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         Neumann Hanna:     more detail
  1. Varieties of Groups by Hanna Neumann, 1967-01
  2. Schwartz distributions (Notes on pure mathematics) by Hanna Neumann, 1972
  3. Varieties of groups (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete Volume 37) by Hanna Neumann, 1967
  4. A counter-example in sum-free sets: Dedicated to the memory of Hanna Neumann (Pure mathematics preprint) by Anne Penfold Street, 1972
  5. Various varieties: Dedicated to the memory of Hanna Neumann (Pure mathematics preprint) by Sheila Oates Macdonald, 1972
  6. Varieties of groups;: Lectures delivered at the Manchester College of Science & Technology in the session 1962-63 by Hanna Neumann, 1964
  7. On the laws of PSL (2,2n) (Pure mathematics preprint) by Bruce Southcott, 1972

61. Hanna Nagel Biographical Information
NAGEL, hanna. NAUEN, HEINRICH. neumann, HANS. NICHOLSON, SIR WILLIAM. NITTIS,GIUSEPPE DE. NODA, TETSUYA. hanna Nagel Click here to view available works.

Hanna Nagel - Click here to view available works.

62. Hans Neumann Biographical Information
NAGEL, hanna. NAUEN, HEINRICH. neumann, HANS. NICHOLSON, SIR WILLIAM. NITTIS,GIUSEPPE DE. NODA, TETSUYA. Hans neumann Click here to view available works.

Hans Neumann - Click here to view available works.
German, 1873 - 1957 Hans Neumann was born in Kassel, the son of the famous painter and Professor of the Kassel Academy Emil Neumann. Hans studied in Kassel and in Berlin and was active in Munich as a landscape painter and fine print-maker. His colour woodcuts are much admired

63. WebGED: The Freimann Family Data Page
After the liberation of Lithuania in 1945, hanna came to the village w here neumann,Bella (*1786 1871) d. 22 Oct 1871 in Sugenheim , Mittelfranken spouse
previous go to surnames Lew, Miriam
father: Lew, Shlomo(*1911 - )
mother: Lasnick, Sara(1915 - 1997) Lew, Shlomo
spouse: Lasnick, Sara (1915 - 1997)
child: Lew, Miriam (*1946 - )
child: Lew, Getse(Hulio) (*1946 - )
child: Lew, Hanna (1948 - ) Liebig, Karolina
b. 1804 in Bubrich , Germany
d. 12 Jul 1890
Liebig, Meir Michael(*1769 - )
mother:  , Sarah(*1773 - ) spouse: Katzenberger, David (1805 - 1890) - m. abt 1837 child: Katzenberger, Louis David (1838 - 1904) Liebig, Meir Michael spouse:  , Sarah (*1773 - ) child: Liebig, Karolina (1804 - 1890) Liebschutz, Ayelet b. 28 Jul 1976 father: Liebschutz, Gadi(1945 - ) mother:  , Yardena(1947 - ) Liebschutz, Gadi b. 1 Jun 1945 father: Liebschutz, Victor(*1914 - ) mother: Erlanger, Elsbeth (Elisheva)(1917 - ) spouse: , Rivka (*1949 - ) spouse:  , Yardena (1947 - ) child: Liebschutz, Smadar (1970 - ) child: Liebschutz, Ayelet (1976 - ) Liebschutz, Miryam b. 25 Jun 1955 father: Liebschutz, Victor(*1914 - ) mother: Erlanger, Elsbeth (Elisheva)(1917 - ) spouse: Novoselski, Shlomo (1952 - ) Liebschutz, Smadar b. 12 Dec 1970

64. Date Wed, 13 Aug 1997 161559 -0700 (PDT) From Arturo Magidin
161559 0700 (PDT) From Arturo Magidin To Group Pub Forum Subject Simple groupsin varieties of groups Dear Group Pub, In hanna neumann s _Varieties of
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 16:15:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Arturo Magidin To: Group Pub Forum

65. From Peter.neumann Subject Re Simple Groups In Varieties Of
neumann Subject Re Simple groups in varieties of groups Date Thu, 14 Aug 1997181013 +0100 () Dear Arturo, You write In hanna neumann s _Varieties of
From: "peter.neumann" To: Group Pub Forum

66. Banquet Speech - Ohio State-Denison Conference 2002
family. I am talking of Bernhard and hanna neumann. Bernhard is stillalive today, soon celebrating his ninetythird birthday. hanna
Luise-Charlotte Kappe
Department of Mathematical Sciences, SUNY at Binghamton
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
Abstract. This speech was given on May 18, 2002 at the dinner banquet of the XXVI-th OSU-Denison Conference honoring Wolfgang Kappe on the occasion of his retirement.
"It's a wonderful life" was the title of a talk I gave a month ago at the MAA Seaway Section meeting. Its subtitle: reflections on the career of a mathematician. This time my subtitle is: Reflections on the forty-year career of a husband-and-wife team of mathematicians. Very appropriately so, since we are celebrating our fortieth wedding anniversary in two weeks!
Compared to the Neumann's, we were lucky. We had always our jobs at the same university and only had to pull up our stakes once going from Germany to the US, by the way, the same year the Neumann's moved to Australia. But let's start at the beginning:
"Once upon a time" Wolfgang and Liselotte met where all mathematicians meet, that mythical place Oberwolfach. By the end of 1959 we both had gravitated to the Black Forest area within a month of each other, Wolfgang as one of the mathematicians in residence in Oberwolfach while writing his dissertation with Reinhold Baer in Frankfurt, and me starting my dissertation with Theodor Schneider in Freiburg.
I heard about Wolfgang for the first time when Schneider mentioned that Kappe and Kegel, the two resident assistants in Oberwolfach, are named after two geometric objects, namely the cap of a sphere and the cone. Wolfgang heard about me for the first time from Erich Glock, my future brother-in-law and also a mathematician in residence in Oberwolfach. Once coming back from a visit in Freiburg, Erich reported that Theodor Schneider had brought along "ein Fraeulein Menger". Wolfgang replied as any Berliner would have: " Na und! (= so what!).

67. Lehrerbildung In Niedersachsen
verändert? In Hoffmann, Dietrich, neumann, Karl (Hrsg.) Ökonomisierung

Prof. Dr. Hanna Kiper
Curriculum Vitae Lehre Veröffentlichungen ... Lehrerbildung Übersicht
Stellungnahmen zur Lehrerbildung
Ein Team von Kolleginnen und Kollegen des damaligen Fachbereichs 1 Pädagogik und des Didaktischen Zentrums organisierte für den 10. und 11. Nobember 2001 einen Kongress, der unter dem Thema stand: Welche Zukunft hat die Lehrerausbildung in Niedersachsen? Die Ergebnisse dieses Kongresses und weiterführende Beiträge liegen inzwischen vor. Sie sind in dem Band Renate Hinz/Hanna Kiper/Wolfgang Mischke (Hrsg.): Welche Zukunft hat die Lehrerbildung in Niedersachsen? Beiträge und Dokumentation zum Kongress in Oldenburg 9. + 10. November 2001. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren 2002 nachzulesen.
Weitere Kommentare zur Lehrerbildung in der ersten Phase
Kiper, Hanna: Neues Nachdenken über die LehrerInnenausbildung. Primarstufenstudium - Frauenstudium wider Willen? In: Päd. Extra 19. Jg. (1991) Nr. 10, S. 14-18 Kiper, Hanna: Gegenwärtige Tendenzen der Lehrerausbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schulpraktischen Studien. In: Sander, Karl-Heinz (Hrsg.): Schulpraktische Studien. Erfahrungen mit dem Braunschweiger Modell der Lehrerausbildung. Braunschweig 1996, S. 291-315 Kiper, Hanna: Schulpraktische Studien und ihre disziplintheoretische Verortung aus der Sicht der Schulpädagogik – Leitideen, Reformansätze und Erfahrungen unterschiedlicher Praktikumsvarianten und deren Kritik im Rahmen von Lehramtsstudiengängen. In: Schulze-Krüdener, Jörgen/Homfeldt, Hans Günther (Hrsg.): Praktikum – eine Brücke schlagen zwischen Wissenschaft und Beruf. Neuwied, Kriftel, Berlin 2001, S. 133-152

68. Forschung
Translate this page Kiper, hanna Konturen der Schulpädagogik heute - Zwischen Berufswissenschaft und InHoffmann/Dietrich/neumann, Karl (Hrsg.) Die gegenwärtige Struktur der

Prof. Dr. Hanna Kiper
Curriculum Vitae Lehre Veröffentlichungen ... Forschung Übersicht
Erhebung der Alltagstheorien von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund zu eigenen Migrationserfahrungen, zu Migrationserfahrungen der Familie und zum Zusammenleben von Deutschen und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Berlin. Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen aus diesem Projekt: Kiper, Hanna: Seelische Probleme ausländischer Kinder - Tabu oder Thema im Unterricht. In: Migration 6/1984, S. 77-84 Kiper, Hanna: Mädchen zwischen Anpassung und Rebellion. In: päd.extra 9/1984, S. 42-44 Kiper, Hanna: "... und sie waren glücklich." Alltagstheorien und Deutungsmuster türkischer Kinder als Grundlage pädagogischer Arbeit im Sachunterricht. Reihe "Pädagogische Beiträge zur Kulturbegegnung" Band 5. Herausgegeben von Johannes Lähnemann: EBV Rissen Hamburg 1987 Entwicklung einer Konzeption zur Förderung von Lese- und Schreibkompetenz als Grundlage für einen Sachunterricht für Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund und für deutsche Schülerinnen und Schüler. Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen aus diesem Projekt: Kiper, Hanna: Sachkundeunterricht mit türkischen Kindern: Unterrichtseinheit "Buch/Bücherei". In: Deutsch lernen 9.

69. Kinder Karl Friedrich Neumann
Translate this page Fritz neumann * 14.07.1889 Müncheberg / Mark, Dr. jur. in Königshütteoo 1929 hanna Langer Sohn Hans Joachim neumann * April 1937. Friedrich 1810.htm
Kinder von Karl Friedrich Neumann zurück August Louis, Leopold Wilhelm Neumann * 13.5.1834 Schönwalde Gustav Adolf Neumann * 28.12.1835 - + 16.01.1836 Pocken Auguste Louise Neumann * 10.04.1837 + 06.07.1926 Nochten
5.10.1851 in Louisa konfirmiert
wurde zur Schneiderei und weiblichen Handarbeit ausgebildet.
Wirtschaft auf dem herrschaftlichen Gut bei Mamsell Koser
oo 14.04.1868 Louisa Wilhelm Bahr , Telegraphist des Norddt. Bundes in Berlin
* 02.02.1835, + 29.08.1919 Nochten
Willi und Max Bahr. Besuch beim Grossvater 1878
Die Söhne werden am 17.09.1885 in Berlin (Mathäi Kirche) konfirmiertWilli Bahr * 02.09.1869, + 10.01.1897 in Berlin, Missionar in Amerika kam 1895 todkrank zurück. Max Bahr
Missionar in Lukhang b. Canton:
dann Pfarrer in Pietschen O./L. und Nochten b. Weisswasser. Pensioniert 1936 später in Köpenick
oo I Pauline Grossmann * 23.09.1869 Heilbronn, + 1916 Pietschen Kinder Drei Kinder in China früh verstorben Gerhard Bahr * 20.07.1900 Lukhang, Pfarrer in Rostock

70. Seminaris 2002/2003
Pascal Weil LaBRI CNRS France THE hanna neumann CONJECTURE ON SUBGROUPS OF FREEGROUPS AND A QUESTION ON FINITE GRAPHS (Dijous 10 d octubre del 2002, 1200
  • Josep Burillo. Promediabilitat uniforme. Rudolph Ahlswede. Covering hypergraphs and an application to a complexity measure. LIMDA Pascal Weil. The Hanna Neumann conjecture on subgroups of free groups and a question on finite graphs. Delta-matroides rueda ternarios y otras obstrucciones para ternaridad de delta-matroides. Guillaume Fertin. An Application of Acyclic Coloring in Graphs: Conversion of Wavelengths in Optical Networks. Joe Bonin. Matroid Theory as an Abstraction of Projective and Affine Geometry. LIMDA Magnus Bordewich. Approximating the number of acyclic orientations and other Tutte invariants in a class of sparse graphs. Andrea Vietri. Brick-coloring of walls and arc-coloring of directed hypergraphs. Ferran Hurtado. Playing with Triangulations. LIMDA Francesc Comellas. Victor Zinoviev. On Kloosterman sums and nonlinear system of equations over finite fields of characteristic 2. Michel Lavrauw. Eggs in finite projective spaces. Eduardo Rivera. Diana Piguetova. Ramsey Theory. A random graph model for optical networks of sensors. LIMDA Daniel Arteaga.

71. Artists Represented Worldwide
Translate this page Neidhardt hanna Rut*, VG Bild-Kunst. Neidhardt, Ruth hanna, VG Bild-Kunst. Neuman,Bertrand Nicolas, SABAM. neumann Incken*, VG Bild-Kunst.
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To search our world wide database of more than 40,000 artists, please select the first letter of the last name of the artist. A B C D ... Z Artists Represented Worldwide
:: N ::
Artist Agency N* ADAGP N. Primi* BEELDRECHT N.* VG Bild-Kunst N.* VG Bild-Kunst N.P.A. Du Blanc* ADAGP N.P.A.* ADAGP N.S.W.* COPY-DAN Nääs-Larsson, Gunnel BUS Nabajoth, Antoine ADAGP Nabulsi, Salem COPY-DAN Nabulumo, Paul VISCOPY Naca W.* SABAM Naccache, Edgard ADAGP Nachawati, Rim SABAM Nachbaur, Felicitas VBK Nacht, Eduard PRO LITTERIS Nachtmann, Till VG Bild-Kunst Nachtwey, Reiner VG Bild-Kunst Naciuliené-Rekertaité, Daiva-Antanina LATGA-A Nadal Louise* ADAGP Nadal, Laurence ADAGP Nadal, Marcel VEGAP Nadal, Marie-Louise ADAGP Nadasdy, Janos VG Bild-Kunst Nadel, Clothilde ADAGP Nadeschkin* PRO LITTERIS Nadler, Christoph PRO LITTERIS Nadler, Istvan HUNGART Naef, Anja PRO LITTERIS Naegele, Reinhold VG Bild-Kunst Naegeli, Harald VG Bild-Kunst Nael* ADAGP Naes, Kjersti BONO Naess, Anna Stina BONO Naeve, Hans-Jürgen VG Bild-Kunst Naftule, Dominique Andree

72. UIUC Dept. Of Mathematics Seminar Calendar
Walter neumann (Barnard College, Columbia University) Survey of the hanna neumannConjecture Abstract The hanna neumann Conjecture states that if U and V are

73. Hanna (1990) Discussion And Review
Does the article suggest any (further) studies that could be made? hanna, Gila Proofs that Prove and Proofs that Explain. First Draft by Andrew M. neumann.
ON: Hanna, G. (1990, Spring). Some pedagogical aspects of proof. Interchange, 21(1), pp. 6-13. MED 678 Proof Portion - - Coordinated by Drs. Annie and John Selden Questions for Readings As you read the articles, think about the following questions and make some brief notes. If a particular question does not apply to a given article, just put N/A for "not applicable."
  • Is this a research article, a "think piece" (opinion), a survey article (synthesis), or something else?
  • I think it's a combination think piece and survey article. She summarized many other people's research in the area of proof as well as gave her opinion about the teaching of proofs that explain in the math classroom.
  • What did you learn from the article, e.g., a new concept, a new theoretical framework, some new empirical facts, something else, not much? A very nice definition of proof. (first page)
  • b. A nice distinction between a proof that proves and a proof that explains. (pg. 9)
  • Is there anything in the article that you disagree with and would like to question or challenge? Give some reasons/evidence for your disagreement. This can be from personal experience (but keep this brief - - classes are not bull sessions.)
  • While I agree that it is good to spend more time with proofs that explain, I also see value in proofs that prove but might not explain as well. I think doing proofs (even ones that don't explain) allows students to practice a thinking process necessary as educated citizens making decisions in our country.

    74. Entrez PubMed
    hanna H, Raad I, Gonzalez V, Umphrey J, Tarrand J, neumann J, Champlin R. Sectionof Infectious Diseases, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

    75. - Portfolio For Bryce Hanna
    BRYCE D. hanna, AIA Licensed since 1998 AIA Member since 1999 Experienced in CLARK ASSOCIATES CHICAGO IL (19951999) projectexperience - neumann Homes - New

    76. Genealogie Pagina 259 (Gezinnen)
    Vader Gerson, Abraham Moeder Altgenug, hanna. Terug naar de hoofdpagina. Terug naarde hoofdpagina. neumann, Rosemarie g. Private Geslacht Vrouwelijk Familie
    Genealogie Pagina 259 (Gezinnen)
    Terug naar de hoofdpagina
    Kol, Hendricus Hubertus Aloysius M. van
    g. 1876 Eindhoven
    o. UNKNOWN
    Geslacht: Mannelijk
    Ouders: Vader: Kol, Lambertus Antonius van
    Moeder: Staal, Cornelia
    Familie: Huwelijk:15 JUN 1904 Amsterdam
    Partner: Braaf, Anna
    g. 6 MAR 1871 Woensel
    o. 13 AUG 1930 Amsterdam
    Geslacht: Vrouwelijk Ouders: Vader: Braaf, Ruben Moeder: Hartog, Schoontje Kinderen:
      Kol, Adolf Henri van g. Private Geslacht: Mannelijk
    Terug naar de hoofdpagina
    Kol, Lambertus Antonius van o. UNKNOWN Geslacht: Mannelijk Familie: Partner: Staal, Cornelia o. UNKNOWN Geslacht: Vrouwelijk Kinderen:
    Terug naar de hoofdpagina
    Guggenheim, Robertine g. 10 JAN 1871 Zug, Switserland o. UNKNOWN Geslacht: Vrouwelijk Familie: Huwelijk:10 OCT 1904 Baden, Switserland Partner: Braaf, Jacob g. 21 JUN 1872 Woensel o. UNKNOWN Geslacht: Mannelijk Ouders: Vader: Braaf, Ruben Moeder: Hartog, Schoontje Kinderen:
    Terug naar de hoofdpagina
    Joppe, Berta g. Private

    77. Gila Hanna Selected Philosophical References
    by Gila hanna. The grounds. Reactions of Skolem, von neumann, Finsler,Zermelo, Russell and Wittgenstein are discussed in some detail.
    Gila Hanna
    Selected bibliography of philosophical materials pertaining to mathematics and proof
    (Abstracted from the Philosopher's Index)
    by Gila Hanna
    The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education / University of Toronto 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1V6 CANADA Adler J. E.
    Criteria for a good inductive logic
    in: Cohen J. (ed.) Applications of inductive logic: proc 1978 (pp.379-405).
    Oxford, 1980 We critically examine Imre Lakatos' "Changes in the problem of inductive logic." We are particularly concerned with evaluating Lakatos' arguments as they apply to more recent work in inductive logic. Although many of Lakatos' challenges to the programme of inductive logic are worth meeting, we are doubtful that his overall critique succeeds. We try to show how complex and difficult any such general critique would be. Agassi J.
    The legacy of Lakatos.
    Phil Soc Sci S 79 Lakatos pretended he had a new revolutionary methodology of science. He had old reactionary fragments Appraisal must be retrospective (Hegel); criticism must be constructive (Lenin) since minor modifications may meet it (Duhem)and a new bizarre notion that scientific theories should be appraised in time-series. This is based on the observation that some modifications are progressive, some regressive. This observation comes from his superb proofs and refutations. Lakatos' disciples can hardly do good work while following his silly methodology of science instead of his wonderful heuristic of mathematics. Agassi J.

    78. International Colloquium
    Room (1106) The Scope of Simulation Models, Salle neumann 15h30 Integrating IntegratedUrban Models (Ronald Buliung, Pavlos Kanaroglou* hanna Moah, McMaster

    Back to CD Browser

    International Colloquium
    16-19 June 2002
    École d'architecture, 1 Côte de la Fabrique, Quebec City
    Saturday 15 June

    Casual open house in the afternoon and evening - details to follow Sunday 16 June, afternoon (morning is free) Management Committee lunch and meeting, Salle de Conseil (1226) PDF/Student/Research Staff lunch and Caucus, Room 1121 Research Committee (everyone invited), Salle Neumann Welcome reception , Publications Room (1106) Sunday 16 June, evening free Monday 17 June, morning: 07h45 - 08h30: Buffet breakfast, Refectory Opening , Salle Neumann 08h45 Welcome from the Rector of Université Laval (Claude Godbout) 09h15 Introduction and objectives: What do we mean by "behavioural foundations" in the contemporary context? (Martin Lee-Gosselin, Université Laval) 09h40 Some thoughts about bridging the gap between the behavioural sciences and the engineering of decision aids (Geoffrey Edwards, Scientific Leader of the GEOIDE NCE and Canada Chair in Cognitive Geomatics, Université Laval 10h15 - 10h45 Coffee, Hallway and Publications Room (1106)

    79. Photo Gallery
    the child in the arms of Elise is the common son Ernst neumann. by Homer Thiel HomersGr Gr Gr Grandparents Christian Friedrich hanna Friederike Rollenhagen
    Anna Rollenhagen, wife of Gustav, in front of the old farm in Brüsewitz, Kreis Saatzig, Pommern. We are not sure about the date of this photo (84k, click the thumbnails to see the photos) The last owners of the farm in Brüsewitz were Frieda Ginow, the daughter of Gustav and Anna Rollenhagen, and her husband. Gustav Rollenhagen was the son of Franz Eduard Rollenhagen (1848-1876) and Auguste Friederike Holzhüter (1852-1911). In the foreground of the photo you see Anna Rollenhagen. The man in the background and the dog are unknown.
    generation 1

    generation 2

    generation 3

    generation 4
    IGI results
    Another photo of Brüsewitz, made in the year 1931 This photo also shows Brüsewitz, from left to right: My Grandma Elli Charlotte Rollenhagen with her little daughter Steffi and Anna Rollenhagen. We are not sure about the man, but believe he is the socalled 'Onkel Kienbaum', who worked with on the farm.
    FTM results



    old photos of
    Stargard i. Pom.
    and other Pomeranian towns My Gr Grandma Elise Rollenhagen with her husband Emil Neumann in front of their house in Stargard i. Pom., Beguinenstr. 5

    80. Freie Und Hansestadt Hamburg: Ministry Of Science And Research - Contact
    Translate this page Editors (responsible for the content). Sabine neumann, hanna Fangohr, GüntherRothschedl, Arnd Plönjes. English translation. Marianne Tursich.

    Stadt und Staat Wahl 2004 Pressemeldungen ... IMPRESSUM Ministry of Science and Research - Contact Stand: 13.11.2003 Imprint Published by Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Ministry of Science and Research Editors (responsible for the content) English translation Marianne Tursich University politics today ... Deutsche Version Web portal "Equal Opportunities" Higher Education Compass ... Druckansicht

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