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41. Terra Mir Bookstore: Subject MUSIC THEORY, PHILOSOPHY, & HISTORY Sources Aristoxenus Harmonica The Sectio Canonis V. Music Theory II The RevivalPlutarch Cleonides nicomachus of gerasa Theon of Smyrna Claudius Ptolemy VI. http://www.imagik.net/music.htm | |
42. Proofs Without Words In his Introduction to Arithmetic, nicomachus of gerasa (c 100 AD) writes, Everysquare figure diagonally divided is resolved into two triangles and every http://www.cut-the-knot.org/ctk/pww.shtml | |
43. Oxford Scholarship Online: Pythagoras Revived This chapter compares the Pythagorean interests and tendencies of four Platonistphilosophers, Numenius, nicomachus of gerasa, Anatolius, and Porphyry, in http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/public/content/philosophy/0198239130/acprof | |
44. Physics And Music of mathematics as well as an art; this tradition of musical thought flourished throughoutantiquity in such theorists as nicomachus of gerasa and Ptolemy and http://www.angelfire.com/wv/jeanwilson/music.html | |
45. Malaspina.com - Malaspina Great Books Core Reading List Moralia; Tacitus (c.55117) Histories Annals Agricola and Germania;nicomachus of gerasa (fl.c. 100 AD) Introduction to Arithmetic; http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/listbak.htm | |
46. Fiction Links Tacitus (c. 55117) Histories Annals Germania. nicomachus of gerasa (fl. c.100 CE) Introduction to Arithmetic Gif of Greek Multiplication Table. http://www.the-manhattanite.com/links.htm | |
47. Adler And Van Doren. How To Read A Book nicomachus of gerasa (fl.c. 100 AD) Introduction to Arithmetic; Epictetus(c.60120) Discourses Encheiridion (Handbook); Ptolemy (c.100-170; fl. http://www.interleaves.org/~rteeter/grtadler.html | |
48. Great Books Index: Ancient Western Literature Greek. Epictetus; nicomachus of gerasa; Ptolemy; Arrian; New Testament Apocrypha.Gospel of Truth; Lucian; Pausanias; Marcus Aurelius; Galen; Sextus Empiricus. Latin. http://www.interleaves.org/~rteeter/grttabl.html | |
49. The Helenistic Period Of Greek Mathematics He also gives formulas for the area of regular polygons of n sides,each of length a nicomachus of gerasa (fl 100 AD). Nicomachus http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/helnistc/helnistc.html | |
50. Ancient Music History Music theorists of the second century AD such as nicomachus of gerasa and ClaudiusPtolemy wrote extensively about the mathematical, moral, and cosmic http://www.stevenestrella.com/composers/ancientmusic.html | |
51. David Lane Pyramid Prophecy From nicomachus of gerasa, circa 100 CE we read, The universe seems to have beendetermined and ordered in accordance with number, by the forethought and the http://pyramidprophecy.net/Mystery2.htm |
52. Great Works Of Our Intellectual Heritage Tacitus (c. 55 c. 117) Histories, Annals, Agricola, Germania. nicomachus of gerasa(c. 60 - c. 120) Introduction to Arithmetic. Ptolemy (fl. 100s) Almagest. http://www.unlv.edu/faculty/dfott/grtworks.htm | |
53. Kairouz We observe, too, the Pythagorean diatonism clearly described in thesecond century by nicomachus of gerasa and Theon of Smyrna. http://www.keyrouz.com/engmelkite.html | |
54. Summary Of Pythagorean Theology I: Introduction summary. nicomachus of gerasa (fl. 130) is especially known for hisdevelopment of Pythagorean numerology. Numenius of Apamea (fl. http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/BA/ETP/I.html | |
55. Into The Dark Ages With Boethius His early works on arithmetic and music are extant, both based on Greek handbooksby nicomachus of gerasa, a 1stcentury-AD Palestinian mathematician. http://www.mediamusicstudies.net/tagg/zmisc/boethius.html | |
56. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians 62 CE) (Hero) *SB *MT 100 CE. Balbus (fl. c. 100) *SB; Menelaus ofAlexandria (c. 100 CE) *MT *SB; nicomachus of gerasa (c. 100) *SB; http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
57. History Of Mathematics: Greece c. 62 CE) (Hero); Theodosius of Tripoli (c. 50? CE?); Menelaus of Alexandria(c. 100 CE); nicomachus of gerasa (c. 100); Theon of Smyrna (c. 125); http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
58. A Second Summary Of Great Books Galen On the Natural Faculties Euclid The Elements Archimedes Collected worksApollonius of Perga Conic Sections nicomachus of gerasa Introduction to http://www.radix.net/~bobg/books/summary2.html | |
59. Mathematics And Religion Augustines school texts may have included the Greek text IntroductioArithmetica of nicomachus of gerasa (ca. 100 AD), which http://www.aug.edu/dvskel/Luoma2002.htm | |
60. Jay Kappraff 6. Kappraff, J. The Arithmetic of nicomachus of gerasa and its.Applications to Systems of ProportionNexus Network Journal (an. http://web.njit.edu/~kappraff/personal.html |
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