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         Nevanlinna Rolf:     more books (37)
  1. Erhabene Welten: Das Leben Rolf Nevanlinnas (Vita Mathematica) (German Edition) by Olli Lehto, 2008-08-15
  2. Xvith Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Joensuu, Finland, August 1-5, 1995
  3. Theoreme de Picard-Borel et la theorie des fonctions meromorphes. by Rolf Nevanlinna, 1929
  4. Absolute Analysis (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Frithjof Nevanlinna, Rolf Nevanlinna, 1973-11-12
  5. Complex Analysis: Joensuu 1987 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by Finland) Rolf Nevanlinna-Kolloquium 1987 (Joensuu, S. Richman, et all 1989-01
  6. Space Time and Relativity by Rolf Nevanlinna, 1968
  7. Eindeutige analytische Funktionen (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Rolf Nevanlinna, 1974-07-01
  8. Academics of the University of Helsinki: Lars Ahlfors, Rolf Nevanlinna, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg, Teivo Teivainen
  9. Finnish Scientist Introduction: Rolf Nevanlinna, Jarkko Oikarinen, Ragnar Granit, Leena Peltonen-Palotie, Jakob Sederholm, Ilkka Hanski
  10. European Mathematician Introduction: Kazimierz Kuratowski, Lodovico Ferrari, Rolf Nevanlinna, Viggo Brun, Thomas Fincke, François D'aguilon
  11. Hochschullehrer (Helsinki): Lauri Ingman, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Johan Vilhelm Snellman, Rolf Nevanlinna, Peter A. Kraus (German Edition)
  12. Finnish Mathematicians: Lars Ahlfors, Rolf Nevanlinna, Mikko Kaasalainen, Arto Salomaa, Jarl Waldemar Lindeberg, Ernst Leonard Lindelöf
  13. Studia Logico-Mathematico et Philosophica, in Honorem Rolf Nevanlinna Die Natali Eius Septuagesimo, 22. X. 1965 by Georg Henrik; Uuno Saarnio, re: Rolf Nevanlinna Von Wright, 1965
  14. People From Joensuu: Rolf Nevanlinna, Matias Laine, Hannu Mikkola, Kaarlo Linkola, Riitta Myller, Juho Heiskanen, Lauri Mononen, Perttu Leppä

61. About The Prizes
Fields Medals and rolf nevanlinna Prize. Fields Medals. At the 1924International rolf nevanlinna Prize. The rolf nevanlinna Prize
    Fields Medals and Rolf Nevanlinna Prize
    Fields Medals
    At the 1924 International Congress of Mathematicians in Toronto, a resolution was adopted that at each ICM, two gold medals should be awarded to recognize outstanding mathematical achievement. Professor J. C. Fields, a Canadian mathematician who was secretary of the 1924 Congress, later donated funds establishing the medals which were named in his honor. Consistent with Fields's wish that the awards recognize both existing work and the promise of future achievement, it was agreed to restrict the medals to mathematicians not over forty at the year of the Congress. In 1966 it was agreed that, in light of the great expansion of mathematical research, up to four medals could be awarded at each Congress. For more details about the origins of the Fields Medal we recommend the article:
    Henry S. Tropp, " The Origins and History of the Fields Medal ", Historia Mathematica 3 (1976) 167-181. The following text by Eberhard Knobloch describes the design of the medal:
    The Fields Medal
    The head represents Archimedes facing right.

62. About The Prizes
Encyclopedia4U rolf nevanlinna - Encyclopedia Articlerolf nevanlinna. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article rolf nevanlinna .
    Fields Medal and Rolf Nevanlinna Prizes
    Fields Medal
    At the 1924 International Congress of Mathematicians in Toronto, a resolution was adopted that at each ICM, two gold medals should be awarded to recognize outstanding mathematical achievement. Professor J. C. Fields, a Canadian mathematician who was Secretary of the 1924 Congress, later donated funds establishing the medals which were named in his honor. Consistent with Fields's wish that the awards recognize both existing work and the promise of future achievement, it was agreed to restrict the medals to mathematicians not over forty at the year of the Congress. In 1966 it was agreed that, in light of the great expansion of mathematical research, up to four medals could be awarded at each Congress.
    For more details
    about the origins of the Fields Medal we recommend the article:
    Henry S. Tropp, " The Origins and History of the Fields Medal ", Historia Mathematica 3 (1976) 167-181. The following text by Eberhard Knobloch describes the design of the medal:
    The Fields Medal
    The head represents Archimedes facing right.

63. Biostatistiikan Seura Ry - Tapahtumakalenteri 1997
15.5.1997 1316 rolf nevanlinna instituutti, Yliopistokatu 5, 6 krs, Helsinkirolf nevanlinna instituutin biometrian yksikkö Yksikön johtajana toimii
Biostatistiikan seura ry
Biostatistiska föreningen i Finland rf
The Finnish Society of Biostatistics
Tapahtumat Linkit Hallitus Säännöt Liittyminen ... Palaute etc
Tapahtumakalenteri 1997
Tällä sivulla on Suomen biostatistiikan seuran tapahtumakalenteri vuodelle 1997. Jos jokin tapahtuma puuttuu, tai jos jonkin tapahtuman tiedot ovat väärät, ota yhteys sivujen ylläpitäjään Tapahtumat on viimeksi päivitetty 27.05.2004. Tapahtumat on järjestetty vuosittain omiin kalentereihinsa:
23.-24.1.1997 Kansaneläkelaitoksen tutkimuskeskuksen auditorio, Peltolantie 3, Turku
Professori Yosef Hochberg (Tel-Avivin yliopisto), Professori Sture Holm (Chalmersin teknillinen korkeakoulu):
Lisätietoja: ja
WWW: ilmot/monivertailu.html
24.2.1997 17.15 Leiraksen luentosali, Länsi-Pasila, Kronqvistinkuja 1
Esityslista Vuoden 96 toimintakertomus Vuoden 96 tilinpäätös WWW: ilmot/monivertailu.html
24.2.1997 18:15 Leiraksen luentosali, Länsi-Pasila, Kronqvistinkuja 1 Juha Heikkinen tai Erkki Tomppo (Metsäntutkimuslaitos): Valtakunnan metsien inventointi Professori Erkki Tomppo saa tämänvuotisen Marcus Wallenbergin -palkinnon. Se on 2 miljoonaa Ruotsin kruunua. Henkilökohtainen palkintoannetaan Tompolle "uraauurtavasta kehitystyöstä metsävarojen arvioinninalueella". Juha Heikkinen ja/tai Erkki Tomppo kertovat tarkemmin mistähyvästä suomalainen biostatistiikka on saanut kyseisen tunnustuksen.

64. Authors (
nevanlinna, Olavi 1948 (Olavi nevanlinna). nevanlinna, rolf Herman1895- (rolf nevanlinna). Nevard, Michael 1946- (Michael Nevard).

65. TAzM_Titelliste
Translate this page 155 Seiten. Herglotz, Gustav / Schur, Issai / Pick, Georg / nevanlinna, rolf /Weyl, Hermann, Ausgewählte Arbeiten zu den Ursprüngen der Schur-Analysis.

TEUBNER-ARCHIV zur Mathematik / TAzM
Gauß, Carl Friedrich /
Riemann, Bernhard /
Minkowski, Hermann
Gaußsche Flächentheorie, Riemannsche Räume und Minkowski-Welt
Fotomechanische Nachdrucke von:
Gauß, Carl Friedrich: Selbstanzeige.
Gauß, Carl Friedrich: Allgemeine Flächentheorie.
Riemann, Bernhard: Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen.
1854. Teubner-Verlag 1876. Riemann, Bernhard: Commentatio mathematica, qua respondere tentatur quaestioni ab ... 1861. Teubner-Verlag 1876. Minkowski, Hermann: Raum und Zeit. 1908. Teubner-Verlag 1911. Neben Fotos / unveröffentlichten Archivalien / Literatur- und Sachverzeichnis sowie einem neu verfassten kommentierenden Anhang der Herausgeber enthält der Band auch die neu verfasste Übersetzung: Neumann, Olaf (Übersetzung a. d. Lateinischen): Riemann, Bernhard: Commentatio mathematica, qua respondere tentatur quaestioni ab ... Hrsg.: Reichardt, Hans / Böhm, Johannes. (TAzM, Bd. 1)

66. Ryhmien Esittely
Elja Arjas biometrian professori (osaaikainen), rolf nevanlinna -instituutti,Helsingin yliopisto; tutkimusprofessori (osa-aikainen), Kansanterveyslaitos.
Populaatiogenetiikan tutkijakoulu
Pääsivu Tutkimusryhmät Uutisia English summary
Tutkimusryhmien esittely
Elja Arjas: biometrian professori (osa-aikainen), Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutti, Helsingin yliopisto; tutkimusprofessori (osa-aikainen), Kansanterveyslaitos. Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutti, PL 4, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto. Professori Arjaksen työskentelee Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutissa, jossa hän johtaa Biometrian tutkimusosastoa. Osaston piirissä toimii tällä hetkellä lähes 20 henkeä, joista kuitenkin huomattavan osan varsinainen toimipaikka on muissa tutkimuslaitoksissa. Biometrian osaston merkittävin tutkimusalue on tilastollinen genetiikka; tällä alueella työskentelee osaston henkilökunnasta noin puolet. Keskeinen tutkimusaihe on viime vuosina ollut monitekijäisten ominaisuuksien geneettinen kartoitus ja tilastollinen analyysi. Tilastollisen genetiikan ryhmä muodostaa yhdessä Pekka Pamilon ja Outi Savolaisen tutkimusryhmien kanssa Suomen Akatemian nimeämän populaatiogeneettisten analyysien tutkimuksen huippuyksikön. Elja Arjas

67. Sähkömagnetiikan Seminaari
Airio, Tony, HY/rolf nevanlinna instituutti. Arkko, Aimo, TTKK/Teoreettinensähkötekniikka. Järvenpää, Seppo, HY/rolf nevanlinna -instituutti.
Yhteystiedot Palaute
Haku ... Tutkijan käyttöliittymä Palvelut Asiakasneuvonta Funet ja tietoliikenne Julkaisut Palvelut tieteenaloittain Tietokoneet Tietopalvelut
SUKUNIMI ETUNIMI TYÖNANTAJA Airio Tony HY/Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutti Arkko Aimo TTKK/Teoreettinen sähkötekniikka Cameron Frank TTKK/Teoreettinen sähkötekniikka Eloranta Esko Säteilyturvakeskus Forsman Kimmo TTKK/Teoreettinen sähköteniikka Grönros Katja TKK/Lääketieteellisen tekniikan laboratorio Helamaa Martti Elesco Oy Hjelt Sven-Erik OY/Geofysiikan osasto Hongisto Hannu Geologian tutkimuskeskus Immonen Tommi Elesco Oy Jokela Kari Säteilyturvakeskus Juntunen Juha TKK/Sähkömagnetiikan laboratorio Järvenpää Seppo HY/Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutti Kangas Jari TTKK/Teoreettinen sähkötekniikka Kettunen Lauri TTKK/Teoreettinen sähkötekniikka Lassas Matti HY/Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutti Lindell Ismo TKK/Sähkömagnetiikan laboratorio Liukkonen Jukka Geologian tutkimuskeskus Niemenmaa Asko TKK/Sähkömekaniikan laboratorio Nikoskinen Keijo TKK/Sähkömagnetiikan laboratorio Oksama Matti Geologian tutkimuskeskus Ola Petri HY/Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutti Poikonen Ari Geologian tutkimuskeskus Puska Perttu TKK/Sähkömagnetiikan laboratorio Päivärinta Lassi HY/Matematiikan laitos Rahola Jussi CSC - Tieteellinen laskenta Ruotanen Leila TKK/Sähkömagnetiikan laboratorio Ryynänen Matti VTT Automaatio/Mittaustekniikka Sarvas Jukka HY/Rolf Nevanlinna -instituutti Sihvola Ari TKK/Sähkömagnetiikan laboratorio Soininen Heikki Geologian tutkimuskeskus Suppala Ilkka Geologian tutkimuskeskus Suuriniemi Saku TTKK/Teoreettinen sähkötekniikka

68. More Examples AYT Queries
R 1936 Eindeutige analytische Funktionen au = (nevanlinna,*) py = (1936) ti = (EINDEUTIGE) 1 nevanlinna, rolf Eindeutige analytische Funktionen.
more examples: AYT queries
Nevanlinna, Rolf Eindeutige analytische Funktionen. (1936)
[UNIQUE] 1.0
Levinson, N. Gap and density theorems (1963)
American Mathematical Society. Colloquium Publications. Vol. 26. New York: American Mathematical Society. VIII, 246 p. (1963).
Levinson, Norman Gap and density theorems. (1941)
(Am. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publ. 20) New York: Am. Math. Soc. VIII, 246 p. (1941).
Silverman, Edward Definitions of Lebesgue area for surfaces in metric spaces. (1951)
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma 2, 47-76 (1951).
[UNIQUE] 0.932954370666

69. GoodNewsIndia~∞~Madhu Sudan Wins The Nevanlinna Prize
Madhu Sudan wins the nevanlinna Prize. Chennai born, MIT professor Dr.MaduSudan, 35 has been awarded the rolf nevanlinna Prize for 2002.
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Sep 21, 02 NewsClip::Sciences
Madhu Sudan wins the Nevanlinna Prize
Chennai born, MIT professor Dr.Madu Sudan, 35 has been awarded the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize for 2002. Named after the Finnish mathematician [- who was president of the International Mathematical Union from 1959 to 1962], the prize has been awarded since 1982 to a significant young mathematician below the age of 40. It is widely deemed the junior Nobel Prize.
The areas of his work may mystify the best of us but let us try the approach of seeing where his work might be applied. The first is the world of cryptography and computer security. The second is in information transmission where Sudan's work has practical rewards. And, the third is the world of 'approximation algorithms' where his work may help tell researchers early to pull back from a dead end road. If you want more a technical version, here is a start: "probabilistically checkable proofs, non-approximability of optimisation problems and error correcting codes."
A statement from the American Mathematical Society says: "Dr Madu Sudan has made important contributions to several areas of theoretical computer science. His work is characterised by brilliant insights and wide ranging interests."

70. IMU Bulletin No. 43
IMU Bulletin no. 43, October. PRESENTATION OF THE rolf nevanlinna PRIZEBY DAVID MUMFORD CHAIRMAN OF THE rolf nevanlinna PRIZE COMMITTEE.
    IMU Bulletin no. 43, October
      The Rolf Nevanlinna Prize was established by the International Mathematical Union with funds donated by the University of Helsinki for the most outstanding work in ``Mathematical Aspects of Information Science" and has been awarded four times in 1983, 1986, 1990 and 1994. It is given at the ICM's with the belief that Information Science - including here theoretical computer science, analysis of algorithms, scientific computing, optimization and related fields are all in essence part of the umbrella of mathematics. A Committee consisting of Bjorn Engquist, F. Thomas Leighton, Alexander Razborov and myself as chairman decided on this year's prize. We solicited a wide variety of opinions and, after much deliberation, are awarding this prize to:
      Peter Shor
      He found many deep and remarkable results prior to 1994 in the analysis of combinatorial algorithms, many with a geometric flavor such as his discovery with Lagarias of a tiling of 10-dimensional Euclidean space by cubes with no common faces. Since 1994, he has been the principal driving force behind the development of quantum computing. First he put it on the map, so to speak, by factoring numbers fast (thus breaking the RSA encryption scheme) by a quantum computer. And second he has led a major assault on error correction and fault tolerance in this new situation, the main obstacles to the realization of quantum computing. Let me invite Professor Olli Lehto to present the award on behalf of the University of Helsinki.

71. Nomination - Fields Medals And Nevanlinna Prizes
Nominations for candidates for the Fields Medal and rolf nevanlinna Prizes tobe awarded at the Opening Ceremony of the Congress, can be presented to the
Nomination - Fields Medal and Nevanlinna Prizes
    Nominations for candidates for the Fields Medal and Rolf Nevanlinna Prizes to be awarded at the Opening Ceremony of the Congress, can be presented to the Secretary of IMU with a brief justification to the following address:
    Professor Phillip Griffiths
    Institute for Advanced Study
    Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ
    Fax: (1) 609-683-7605;
    . They will be forwarded to the chairman of the appropriate committee. The nominations are limited to no more than two pages statement, plus the curriculum vitae. The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2005. A Fields Medal winner shall not be considered for the Nevanlinna Prize, and reciprocally, a Nevanlinna Prize winner shall not be considered for the Fields Medal.

72. Bücher Der Bibliothek Der Kristallographie Alphabetisch Nach
Translate this page f. Kristallographie Deskriptoren INTELLIGENZ KUENSTLICHE- nevanlinna, rolf Co-AutorKUSTAANHEIMO, PAUL-EDWIN Jahr 1976 Titel Grundlagen der Geometrie

73. Learn More About Rolf Nevanlinna In The Online Encyclopedia.
Visit the Online Encyclopedia and learn more and get your questionsanswered about rolf nevanlinna. see previous page. rolf nevanlinna.
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Rolf Nevanlinna
Rolf Herman Nevanlinna October 22 May 28 ) is perhaps the most famous Finnish mathematician . He is particuarly appreciated for his work in theory of functions (i.e., complex analysis). Apart from mathematics , Nevanlinna took great interest in culture and politics . His opinions in politics were sometimes somewhat controversial, but his talents as an amateur musician were widely appreciated. See also:
External links

74. ELibM Book Review: Olli Lehto, Grand Worlds
Translate this page tätig. Einer der Nachkommen des obengenannten Tuomas war Otto WilhelmNeovius (1867-1927), der Vater von rolf nevanlinna. Die Mutter
ELibM Book Reviews For fastest access: Choose your nearest mirror site! This text is also available as: DVI [28 kilobytes] PostScript [66 kilobytes] PDF [104 kilobytes]
Olli Lehto: Erhabene Welten. Das Leben Rolf Nevanlinnas.
Kapitel II: Der Weg zum Forscher Kapitel III: Wissenschaftlicher Durchbruch Nevanlinna Theory bezeichnet wurde und unter diesem Namen in der Mathematics Subject Classification deus ex machina Collection Borel Eindeutige analytische Funktionen in den Schatten gestellt. Kapitel IV: Junger Professor ratio und emotio Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Suhteellisuusteorian periaatteet , Helsinki 1963]. Geometrian perusteet Grundlagen der Geometrie Eindeutige analytische Funktionen Kapitel V: Der Professor als Mensch New Math und Nieder mit Euklid! Kapitel VI: Politische Bekehrung Muisteltua Kapitel VII: Die Zeit der Kriege Kustaa Vaasa Saksan kamppailu eurooppalaisen kulttuurin puolesta Suomen Akatemia Suomen Kuvalehti Kapitel X: Vielseitiges Akademiemitglied Uniformisierung Absolute Analysis Kapitel XI: Aktive Altersjahre Manfred Stern (Halle a.d. Saale)

75. Records Added To The Library Catalog : August 18-24, 2003
von K. B?g Hodges Library Book QA331.N47 nevanlinna, rolf Herman, 1895 Einf?hrungin die Funktionentheorie / von rolf nevanlinna und V. Paatero. Hodges
Records Added to the Library Catalog :
August 18-24, 2003

76. Table Of Contents
Translate this page différentielle globale. 271. . ARTICLE, nevanlinna, rolf Über die NeumannscheMethode zur Konstruktion von Abelschen Integralen. 302. . ARTICLE,
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
Bibliographic description for this electronic document

This is volume 22 of Commentarii mathematici Helvetici

Proprietà tangenziali delle superficie continue.
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77. Assessment Report / Rolf Nevanlinna Institute
Assessment Report / rolf nevanlinna Institute. The rolf nevanlinna InstituteThe research division of biometry was established in 1997.

78. Appendix
I. Laine rolf nevanlinna sata vuotta. Karjalainen 5.6.1995. I. Laine rolf nevanlinnaColloquia 1964–1995, rolf nevanlinna, W. de Gruyter, 1995, pp.
A1. Department staff
(time limits indicate the nomination period; fully or partially missing time limits indicate a tenured position)
Aulaskari, Rauno, Ph.D., associate professor Eriksson-Bique, Sirkka-Liisa, Ph.D., acting associate professor, 1.9.1993–31.7.1996, on leave 8.8.1994–12.5.1995 Erkama, Timo, Ph.D., associate professor, applied mathematics Laine, Ilpo, Ph.D., professor Sorvali, Tuomas, Ph.D., associate professor, on leave 1.9.1993–31.7.1998 (see below) Sorvali, Tuomas, Ph.D., professor, 1.9.1993–31.7.1998
Senior assistants and lecturers
Eriksson-Bique, Sirkka-Liisa, Ph.D., senior assistant, 1.8.1991–31.7.1996, on leave 1.9.1993–31.7.1996 (see above) Kauranne, Tuomo, Lic. Phil., senior assistant, applied mathematics, 1.8.1994–31.7.1999 Kinnunen, Liisa, Lic. Phil., senior assistant, 1.1.1995–31.7.1997 Latvala, Visa, Ph.D., acting senior assistant, 1.1.1995–31.7.1996 Pesonen, Martti, Ph.D., lecturer
Haarala, Mika, assistant, applied mathematics, 1.9.1994–31.7.1995, 1.9.–31.12.1995 Kinnunen, Liisa, Lic. Phil., assistant, 1.8.1990–31.7.1995, on leave 1.1.1995–31.7.1995 (see above)

79. The Best Mathematics Thesis In Finland 2002 - TUCS Kalle Ranto awarded the rolf nevanlinna prize for best Mathematicsthesis in Finland 2002. On Monday, December 8th, Ph. D. Kalle
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Kalle Ranto awarded the Rolf Nevanlinna prize for best Mathematics thesis in Finland 2002
On Monday, December 8th, Ph. D. Kalle Ranto's (University of Turku) doctoral thesis concerning coding theory was awarded the prize for best Mathematics thesis in Finland 2002. The prize was awarded by the research foundation of the Rolf Nevanlinna Institute ( Error-correcting codes are used in many devices today: e.g. mobile phones, CD's and digital television. These codes add a suitable number of repetitions to the message, allowing for small errors to be corrected. If there, for example, is a scratch on a CD, the original message can often be concluded based on the structure of the used code - this procedure is called decoding. In Kalle Ranto's thesis a number of error-correcting codes, called alphabet z4-Goethals codes, are studied. There are two main contributions: for each of these codes a decoding procedure is presented, and for some codes, certain combinatorial compositions are constructed.

80. Members Of The School Of Mathematics
Translate this page NEUHAUSER, Claudia, 1995-96. NEUMANN, Walter D. 1971-73, 1984-85. nevanlinna,rolf, 1958-59. NEWBURGH, John D. 1949-51. NEWMAN, Charles, 1995-96.
NACHBIN, Leopoldo NADEL, Alan NADEL, Mark E. NAGANUMA, Hidehisa NAGASE, Masayoshi NAGATA, Jun-iti NAHMOD, Andrea NAIR, Arvind NAKAJIMA, Hiraku NAKAMURA, Hiroaki NAKANO, Shigeo NAKAOKA, Minoru NAKAYAMA, Tadasi NAMBA, Makoto NAMIOKA, Isaac NARASIMHAN, Mudumbai S. NARASIMHAN, Raghavan NARVÁEZ-MACARRO, Luis NASH, John F., Jr. NATHAN, David S. NATHANSON, Melvyn B. NAZAROV, Fedor NEEMAN, Amnon NEISENDORFER, Joseph A. NELSON, Edward NERODE, Anil NÉRON, André NESBEDA, Paolo NESBITT, Cecil J. NESS, Linda Ann NEUBERGER, John W. NEUGEBAUER, Christoph J. NEUGEBAUER, Otto NEUHAUSER, Claudia NEUMANN, Walter D. NEVANLINNA, Rolf NEWBURGH, John D. NEWMAN, Charles NEWMAN, Maxwell H.A. NEWTON, R.G. NG, Lenhard NG, Nathan NI, Wei-Ming NICAS, Andrew J. NIEBUR, Douglas P. NIEDERREITER, Harald NIINO, Kiyoshi NIJENHUIS, Albert NIRENBERG, Louis NISHI, Mieo NISNEVICH, Yevsey A. NITSURE, Nitin NIWA, Shinji NOBS, Alexandre NOGUCHI, Junjiro NORI, Madlav NORTON, Karl K. NORWOOD, Frederick G.H. NOVAK, Ilse L. NOVODVORSKY, Mark NUNZIANTE, Diana NUSSBAUM, Adolf Edward NUSSBAUM, Roger D.

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