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         Pascal Blaise:     more books (102)
  1. Pascal's Pensées by Blaise Pascal, 2010-03-07
  2. Pensées by Blaise Pascal, 2010-03-09
  3. Pensées and Other Writings (Oxford World's Classics) by Blaise Pascal, 2008-07-15
  4. Pensees (Thoughts) by Blaise Pascal, 2005-01-31
  5. A Piece of the Mountain:The Story of Blaise Pascal by Joyce Mcpherson, 1997-12-01
  6. The Cambridge Companion to Pascal (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)
  7. The Mind on Fire (Victor Classics) by Blaise Pascal, 2006-02-01
  8. Making Sense of It All Pascal and the Meaning of Life by Thomas V. Morris, 1992-09
  9. The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal. A new translation with historical introduction and notes by Rev. Thomas M'Crie, preceded by a life of Pascal, a critical essay, and a biographical notice .. by Blaise Pascal, Thomas M'Crie, et all 2010-07-30
  10. Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees by Peter Kreeft, Blaise Pascal, 1993-10
  11. The Provincial Letters of Pascal by Blaise Pascal, John De Soyres, 2010-02-16
  12. Selected Readings from Blaise Pascal (Spiritual Classics) by Blaise Pascal, 1992-08
  13. Daily Readings With Blaise Pascal (Daily Readings Series) by Blaise Pascal, Robert Van De Weyer, 1995-10
  14. The Provincial Letters by Blaise Pascal, 2010-05-23

Blaise Pascal. Born at ClermontFerrand, 19 June 1623; died in Paris, 19 August 1662. He was the son of Etienne Pascal, advocate
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Blaise Pascal
relic of the Holy Thorn preserved at Port Royal. Thenceforth, although exhausted by illness, Pascal gave himself more and more to God . He multiplied his mortifications, wore a cincture of nails which he drove into his flesh at the slightest thought of vanity, and to be more like Jesus God never abandon me!" Christianity alone affording the complete solution. Jesuit moral code, or rather the casuistry, first, by depicting a Jesuit who, through silly vanity, reveals to him the pretended secrets of the Jesuit policy, and then by direct invective against the Jesuits themselves. The most famous are the fourth, on sins of ignorance, and the thirteenth, on homicide. That Pascal intended this to be a useful work, his whole life bears witness, as do his deathbed declarations. His good faith cannot seriously be doubted, but some of his methods are more questionable. Without ever seriously altering his citations from the casuists, as he has sometimes been wrongfully accused of doing, he arranges them somewhat disingenously; he simplifies complicated questions excessively, and, in setting forth the solutions of the casuists sometimes lets his own bias interfere. But the gravest reproach against him is, first, that he unjustly blamed the Society of Jesus , attacking it exclusively, and attributing to it a desire to lower the Christian ideal and to soften down the moral code in the interest of its policy; then that he discredited casuistry itself by refusing to recognize its legitimacy or, in certain cases, its necessity, so that not only the

2. Pascal
Blaise Pascal. Blaise Pascal was the third of Étienne Pascal s children and his only son. Blaise s mother died when he was only three years old.
Blaise Pascal
Born: 19 June 1623 in Clermont (now Clermont-Ferrand), Auvergne, France
Died: 19 Aug 1662 in Paris, France
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Blaise Pascal was the third of decided that Blaise was not to study mathematics before the age of 15 and all mathematics texts were removed from their house. Blaise however, his curiosity raised by this, started to work on geometry himself at the age of 12. He discovered that the sum of the angles of a triangle are two right angles and, when his father found out, he relented and allowed Blaise a copy of Euclid At the age of 14 Blaise Pascal started to accompany his father to Mersenne 's meetings. Mersenne belonged to the religious order of the Minims, and his cell in Paris was a frequent meeting place for Gassendi Roberval Carcavi , Auzout, Mydorge , Mylon, Desargues and others. Soon, certainly by the time he was 15, Blaise came to admire the work of Desargues . At the age of sixteen, Pascal presented a single piece of paper to one of

3. Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal. The French thinker, mathematician, and scientist Blaise Pascal, b. June 19, 1623, d. Aug. 19, 1662, has been credited
Blaise Pascal
At the end of 1654, after several months of intense depression, Pascal had a religious experience that altered his life. He entered the Jansenist monastery at Port-Royal, although he did not take orders. He never published in his own name again. The Jansenists encouraged him in his mathematical studies, which he resumed. To assist them in their struggles against the Jesuits, he wrote, under a pseudonym, a defense of the famous Jansenist Antoine Arnauld, in the form of 18 epistles. Known as Lettres provinciales, they were likely responsible for the subsequent reputation of the Jesuits as hypocritical and casuistic. In 1658 he broke with the Jansenists and left the monastery. He continued mathematical study and worked on calculus and on probability theory with Pierre de Fermat. Pascal died at the age of 39 in intense pain after a malignant growth in his stomach spread to the brain. His most famous work is the Pensees (Thoughts), a set of deeply personal meditations in somewhat fragmented form on human suffering and faith in God. "Pascal's wager" expresses the conviction that belief in God is rational: if God does not exist, one stands to lose nothing by believing in him anyway, while if he does exist, one stands to lose everything by not believing.

4. Blaise Pascal
BLAISE PASCAL (16231662) " Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed. The entire universe need not arm itself to crush him. A vapor, a drop of water suffices to
BLAISE PASCAL (1623-1662)
"Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed. The entire universe need not arm itself to crush him. A vapor, a drop of water suffices to kill him. But, if the universe were to crush him, man would still be more noble than that which killed him, because he knows that he dies and the advantage which the universe has over him, the universe knows nothing of this.
Pensees Pascal was a child prodigy, who was educated by his father. He was a mathematician of the first order. At 16 he wrote the Essai pour les coniques which was published in 1640. In 1642 he invented a calculating machine to help his father, who served as Royal Tax Commissioner at Rouen. Pascal is often credited with the discovery of the mathematical theory of probability, and he also made serious contributions to number theory and geometry. In 1646 Pascal learned of Toricelli's experiments with the barometer and the theory of air preassure. These experiments involved placing a tube of mercury upside down in a bowl of mercury. Pascal repeated Toricelli's experiments and did more work which led to the publication of Experiences nouvelles touchant le vide in 1647. Aristotle had argued against the atomists that nature abhors a vacume. This was a view still strongly held in the seventeenth century, even by such anti-Aristotelians as Descartes and Hobbes. In the

5. Island Of Freedom - Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal. 16231662.
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal - Boy Wonder
Blaise Pascal
- from History of Mathematics Archive
- adapted from A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball (4th Edition, 1908)


Provincial Letters

The French thinker, mathematician, and scientist Blaise Pascal has been credited not only with imaginative and subtle work in geometry and other branches of mathematics, but with profoundly influencing later generations of theologians and philosophers, and is considered one of the greatest minds in Western intellectual history. Pascal was born in Clermont-Ferrand on June 19, 1623, and his family settled in Paris in 1629. Under the tutelage of his father, Pascal soon proved himself a mathematical prodigy, mastering Euclid's Elements by the age of 12. At the age of 16 he formulated one of the basic theorems of projective geometry, known as Pascal's theorem and described in his Essai pour les coniques
In 1647, a few years after publishing Essai pour les coniques he suddenly abandoned the study of mathematics. Because of his chronically poor health, he had been advised to seek diversions from study and attempted for a time to live in Paris in a deliberately frivolous manner. His interest in probability theory has been attributed to his interest in calculating the odds involved in the various gambling games he played during this period.

6. ThinkQuest : Library : Visual Physics
Blaise Pascal Pascal, Blaise (162362), French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, considered one of the great minds in Western intellectual history.
Index Physical Science
Visual Physics
Pick a topic: force, work, tension, torque, projectile, momentum, electricity, or kinematics. Then connect to a simulation of that physics subject. See it, read it, run it, get an explanation, and then quiz yourself on the topic. This self-paced physics tutorial takes a new approach to teaching a sometimes tough subject. You can also find a list of physics-related links, and a biographical section on famous physicists. Visit Site 1997 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Students Cong Cariboo Hill Secondary School, Burnaby, Canada Evan Cariboo Hill Secondary School, Burnaby, Canada Jonathan Cariboo Hill Secondary School, Burnaby, Canada Coaches Stephen Cariboo Hill Secondary School, Burnaby, Canada David Cariboo Hill Secondary School, Burnaby, Canada Greg Cariboo Hill Secondary School, Burnaby, Canada Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site.

7. Blaise Pascal - Wikipedia
Eine kurze Biographie, sowie Hinweise auf seine Arbeit.
Blaise Pascal
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Blaise Pascal 19. Juni in Clermont-Ferrand 19. August in Paris ) war ein französischer Philosoph und Mathematiker Nach Pascal benannt sind: Pascals Vater schickte ihn nicht in die Schule , sondern ließ ihn zuhause von seiner älteren Schwester unterrichten . Blaise interessierte sich für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften , doch sein Vater legte mehr Wert auf Sprachen und Grammatik und enthielt ihm mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Literatur vor. Blaise brachte sich dennoch wesentliche Grundzüge der Geometrie selbst bei. Im Alter von 16 Jahren verfasste er bereits seine erste wissenschaftliche Abhandlung, mit der er die Lehre der Kegelschnitte begründete.

8. Pascal Blaise From FOLDOC
pascal blaise. history of philosophy, biography French mathematician and theologian (16231662). A member of the community at Port Blaise

9. Pascal
Blaise Pascal 16231662. Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, is considered one of the greatest minds
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist, is considered one of the greatest minds in Western intellectual history. At an early age, Pascal proved to be a mathematical protigy. At the age of 16 he formulated one of the basic theorems of projective geometry, known as Pascal's theorem, and described in his Essai pour les coniques (Essay on Conics, 1639). In 1642 he invented the first mechanical adding machine. Pascal proved by experimentation in 1648 that the level of the mercury column in a barometer is determined by an increase or decrease in the surrounding atmospheric pressure rather than by a vacuum, as previously believed. This discovery verified the hypothesis of the Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli concerning the effect of atmospheric pressure on the equilibrium of liquids. Six years later, in conjunction with the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat, Pascal formulated the mathematical theory of probability, which has become important in such fields as actuarial, mathematical, and social statistics and as a fundamental element in the calculations of modern theoretical physics. Pascal's other important scientific contributions include the derivation of Pascal's law or principle, which states that fluids transmit pressures equally in all directions, and his investigations in the geometry of infinitesimals. His methodology reflected his emphasis on empirical experimentation as opposed to analytical, a priori methods, and he believed that human progress is perpetuated by the accumulation of scientific discoveries resulting from such experimentation.

10. WIEM: Pascal Blaise
pascal blaise (16231662), francuski filozof, matematyk, fizyk i publicysta, uwazany powszechnie za nastepce Kartezjusza (R. Descartes). Obronca
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Fizyka, Matematyka, Filozofia, Francja
Pascal Blaise
Pascal Blaise (1623-1662), francuski filozof, matematyk, fizyk i publicysta, uwa¿any powszechnie za nastêpcê Kartezjusza ( R. Descartes ). Obroñca jansenizmu i idei ¶w. Augustyna . Krytyk moralno¶ci jezuickiej, czemu da³ wyraz w  Prowincja³kach (1656-1657, wydanie polskie 1921). Propagator zasady rozdzia³u nauki od religii i rozumu od wiary. Rozbudowa³ zasady logikimetodologii . Za wzór wiedzy uwa¿a³ geometriê , s±dzi³ jednak, ¿e nie pozwala ona poznaæ nieskoñczono¶ci i nie pomaga w rozwi±zywaniu zagadnieñ etycznych i religijnych. Zasady geometrii u³atwiaj± poznanie faktów, ale nie przynosz± ich zrozumienia. Bez zrozumienia trudno mówiæ o  poznaniu Przekonanie Pascala o nieprzydatno¶ci rozumu w procesie poznawczym doprowadzi³o do sformu³owania tezy, ¿e cz³owiek mo¿e poznaæ rzeczy nadprzyrodzone przez serce i wiarê. Porz±dek serca, twierdzi³, jest ró¿ny od porz±dku rozumu.

Translate this page pascal blaise (1623-1662). Físico y matemático francés nacido en Clermont-Ferrand y fallecido en París. Pascal fue un auténtico
PASCAL Blaise (1623-1662)

12. Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal. Blaise Pascal was a mathematician, physicist, theologian, and a manof-letters. Blaise Pascal made important contributions
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal was a mathematician, physicist, theologian, and a man-of-letters. Blaise Pascal made important contributions to science, mathematics, and religious philosophy. He was born in Clermont, France on June 19, 1623. He and his dad moved to Paris in 1631, where he spent his time between mathematics and the social round, but a mystical experience that year led him to join his sister, who was a member of the Jansenist convent at Port-Royal, where he defended Jansenism against the Jesuits. Pascal was a prodigy in mathematics. By the age of 12, he had mastered Euclid's Elements. At the age of fourteen he was admitted to the weekly meetings of Roberval, Mersenne, Mydorgene, and other French geometricians; from which, ultimately, the French Academy sprung. At sixteen, Pascal wrote an essay on conic sections; and in 1642, at the age of eighteen, he constructed the first arithmetical machine, called Pascaline, was an instrument that, eight years later, he further improved. He now took up his old life again, and made several experiments on the pressure exerted by gases and liquids.

13. Blaise Pascal - Boy Wonder
Pascal, Blaise (1623 ñ 1662). By Eddie Yuen. References 1. Charles V. Jones,. pascal blaise,. Encyclopedia of Computer Science, 3 rd Edition, 1993,.
Pascal, Blaise (1623 ñ 1662) By Eddie Yuen Blaise Pascal was born in Clermont The young Pascal began to participate with his father in Mersenneís Circle, a weekly discussion group of scientists and mathematicians. In this plantation of intellects, he learned from Girard Desargues, who had just published a projective geometry book but was not well received because of the difficult vocabulary and style. Pascal was one of the few to appreciate his work. When he was 16, he presented a projective geometry paper at the meeting about what is now called the "mystic hexagon" which impressed everyone. One of his sisters wrote an account of her brotherís life saying that the paper was so well received that young Pascal was considered to be the best mathematican since the time of Archimedes. In the next year, Blaise had to suspend his association with the geometrians in the Mersenneís Circle because he and his sisters had to move to Rouen where his father was appointed as a royal tax official in Upper Normandy. Blaise Pascal was a genius with many talents. He was known in his day and ours as a mathematician and physicist, was also a spiritual writer. In this paper, we will focus on his mathematics accomplishments:

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Pascal Blaise np. m. PERS ] (1623-1662). Mathématicien français, qui ne fut pas, contrairement à ce que l'on peut croire, le véritable inventeur de la machine à calculer (y'en a eu d'autres avant).
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15. Pascal Blaise
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Pascal Blaise Book Review and Price Comparison
Pages: Next Top Selling Books for Pascal Blaise Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees
AUTHOR: Peter Kreeft, Blaise Pascal
ISBN: 0898704529
Publish Date: October 1997
Format: Paperback
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A Piece of the Mountain: The Story of Blaise Pascal
AUTHOR: Joyce McPherson
ISBN: 1882514173
Publish Date: December 1995 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Pensees AUTHOR: Blaise Pascal, A. J. Krailsheimer, Alban J. Krailsheimer (Translator) ISBN: 0140446451 Publish Date: November 1995 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Making Sense of It All: Pascal and the Meaning of Life AUTHOR: Thomas V. Morris ISBN: 080280652X Publish Date: October 1994 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book The Mind on Fire: A Faith for the Skeptical and Indifferent AUTHOR: Blaise Pascal, et al

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17. [JargonF] Pascal Blaise
Translate this page pascal blaise. np. m. personne (1623-1662). Mathématicien français, physicien (ayant mis en évidence la pression atmosphérique

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19. Pascal Blaise
Translate this page pascal blaise, 16-10-2001. np. m. PERS (1623-1662). Mathématicien français, physicien (ayant mis en évidence la pression atmosphérique
Pascal Blaise np. m. PERS ] (1623-1662). Mathématicien français, physicien (ayant mis en évidence la pression atmosphérique), et philosophe, qui ne fut pas tout à fait, contrairement à ce que l'on peut croire, le véritable inventeur de la machine à calculer (y'en a eu d'autres avant), mais sa Pascaline, mise au point pour aider son papa, avait tout de même quelque chose de remarquable.
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