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61. Matematica - News - Altri Eventi Translate this page Courant, Edmund Landau (per la Teoria dei numeri), Emmy noether (per l I fisicipotevano benissimo rivaleggiare con i matematica max Born, Werner Heiseberg http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/giornomemo/gottinga.htm | |
62. Emmy Noether förestod institutet). Hennes pappa, max noether, var en ansedd professori matematik vid universitetet i Erlangen. Hon utvecklade http://www.kosmologika.net/Scientists/Noether.html | |
63. Uni-GH Siegen: FB 6 Mathematik Her father max noether was a distinguished mathematician and a professorat Erlangen. Her mother Ida Kaufman, from a wealthy Cologne family. http://www.math.uni-siegen.de/en/diverse/info-aen.html | |
64. Emmy Emmy noether. 18821935. Background. Emmy was born in Germany in 1882.Her father, max noether, was a professor of mathematics at Erlangen. http://www.roma.unisa.edu.au/07305/emmy.htm | |
65. Biography Of Emmy Amalie Noether picture of noether. Her father, max noether, was a distinguished mathematicianand professor at Erlangen. Her mother was Ida Kaufmann. http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/biograph/199899/BIONOETH.HTM | |
66. Emmy Noether noether, Tochter des Mathematikers max, wurde oft der noether genannt. http://www-m1.ma.tum.de/noether/ | |
67. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge Translate this page noether, Erieh. noether, Erieh - 1971. noether, Erich - 1912. noether, max. noether,max - 1870. HCETHHORN, Helge - 1979. NOETHIGER, Fritz. NOETHIGER, Fritz. - 1972. http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5011470 |
68. Instituto Balseiro Translate this page Había sido alumno de Emmy noether, max Planck, max von Laue, Issai Schur, RichardBecker, Peter Pringsheim, Lise Meitner, Walther Nernst y Albert Einstein http://www.ib.edu.ar/historia/antecedentes.htm | |
69. NOETHER Born in Erlangen, daughter of the German mathematician max noether. Workedon invariants with Paul Gordan of ClebschGordan coefficients. http://www.hep.wisc.edu/~ldurand/711html/courseinfo/biographies/noether.html | |
70. Noether S Italic S /italic -transformation Simplifies Curve Noe71 max noether. 0bet Fl~ichen, welche Schaaren rationaler Curven besitzen.Mathematische Annalen, Band 3, 1871. Noe84 max noether. http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/issac/164081/p164-volcheck/ |
71. Biografi: Emmy Noether Hennes far, max noether, var professor ved universitetet i Erlangen, og en megetkjent matematiker. Emmy var eldst av fire søsken, hadde tre yngre brødre. http://www.matematikk.org/artikkel/vis.php?id=1232 |
72. Emmy Noether Research Institute For Mathematics Emmy noether Research Institute for Mathematics. BarIlan University. Ramat-Gan,Israel. 1400-1500 Prof. G. Faltings max-Planck-Inst. fuer Math., Bonn. http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~eni/past_3_00.htm | |
73. The Heritage Of Emmy Noether - Book Emmy noether was born in Erlangen, Germany, March 23, 1882. max noether,her father was a professor of. mathematics in the university http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~eni/book_on_emmy.html | |
74. ENC Online: ENC Features: Classroom Calendar: Emmy Noether The eldest child and only daughter of noted mathematician max noether, Amalie Emmy noether was born in Erlangen, Germany, on March 23, 1882. http://www.enc.org/features/calendar/unit/0,1819,194,00.shtm | |
75. DMV Translate this page N, Neumann, Carl (1832-1925), 36, 174-178. Neumann, Franz (1798-1895), 4, 54-68.Nitsche, Joachim (1926-1996), 99, 90-100 *. noether, max (1844-1921), 32, 211-233*. O, http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/nachr_u.html | |
76. Excite France - Répertoire - Mathematicians 49. noether, max (18441921), One of the leaders of nineteenth century algebraicgeometry. http//history.math.csusb.edu/Mathematicians/noether_max.htm l. 50. http://www.excite.fr/directory/Science/Math/Mathematicians | |
77. EMMY NOETHER Outstanding Mathematician Emmy noether (March 23, 1882 April 14, 1935) The only daughter of the distinguishedmathematician and Erlangen University professor max noether first tended http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~jpfalz/ENOETHER.html | |
78. A Guide To The Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1954, 1975-1979 Dehn, max, 18781952.Archives. Geometry. Group theory. Hellinger, Ernst. Kneser,Adolf, 1862-1930. Mathematics historians. MathematicsHistory. noether, Emmy http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00192/cah-00192.html | |
79. DFG - Geförderte Nachwuchsgruppen Im Emmy Noether-Programm im Emmy noetherProgramm. Suche. Detailsuche. Statistical analysis of microbialvariation. Leiter der Nachwuchsgruppe. Dr. Daniel Falush. Anschrift. max-Planck http://www.dfg.de/forschungsfoerderung/nachwuchsfoerderung/emmy_noether/liste/em | |
80. Emmy Noether: Creative Mathematical Genius Born Erlangen, Germany, March 23, 1882. Died Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, April 14, 1935. Creative Mathematical Genius. It might be that Emmy noether was designed for mathematical greatness. Emmy http://www.sdsc.edu/ScienceWomen/noether.html | |
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