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81. Places To Find Information On Emmy Noether Places to find information on Emmy noethernoether, Gottfried. " Emmy noether " in Women of Mathematics, A Biobibliographic Sourcebook Louise Grinstein and Paul Campbell, Editors, Greenwood Press, 1987. ( Biographical information)Olsen, Lynn M. 57438 (bio)Links to people associated with noetherMax noether http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~ history/Mathematicians/noether_Max. htmlDavid Hilbert http//www http://www.cs.appstate.edu/~sjg/womenandminoritiesinmath/final/noetherfinal/refs |
82. Nat'l Academies Press, Nobel Prize Women In Science: (1993), Index 234 .444 NOBEL PRIZE WOMEN IN SCIENCE personal characteristics quantum theory, 7374 students ("noether's boys"), 76, 77, 78, 79 Gottfried, 76, 86, 89 noether, Herman, 76, 79, 86 noether http://www.nap.edu/books/0309072700/html/433.html | |
83. EMMY NOETHER, MENTORS & COLLEAGUES Emmy noether, Mentors Colleagues. This photograph shows a few of Emmy noether's colleagues and acquaintences, all but one identified in Brewer and Smith's book, Emmy noether A Tribute to Her Life http://faculty.evansville.edu/ck6/bstud/enmc.html | |
84. Emmy Noether (Nöther) Translate this page noether (Nöther) Amalie Emmy, allemande, 1882-1935. Fille du mathématicienMax noether. Comme toutes les jeunes femmes éprises http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono2/Noether.html | |
85. Biography-center - Letter N noether, Emmy www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/noether.htm; noether, Maxwwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/noether_Max.html; http://www.biography-center.com/n.html | |
86. Emmy Noether Translate this page Emmy noether (1882 bis 1935). Emmy noether wurde als erstes Kind vonMax noether am 23. März 1882 in Erlangen geboren. Der Vater http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/noether.html | |
87. Emmy Noether http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/enoether.html | |
88. Emmy Noether 1882 - 1935 noether, geb. Kaufmann. http://www.mathematik.ch/mathematiker/noether.php | |
89. Amalie Emmy Noether http://www.gss.tue.bw.schule.de/projekte/g-noether.html | |
90. Noether, Emmy The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://episte.math.ntu.edu.tw/people/p_noether/ | |
91. Emmy Noether Biography (From St Andrews University History of Math web site). Emmy noether s fatherMax noether was a distinguished mathematician and a professor at Erlangen. http://www.math.wsu.edu/math/faculty/barbut/bio.htm | |
92. Neue Bewilligungen Im Emmy Noether-Programm Der DFG Translate this page Neue Bewilligungen im Emmy noether-Programm der DFG. Der Hauptausschuss der DFGhat im Herbst 18 neue Bewilligungen im Emmy noether-Programm ausgesprochen. http://www.innovations-report.de/html/berichte/interdisziplinaere_forschung/beri | |
93. Junge Wissenschaftlerinnen Und Wissenschaftler Untersuchen Werkstoffe, Stammzell ZurZeit arbeitet er am max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie in Heidelberg. http://www.innovations-report.de/html/berichte/interdisziplinaere_forschung/beri | |
94. NOETHER-EMMY brothers became scientists as well. Emmy would surpass them all. UltimatelyMax would become best known as Emmy noether s father.». http://www1.universia.net/CatalogaXXI/C10056PPESII1/E134985/ | |
95. Alexander Translate this page Alexander Kipnis Geb. 1930 in St. Petersburg (damals Leningrad), 1952 absolviertesumma cum laude die Universität ebenda, promovierte 1960zum Dr. rer. nat. http://www.kipnis.de/publicate/alexander/alexander_main.htm | |
96. ThinkQuest : Library : Mathematics History The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://library.thinkquest.org/22584/tmh3005.htm | |
97. Liste Alphabétique http://www.reunion.iufm.fr/recherche/irem/histoire/liste_alphabétique.htm | |
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