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         Oenopides Of Chios:     more detail
  1. Oenopides: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2001

41. / Mond - Namen - Oenopides
Translate this page Mittl. Durchmesser 67,0 km Benennung (IAU) im Jahr 1935 NamensgeberOenopides von chios Griechischer Astronom und Geometriker (ca.
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Oenopides Mission Mond Koordinaten: Mittl. Durchmesser: 67,0 km Benennung (IAU) im Jahr Namensgeber: Oenopides von Chios Griechischer Astronom und Geometriker (ca. 500 - 430 v.Chr.) Weiter: Oersted CD-ROM Tipps Mission Mond Aufbruch ins All Die erste CD-ROM auf Basis der neuen AstroLink Datenbank! 2 CD-ROMs, Windows, 29,90 € Weitere Infos Buch-Tipps Light Full Moon ... Kosmos Mondführer last link check: The Network cc-live In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Physikalischen Verein, Frankfurt a.M.

42. Online Encyclopedia - Chios
Also known as chios. Population is about 52,290 (census of 2001). Khíos claims tobe the birthplace of Homer, Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
Encyclopedia Entry for Chios
Dictionary Definition of Chios

Khios is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea . Also known as Chios. Population is about 52,290 (census of 2001). Area 910 km² . The capital is also called Khíos, it is a port and the island's chief town. Other settlements include Volissos, Marmaro and Oinoussa. The island is famous for its scenery and good climate. The island's chief export is mastic but it also produces olives figs , and wine The Korai Library, one of the most important in Greece, is in Khios, it contains 95,000 volumes. Khíos was colonized by Ionians but has been occupied by the Persians , part of the Delian League and the Byzantine Empire . Before passing through the possession of the Latin emperors of Constantinople , the Genoese , the Ottoman Turks (there was a massacre of the islanders after a rebellion in ) and finally the Greeks after the First Balkan War Khíos claims to be the birthplace of Homer , Hippokrates the mathematician, and Oenopides Oenopion , a legendary king, is said to have brought winemaking to the island. Home Alphabetical Index See our sister sites: Find a Resume Diplomat City Your Quotations Your Lookup ... Your Dogs Content on this site is provided for informational purposes only. We do not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site.

43. Pythagore
de savantes conjectures, et oenopides de chios (qui n était sons doute pas
maqhmatikoi akousmatikoi
yuch faites relations

tetragwnon eteromhkeV
Le Gnwmon Gnwmon pair, engendré par la Dyade, génère les nombres pairs et les figures rectangulaires. Le rôle fondamental des constructions géométriques s'inscrit dans l'insistance plus générale mise par Pythagore et ses disciples sur le rôle de la mémoire ou plutôt de la réminiscence (ou du "rappel", anamnhsiV maqhmatikoi
touV anqrwpouV dia touto amollusqai, oti ou dunatai thn archn twi telei prosayai

parce qu'ils n'ont pas la force de joindre la fin au commencement.
peraV kai apeiron peritton kai artion Impair Pair en kai plhqoV Un Beaucoup dexion kai aristeron Droite Gauche arren kai qulh hremoun kai kinoumenoun Immobile Mobile euqh kai kampulon Rectiligne Courbe fwV kai skotoV Lumineux Sombre agaqon kai kakon Bien Mal tetragwnon kai eteromhkeV
ubriV kosmoV
) puis les autres.

44. Khios
Khios. Khios je Rek ostrov v Egejské more. Také známý jak chios. Kh ? os prohlašuje,že je místo narození Homer, Hippokrates matematik, a oenopides.
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Khios je Řek ostrov v Egejsk© moře . Tak© zn¡m½ jak Chios. Populace je asi 52, 290 (sč­t¡n­ lidu 2001). Oblast 910 km � . Fondy jsou tak© vol¡ny Kh � os, to je port a ostrovn­ hlavn­ město. Jin© dohody obsahuj­ Volissos, Marmaro a Oinoussa. Ostrov je slavn½ pro jeho krajinu a dobr© klima. Ostrovn­ hlavn­ export je tmel ale to tak© produkuje olivy , f­ky, a v­no Korai knihovna, jeden nejdůležitějÅ¡­ v Řecku, je v Khios, to pojme 95, 000 hlasitost­. Kh � os byl kolonizovan½ Ionians ale byl obsazen½ PerÅ¡ani , č¡st Delian liga a Byzantsk¡ Ř­Å¡e . Dř­ve proj­Å¾dět majetek Latina c­saři Constantinople Genoese Turci pohovky (tam byl masakr ostrovanů po povst¡n­ v ) a konečně Řeci po Prvn­ balk¡nsk¡ v¡lka Kh � os prohlaÅ¡uje, že je m­sto narozen­ Homer , Hippokrates matematik, a Oenopides. Oenopion , legend¡rn­ kr¡l, je řekl, aby měl přin¡Å¡el winemaking k ostrovu.
Toto je strojov½ překlad čl¡nku z encyklopedie Wikipedia poř­zen½ překladačem Eurotran . Cel½ text je dostupn½ za podm­nek GNU FDL licence

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chios claims to be the birthplace of Homer, Hippocrates the mathematician and friendof doctors, and oenopides, a legendary king who was said to have brought
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47. Wikipedia Khios
Khios or chios is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea. Khíos claims to be thebirthplace of Homer, Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Khios or Chios is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea Population is about 52,290 (census of 2001). Area 910 km² . The capital is also called Khíos, it is a port and the island's chief town. Other settlements include Volissos, Marmaro and Oinoussa. The island is famous for its scenery and good climate. The island's chief export is mastic but it also produces olives , figs, and wine The Korai Library, one of the most important in Greece, is in Khios, it contains 95,000 volumes. Khíos was colonized by Ionians but has been occupied by the Persians , part of the Delian League and the Byzantine Empire . Before passing through the possession of the Latin emperors of Constantinople , the Genoese , the Ottoman Turks (there was a massacre of the islanders after a rebellion in ) and finally the Greeks after the First Balkan War Khíos claims to be the birthplace of Homer , Hippokrates the mathematician, and Oenopides.

48. Index Of Ancient Greek Scientists
oenopides (chios, 480? BC). Greek philosopher. Believed to have first calculatedthe angle the Earth is tipped with respect to the plane of its orbit.
not complete
  • Agatharchos. Greek mathematician. Discovered the laws of perspectives.
  • Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (480-430 B.C.). Greek philosopher. Believed that a large number of seeds make up the properties of materials, that heavenly bodies are made up of the same materials as Earth and that the sun is a large, hot, glowing rock. Discovered that the moon reflected light and formulated the correct theory for the eclipses. Erroneously believed that the Earth was flat.
    Links: Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, MIT
  • Anaximander (610-545 B.C.). Greek astronomer and philosopher, pupil of Thales. Introduced the apeiron (infinity). Formulated a theory of origin and evolution of life, according to which life originated in the sea from the moist element which evaporated from the sun ( On Nature ). Was the first to model the Earth according to scientific principles. According to him, the Earth was a cylinder with a north-south curvature, suspended freely in space, and the stars where attached to a sphere that rotated around Earth.
    Links: Anaximander, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • 49. Encyclopedia: Chios
    Khios or chios, as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a Kh os claimsto be the birthplace of Homer, Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.

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    Encyclopedia : Chios
    Khios , or Chios as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea
    The population is about 52,290 (census of 2001), with an area of 910 km
    . The capital is also called Kh os; it is a port and the island's chief town. Other settlements include Volissos, Kardamylla and Oinoussais, on a small but wealthy island 5 km away. The island is famous for its scenery and good climate. Its chief export is mastic but it also produces olives, figs, and wine.

    50. Khios - Encyclopedia Article About Khios. Free Access, No Registration Needed. W
    The principal cities in the League were Athens, chios, Samos, and Lesbos, but manyof the principal islands and Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Khios or Chios , as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a Greek For other meanings see Greece (disambiguation). Greece is a country in the southeast of Europe on the southern tip of the Balkan peninsula. It is bounded on land by Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania to the north, to the east by Turkey and the waters of the Aegean Sea and to the west and south by the Ionian and Mediterranean Seas. Regarded by many as the cradle of Western civilisation, Greece has a long and rich history during which it spread its influence over three continents.
    Click the link for more information. island in the Aegean Sea The Aegean Sea (Greek , Turkish Ege denizi ) is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea, located between the Greek peninsula and Anatolia (Asia Minor, now part of Turkey). It is connected to the Marmara Sea and Black Sea by the Dardanelles and Bosporus. In ancient times the sea was the birthplace
    Click the link for more information. Population is about 52,290 (census of 2001). Area

    51. Euclid - Books I-IX
    says in one place 3 , “As regards Hippocrates of chios we must statement aboutPhilippus, Eudemus as attributing a certain theorem to oenopides etc.; but

    52. Euclid - Books I-IX
    Hippocrates of chios (fl “Zenodotus, who belonged to the succession of oenopides,but was a disciple of Andron, distinguished the theorem from the problem

    53. Khios - InformationBlast
    Khios or chios, as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a Khíos claimsto be the birthplace of Homer, Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
    Khios or Chios , as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea Population is about 52,290 (census of 2001). Area 910 km² . The capital is also called Khíos, it is a port and the island's chief town. Other settlements include Volissos, Kardamylla and Oinoussais, on a small but wealthy island nearby (5km.). The island is famous for its scenery and good climate. The island's chief export is mastic but it also produces olives figs , and wine The Korai Library, in Khios, is one of the most important in Greece, it contains 95,000 volumes. Khíos was colonized by Ionians but has been occupied by the Persians , part of the Delian League and the Byzantine Empire . Before passing through the possession of the Latin emperors of Constantinople , the Genoese , the Ottoman Turks (there was a massacre of the islanders after a rebellion in ), depicted by Eugène Delacroix in his famous artwork at The Louvre, and finally Khios rejoined the rest of independent Greece after the First Balkan War The Turkish massacre of 1822, which annihilated 1/4 of the 30,000 inhabitants of the island, decimated the Mastichohorio, the mastic growing villages in the south of the island. It triggered enormous public outrage in Western Europe, viz Delacroix's art and Lord Byron 's involvement.

    54. Khios - Hotels Travel References
    Also known as chios. Population 32,500. Area 910 km?. Kh?s claims to bethe birthplace of Homer, Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
    Travel Reference Library by Language
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    Khios is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea . Also known as Chios. Population 32,500. Area 910 km². The capital is also called Khíos, it is a port and the island's chief town. Other settlements include Volissos, Marmaro and Oinoussa. The island is famous for its scenery and good climate.

    55. Diop: The Black African Presence In Ancient Egypt
    Plato, and that there also came Pythagoras of Samos and the mathematician Eudoxus,{note 1} as well as Democritus of Abdera and oenopides {note 2} of chios.
    Cheikh Anta Diop argues that many Ancient Egyptians were Black Africans; the Greek debt to Egypt You are at The argument that Ancient Egypt was African deserves to be put Of course, there was also mixing with the Semitic-speaking peoples (the Akkadians, Phoenicians and Hyksos, the people of Babylonia and Assyria, and later the invading Arab armies) and with Indo-Europeans (elements of the Mitanni, Hyksos, Hittites and Sea Peoples; the invading Persian Empire, the Greeks that came in Alexander's wake; then the Romans). (1) Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization (2) G. K. Osei, a black American (3) DIODORUS OF SICILY (4) Herodotus Histories : the Egyptians (2.35-91) (5) Martin Bernal puts the case for African/Semitic influence on the formation of Greek culture and institutions (6) Cyrus H. Gordon on race-mixing in Egypt (1) Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization , edited and translated by Mercer Cook, Lawrence Hill Books, Chicago 1974. The Great Sphinx had a negro head diop1.jpg

    56. Lunar Crater Statistics
    162.1E. 71. Vladimir A.; Sovietgeologist (18631956). oenopides. 57.0N. 64.1W. 67. Of chios; Greek astronomer, geometrician (500(?)-430 BC). . Oersted. 43.1N. 47.2E.42.
    A B C D ... Main Menu Latin Name Lat Long Diam Origin O'Day Marcus; American physicist (1897-1961). Oberth Hermann; Austrian space scientist (1894-1989). Obruchev Vladimir A.; Sovietgeologist (1863-1956). Oenopides "Of Chios; Greek astronomer, geometrician (500(?)-430 B.C.)." Oersted "Hans Christian; Danish physicist, chemist (1777-1851)." Ohm Georg Simon; Germanphysicist (1787-1854). Oken "(Okenfuss), Lorenz;German biologist, physiologist (1779-1851)." Olbers "Heinrich Wilhelm Malthaus; German astronomer, doctor (1758-"

    57. Moon Nomenclature - Craters
    162.1E. 71. Vladimir A.; Sovietgeologist (18631956). oenopides, 57.0N. 64.1W. 67. Of chios; Greek astronomer, geometrician (500(?)-430 BC). . Oersted, 43.1N. 47.2E.42.
    Overview Instruments Lunar Atlas Lunar Geology ... Results
    B C ... WXYZ
    Latin Name Lat Long Diam Origin O'Day Marcus; American physicist (1897-1961). Oberth Hermann; Austrian space scientist (1894-1989). Obruchev Vladimir A.; Sovietgeologist (1863-1956). Oenopides "Of Chios; Greek astronomer, geometrician (500(?)-430 B.C.)." Oersted "Hans Christian; Danish physicist, chemist (1777-1851)." Ohm Georg Simon; Germanphysicist (1787-1854). Oken "(Okenfuss), Lorenz;German biologist, physiologist (1779-1851)." Olbers "Heinrich Wilhelm Malthaus; German astronomer, doctor (1758-" Olcott William T.; American astronomer (1873-1936). Olivier Charles Pollard; American astronomer (1884-1975). Omar-Khayyam "Al-Khayyami; Persian mathematician, astronomer, poet (c. 10" Onizuka Ellison Shoji; member of the Challenger crew (1946-1986). Opelt Friedrich Wilhelm; German astronomer (1794-1863). Oppenheimer J. Robert; Americanphysicist (1904-1967). Oppolzer Theodor Egon von; Czechoslovakian astronomer (1841-1886). Oresme "Oresme, Nicole; French mathematician (1323(?)-1382)."

    58. Lunar Republic : Craters O
    oenopides. 57.0N. 64.1W. 67. ~ of chios (500?430 BC), Greek astronomer and geometrician;determined the inclination of the ecliptic to be 24° and determined the
    Craters (O)
    Craters A B C D ... Return To Gazetteer Index Latin Name Lat Long Diam Origin O'Day Marcus; American physicist (1897-1961). Oberth Hermann; Austrian space scientist (1894-1989). Obruchev Vladimir A.; Soviet geologist (1863-1956). Oenopides ~ of Chios (500?-430 B.C.), Greek astronomer and geometrician; determined the inclination of the ecliptic to be 24° and determined the year to have 365-1/5 days. Oersted Hans Christian; Danish physicist, chemist (1777-1851). Ohm Georg Simon; German physicist (1787-1854). Oken Lorenz Okenfuss, or ~; German biologist, physiologist (1779-1851). Olbers Heinrich Wilhelm Malthaus; German astronomer, doctor (1758- Olcott William T.; American astronomer (1873-1936). Olivier Charles Pollard; American astronomer (1884-1975). Omar-Khayyam Al-Khayyami; Persian mathematician, astronomer, poet (c. 1050-1123). Onizuka Ellison Shoji; American test pilot and astronaut; member of the Challenger crew (1946-1986). Opelt Friedrich Wilhelm; German astronomer (1794-1863).

    59. 7. Appendix Geometry And Astronomy.
    Of this kind maybe the most important was due to Hippocrates of chios (II half ofthe V century However, oenopides discovered maybe the obliquity of the ecliptic
    Next: About this document Up: BEING AND SIGN Previous: 6. Conclusions.
    7. Appendix: Geometry and Astronomy.
    Is it possible a reconstruction of the evolution of the earliest geometry, until Euclid? And together, also the beginning of Greek astronomy? Maybe, not. However, it is not out of place to try this enterprise at the end of these two first reports, at least to fix our ideas. There is an ancient link between discrete, music and social-ritual space organisation on the one hand, and geometry, astronomy and social-ritual time on the other hand. In the figure 11 this correspondence is roughly displayed as described in Levi-Strauss Mythologiques, in Pythagorean mathematics and in modern mathematical physics. In the following we try to outline the historical connection between geometry and astronomy in Greek culture. The whole axiomatic method is heavily indebted with the eleatic dialectics. For example many terms have dialectic roots. The distinction between axioms and postulates also can be better realised reminding this origin: axioms were linked to the reductio ad absurdum, and were used to substitute the evidence-driven demonstrations. The postulates were instead typical assumptions by which to develop an argument. Eudoxus changes radically also Greek astronomy, and opens the road ''to the search for geometrical representations of the planetary system'' (4). He assumes four concentric rotating spheres for each planet ((NEUGEBAUER 1975),677), according to Heath, I 323, ''the first attempt at a purely mathematical theory of astronomy''. This is the thorough breakdown of the ''mythological paradigm'' in its core: the sky. It becomes a part of reality, even though subjected to its peculiar laws, where however logic and mathematics, and then human reason, hold. From Meteorologica (345a) we know instead that still for some Pythagoreans the Milk-way was produced by Phaeton's catastrophe, as a burning caused by some star or from the sun. In the so-called 'Eudoxus papyrus', about 300 B.C., fixed stars move on parallel circles, whereas planets, sun and moon motion form spirals. (687)

    60. Khios Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    Khios or chios, as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a os claims tobe the birthplace of Homer, Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
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    Google News about your search term
    Khios or Chios , as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea Population is about 52,290 (census of 2001). Area 910 km² . The capital is also called Kh­os, it is a port and the island's chief town. Other settlements include Volissos, Kardamylla and Oinoussais, on a small but wealthy island nearby (5km.). The island is famous for its scenery and good climate. The island's chief export is mastic but it also produces olive s, fig s, and wine The Korai Library, in Khios, is one of the most important in Greece, it contains 95,000 volumes. Kh­os was colonized by Ionia ns but has been occupied by the Persia ns, part of the Delian League and the Byzantine Empire . Before passing through the possession of the Latin emperors of Constantinople , the Genoese , the Ottoman Turks (there was a massacre of the islanders after a rebellion in ), depicted by El Greco in his famous artwork at The Louvre, and finally Khios rejoined the rest of independent Greece after the First Balkan War ( The Turkish massacre of 1822, which annihilated 1/4 of the 30,000 inhabitants of the island, decimated the Mastichohorio, the mastic growing villages in the south of the island. It triggered enormous public outrage in Western Europe, viz El Greco's art and Lord Byron

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