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         Papin Denis:     more books (33)
  1. A new digester or engine for softening bones; 1681 by Denis Papin, 1966
  2. Breviaire du Mot-Croisiste by Maurice Denis-Papin,
  3. Nouvelle Maniere Pour Lever Leau Par La Force Du Feu Mise En Lumiere (1707) (French Edition) by Denis Papin, 2009-04-13
  4. Memento de Poch et Cle Universelle de Converstion des Unites Electriques et Mechaniques Giorgi by Maurice Denis Papin, 1949-01-01
  5. Nouvelle Maniere Pour Lever Leau Par La Force Du Feu Mise En Lumiere (1707) (French Edition) by Denis Papin, 2010-09-10
  6. Exercices de Calcul Booleien avec Leurs Solutions. by Par M. Denis-Papin, 1967
  7. Mathématique générales, (Aide-memoire Dunod) by Maurice Denis-Papin, 1964
  8. Denis Papins Dampfdruckpumpe von 1707 und ihr Nachbau: Mit dem Faksimile und der Ubersetzung seiner Veroffentlichung in der franzosischen Fassung (Schriften ... Marburg) (German Edition) by Denis Papin, 1991
  9. Pressure Cooking: Boiling Point, Pressure, Steam Digester, Denis Papin, Home Canning
  10. Pressure Cooking: Boiling Point, Enthalpy of Vaporization, Pressure, Steam Digester, Denis Papin, Home Canning, Sterilization (microbiology), Autoclave, Stainless Steel, Heat Spreader
  11. Dictionnaire analogique et de synonymes specialement concu pour la resolution des problemes de mots croises et jeux divers (French Edition) by Maurice Denis-Papin, 1982
  12. Cours de Calcul Operationnel Applique (Progres des Sciences et Techniques) by M. Denis-Papin, A. Kaufmann, 1967
  13. New Digester or Engine for Softening Bones by Denis Papin, 1966-07
  14. Memento De Poche Et Cle Universelle De by Maurice Denis Papin, 1949

21. Papin
Biography of denis papin (16471712) denis papin. Born 22 Aug 1647 in Blois, France denis papin attended a Jesuit school in Blois then, in 1661, he began his studies at the University of Angers
Denis Papin
Born: 22 Aug 1647 in Blois, France
Died: 1712 in London, England
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Denis Papin attended a Jesuit school in Blois then, in 1661, he began his studies at the University of Angers. He graduated with a medical degree in 1669. Papin assisted Huygens with air pump experiments from 1671 to 1674, during which time he lived in Huygens 's apartments in the Royal Library in Paris. Papin went to London in 1675 to work with Boyle . He remained in this post until 1679 when he became Hooke 's assistant at the Royal Society . Papin was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1680. In 1681 Papin left for Italy where he was director of experiments at the Accademia publicca di scienze in Venice until 1684. There was an attempt to turn the Accademia in Venice into a Society modelled on the Royal Society There were religious reasons why Papin could not return to France. He was a Calvinist, born into a Huguenot family, and after the Edict of Nantes which had granted religious liberty to the Huguenots was revoked by Louis XIV in 1685, he became an exile. Papin returned to London in 1684 working again with the Royal Society until 1687. After this Papin left England and went to Hesse-Kassel where he was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Marburg. He held this post until 1696 when he worked for the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel until 1707. This time in Hesse-Kassel was not a successful one for Papin who found himself in disagreement with his colleagues.

22. Papin, Denis --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
papin, denis Britannica Student Encyclopedia. MLA style papin, denis. BritannicaStudent Encyclopedia. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. fonvizin&ct=ebi

23. Papin, Denis
papin, denis (1647c. 1712). French physicist and technologist whoin 1679 invented a vessel that was the forerunner of the pressure

papin, denis (1647c. 1712), French physicist, one of the inventors of the steamengine, was a native of Blois, where he was born on the 22nd of August five papers by Huygens and papin jointly, in
PAPIN, DENIS The published writings of Papin, besides those already referred to, consist for the most part of a large number of papers, principally on hydraulics and pneumatics, contributed to the Journal des savans, the Nouvelles de Ia ripublique des le~tres, the Philosophical Transactions, and the A cta eruditorum; many of them were collected by himself into a Fasciculus dissertationum (Marburg, 1695), of which he published also a translation into French, Recueil de diverses pices touchant quelques nouvelles machines (Cassel, 1695). His correspondence with Leibnitz and Huygens, along with a biography, was published by Dr Ernst Gerland (Lebnizens und Huygens Briefwechsel mit Pap-in, nebst der Biographie Papins (Berlin, 1881). See also L. de Ia Saussaye and E. Pan, La Vie et les ouvrages de Denis Pa pin (Paris, 1869); and Baron Ernout, Den-is Pap-in, sa vie et ses ouvrages (4thed., 1888). PAPINIAN GOTTFRIED HEINRICH PAPPENHEIM

papin, denis (1647c. 1712), French physicist, one of the inventors wasborn on the 22nd of August. denis papin. papin, denis (1647c.
PAPIN, DENIS The published writings of Papin, besides those already referred to, consist for the most part of a large number of papers, principally on hydraulics and pneumatics, contributed to the Journal des savans, the Nouvelles de Ia ripublique des le~tres, the Philosophical Transactions, and the A cta eruditorum; many of them were collected by himself into a Fasciculus dissertationum (Marburg, 1695), of which he published also a translation into French, Recueil de diverses pices touchant quelques nouvelles machines (Cassel, 1695). His correspondence with Leibnitz and Huygens, along with a biography, was published by Dr Ernst Gerland (Lebnizens und Huygens Briefwechsel mit Pap-in, nebst der Biographie Papins (Berlin, 1881). See also L. de Ia Saussaye and E. Pan, La Vie et les ouvrages de Denis Pa pin (Paris, 1869); and Baron Ernout, Den-is Pap-in, sa vie et ses ouvrages (4thed., 1888). PAPINIAN GOTTFRIED HEINRICH PAPPENHEIM

26. Papin, Denis
Search Biographies Bio search tips papin, denis dunE' päpaN' Pronunciation Key. papin, denis , 16471712?, French physicist and inventor
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27. Papin, Denis
papin, denis dunE' päpaN' Pronunciation Key. papin, denis , 16471712?, French physicist and inventor. He was an assistant of Christian Huygens and of Robert Boyle and was professor of mathematics


Papin, Denis [d u n E Pronunciation Key Papin, Denis The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Papineau, Louis Joseph
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28. Denis Papin Kurzbiographie
L. de Saussaye, La vie et les ouvrages de denis papin (Lyon, 1869).
Hann. Münden Themen Neues Bilder ... spontan
Denis Papin Menschen Papin in Münden ] [Kurzbiographie] Denis Papin
zeitgenössischer Stich
(Repro: spontan)
Dampfdrucktopf nach Papin
(Repro: Uni Marburg)
Papin Kurzbiographie
Wat iss'n Dampfmaschin?

[Übersetzung eines Internet-Textes Denis Papin (1647 - 1712) besuchte eine Jesuiten-Schule in Blois [französische Stadt an der Loire, A.d.R.] und begann 1661 sein Studium an der Universität in Angers [französische Stadt an der Maine, einem Loire-Zufluß, A.d.R.]. Er schloß mit einer medizinischen Prüfung ab. In der Zeit von 1671 bis 1674 assistierte Papin Huygens bei Luftpumpenexperimenten, während dieser Zeit lebte er in Huygens' Wohnung in der Royal Liberty in Paris. 1675 ging Papin nach London um bei Boyle zu arbeiten. In dieser Stelle blieb er, bis er 1679 Hooke 's Assistent an der Royal Society wurde. Papin wurde 1680 als Mitglied in die Royal Society berufen. 1681 ging Papin nach Italien, wo er bis 1684 Leiter der Experimental-Abteilung an der accademia publicca di scienze in Venedig war. Der Versuch, die Akademie in Venedig ähnlich der Royal Society in London und der Academie Royale in Paris zu strukturieren, scheiterte an mangelnder finanzieller Unterstützung.

29. Denis Papin In Muenden
Translate this page denis papin zeitgenössischer Stich (Repro spontan). papin auf der FuldaSeiner Zeit weit voraus. denis papin, der franzöische Naturforscher
Hann. Münden Themen Neues Bilder ... spontan
Denis Papin Menschen ] [Papin in Münden] [ Kurzbiographie Denis Papin
zeitgenössischer Stich
(Repro: spontan)
Papin auf der Fulda
Seiner Zeit weit voraus
Denis Papin, der franzöische Naturforscher, der 1687 einem Ruf des Landgrafen von Hessen-Kassel nach Marburg gefolgt war und ab 1696 direkt für den Landgrafen arbeitete, entwicktelte 1707 ein Schaufelradboot , mit dem er die Fulda befuhr. Am 24. September 1707 wurde in Münden sein Boot zerstört ; soweit die Fakten. In einigen Darstellungen der Mündener Stadtgeschichte , insbesondere in einer Wandmalerei im Rathaus von 1929, ist Papins Boot, das eigentlich mit Muskelkraft angetrieben wurde, zum ersten Dampfboot mutiert. Sicher wegen Papins Veröffentlichungen zum Thema steam engine , in denen er als erster die Verwendung von Zylinder und Kolben bei der Dampfkraftnutzung vorschlug. Das erste Dampfboot fuhr aber erst 80 Jahre später auf dem Delaware (1787). Doch auch mit den praktischen Versuchen zum Schaufelrad leistete Papin - seiner Zeit weit voraus - Pionierarbeit bei einer später wichtigen Dampfantriebskomponente.

30. Biografía - Papin, Denis
papin, denis Nacionalidad Francia Chitenay 1647 - Londres 1714.
Nacionalidad: Francia
Chitenay 1647 - Londres 1714
En 1681 crea una marmita con la que consigue elevar el punto de cocción del agua gracias a la fuerza de la presión del recipiente. Para dotarlo de seguridad le añade una válvula. Otro de los inventos que se atribuyen a este personaje es una máquina de vapor, bastante primaria, destinada a impulsar a los vehículos.
Todos los textos e imágenes en alta resolución de esta sección están
disponibles en la colección La Historia y sus Protagonistas de Ediciones Dolmen, S.L.
(C) 2001 Ediciones Dolmen, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

31. MSN Encarta - Papin, Denis
Translate this page papin, denis. papin, denis (1647-1714), inventeur et physicien français, précurseurde la machine à vapeur. Plus de résultats pour papin, denis,
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Papin, Denis Papin, Denis (1647-1714), inventeur et physicien fran§ais, pr©curseur de la machine   vapeur. N©   Chitenay en 1647, il s'installa en 1673   Paris, o¹... M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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32. Papin, Denis
papin, denis, , 1647–1712?, French physicist and inventor. He wasan assistant of Christian Huygens and of Robert Boyle and was
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  • Papin, Denis
    Still searching the hard way? Try the Free Slider Search Toolbar and spend less time searching!! Sponsored Link , 1647–1712?, French physicist and inventor. He was an assistant of Christian Huygens and of Robert Boyle and was professor of mathematics at the Univ. of Marburg (1687–96). He invented (1679) a steam digester (forerunner of the autoclave), a vessel in which the boiling point of water is raised by an increase in steam pressure; this device demonstrated the influence of atmospheric pressure on boiling points. His other inventions include a safety valve (for the digester), a condensing pump, an air gun, and a paddle-wheel boat. A pioneer in the development of the steam engine, he devised in 1690 a pump with a piston raised by steam.
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    33. Denis Papin
    Translate this page denis papin La machine à vapeur. par Karine Auclair et Nicolas Beaudoin. Biographie.denis papin est né à Blois en France, le 22 août 1647.

    34. Denis Papin
    a pressione). Dopo aver aiutato Christian Huygens nei tentativi
    Denis Papin - 1647 - 1712 ? -
    English Italiano
    Il "digester"
    (pentola a pressione). Dopo aver aiutato Christian Huygens nei tentativi di costruire un motore a polvere da sparo (lo scoppio doveva fare il vuoto sotto un pistone che sarebbe poi sceso spinto dalla pressione atmosferica), Denis Papin ebbe l'idea di fare la stessa cosa utilizzando il vapore d'acqua.
    La macchina di Papin (vedere l'animazione) era costituita da un tubo chiuso nella parte inferiore e contenente un pistone sotto al quale si trovava una piccola quantità di acqua che, trasformata in vapore, spingeva il pistone fino in cima al cilindro dove si fermava contro un dente di arresto. Raffreddando il cilindro il vapore condensava producendo un vuoto parziale sotto il pistone. La pressione atmosferica costringeva il pistone ad una rapida discesa (fase attiva). Il tubo svolgeva la triplice funzione di caldaia, cilindro del motore e condensatore. La macchina a vapore sarà realizzata in tappe successive separando queste tre parti.
    Animazione dell'esperimento di Papin

    Thomas Savery


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    35. PAPIN, Denis;, "La Manière D'amolir Les Os, Et De Faire Cuire Toutes Sortes De
    viandes en fort peu de temps et à peu de frais; Avec une description de la
    Librairie Thomas-Scheler
    PAPIN, Denis; Paris Estienne Michallet 1682 In-12 de 6, 164 pp., 5 ff. n. ch. et 2 pl. dépliantes.; veau, dos à nerfs orné. (Reliure de l'époque). Waller, 20073 a et b; Vicaire, 652; cf. En Français dans le texte, n°135. Edition originale française, très rare, de cet ouvrage qui avait paru en anglais l'année précédente. Papin y démontre à l'aide d'un appareil de son invention, la possibilité, en soumettant l'eau à une pression de 3 ou 4 atmosphères, de l'élever à une température supérieure à 100°. Cette invention, connue sous le nom de marmite de Papin, est le principe de l'autocuiseur actuel (En français dans le texte). C'est la première machine à vapeur que Papin perfectionnera pour l'appliquer à la propulsion. Les deux planches dépliantes représentent les différentes parties de cette première machine avec piston et soupape de sûreté. Bon exemplaire, coins émoussés. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Librairie Thomas-Scheler ; click here for further details.

    Translate this page Un bateau à vapeur au coeur de la région des chateaux le denis papin. constructeurs

    denispapin, Voir aussi . Inventions de denis papin. Voir aussi

    38. Bienvenue Sur Le Site Internet Du Lycée Denis Papin

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    Passer l'introduction

    39. ThinkQuest : Library : Start Your Engines!
    Translate this page denis papin baute eine der ersten atmosphärischen Kolbenmaschinen.Ausserdem denis papin geb. 22. Aug. 1647 in Blois (F), gest. 1712

    40. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
    lingers over the 5. papin, denis (1647c. 1712) The HutchinsonDictionary of Scientific Biography; January 1, 1998 papin, denis

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