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         Noether Max:     more detail
  1. Max Noether by Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, et all 2010-06-27
  2. Max Noether's Theorem
  3. Theorems on algebraic curves in connection with the fundamental theorem of Max Noether (Avhandlinger utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. I. Mat.-naturv. klasse, Ny serie) by Olaf M Thalberg, 1962
  4. Algebraists: Max August Zorn, Lodovico Ferrari, Alexander Anderson, Hermann Grassmann, Emmy Noether, Bartel Leendert Van Der Waerden

41. B I O G R A F I A  D E  E M M Y  N O E T H E R
Translate this page O seu pai max noether e sua mãe Ida Kaufman, que veio de uma rica família judiada cidade de Cologne, casaram-se em 1880 e tiveram quatro filhos sendo o
E m m y N o e t h e r O mais significativo e criativo gênio matemático já produzido desde que as mulheres começaram a cursar os estudos superiores. Albert Einstein Eu não vejo como o sexo
de um candidato
possa ser um argumento contra sua admissão.
Afinal, o conselho não é
uma casa de banhos. David Hilbert Eu posso testemunhar
que ela é um grande matemático, mas
se ela é uma mulher
eu não posso
garantir. Edmund Landau Emmy Noether
matemática alemã, nasceu em Erlangen - Alemanha no mesmo dia, dois meses antes e vinte anos após o nascimento de David Hilbert , ou seja, no dia 23 de março de 1882. O seu pai Max Noether e sua mãe Ida Kaufman, que veio de uma rica família judia da cidade de Cologne, casaram-se em 1880 e tiveram quatro filhos sendo o primogênito, Emmy que seguiu, juntamente com outro irmão Fritz a carreira do pai. Durante nove anos freqüentou a escola Hohere Tochter Schule em Erlangen no período de 1889 a 1897 onde estudou francês e inglês, como também, teve a oportunidade de aprender a tocar piano. Em 1900, com apenas dezoito anos, ela prestou exames no Bavarian State Examination a fim de receber o seu certificado e se tornar professora de francês e inglês. Este, foi um momento para Emmy muito importante, pois ela julgava ter completado sua educação, no entanto, decidiu se submeter, também, a exames para continuar seus estudos de matemática na Universidade de Erlangen onde seu irmão, Fritz, era estudante e o seu pai era professor de matemática.

42. Emmy Noether – FemBio: Frau Der Woche
Translate this page Emmy war das erste Kind von Ida Amalia noether und max noether, der an der UniversitätErlangen Mathematik lehrte. Auf Emmy folgten noch drei Brüder.
FemBio weiterempfehlen
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Frauen-Biographie der Woche: Emmy Noether
gestorben am 14. April 1935 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania deutsche Mathematikerin An dem "Fall Noether" läßt sich die grausame Borniertheit der deutschen Männer-Universität exemplarisch nachweisen. "Als Emmy Noether 1935 ... starb, galt sie nicht nur als Begründerin der modernen axiomatischen Algebra, sondern als die bedeutendste Mathematikerin, die je gelebt hat, und an dieser Einschätzung hat sich bis heute nichts geändert", schreibt ihre Biographin Tollmien. Aber die geniale Mathematikerin bekam an deutschen Universitäten nie mehr als einen kleinen Lehrauftrag. Sie starb mit 53 Jahren im amerikanischen Exil. Ab 1904/5 studierte sie in Erlangen bei ihrem Vater und seinem Freund Gordan als einzige Frau unter 47 Mathematikstudenten und promovierte 1907 summa cum laude. Danach lehrte und forschte sie acht Jahre lang unentgeltlich in Erlangen. 1909 wurde sie Mitglied der "Deutschen Mathematikervereinigung" und hielt ihren ersten Vortrag auf deren Jahresversammlung.

43. Suche Nach Personen
Translate this page 1929 noether, Emmy (1882-1935) noether, Fritz (1884-1941) noether, Gottfried Emanuel(*1915) noether, Ida (+1915) noether, max (1844-1921) noether, Ehefrau
Suche nach Personen
A B C D ... Z
Nagaoka, Hantaro (1865-1950)

Nakamura, Seiji

Nansen, Fridtjof (1861-1930)

Napoleon I., Kaiser der Franzosen (1769-1821)
... Institutionen

44. © 1998-2002 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 29. Dezember 2002
Hans von (1854-1925); Mises, Richard von (1883-1953); noether, max (1844-1921
Teubner an Arnold Sommerfeld, 3. November 1910
Archiv: (Archiv NL 89, 018, Mappe 3,9) Brief mit Beilage (4 Seiten) aus Leipzig; Sprache: deutsch, Schrift: Maschine. Stichworte
Theorie des Kreisels
Institution: Start Biographie Projekt Online-Suche

45. Emmy Noether: Die Brillanteste Mathematikerin Ihrer Zeit |
Translate this page und erst recht mathematisches Genie bei Frauen kaum vorstellbar erschienen, wardie Tochter des Erlanger Mathematikprofessors max noether eine Provokation.,4417,2-9-169-0-1-display_in_frame-0

46. Mathematische Fakultät Göttingen: Emmy Noether
Translate this page Sie wurde 1882 in Erlangen geboren. Ihr Vater max noether war selbst Professorder Mathematik und zählt zu den Begründern der algebraischen Geometrie.
Mathematische Fakultät
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Updates: letztes: 20.02.2002 jp                                 [ verantwortlich
zurück zur Fakultät
Emmy Noether
Emmy Noether war die bedeutendste Mathematikerin, die bis heute gelebt hat und eine ganz außergewöhnliche Frau war. Nun konnte Emmy Noether selbständig Vorlesungen ankündigen, erhielt aber kein Gehalt, auch nicht nach Ernennung zum "Nicht-Beamten Ausserordentlichen Professor". Erst 1923 erhielt sie einen Lehrauftrag und somit wenigstens ein kleines festes Einkommen, konnte jetzt auch offiziell Schüler bis zum Examen führen, unter ihnen manchen später bekanntgewordenen Mathematiker wie z.B. - um nur einen zu nennen - Max Deuring, von 1950 - 1984 Ordinarius in Göttingen. Kollegen, die Emmy Noether persönlich gekannt hatten, heben in Erinnerungen übereinstimmend ihre Bescheidenheit und Anspruchslosigkeit für ihre eigene Person hervor, und sie betonten ihre menschliche Wärme. Stets war sie um das Schicksal ihrer Schüler besorgt. Noch 1933, nach ihrer Entlassung, kümmerte sie dies mehr als ihre eigene Zukunft. Unter dem nationalsozialistischen Regime war sie eine der ersten, die ihre Stellung verlor. In den USA fand sie Aufnahme als Gastprofessor am Bryn Mawr Women's College und hielt regelmäßig Vorträge am Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Sie starb 1935 an den Folgen einer Operation. Nachrufe erschienen in der "New York Times", aber auch in Deutschland von van der Waerden in den "Mathematischen Annalen".

47. Emmy Noether
Emmy, the eldest, was born in Erlangen, Germany on March 23, 1882.Her father max noether was a distinguished algebraic geometer.
Emmy Noether
In 1880, Max. Noether married Ida Kaufman who came from a wealthy Jewish family in Cologne. Together they had and raised four children. Emmy, the eldest, was born in Erlangen, Germany on March 23, 1882. Her father Max Noether was a distinguished algebraic geometer. Of the four children Emmy and her brother Fritz followed their father's footsteps and became mathematicians also.
The Noether family belonged to the middle class in Erlangen. Emmy must have been brought up in a very loving and supportive environment for it was these qualities she carried throughout her live.
As a child Emmy showed no signs of extraordinary ability in mathematics, nor did she concentrate on mathematics. From 1889 to 1897 she attended the Hohere Tochter Schule in Erlangen where with many other young women she studied French and English and learned to play the piano. Upon reaching womanhood she attended many parties and developed a love for dancing. In 1900, at the age of 18, she took the Bavarian State Examination to become a certified teacher of English and French. It would seem at this point that Emmy had completed her education for she had taken all the schooling that was deemed necessary for a young woman of her social class.
It was at this time that Emmy broke away from the normal expectations of women and decided to take mathematics classes at the university of Erlangen. While nowadays women may attend university freely it was not easy for women to do so in the early years of this century. Women were allowed to audit courses, with the professor's permission, but were not allowed to write examinations.

48. ×éÖ¯
. noether, max (18441921) - max. Peano, Giuseppe (1858-1932)- ?. Pearson, Karl (1857-1936) - ?/?.
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Association for Women in Mathematics

Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences

Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS)
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- Ó¢¸ñÀ¼ WarwickÊýѧÑо¿ÖÐÐÄ
Newton Institute Rényi Institute Steklov Institute ... American Mathematical Society e-Math Home Page À¹úÊýѧЭ»áµÄµç×ÓÊýѧÖ÷Ò³£¬AMSµÄ³ÉÔ±¿ÉÖ±½ÓÁ´½Óµ½AMSµÄµç×ÓÆÚ¿¯£¬¿É²éѯ¹«¹²³ö°æÊý¾Ý¿â¡¢»áÒéÄÚÈݼ°»áÒé°²ÅÅÈÕÀúµÈ. The Association of European Operational Research Societies Canadian Operational Research Society/Sociét?Canadienne de Recherche Opérationnelle Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences - INFORMS£¨Ô˳P¹ÜÀí¿ÆѧÑо¿Ëù£©ÔÚÏߣ¬ÌṩINFORMSµÄ¸÷ÖÖ»áÒé¡¢½ÌÓý×ÊÔ´ºÍÏà¹ØÁ´½ÓµÈ¡£ The Mathematical Association of America ÀÖÞÊýѧÁª»á£¬Äܹ»Á´½Óµ½MAA Gopher ·þÎñÆ÷¡¢ MAA Ö÷Ò³µÄÆäËû²¿·Ö¼°Ïà¹ØµÄÊýѧվµã . Mathematical Programming Society Military Operations Research Society National Science Foundation World Wide Web Server ¹ú¼Ò¿Æѧ»ù½ð»áµÄWWW·þÎñ¡£ Society for Risk Analysis Washington Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (WINFORMS, formerly WORMSC)

49. A. Emmy Noether
oldest child. Her father, max noether, a noted mathematician himself,was a professor at the University of Erlangen. She studied
Amalie Emmy Noether (1882-1935) was born on March 23, 1882, in Erlangen, Germany, the oldest child. Her father, Max Noether, a noted mathematician himself, was a professor at the University of Erlangen. She studied mathematics and foreign languages at Erlangen from 1900 to 1902. summa cum laude . Her thesis was on algebraic invariants. In 1915, on Hilbert's Hilbert's name. She applied her invariant theoretic knowledge on problems considered by Hilbert and Klein. Hilbert Influenced by Hilbert's axiomatization of Euclidean geometry, Noether became interested in an abstract axiomatic approach to ring theory. Between 1922 and 1926, she published a series of papers focusing on "the general theory of ideals". In her paper "Abstract construction of ideal theory in the domain of algebraic number fields", published in 1926, she characterized rings in which every ideal is uniquely expressed as a product of prime ideals. This is analogous to Euclid's fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Two of the generalized structures she associated with ideals are the "group" and the "ring". She introduced the present-day definition of a ring in her paper, "Theory of ideals in a ring", published in 1921. She showed that the ascending chain condition is important to ideal theory. She introduced the concept of a primary ideal and proved that in a commutative ring satisfying the ascending chain condition, every ideal can be expressed as an intersection of primary ideals. In 1932, while working on non commutative rings in linear algebra with Richard Brauer and Helmut Hasse, she proved that every simple algebra over an ordinary algebraic number field is cyclic. From 1932 to 1934, she worked on non commutative algebras by means of cross products.

50. The Mother Of Abstract Algebra (Emmy Noether)
of four children. Her father, max noether, was a professor of Mathematicsat the University of Erlangen. Initially her interests
The Mother of Abstract Algebra
Of all of the women mathematicians, Emmy Noether is generally the best known. Often described as a loving, intelligent woman, she was impressive by many standards. She was faced with gender issues and political tensions in her lifetime, but her passion for mathematics remained strong. Amalie `Emmy' Noether was born in Erlangen Germany on March 23, 1882 and was the eldest of four children. Her father, Max Noether, was a professor of Mathematics at the University of Erlangen. Initially her interests were mainly languages, and upon graduation of high school she became eligible to teach French and English at a school for young girls. However, when she was 18 she became interested in mathematics. She was not allowed to enroll at the University at the time, because she was a woman. She was able to audit classes, and she did so for two years at the Universities of Erlangen and Gottingen. She worked closely with Paul Gordon, a friend at the University. Under his supervision, she wrote her doctoral thesis: On Complete Systems of Invariants for Ternary Biquadratic Forms . In 1907 she was granted a doctorate at Erlangen. After Gordon's retirement, she began to work with the algebraists Ernst Fischer and Erhard Schmidt on the topic of finite relational and integral bases. Around this time she periodically substituted for her father at the University.

51. Emmy Noether / Matematica / Materiali / Cartesio
Translate this page Indice biografie. Di famiglia ebrea, figlia del matematico max noether, silaureò nel 1907 a Erlangen con una tesi sugli invarianti algebrici.
La didattica con le calcolatrici
Home Gli argomenti I materiali Link utili ... Materiali
Biografie di 32 matematici di Raffaele Mauro , Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "A.Bianchini" - Terracina Emmy Noether (23 Marzo 1882 Erlangen - 14 Aprile 1935 Bryn Mawr) Indice biografie
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52. Emmy Noether
She was born in 1882, the eldest of eleven children. Her dad, max noether,was a mathematics professor at the University of Erlangen.
The myopic washerwoman
by Dinoj Surendran
It is a sad fact that there are few women in mathematics, so few that sometimes you wonder if the ones you hear of are considered to be great only as a condescension to their gender. But not Amalie Emmy Noether. Once when Edward Landau was asked if he would agree to the statement that she was a great woman mathematician, he reversed the question: ``I can testify that she is a great mathematician, but that she is a woman, I cannot swear.'' (this seemingly chauvinistic statement should be seen in the context of the times) She was born in 1882, the eldest of eleven children. Her dad, Max Noether , was a mathematics professor at the University of Erlangen. She had a normal childhood - complete with school, housework and dancing - and qualified at 18 to be a English and French teacher. But she wanted to go to university, no easy task in the Germany of 1900! Eventually she became half of the entire female population of the thousand students at Erlangen, earning a doctorate in 1907. Till 1916, she worked (without pay since only men could be employed) as a researcher at the Mathematical Institute in Erlangen, giving seminars and sometimes substituting for her aging father in lectures. Then she moved to Gottingen, where the great mathematicians

53. Bibliotheca Augustana
Translate this page jüdischen Familie geboren. Der Vater, max noether, ist Professorder Mathematik an der Universität Erlangen. Als Frau kann sie
Emmy Noether
D i e A u t o r i n
D a s W e r k
Invariante Variationsprobleme (Habilitation 1918)
Fragen der Modultheorie (1919)

Moduln in nichtkommutativen Bereichen (1920)
Idealtheorie in Ringbereichen (1921)
Abstrakter Aufbau der Idealtheorie in algebraischen
und Darstellungstheorie (1929) Hyperkomplexe Systeme in ihren Beziehungen zur kommutativen Algebra und zur Zahlentheorie (1932) Nichtkommutative Algebren (1933)
Noether-Seiten der University of California Quellen, Kolophon

54. Emmy Noether
Emmy noether s father max noether was a distinguished mathematicianand a professor at Erlangen. Women were allowed to study at
Emmy Amalie Noether
* 23 March 1882 in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
+ 14 April 1935 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA
Emmy Noether is best known for her contributions to abstract algebra, in particular, her study of chain conditions on ideals of rings. Idealtheorie in Ringbereichen (1921) was of fundamental importance in the development of modern algebra. In this paper she gave the decomposition of ideals into intersections of primary ideals in any commutative ring with ascending chain condition. Lasker (the world chess champion) had already proved this result for polynomial rings. Moderne Algebra in two volumes. The major part of the second volume consists of Noether's work. From 1927 on Noether collaborated with Helmut Hasse> and Richard Brauer in work on non- commutative algebras. She also did important work in the theory of invariants, which led to formulations for several concepts of Einstein 's general theory of relativity. From a physics perspective, Emmy Noether's most famous accomplishment is what is sometimes referred to as Noether's Theorem , which proves a relationship between symmetries in physics and conservation principles.

55. Emmy Noether - Encyclopedia Article About Emmy Noether. Free Access, No Registra
. Click the link for more information. . Her father, max noether,was a distinguished mathematician and a professor at Erlangen. Noether
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Emmy Noether
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Emmy Noether March 23 March 23 is the 82nd day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (83rd in Leap years). There are 283 days remaining.
  • 752 - Stephen II becomes Pope.
  • 1708 - James Francis Edward Stuart lands at the Firth of Forth.
  • 1775 - American Revolutionary War: Patrick Henry delivers his famous speech - "give me liberty or give me death" in Williamsburg, Virginia.
  • 1806 - After traveling through the Louisiana Purchase and reaching the Pacific Ocean, explorers Lewis and Clark and their "Corps of Discovery" begin their arduous journey home.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 -
  • February 2 - The Knights of Columbus are formed in New Haven, Connecticut
  • February 7 - In Mississippi City the last heavyweight boxing championship bareknuckle fight takes place.

Click the link for more information.

56. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of NO
Noeth, Winfried, 2000. noether, Emmy, FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,1907. noether, max, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 1868.

57. Australian Mathematics Trust
as the Erlangen Program . Emmy noether s father, max noether, wasa mathematician at Erlangen. He was a significant mathematician
Emmy Noether (1882-1935) Emmy Noether is one of the most significant female mathematicians in history. She was born in the Bavarian town of Erlangen. Erlangen at the time had one of Germany's three "free" Universities (i.e. independent of the churches), the other two being at Halle and Göttingen. The Erlangen University had been cast into the mathematical spotlight by one of its mathematicians named Felix Klein, who had given significant insights into the concept of a group in geometry, insights which became known as the "Erlangen Program". Emmy Noether's father, Max Noether, was a mathematician at Erlangen. He was a significant mathematician in his own right and became a Full Professor at that University. Women were not officially allowed to study at German Universities, or to hold normal teaching positions. Nevertheless Emmy became known while enrolled as an audit student and was able eventually (in 1907) to graduate with a PhD summa cum laude at Erlangen under the supervision of Paul Gordan (whom David Hilbert had described as "King of the Invariants"). In 1915 she moved to Göttingen where she was given a licence to teach without being paid. Hilbert was in fact one of her colleagues there. Her most productive years were during the 1920s, when she produced a number of significant results. She is best known for her work in abstract algebra, particularly working with structures such as rings. She also did important work on the theory of invariants, which had an influence on the formulation of Einstein's general theory of relativity.

58. Emmy Noether
Born March 23, 1882 in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany. Oldest of fourchildren born to max noether, Math professor, and Ida Kaufmann.
Emmy Noether
Photo courtesy of
  • Born March 23, 1882 in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany. Oldest of four children born to Max Noether, Math professor, and Ida Kaufmann. 1900-1902: Sat in on classes at the University of Erlangen. 1903: Went to University of Gottingen, with one other girl. 1904: Began work at University of Erlangen and received her Ph.D. in 1907. Emmy became well known and was awarded many memberships after her publications began to circulate.
Careers and University Involvement
  • 1908-1915 worked at the Mathematical Institute in Erlangen, without pay because she was a woman. 1916 went to work at the University of Gottingen, again as an unpaid lecturer and researcher. 1933 she was forced to leave the University by the Nazis because she was Jewish. She received an offer to be a visiting professor at Bryn Mawr College in the US so she moved.

59. Max Planck Society - Junior Research Groups
Biology, Emmy noether), linkPfeil, MPI of Biochemistry. linkWebsite, Cognitive Development,linkPfeil, The FriedrichMiescher-Laboratory of the max Planck Society.
HOME Contact Newsroom Links Site Map FAQs Deutsch document.write('Search '); Quickfinder Events Calendar Help guests scientists Institutes Job Opportunities Junior Research Group President Presidential Commiss. Research Magazine Research Schools About the Society Institutes, Projects, and Facilities Research Fields Research Results ... Junior Research Groups Junior Research Groups Junior Research Groups Since 1969 the Max Planck Society has been supporting gifted, young scientists and researchers through its Independent Junior Research Groups, which run for a limited period of time. [more]
Independent Junior Groups in China
Section: Region: All Biology and Medicine Chem., Phys. and Tech. Humanities All Bavaria Berlin Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hesse Meckl.-West. Pomer. Lower Saxony North Rhine-Westph. Rhineland-Palat. Saarland Saxony Saxony-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Thuringia OK Schleswig-Holstein Hamburg Bremen Lower Saxony ... Abroad
document.write(''); document.write('Atmospheric Isotope Physics (BMBF - AFO 2000)'); Atmospheric Isotope Physics (BMBF - AFO 2000) MPI for Nuclear Physics document.write(''); document.write('Auditory Processing (Grothe, Department of Cellular and Systems Neurobiology)');

60. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Nachwuchsgruppen
Translate this page Seit 1969 fördert die max-Planck-Gesellschaft besonders begabte junge vermittelnderProteinkomplexe (Abteilung Molekulare Zellbiologie, Emmy noether), MPI für

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