mathematician, and philosopher. Works about blaise pascal. Works by blaise pascal. Pensées ( Author)
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
French theologian, mathematician, and philosopher
Works about Blaise Pascal Pascal, Blaise from Mathematician and spiritual writer (1623-1662) (Catholic Encyclopedia) Blaise Pascal from The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Works by Blaise Pascal Pens©es (Author) Description Search works of Blaise Pascal on the CCEL:
Match: All Any authInfo.xml This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at
Calvin College
. Last modified on 05/26/04. Contact the CCEL.

24. Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Excerpts from a mathematical biography by W. W. Rouse Ball.
Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' (4th edition, 1908) by W. W. Rouse Ball. Among the contemporaries of Descartes none displayed greater natural genius than Pascal, but his mathematical reputation rests more on what he might have done than on what he actually effected, as during a considerable part of his life he deemed it his duty to devote his whole time to religious exercises. Blaise Pascal Elements , a book which Pascal read with avidity and soon mastered. In 1650, when in the midst of these researches, Pascal suddenly abandoned his favourite pursuits to study religion, or, as he says in his , ``contemplate the greatness and the misery of man''; and about the same time he persuaded the younger of his two sisters to enter the Port Royal society. His famous Provincial Letters directed against the Jesuits, and his , were written towards the close of his life, and are the first example of that finished form which is characteristic of the best French literature. The only mathematical work that he produced after retiring to Port Royal was the essay on the cycloid in 1658. He was suffering from sleeplessness and toothache when the idea occurred to him, and to his surprise his teeth immediately ceased to ache. Regarding this as a divine intimation to proceed with the problem, he worked incessantly for eight days at it, and completed a tolerably full account of the geometry of the cycloid. I now proceed to consider his mathematical works in rather greater detail.

25. Existentialism And Blaise Pascal By Katharena Eiermann, Blaise Pascal, Pascal, P
Katharena Eiermann's tribute to existentialism and blaise pascal. Site includes biography, essays, articles, photos, quotes and links to related sites on the WWW. Friedrich Nietzsche. blaise pascal. Jean Paul Sartre. Paul Tillich Available Books by blaise pascal. The Provincial Letters
Choose a Philosopher... Existentialism Books and Reviews Quotes by Philosophers Quotes by Psychologists Quotes by Playwrights Quotes: Romance, Love, Fantasy Photos by Katharena Nature Quotes Terrorism in Review Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Philosophers Karl Barth Simone de Beauvoir Samuel Beckett Martin Buber Albert Camus Fyodor Dostoyevsky Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Martin Heidegger Franz Kafka Soren Kierkegaard Abraham H. Maslow Friedrich Nietzsche Blaise Pascal Jean Paul Sartre Paul Tillich Quotes by Philosophers at
existentialism and Blaise Pascal
Life and Times Quotations Books and Reviews Realm of Existentialism ... French Literature "When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity before and after, the little space I fill, and even can see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of space of which I am ignorant, and which knows me not, I am frightened, and am astonished at being here rather than there, why now rather than then." Available Books by Blaise Pascal The Provincial Letters Making Sense of It All Pascal and the Meaning of Life Mind on Fire: A Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent Pensees Christianity for Modern Pagans Pascal: The Great Philosophers A Third Testament The Physics of Chance Daily Pascal Quote Irrational Man : A Study in Existential Philosophy
For those of you who want to learn a lot about existentialism, and/or those of you who find Husserl, Heidegger, and Sartre to be dauntingly difficult and/or time-consuming, this book is hands-down the best. Written in the late 1950's, "Irrational Man" is largely responsible for introducing existentialism to America. Barret provides excellent summaries of the work of all of the major figures in existentialism (with the exception of Merleau-Ponty) and brilliantly integrates their work within Western literary, religious, artistic, and philosophical traditions. Barret provides great insight on the roots of existentialism in the history of Western civilization, and in doing so also constructs a highly informative narrative about that history itself.

26. Blaise Pascal - Introduction
Biographie et bibliographie.
Intro Biographie Oeuvres Liens
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) " Tout cela sans projet , sans plan préconçu, sans vouloir rien publier ni laisser de traces, si ce n'est en se dissimulant derrière sept identités distinctes, chacune dotée de sa propre personnalité. Seulement pour relever les défis de l'intelligence que l'amitié et le hasard mettent sur sa route. Dans l'obsession de la pauvreté, du retrait, de l'anonymat, du salut. Un génie particulièrement français dans toutes ses dimensions : l'intellectuel, le marginal, le journaliste, le polémiste, le rebelle, l'homme d'action, soucieux d'universel, certes, mais aussi le délateur, l'arrogant, le jaloux, le menteur..." Jacques Attali
Blaise Pascal ou le génie français
Fayard, 2000
Droit de reproduction interdit à lire : Jacques Attali : Blaise Pascal ou le génie français ( Fayard, 2000) Chateaubriand "Pascal brille dans la science, dans la polémique, dans la théologie, dans la philosophie. C'est un génie universel. Il est dépassé comme savant . Il est indépassable comme écrivain. Il a porté à l'incandescence la géométrie enflammée par l'amour de Dieu : sa place est immense dans cette littérature que son génie méprisait. Corneille est le créateur de notre vers classique. Pascal est le créateur de notre prose classique. A eux deux avec le Cid, avec les Provinciales et les Pensées, ils président à la naissance de ce que Thucydide appelait … , un trésor pour toujours : la langue française classique."

27. Pascal, Blaise
Il filosofo pascal riletto in chiave cristiana.
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  • Pascal
    segnalibri esposizione giudizio testi
    Biagio, figlio di Stefano Pascal, autoritario e rigido, nacque a Clermont, in Alvernia (Francia centrale), il 19 giugno 1623 da famiglia altolocata. La madre morì quando lui aveva tre anni (1626); ebbe due sorelle: Gilberte e Jacqueline. Fu Gilberte a lasciarci una Vita di B. Pascal , scritta poco dopo la morte del fratello, e pubblicata la prima volta nel 1684, a Amsterdam. l'interesse per la scienza Il padre lo educò tenendolo dapprima lontano dalla matematica, per fargli prima ben apprendere le lettere classiche, ma Biagio si rivelò capace di leggere Euclide di nascosto e di capirlo da solo , costringendo il padre ad arrendersi all'evidenza di una vocazione più scientifica che umanistica del figlio. Così il padre lo condusse regolarmente alle riunioni di scienziati che si tenevano presso il P. Mersenne. Pascal manifestò un vero genio matematico e già a 16 anni scrisse un Traité des Coniques . Comunque la sua formazione non fu solo scientifica. La stessa sorella Gilberte dice che il fratello continuava a studiare il latino e il greco, ed oltre a ciò, "durante o dopo il pasto, mio padre lo intratteneva ora sulla logica, ora sulla fisica e sulle altre parti della filosofia".

    28. Matematicos
    Matem¡tico franc©s (1623 1662).

    Referencias: Muestrame una foto de la calculadora de Pascal: Pascalina

    29. Blaise Pascal --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    Cite this article. blaise pascal. born June 19, 1623, ClermontFerrand, France MLA style " blaise pascal." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

    30. ABU - AUTEUR Blaise Pascal
    Translate this page blaise pascal. (1623-1662). Liste des textes actuellement disponibles sur le serveur.
    Blaise Pascal
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    La machine d'arithmétique
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    Pensées (edition 1671, orthographe moderne)
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    31. Blaise Pascal Collection At
    Thoughts. Chap. ii. 10. blaise pascal. blaise pascal. pascal, blaise, 43638 to 43801 Entries from the Columbia World of Quotations.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Authors Nonfiction Harvard Classics Man is but a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a thinking reed. Thoughts.

    32. Pascal's Wager
    Argument due to blaise pascal for believing, or for at least taking steps to believe, in God. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Alan H¡jek.
    version history

    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    A B C D ... Z
    This document uses XHTML-1/Unicode to format the display. Older browsers and/or operating systems may not display the formatting correctly. last substantive content change
    Pascal's Wager
    "Pascal's Wager" is the name given to an argument due to Blaise Pascal for believing, or for at least taking steps to believe, in God. The name is somewhat misleading, for in a single paragraph of his , Pascal apparently presents at least three We will begin with some brief stage-setting: some historical background, some of the basics of decision theory, and some of the exegetical problems that the
    1. Background
    a priori demonstrations that God exists. Pascal is apparently unimpressed by such attempted justifications of theism: "Endeavour ... to convince yourself, not by increase of proofs of God..." Indeed, he concedes that "we do not know if He is ...". Pascal's project, then, is radically different: he seeks to provide prudential reasons for believing in God. To put it crudely, we should wager that God exists because it is the

    33. Pascal
    Biography of blaise pascal (16231662) blaise pascal was the third of Étienne pascal's children and his only son. blaise's mother died and settled in Paris. blaise pascal's father had unorthodox educational views and
    Blaise Pascal
    Born: 19 June 1623 in Clermont (now Clermont-Ferrand), Auvergne, France
    Died: 19 Aug 1662 in Paris, France
    Click the picture above
    to see six larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Blaise Pascal was the third of decided that Blaise was not to study mathematics before the age of 15 and all mathematics texts were removed from their house. Blaise however, his curiosity raised by this, started to work on geometry himself at the age of 12. He discovered that the sum of the angles of a triangle are two right angles and, when his father found out, he relented and allowed Blaise a copy of Euclid At the age of 14 Blaise Pascal started to accompany his father to Mersenne 's meetings. Mersenne belonged to the religious order of the Minims, and his cell in Paris was a frequent meeting place for Gassendi Roberval Carcavi , Auzout, Mydorge , Mylon, Desargues and others. Soon, certainly by the time he was 15, Blaise came to admire the work of Desargues . At the age of sixteen, Pascal presented a single piece of paper to one of

    34. Pascal
    Scholarly biography includes excerpts from pascal's own writings.
    Blaise Pascal
    Born: 19 June 1623 in Clermont (now Clermont-Ferrand), Auvergne, France
    Died: 19 Aug 1662 in Paris, France
    Click the picture above
    to see six larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Blaise Pascal was the third of decided that Blaise was not to study mathematics before the age of 15 and all mathematics texts were removed from their house. Blaise however, his curiosity raised by this, started to work on geometry himself at the age of 12. He discovered that the sum of the angles of a triangle are two right angles and, when his father found out, he relented and allowed Blaise a copy of Euclid At the age of 14 Blaise Pascal started to accompany his father to Mersenne 's meetings. Mersenne belonged to the religious order of the Minims, and his cell in Paris was a frequent meeting place for Gassendi Roberval Carcavi , Auzout, Mydorge , Mylon, Desargues and others. Soon, certainly by the time he was 15, Blaise came to admire the work of Desargues . At the age of sixteen, Pascal presented a single piece of paper to one of

    35. Pascal, Blaise
    Catalog of the Scientific Community. pascal, blaise. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates. Born ClermontFerrand, 19
    Catalog of the Scientific Community
    Pascal, Blaise
    Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
    1. Dates
    Born: Clermont-Ferrand, 19 June 1623
    Died: Paris, 19 August 1662
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    2. Father
    Occupation: Government Official
    Pascal's ancestors were rich merchants that attained the highest ranks of the burgess class. His father, Etienne, was a royal tax officer and a member of the petit noblesse. Although there is no explicit word about the financial status of the father, that ancestry of rich merchants, together with all the circumstances of Pascal's life, seem clearly to state that he grew up in wealthy circumstances.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: French
    Career: French
    Death: French
    4. Education
    Schooling: No University
    Pascal appears to have had no formal education. As a young child his father took charge of his education. He continued his education in the salons and scientific gatherings he attended with his father as a young man in Paris.
    5. Religion

    36. Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph
    pascal, blaise (16231662), French mathematician, philosopher, and religious figure. He studied the region above the mercury in a
    Branch of Science Mathematicians Nationality French
    Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)

    French mathematician, philosopher, and religious figure. He studied the region above the mercury in a barometer maintaining that it was a vacuum. In his investigations of the barometer he found that the height to which the mercury rose was the same regardless of shape. Based on his double vacuum experiment, he formulated Pascal's principle Pascal also designed and built mechanical adding machines, and incorporated a company in 1649 to produce and market them. Unfortunately, the machines were rather highly priced and had reliability problems. Only seven of Pascal's devices survive today. Pascal suffered from serious health problems, and spent most of his final years writing on religious philosophy.
    Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews) Dublin Trinity College Bonn
    References Bell, E. T. "Greatness and the Misery of Man: Pascal." Ch. 5 in New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 73-89, 1986.

    37. Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon :: Heilige - Namen - Patrone ::
    Leben und Wirken des franz¶sischen Mathematikers.

    38. Blaise Pascal
    blaise pascal was born in ClermontFerrand, Auvergne (now Clermont-Ferrand). A sickly, precocious child, he grew up without the company of other children.
    Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
    B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Mathematician, physicist, and theologian, inventor of the first digital calculator, who is often thought of as the ideal of classic French prose. Pascal lived in the time when Copernicus' discovery - that the earth moves round the sun - had made human beings insignificant factors in the new disenchanted world. Facing the immensity of the universe, Pascal felt horror - "The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me." For him the world seemed empty of ultimate meaning or significance without Christianity, which he defended against the assaults of freethinkers. While Montaigne lived at ease with skepticism, Pascal was tormented by religious doubt, and took the question Why are we here? "Pascal's disillusioned analysis of human bondage is sometimes interpreted to mean that Pascal was really and finally an unbeliever, who, in his despair, was incapable of enduring reality and enjoying the heroic satisfaction of the free man's worship of nothing. His despair, his disillusion, are, however, no illustration of personal weakness; they are perfectly objective, because they are essential moments in the progress of the intellectual soul; and for the type of Pascal they are the analogue of the drought, the dark night, which is an essential stage in the progress of the Christian mystic." (T.S. Eliot in

    39. HCC Pascal Gebruikers Groep
    Informatie over en tips truuks voor de programmeertaal pascal. Aandacht voor o.a. Borland Delphi en Turbo pascal. Op de site zijn oude nummer van het tijdschift blaise te lezen.

    40. Blaise Pascal At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
    blaise pascal at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base. Resources include pascal biographies, online texts of Pensees and The Provincial Letters, new and used books on pascal and more. blaise

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    ... Mind on Fire : A Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent by Blaise Pascal , James M. Houston (Editor), OS Guinness (Introduction) Christianity for Modern Pagans : Pascal's Pensees by Peter Kreeft
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    Texts: Blaise Pascal Texts: Pensees Used Books: Blaise Pascal ...
    Pascal Biography
    Site maintained by Ireland's Trinity College features a biography of the famous French mathematician. From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' (4th edition, 1908) by W. W. Rouse Ball. Excerpt: Among the contemporaries of Descartes none displayed greater natural genius than Pascal, but his mathematical reputation rests more on what he might have done than on what he actually effected, as during a considerable part of his life he deemed it his duty to devote his whole time to religious exercises. Blaise Pascal Elements , a book which Pascal read with avidity and soon mastered.

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