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         Neumann John Von:     more books (100)
  1. NEUMANN, JOHN VON(19031957): An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Herman Goldstine, 2006
  2. John von Neumann: Collected Works, Volume VI: Theory of Games, Astroph by John von Neumann, 1963
  3. Continuous Geometry by John von Neumann, 1998-04-20
  4. Planning and coding of problems for an electronic computing instrument. Pt. II. Report on the mathematical and logical aspects of an electronic computing instrument by Herman Heine Goldstine, John von Neumann, 1948
  5. Functional Operators Volume 2 Geometry of Or by John Von Neumann, 1950
  6. Continuous Geometries With a Transition Probability (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society) by John Von Neumann, 1981-12
  7. Functional Operators, Volume 2: The Geometry of Orthogonal Spaces. (AM-22) (Annals of Mathematics Studies) by John von Neumann, 1950-12-31
  8. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by John Von Neumann, 1971
  9. John von Neumann, 1903-1957 by J. C. Oxtoley, B. J. Pettis, 1958-05-01
  10. Monte Carlo Methods: John Von Neumann, Enrico Fermi, Box-muller Transform, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Monte Carlo Method, Stanislaw Ulam
  11. Hochschullehrer (Princeton): John Forbes Nash Jr., Peter Singer, John Rawls, John von Neumann, Kurt Gödel, Thomas Mann, Joschka Fischer (German Edition)
  12. Theory of Self-reproducing Automata by John Von Neumann, 1967-04
  13. Functional Operators. (2vols.) by JOHN VON NEUMANN, 1957
  14. Functional Operators. Vol. 1: Measures and Integrals by John von Neumann, 1965-01-01

41. John Von Neumann: Genius Of Man And Machine - A Biography
Biography describing his life and work, along with links to additional resources.
Daniel R. Kunkle
Student of Computer Science - Artificial Life and Intelligence

homepage of Daniel Kunkle
John von Neumann: Genius of Man and Machine Early Life and Education in Budapest In 1903, Budapest was growing rapidly, a booming, intellectual capital. It is said that the Budapest that von Neumann was born into "was about to produce one of the most glittering single generations of scientists, writers, artists, musicians, and useful expatriate millionaires to come from one small community since the city-states of the Italian Renaissance." Indeed, John von Neumann was one of those who, through his natural genius and prosperous family, was able to excel in the elitist educational system of the time. At a very young age, von Neumann was interested in math, the nature of numbers and the logic of the world around him. Even at age six, when his mother once stared aimlessly in front of her, he asked, "What are you calculating?" thus displaying his natural affinity for numbers. The young von Neumann was not only interested in math, though. Just as in his adult life he would claim fame in a wide range of disciplines (and be declared a genius in each one), he also had varying interests as a child. At age eight he became fascinated by history and read all forty-four volumes of the universal history, which resided in the family’s library. Even this early, von Neumann showed that he was comfortable applying his mind to both the logical and social world.

42. Von Neumann, John
von neumann, john. von neumann, john (19031957), world-famous mathematician who was professor of mathematical physics in the University
von Neumann, John
von Neumann, John (1903-1957), world-famous mathematician who was professor of mathematical physics in the University and later a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, was born on December 28, 1903, the son of a well-to-do banker in Budapest, Hungary. From the age of thirteen he showed a pronounced interest in mathematics, which was fostered by his teachers at the Lutheran High School of Budapest where Princeton's Nobel laureate physicist Eugene Wigner was also a student. After graduation from high school, von Neumann studied chemistry for two years in Berlin and for two years in Zurich but spent much of his time with mathematicians, taking a Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Budapest not long after receiving his chemistry diploma at Zurich. Thereafter, he concentrated on mathematics and theoretical physics in further study at G”ttingen and Hamburg and after 1927 as a privatdozent in Berlin. In 1929 von Neumann accepted an invitation to come to Princeton as a visiting professor for one term. Given a continuing half-time appointment the following year, he spent one term each year in Princeton and one in Germany until 1933 when, at the age of 30, he accepted appointment as the youngest and one of the first professors in the newly founded Institute for Advanced Study. In 1937 he became a United States citizen. Von Neumann's brilliant work in mathematics also carried him into theoretical economics and technology as well as theoretical physics areas where he was able to make vital contributions not only to science but also to the welfare of his adopted country. His work in quantum mechanics gave him a profound knowledge concerning the application of nuclear energy to military and peacetime uses, enabling him to occupy an important place in the scientific councils of the nation. During the Second World War, he played a major role among the Los Alamos group of scientists who developed the atomic bomb. After the war he served on the advisory committee of the Atomic Energy Commission and on the commission itself from 1954 until his death.

43. NIC Series Volume 3: Modern Methods And Algorithms Of Quantum Chemistry - Procee
From a 2000 conference sponsored by the john von neumann Institute for Computing.
NIC Series Volume 3
NIC Series Volume 3:
Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry
Proceedings, Second Edition
Johannes Grotendorst (Editor)
Winterschool, 21 - 25 February 2000,
ISBN 3-00-005834-6
December 2000, 638 pages
J. Grotendorst HTML Industrial Challenges for Quantum Chemistry

Ab Initio Treatment of Large Molecules
PDF Parallel Programming Models, Tools and Performance Analysis PostScript PDF Basic Numerical Libraries for Parallel Systems PostScript PDF Tools for Parallel Quantum Chemistry Software
Thomas Steinke, ZIB, Berlin PostScript PDF Ab Initio Methods for Electron Correlation in Molecules Peter Knowles, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom PostScript PDF R12 Methods, Gaussian Geminals Wim Klopper, Utrecht University PostScript PDF Direct Solvers for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems Bruno Lang, RWTH Aachen PostScript PDF Semiempirical Methods PostScript PDF Hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Approaches Paul Sherwood, Daresbury Laboratory, United Kingdom PostScript PDF Subspace methods for Sparse Eigenvalue Problems PostScript PDF Computing Derivatives of Computer Programs PostScript PDF Ab initio Molecular Dynamics: Theory and Implementation PostScript PDF Relativistic Electronic-Structure Calculations for Atoms and Molecules PostScript PDF Effective Core potentials PostScript PDF Molecular Properties PostScript PDF Tensors in Electronic Structure Theory: Basic Concepts and Applications to Electron Correlation Models Martin Head-Gordon, Michael Lee, Paul Maslen, Troy van Voorhis, Steven Gwaltney, University of California at Berkeley, USA

44. NIC Series Volume 2: Modern Methods And Algorithms Of Quantum Chemistry - Poster
From a 2000 conference sponsored by the john von neumann Institute for Computing.
NIC Series Volume 2
NIC Series Volume 2:
Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry
Poster Presentations
Johannes Grotendorst (Editor)
Winterschool, 21 - 25 February 2000,
ISBN 3-00-005746-3
Februar 2000, 77 pages
out of print

J. Grotendorst HTML Efficient Real-Space Approach to TDDFT for the Dielectric Response of Periodic Systems
F. Kootstra, P.L. de Boeij, J.G. Snijders PDF Theoretical Computations of Transition Metal NMR Chemical Shifts
Theoretical Studies on the Higher Oxidation States of Iron
M. Atanasov PDF Oxydation of Methanol to Formaldehyde on V O Investigated by Density Functional Theory P. Boulet, F. Gilardoni, J. Weber, H. Chermette, A. Baiker, J.-C. Volta PDF Reactivity of NO and (NO) on Cu(110) D. Voukelatos, P.J. Knowles PDF Gas-Phase Reactions of X M-NCR and X M-CNR Donor-Acceptor Complexes (M=Al,Ga;X=H,Cl,CH ;R=H,CH A.Y. Timoshkin, H.F. Schaefer III PDF DFT Calculations for Planning the Synthesis of More Efficient Devices Performing Artificial Photosynthesis G. Albano, P. Belser, C. Daul PDF The fitting of Auxiliary Basis Sets to Electron Densities A. Lloyd

45. John Von Neumann
Translate this page john von neumann (1903 - 1957). Der Mathematiker john (Johann) von neumann wurde in Budapest geboren. Er war von 1926 bis 1930 Privatdozent
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John von Neumann (1903 - 1957)
Ethik Im Zusamenhang mit seinen Untersuchungen zur Automatentheorie gelangte er zu dem Problem, die Kategorie Zeit in die Logik einzubeziehen. Die Semantiken Wahrscheinlichkeitslogik. powered by Uwe Wiedemann

46. John Von Neumann
Translate this page john von neumann. john Louis von neumann wird am 28.12.1903 in Budapest, Ungarn geboren, und starb am 08.02.1957 in Washington DC, USA.
John von Neumann John Louis von Neumann wird am 28.12.1903 in Budapest, Ungarn geboren, und starb am 08.02.1957 in Washington D.C., USA.
John von Neumann entwickelt das Konzept der Steuerung von Rechnern durch ein gespeichertes Programm und fasst die Grundprinzipien für Rechenanlagen zusammen. Die wesentlichen Aussagen sind:
  • Das Programm wird gleichberechtigt zu den Daten im Rechner abgelegt. Das Programm ist eine Abfolge logischer Befehlsentscheidungen. Bedingte Programmbefehle erlauben Entscheidungen über den Fortgang des Programms.
  • Die 5 Grundelemente von Allzweck-Rechnersystemen sind:
  • Eingabe, um das Eingeben von Zahlen und Zeichen in die Maschine zu erlauben, Speicher, um als Gedächtnis für die Daten und Programmanweisungen zu dienen, arithmetische Einheit, um die anfallenden Berechnungen auszuführen, Leitwerk, um die Ausführung der Aufgabe nach Vorgabe eines Programmes zu steuern, Ausgabe, um den Benutzern die Ergebnisse der Berechnungen mitzuteilen.
  • Von Neumann wurde auch durch seine schnellen elektronischen Computer bekannt; er entwarf 1952 den MANIAC I, den ersten Computer mit einem flexiblen Speicherprogramm. Bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts standen die Erfinder im Mittelpunkt der Entwicklung der Datenverarbeitung. Die Menge des Wissens über die Techniken der Datenverarbeitung wurde aber so umfangreich, dass ein Einzelner nicht mehr in der Lage sein konnte, alleine Neues zu schaffen. Es darf aber nicht angenommen werden, dass die Erfinder völlig selbständig gearbeitet haben. Viele der genannten Erfinder fanden die Unterstützung von Mitarbeitern einer Universätsfakultät oder eines Unternehmens. Ohne die - ungenannten - Mitarbeiter hätten die Ideen oft nicht verwirklicht werden können.

    47. Howard Rheingold's | Tools For Thought
    By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on john von neumann, nuclear bombs, early computers. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with followup interviews.
    Tools for Thought by Howard Rheingold April, 2000: a revised edition of Tools for Thought is available from MIT Press , including a revised chapter with 1999 interviews of Doug Engelbart, Bob Taylor, Alan Kay, Brenda Laurel, and Avron Barr. The idea that people could use computers to amplify thought and communication, as tools for intellectual work and social activity, was not an invention of the mainstream computer industry or orthodox computer science, nor even homebrew computerists; their work was rooted in older, equally eccentric, equally visionary, work. You can't really guess where mind-amplifying technology is going unless you understand where it came from.
    - HLR
    Chapter One
    : The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet
    Chapter Two
    : The First Programmer Was a Lady
    Chapter Three
    : The First Hacker and his Imaginary Machine
    Chapter Four : Johnny Builds Bombs and Johnny Builds Brains
    Chapter Five
    : Ex-Prodigies and Antiaircraft Guns
    Chapter Six
    : Inside Information
    Chapter Seven
    : Machines to Think With
    Chapter Eight
    : Witness to History: The Mascot of Project Mac
    Chapter Nine
    : The Loneliness of a Long-Distance Thinker
    Chapter Ten
    : The New Old Boys from the ARPAnet Chapter Eleven : The Birth of the Fantasy Amplifier Chapter Twelve : Brenda and the Future Squad Chapter Thirteen : Knowledge Engineers and Epistemological Entrepreneurs Chapter Fourteen : Xanadu, Network Culture, and Beyond

    48. John Von Neuman And Von Neumann Architecture For Computers (1945)
    john von neumann and von neumann Architecture for Computers (1945). Barney J. Cabrera Table of Contents Bibliography. john von neumann (19031957).
    John von Neumann and von Neumann Architecture for Computers (1945)
    Barney J. Cabrera
    Table of Contents:
    John Von Neumann Interesting Quotations Von Neumann Architechture for Computers Bibliography
    John von Neumann (1903-1957)
    John von Neumann (born Johann von Neumann) was a child prodigy, born into a banking family in Budapest, Hungary. When only six years old he could divide eight-digit numbers in his head. He received his early education in Budapest, under the tutelage of M. Fekete, with whom he published his first paper at the age of 18. Entering the University of Budapest in 1921, he studied Chemistry, moving his base of studies to both Berlin and Zurich before receiving his diploma in 1925 in Chemical Engineering. He returned to his first love of mathematics in completing his doctoral degree in 1928. He quickly gained a reputation in set theory, algebra, and quantum mechanics. At a time of political unrest in central Europe, he was invited to visit Princeton University in 1930, and when the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) was founded there in 1933, he was appointed to be one of the original six Professors of Mathematics, a position which he retained for the remainder of his life. In the second half of the 1930s the main part of von Neumann's publications, written partly in collaboration with F.J. Murray, was on "rings of operators" (now called Neumann algebras). Of all his work, these concepts will quite probably be remembered the longest. Currently it is one of the most powerful tools in the study of quantum physics. An important outgrowth of rings of operators is "continuous geometry." Von Neumann saw that what really determines the character of the dimensional structure of a space is the group of rotations that the structure allows. The groups of rotations associated with rings of operators make possible the description of space with continuously varying dimensions.

    49. Biographies Info Science : Von Neumann John

    50. INFORMS Von Neumann Theory Prize Winners
    john von neumann Theory Prize Winners. This page contains He is a true follower of the path trod by john von neumann. Therefore, it is
    Go to INFORMS Page ... INFORMS Home What's New Info for Members Info for Nonmembers Conferences Continuing Education Education/Students Employment Prizes Publications Subdivisions Searchable Databases Links About this Web Site INFORMS Online Bookstore Discussion Search John von Neumann Theory Prize Winners
    This page contains details about each years winning submission(s). More general information about the award is also available. Arkadi Nemirovski and Michael J. Todd The 2003 John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences to Arkadi Nemirovski and Michael J. Todd in recognition of their seminal and profound contributions to continuous optimization.. Cyrus Derman and Donald L. Iglehart The 2002 John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences to Donald L. Iglehart and Cyrus Dermanfor their fundamental contributions to performance analysis and optimization of stochastic systems. Regenerative Simulation of Response Times in Networks of Queues ) and series of papers with Gerald Shedler developed many novel system performance models based on these ideas. His subsequent work, with his student Peter Glynn, significantly advanced the subject by incorporating techniques such as importance sampling. With Samuel Karlin, he studied the discounted infinite-horizon inventory problem in which product demands depend on a Markovian index of business conditions. He showed that the optimal ordering policy is base-stock and developed a beautiful and novel method of finding the index-dependent base-stock levels.

    51. INFORMS John Von Neumann Theory Prize
    john von neumann Theory Prize. Purpose For details on the winner(s) of the john von neumann Theory Prize in a particular year follow the link for that year.
    Go to INFORMS Page ... INFORMS Home What's New Info for Members Info for Nonmembers Conferences Continuing Education Education/Students Employment Prizes Publications Subdivisions Searchable Databases Links About this Web Site INFORMS Online Bookstore Discussion Search John von Neumann
    Theory Prize Purpose: A prize is awarded annually to a scholar (or scholars in the case of joint work) who has made fundamental, sustained contributions to theory in operations research and the management sciences. The award is given each year at the National Meeting if there is a suitable recipient. Although the prize is normally given to a single individual, in the case of accumulated joint work, the recipients can be multiple individuals. The Prize is awarded for a body of work, typically published over a period of several years. Although recent work should not be excluded, the Prize typically reflects contributions that have stood the test of time. The criteria for the prize are broad, and include significance, innovation, depth, and scientific excellence. The award is $5,000, a medallion and a citation.

    52. Von Neumann, John
    von neumann, john. john von neumann, b. Dec. 28, 1903, d. Feb. 8, 1957, was a HungarianAmerican mathematician who made important
    von Neumann, John
    In 1930, von Neumann journeyed to the United States, becoming a visiting lecturer at Princeton University; he was appointed professor there in 1931. He became one of the original six mathematics professors in 1933 at the newly founded Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, a position he kept for the remainder of his life. He became a U.S. citizen in 1937. During the 1940s and '50s, von Neumann was one of the pioneers of computer science. He made significant contributions to the development of logical design, advanced the theory of cellular AUTOMATA, advocated the adoption of the BIT as a measurement of computer memory, and solved problems in obtaining reliable information from unreliable computer components. Moreover, his involvement attracted the interest of fellow mathematicians and sped the development of computer science. During and after World War II, von Neumann served as a consultant to the armed forces, where his valuable contributions included a proposal of the implosion method for making a nuclear explosion and his espousal of the development of the hydrogen bomb. In 1955 he was appointed to the Atomic Energy Commission, and in 1956 he received its Enrico Fermi Award. He was one of the last generalists among contemporary scientists. Author: H. Howard Frisinger

    53. MSN Encarta - Neumann, John Von
    Translate this page Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). neumann, john von. Plus de résultats pour neumann, john von,
    Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher
    Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Neumann, John von Neumann, John von (1903-1957), math©maticien am©ricain d'origine hongroise, qui, d¨s 1926, a pos© les bases de la th©orie des jeux, aboutissant en... M©dias Encadr©s Sciences
    Neumann, l’Ordinateur et le Cerveau (extrait) Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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    Plus de r©sultats pour Neumann, John von

    54. John Von Neumann, 1903-1957
    Translate this page Grandes Economistas. john von neumann, 1903-1957. General. Pulsa aquí para ver los libros a la venta de john von neumann. En 1937
    Grandes Economistas John von Neumann, 1903-1957
    John von Neumann es un matemático húngaro considerado por muchos como la mente más genial del siglo XX, comparable solo a la de Albert Einstein. A pesar de ser completamente desconocido para el "hombre de la calle", la trascendencia práctica de su actividad científica puede vislumbrarse al considerar que participó activamente en el Proyecto Manhattan, el grupo de científicos que creó la primera bomba atómica, que participó y dirigió la producción y puesta a punto de los primeros ordenadores o que, como científico asesor del Consejo de Seguridad de los Estados Unidos en los años cincuenta, tuvo un papel muy destacado (aunque secreto y no muy bien conocido) en el diseño de la estrategia de la guerra fría. Nicholas Kaldor dijo de él "Es sin duda alguna lo más parecido a un genio que me haya encontrado jamás". Nació en Budapest, Hungría, hijo de un rico banquero judío. Tuvo una educación esmerada. Se doctoró en matemáticas por la Universidad de Budapest y en químicas por la Universidad de Zurich. En 1927 empezó a trabajar en la Universidad de Berlín. En 1932 se traslada a los Estados Unidos donde trabajará en el Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de Princeton. Sus aportaciones a la ciencia económica se centran en dos campos: Es el creador del campo de la Teoría de Juegos . En 1928 publica el primer artículo sobre este tema. En 1944, en colaboración con

    55. A Neumann János Számítógép-tudományi Társaság Honlapja
    neumann János Számítógéptudományi Társaság john von neumann Computer Society. neumann János (1903-1957). Elköltöztünk!!!
    John von Neumann Computer Society

    56. Reader's Companion To American History - -VON NEUMANN, JOHN
    Steve J. Heims, john von neumann and Norbert Wiener From Mathematics to the Technologies of Life and Death (1980); Stanislaw Ulam, Adventures of a
    Entries Publication Data Advisory Board Contributors ... World Civilizations The Reader's Companion to American History
    , mathematician and technologist. Von Neumann is one of those individuals whose historical significance can be assessed adequately only by considering simultaneously several fields—in his case, pure mathematics, computer science, logical analysis, and the cold war. To many of his contemporaries von Neumann represented the paradigm of "the logical thinker"; one colleague wrote that his mind was "a perfect instrument whose gears were machined to mesh accurately to a thousandth of an inch." His logical powers were supplemented by unusual rapidity of thought, an extraordinary memory, and mathematical brilliance. Von Neumann left a rich legacy of work in mathematics proper. Pure mathematics spans a number of subspecialties, and von Neumann, in work of a highly technical nature, made substantial contributions to several of them. He also applied mathematics to physics (formulation of quantum mechanics), economics (game theory, which provides criteria for choosing moves in a game, such as checkers or poker, against an intelligent opponent), and computers (automaton theory). He was a major figure in modern computer development, and his study of automata led him to explore analogies between computers and the human brain. Steve J. Heims

    57. Biografie [John Von Neumann] - Informatik - 3C (2001/2002)
    Translate this page john von neumann (1903 - 1957). john von neumann wurde 1903 als János neumann in Budapest geboren. Schon als Kind zeigte sich sein
    Start Geschichte Entwicklungen Napier, John
    Schickard, Wilhelm
    Pascal, Blaise Leibniz, G. Wilhelm ... Aiken, Howard H. Neumann, John Heute Quellen Realgymnasium Bruneck Kommentare
    John von Neumann (1903 - 1957)
    Grundlagen des IAS- oder Von-Neumann-Konzepts:
    • in der gemeinsamen Nutzung des Speichers von Programm und zu verarbeitenden Daten.
    Seine erste wissenschaftliche Publikation, "Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik", erschien 1933. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde er Berater der amerikanischen Regierung und war wesentlich an den mathematischen Grundlagen zur Herstellung von Atombomben beteiligt. Im März 1955 wurde er Mitglied der Atomenergiebehörde und Beauftragter für Atomenergiefragen, worauf er mit seiner Familie nach Washington DC umzog.
  • 58. Computers - History: Pioneers: Neumann, John Von
    Netinformations Computer Guide. neumann, john von. html. ADD YOUR SITE TO THIS CATEGORY neumann, john von. Last Update Fri Apr 23 2004.
    Netinformations Computer Guide
    Neumann, John von
    Looking for something in particular? the entire directory only this category More search options Home History Pioneers : Neumann, John von LINKS:
    • John von Neumann
      Biography, links, and six photographs.
    • John von Neumann
      Photographs of, and related to, John von Neumann.
    • John von Neumann
      Brief biography along with details of a number of areas he worked in.
    • John Von Neumann: Genius of Man and Machine Biography describing his life and work, along with links to additional resources.
    • Neumann, John von Biography and references.
    • Tools For Thought: Johnny Builds Bombs and Johnny Builds Brains By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on John von Neumann, nuclear bombs, early computers. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with follow-up interviews.

    59. Neumann, John Von
    More search options. History Pioneers neumann, john von neumann, john von, neumann, john von. Biography and references. Title neumann, john von.
    Netinformations Computer Guide
    Biography and references.
    Looking for something in particular? More search options History: Pioneers: Neumann, John von: Neumann, John von
    Neumann, John von
    Biography and references. Title: Neumann, John von Description: Biography and references. URL: Site added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Category: Home History Pioneers Neumann, John von : Neumann, John von Visit this link
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    Norman Macra e, john von neumann, 1992.
    JOHN VON NEUMANN L'APPRENDISTA STREGONE Piergiorgio Odifreddi Giugno 1995 Fatti e misfatti Logica L'assiomatizzazione delle matematiche, sul modello degli Elementi assioma di fondazione , e la nozione di classe primo teorema , senza menzioni al nome di von Neumann). Meccanica quantistica assiomatizzazione delle teorie fisiche spazio di Hilbert I fondamenti matematici della meccanica quantistica
    delta di Dirac
    ), aspramente criticata da von Neumann. sostanzialmente diversa da quella della fisica classica. logica sostanzialmente diversa da quella della fisica classica, Economia Fino agli anni '30 l'economia sembrava aver usato molta matematica, ma a sproposito: per dare formulazioni e soluzioni inutilmente precise a problemi che invece erano intrinsecamente vaghi. Essa si trovava nello stato della fisica del XVII secolo, in attesa del linguaggio appropriato per poter esprimere e risolvere i suoi problemi: mentre la fisica lo aveva trovato nel calcolo infinitesimale, von Neumann propose per l'economia la teoria dei giochi e la teoria dell'equilibrio generale Il suo primo contributo fu il teorema minimax minimax
    La teoria dei giochi e il comportamento economico teorema del punto fisso
    Armamenti lente di implosione Informatica macchina universale inventata da Alan Turing nel 1936: in altre parole, un computer programmabile nel senso moderno del termine.

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