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81. AAC Database - Browse - List 1, Nicolson, William. 1, nicomachus Gerasenus See nicomachus,of gerasa. 1,nicomachus, of gerasa. 1, nicomachus, the Pythagorean See nicomachus,of gerasa. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/SCAN-F/1159161 | |
82. NICOMACHUS nicomachus, a Neopythagorean philosopher and mathematician, born at gerasa in ArabiaPetraea, flourished about AD 100. In his musical treatise he m. nicomachus. http://67.1911encyclopedia.org/N/NI/NICOMACHUS.htm | |
83. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Moldavia Died 5 Aug 1981 in Oakland, California, USA nicomachus, nicomachus ofgerasa Born about 60 in gerasa, Roman Syria (now Jarash, Jordan) Died about http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=N |
84. Walisch Kim: Sieb Des Eratosthenes (EcprimeV1.12) Www.primzahlen.de Translate this page Etwa 300 Jahre später überlieferte nicomachus von gerasa das Verfahren in seinemBuch ?Introductio Arithmeticae und gab ihm den Namen ?Sieb des http://www.primzahlen.de/files/referent/kw/sieb.htm | |
85. Biography-center - Letter N Nicollier, Claude www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/nicollie.html; nicomachus ofGerasa, wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/nicomachus.html; http://www.biography-center.com/n.html | |
86. History Of Perfect Numbers The first significant study of Perfect Numbers was conducted by Nicomachusof gerasa who wrote his famous text Introductio Arithmetica in 100AD. http://students.bath.ac.uk/ma2le/History.html | |
87. The Classical Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 1, 1998: Pp. 324-327 Volume 48, Issue 1, 1998 pp. 324327. Shorter note. The chronology of Nicomachusof gerasa. AH Criddle. Great Barford, Bedford, UK. Table of Contents. http://www3.oup.co.uk/clquaj/hdb/Volume_48/Issue_01/480324.sgm.abs.html | |
88. The Classical Quarterly, Volume 48, Issue 1, 1998 pp. 320324 Details. Shorter note. The chronology of nicomachus ofGerasa AH Criddle pp. 324-327 Details. Shorter note. Philoponus http://www3.oup.co.uk/clquaj/hdb/Volume_48/Issue_01/ | |
89. Recommended Reading List 23. Tacitus (c.55117). Histories Annals Agricola Germania. 24. nicomachus ofGerasa (fl.c. 100 AD). Introduction to Arithmetic. 25. Epictetus (c.60-120). http://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/staff/dehogue/AP/recommended_reading_list.ht | |
90. ADLER AND VAN DOREN'S READING LIST Tacitus (c. 55117), Histories, Annals, Agricola, Germania. Nicomachusof gerasa (fl. c.100 AD), Introduction to Arithemetic. Epictetus http://home.comcast.net/~dwtaylor1/adler.html | |
91. OnTab Online: Tabel 51 125 vC. Hero van Alexandrie, ca. 75. Ptolemaeus, ca. 85 ca. 165. nicomachus vanGerasa, ca. 100. Theoon van Smyrna, ca. 125. Diophantus, 1ste of 3de eeuw. Pappus,ca. http://www.casia.nl/OnTab/tabel51.html | |
92. Book Review A number of obscure characters such as Moderatus of Gades and nicomachus ofGerasa also flit across the pages from time to time, receiving a rare but http://www.practical-philosophy.org.uk/Volume5Reviews/Pythagoras.htm | |
93. The Great Books The Spirit of Laws N. NEWTON, GBWW I 34vii Principles Optics NICOMACHUSOF gerasa, GBWW I 11811 Arithmetic O. P. PASCAL, GBWW I http://www.thegreatideas.org/gb.html | |
94. Simon Finch His De Arithmetica is an adaptation of the Arithmetike eisagoge of nicomachus ofGerasa, author of the second century CE whose work on music, Encheiridion http://www.simonfinch.com/pages/highlights.php?CatID=3&id=8 |
95. The Harmony Of The Spheres Preface and Acknowledgments I. Classical 1. Plato 2. Pliny The Elder 3. Nicomachusof gerasa 4. Theon of Smyrna 5. Ptolemy 6. Censorinus 7. The Hymns of http://www.innertraditions.com/titles/harsph.htm | |
96. Progressioni Geometriche by Martin Luther D Ooge, with notes by Frank Egleston Robbins and Louis http://utenti.quipo.it/base5/numeri/progrgeom.htm | |
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