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         Neumann Bernhard:     more books (59)
  1. Atlas and principles of bacteriology and text-book of special bacteriologic diagnosis by Karl Bernhard Lehmann, Rudolf Otto Neumann, et all 2010-08-19
  2. Thomas Bernhard (German Edition)
  3. Bacteriology especially determinative of bacteriology?. Translated by Robert S. Breed. by Karl Bernhard (1858-1940) & R. O. NEUMANN. LEHMANN, 1930
  4. Redet Nicht Von Schweigen--: Zu Einer Semiotik Des Schweigens Im Dramatischen Werk Thomas Bernhards (Epistemata) by Stefan Krammer, 2003-01
  5. Geformte Zeit: Musik als Diskurs und Struktur bei Bachmann und Bernhard by Karl Solibakke, 2005
  6. Rhetorik des Augenblicks: Studien zu Thomas Bernhard, Heiner Muller, Peter Handke und Botho Strauss (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Herbert Grieshop, 1998
  7. Die Zukunft der Macht: Ein philosophisch-politischer Essay (German Edition) by Bernhard Taureck, 1983
  8. Konstruktion und Rezeption der Theologie Walter Benjamins: These I und das Theologisch-politische Fragment (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Bernhard Wunder, 1997
  9. Die Komodie in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Exils: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Theorie des komischen Dramas im 20. Jahrhundert (German Edition) by Bernhard Spies, 1997
  10. Symphilosophie und Praxis: Studien zum Fruhwerk Walter Benjamins (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Bernhard Sommerfeld, 1998
  11. Vom anachronistischen Helden zum larmoyanten Untertan: Eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Humanismuskonzeption in Erich Maria Remarques Romanen der ... (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Bernhard Nienaber, 1997
  12. Die rhetorische Methode: Theorien und Modelle zur Pragmatik argumentativer Diskurse (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Bernhard Holzl, 1987
  13. Grundlagen einer Methodologie der Sprachbeschreibung: Kritische Untersuchungen zur Einheit von Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft (Epistemata) (German Edition) by Bernhard Abend, 1985
  14. Ontische Metaphysik: Zur Aktualitat der Thomasdeutung Cajetans (German Edition) by Bernhard Braun, 1995

61. Untitled Document
ND000471 Evolutionary optimisation of RBF network architectures in a direct marketingapplication Peter neumann, bernhard Sick, Dirk Arndt, Wendy Gersten ND
ICANN/ICONIP 2003 List of Accepted Papers
T01L: Learning Algorithms - long papers

T02L: SVM and Kernel Methods - long papers

T03L: Statistical Data Analysis - long papers

T04L: Pattern Recognition - long papers
T13S: Computational Neuroscience - short papers

T01L: Learning Algorithms - long papers
ND-000033 Adaptive Hopfield Network Gursel Serpen
ND-000246 Effective Pruning Method for a Multiple Classifier System Based on Self-Generating Neural Networks Hirotaka Inoue, Hiroyuki Narihisa
ND-000280 Structural Bias in Inducing Representations for Probabilistic Natural Language Parsing James Henderson
ND-000358 Independent Component Analysis Minimizing Convex Divergence Yasuo Matsuyama, Naoto Katsumata, Ryo Kawamura ND-000392 Selecting Salient Features for Classification Committees Antanas Verikas, Marija Bacauskiene, Kerstin Malmqvist ND-000437 Fast and Efficient Training of RBF Networks Oliver Buchtala, Alexander Hofmann, Bernhard Sick ND-000549 Loading Temporal Associative Memory using the Neuronic Equation Cheng-Yuan Liou, Un-Cheong Sou

62. EUGEN III., Papst
neumann,bernhard v. Clairvaux u. die Anfänge des 2. Kreuzzuges (Diss.
Verlag Traugott Bautz Zur Hauptseite Bestellmöglichkeiten Abkürzungsverzeichnis ... NEU: Unser E-News Service
Wir informieren Sie vierzehntägig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Helfen Sie uns, das BBKL aktuell zu halten!
Band I (1990) Spalten 1552-1553 Autor: Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz Werke: Epistolae et privilegia: MPL 106, 796; 180, 1013 ff.; 182, 476. Lit.: Giuseppe Sainati, Vita del b. Eugenio III, Pisa 1868 (Monza 1874 , 23 ff.; - Nikolaus M. Häring, Das Pariser Konsistorium E.s III. v. April 1447, in: Studia Gratiana post octava decreti saecularia Collectanea historiae iuris canonici 11, Bonn 1967, 91 ff.; - Biogr Wb. z. dt. Gesch. I , 1973, 651 ff.; - LibPont II 386 f.; - Jaffé II, 20 ff. 758 f.; - Watterich II, 281 ff.; - Haller II, 68 ff.; - Seppelt III, 189 ff.; - Fliche-Martin IX, 87 ff. 189 ff.; - Hefele-Leclercq V, 795 ff.; - VSB VII, 190 ff.; -Wammer 208; - Torsy 147 f.; - Zimmermann II, 418 f. 421; - Catholicisme IV 675 ff.; - DThC V, 1490 ff.; - DHGE XV, 1349 ff.; - DSp IV, 1680 ff.; - EC V, 801; - LThK III, 1172; - NCE V, 625 f.; - RE V, 582 ff.; - RGG II, 727.

63. AustMS2002 - B.H. Neumann Prize
1994. bernhard H. neumann Prize Winners. 1985, Derek N. Ward, University ofNew South Wales. 1986, Anis A. InayatHussain, University of Western Australia.
Information for Student Participants at
Postgraduate students are particularly encouraged to attend the conference.
The information on this page is also available for download in the following formats.
The B.H. Neumann Prize
This Prize is awarded for the most outstanding talk presented by a student at the Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society. The following rules apply.
  • Only students who are members of the Australian Mathematical Society are eligible.
  • Student will mean a person studying either full-time or part-time, without age limit. Furthermore the student may be either postgraduate or undergraduate.
  • The Prize is to be at a value as determined from time to time by Council and a certificate suitable for framing will be presented.
  • The Prize will be awarded at the Society's Annual Dinner, to which the Prizewinner will be invited as a guest.
  • All student talks should be scheduled to be given by the day preceding the Annual Dinner so that the Prize Committee can have proper discussion and also so that the Prizewinner can be informed in good time to attend the Dinner.
  • 64. DBLP: Bernd Neumann
    Translate this page 1987. 22, Gerhard Weikum, Bernd neumann, H.-bernhard Paul Konzeption und Realisierungeiner mengenorientierten Seitenschnittstelle zum effizienten Zugriff auf
    Bernd Neumann
    List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... Rudolf Kruse , Bernd Neumann: KI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 26th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2003, Hamburg, Germany, September 15-18, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003 EE Bernd Neumann, Thomas Weiss : Navigating through Logic-Based Scene Models for High-Level Scene Interpretations. ICVS 2003 EE Mark A. Musen , Bernd Neumann, Rudi Studer : IFIP Conference on Intelligent Information Processing. IEEE Intelligent Systems 18 Mark A. Musen , Bernd Neumann, Rudi Studer : Intelligent Information Processing, IFIP 17 th Kluwer 2002 Bernd Neumann: 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001. KI 15 Heiko Milde Thomas Guckenbiehl Andreas Malik , Bernd Neumann, Peter Struss : Integrating Model-based Diagnosis Techniques into Current Work Processes - Three Case Studies from the INDIA Project. AI Commun. 13 Heiko Milde Lothar Hotz , Bernd Neumann, Stephanie Wessel : MAD: A Real World Application of Qualitative Model-Based Decision Tree Generation for Diagnosis. IEA/AIE 1999 Thomas Guckenbiehl Heiko Milde , Bernd Neumann, Peter Struss : Meeting Re-use Requirements of Real-Life Diagnosis Applications.

    65. Neumann, Hanna - Australian Women Biographical Entry
    Career Highlights. Born 12 February 1914. Died 14 November 1971. Fellow of theAustralian Academy of Science 1969. She was the wife of bernhard neumann.
    Australian Women
    Biographical entry
    Browse Search Previous ... Next
    Neumann, Hanna (1914 - 1971)
    Online Sources Archival/Heritage Sources Published Sources Mathematician Born: 12 February 1914 Germany. Died: 14 November 1971. Neumann was Professor and Head of Department of Pure Mathematics, School of General Studies, Australian National University 1964-71. Earlier she was Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Hull and University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology 1946-63. Career Highlights Born: 12 February 1914. Died: 14 November 1971.
    Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science 1969. She was the wife of Bernhard Neumann.
    Sources used to compile this entry: Bright Sparcs : Online Sources Published Sources See Also
    • Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, 'Where are the Women in Australian science?', Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, 22 August 2003

    66. Bibliography
    neumann, bernhard Hermann, 1909, Selected works of BH neumann and Hanna neumann/ edited by DS Meek, RG Stanton, Winnipeg, Canada, Charles Babbage Research

    67. Bernhard Füchtmann Peter Neumann Theoria Cum Praxi TCP Differentialrechnung
    Translate this page Füchtmann Peter neumann. Titel Theoria Cum Praxi TCP DifferentialrechnungFüchtmann bernhard neumann Peter bernhard Füchtmann Peter.
    Bernhard Füchtmann Peter Neumann Theoria Cum Praxi TCP Differentialrechnung
    Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller: Bernhard Füchtmann Peter Neumann
    Titel: Theoria Cum Praxi TCP Differentialrechnung
    Füchtmann Bernhard Neumann Peter
    Bernhard Füchtmann
    Peter. Neumann
    Kategorie: Mathematik
    Rubrik: Kategorien Naturwissenschaften Technik Mathematik Schulbücher Oberschule
    Medium: Broschiert
    Theoria Cum Praxi, TCP, Mathematik, Grundkurs...

    Hans-Joachim Becher Georg-Christian Brückner Eberhard Koch-Theoria Cum Praxi, TCP, Analysis, Grundkurs...

    Theoria Cum Praxi, TCP, Komplexe Aufgaben mit Lösungen, Leistungskurs...

    Theoria Cum Praxi, TCP, Mathematik Aufgabenbuch, Grundkurs...
    ... Jenny Winter-Pferdeclub Extra. Lissy reitet ins Glück. ( Ab 12 J.)....

    68. Golf In Bayern
    Translate this page 12. CURTIUS, Gordian,, GC Am Reichswald Nürnberg, 836,88. 13. neumann, bernhard,,GC St. Eurach, 834,79. 14. BREY, Michael,, Furth im Wald, 829,38. 15.

    69. - Das Erste Portal Im Handwerk
    bernhard neumann Das eigentlich weltweiteNetz hat die Tischlerei Behrens zunächst einmal im Kleinen angewendet.

    Innovation statt Stillstand
    "Innovation erwartet im Handwerk keiner" Bernhard Neumann
    Das eigentlich weltweite Netz hat die Tischlerei Behrens zunächst einmal im Kleinen angewendet. Für den Betrieb aus Salzgitter war die interne Nutzung, also der Aufbau eines Intranets, Beweggrund, sich mit den neuen Technologien auseinanderzusetzen. Vor allem die Vereinheitlichung der Unterlagen stand dabei im Vordergrund, beispielsweise sollten allen Mitarbeitern die gleichen Telefonlisten und dieselben Produkt- und Werbungsunterlagen zur Verfügung stehen. Erst später wurden verschiedene Dokumente auch Kunden bereit gestellt: Das Intranet wurde zugunsten des Internet erweitert.
    Dabei hat sich die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Kunden und den Lieferanten deutlich verbessert. Wenn auch weniger im privaten als vornehmlich im Industrie- und Großkundenbreich: "Die Akzeptanz des Internet steigt. Es gibt ein sehr starkes Interesse an einer Business-to-Business-Zusammenarbeit", erzählt der Mitarbeiter der Geschäftsführung, Bernhard Neumann. "Allerdings ist die Umsetzung bei unseren Kunden noch ein wenig zögerlich. Langfristig gesehen geht es ohne Internet nicht", ergänzt er.
    Dabei hat sich vorrangig der Servicecharakter durch das World Wide Web verbessert: Die Kundenanbindung ist optimaler, so ergeben sich Kosteneinsparungen auf beiden Seiten und – was vielleicht am stärksten für das Internet spricht – "dadurch können wir uns strategische Vorteile schaffen", erklärt Neumann.

    70. Mathem_abbrev
    Napier, John Nasawi, Abu al Nash, John Nayrizi, Abu l al, neumann, bernhard neumann,John von Newcomb, Simon Newton, Sir Isaac, Nicomachus of Gerasa Nicomedes
    Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
    Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
    (a) Any wars etc.
    (b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
    (c) Major discoveries of the time
    (d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

    71. Gerhard Kiefer
    Translate this page Bücher von Reinhard Kiefer , Lothar Klünner Andere Bücher von Lothar Klünner, Gerhard neumann Andere Bücher von Gerhard neumann , bernhard Albers Andere

    Musik DVD Video ...

    EUR 36,00 VDE 0100 und die Praxis
    Gerhard Kiefer
    Vde-Verlag, September 2003
    EUR 22,75 VDE 0100 und die Praxis
    Gerhard Kiefer
    EUR 24,54 VDE 0100 und die Praxis
    Gerhard Kiefer
    EUR 14,83 BIA-Handbuch. 44. Ergänzungslieferung. Gefahren durch den elektrischen Strom Gottfried Biegelmeier , Gerhard Kiefer , Karl-Heinz Krefter E. Schmidt, Berlin, 1996 EUR 24,54 VDE 0100 und die Praxis. Gerhard Kiefer VDE, Bln., 1994 EUR 17,80 Schutz in elektrischen Anlagen, Bd.3, Schutz gegen gefährliche Körperströme Gottfried Biegelmeier , Gerhard Kiefer , Karl-Heinz Krefter Vde-Verlag, November 1998 EUR 14,80 Schutz in elektrischen Anlagen 2. Erdungen, Berechnung, Ausführung und Messung. Gottfried Biegelmeier , Gerhard Kiefer , Karl-Heinz Krefter VDE, Bln., September 1996 EUR 17,40 Schutz in elektrischen Anlagen, Bd.4, Schutz gegen Überströme und Überspannungen Gottfried Biegelmeier , Gerhard Kiefer

    72. History - Neumann Kaffee Gruppe
    Hamburg. In 1988 the company Hanns R. neumann took over bernhard RothfosAG, which beginnings stem back to the year 1922. neumann
    History Concept Sustainability Group Companies ... Management Services The Roots of a Family Concern
    Hanns R. Neumann started to operate as a coffee broker under his own name in 1934 in Hamburg. In 1988 the company Hanns R. Neumann took over Bernhard Rothfos AG, which beginnings stem back to the year 1922. Neumann Kaffee Gruppe was created in 1990 by integrating the Neumann and Rothfos companies. A Management Board under the leadership of Michael R. Neumann piloted the progress of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe to a well-organised global venture, which maintains a multi-local presence to serve its partners all over the world. The blending of traditional Hanseatic business principles with a global focus on producer country interest and customer dedication is central to the group's operations. Since the beginning of 2004, David M. Neumann has succeeded Michael R. Neumann as Speaker of the Board. Michael R. Neumann continues to actively contribute to Neumann Kaffee Gruppe's strategic development as President of the Advisory Board and in various consulting functions.

    73. Joachim Hoell Kai Luehrs-Kaiser Hrsg.: Thomas Bernhard. Tradition Und Trabanten.
    neumann, 1999. 232 S., brosch

    74. Neu-Nz
    neumann, bernhard H. (England/Australia, 1909 ) and axioms for groups, 1153 Neuralnetworks, 1102 for bird songs, 826 for design optimization, 1193 and finite
    A B C D ... M N O P Q R ... N-Net Neu-Nz
    Neumann, Bernhard H. (England/Australia, 1909- )
    and axioms for groups,
    Neural networks
    for bird songs,
    for design optimization,
    and finite automata,
    history of,
    and history of CAs,
    and history of statistics,
    and history of universality,
    and memory, and my work on CAs, as rule-based systems, and undecidability, and visual perception, Neurons in brain, in cybernetics, properties of, repeatable randomness in, see also Nerve cells Neurotoxins from cone shells, Neurotransmitters Neutral traits Neutrinos identified with gravitons, limit on number of, and parity violation, for SETI, and speed of light, Neutron diffusion Monte Carlo of, Neutron stars radio signals from, New Age movement and animism, New moons New Zealand circular shape in, Newcomb, Simon (USA, 1835-1909) and leading digits, Newell, Allen (USA, 1927-1992) and automated proofs, Newspapers reporting canals on Mars

    75. AMCA: Conferences
    Celebrating bernhard neumann. October 1516, 1999. Canberra, ACT, Australia.Mathematics. Host School of Mathematical Sciences of the
    Atlas Mathematical Conference Abstracts Conferences Abstracts Organizers ... About AMCA
    Celebrating Bernhard Neumann
    October 15-16, 1999
    Canberra, ACT, Australia
    Host: School of Mathematical Sciences of the Australian University
    Homepage: Organizers: R.A. Bryce, P.J. Cossey, L.G. Kovács, M.F. Newman, C.E. Praeger Description:
    The 90th anniversary (1999 October 15) of the birth of Emeritus Professor Bernhard Neumann will be celebrated in part by a two-day function organised at the School of Mathematical Sciences of the Australian National University. The first day (October 15) will celebrate the diversity of his contributions to the wider Australian mathematics community in a form which it is hoped will appeal to that community. The second day (October 16) will celebrate some of his contributions to research in mathematics and especially algebra with presentations by representatives of his mathematical family. It will conclude with a celebratory dinner. Speakers: Gilbert Baumslag, Peter Neumann, Walter Neumann, Cheryl Praeger, Steve Pride Date received: February 01, 1999

    76. SNM/DLA: Namenregister 'V' Nachlaßverzeichnis
    Translate this page Z-15 Viertel, Salo V-7-1 Viertel, Thomas V-7, V-7-1 Viertel-neumann, Elisabeth F G-36Voelter, Hans H-69 Vogel, Amos K-74 Vogel, Artur N-4 Vogel, bernhard S-136
    Deutsches Literaturarchiv

    Startseite SNM/DLA
    Aktuelles Marbacher Institute
    Kataloge des Literaturarchivs
    ] [Anfang] [ Ende Register Suche Startseite ... Hilfe
    Namenregister (Buchstabe 'V')
    hervorgehobener Link Die Buchstaben-Nummern-Kombinationen (z.B. L-21) sind
    Bitte geben Sie bei Anfragen unbedingt auch den Namen
    Vaast, Solange
    Vadasi-Flinker, Bettina
    Vaeck, Karl
    Vagts, Alfred
    K-33 L-46
    Vaihinger, Hans
    C-23 C-23-4 E-23 L-47 ... Z-2
    Valenciennes, Achille
    Valentin, August
    Valentin, Curt
    Valentin, Karl
    B-2 H-33
    Valentin, Rolf
    Valentin, Thomas
    Valentin, Veit
    C-9 H-17-1 H-47 ... W-49
    Vallecchi (Verlag)
    Vallentin, Antonina
    R-62 S-108 T-3
    Vallentin, Berthold
    L-22 W-56
    Vallentin, Hermann
    Vallentin, Stefan
    Vallerin, Petrea
    siehe: Le Fort, Gertrud von
    Vampir, Hanns Heinz
    siehe: Reimann, Hans
    Van-Jung, Leo
    B-21 F-27 H-14 ... S-136
    Vanzetti, Carlo
    K-108 K-108-1
    Vardy, K. G.
    siehe: Werner, Kasimir Geza
    Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August
    C-23 D-22 G-43 H-27 ... W-37
    Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel
    Vasovec, Ernst

    77. Name
    Translate this page Neumair, Otmar, 1682, Holzberg, -, n. neumann, bernhard, 1891, München, Privatier,j. neumann, Heinrich, 1610, Koblenz, -, j. neumann, Karl Joseph, 1776, München,Hofkoch, n.
    Home Register
    Name Vorname abs Ort BV I Nachreiner Joseph n Nachtmann Andreas Anton n Nachtmann Dominik n Nack Georg Heinrich Hofmusiker n Nader Johann Benedikt Wirt n Naderberger Balthasar Gelting n Nadler Anton Georg n Nadler Ferdinand Jurist j Nadler Franz Ferdinand Stadtoberrichter n Naegele Max Adam Chirurg n Naegelsbach Eduard Schweinfurt Stadtpfarrer n Naegelsbach Ernst Pegnitz Stadtpfarrer n Naesl Matthias Olching Bauer n Joseph Frauenberg Bauer n Nagel v. Anton Wilhelm Wien Registrator j Nagel v. Karl Max Wien Registrator j Nagl Georg Haag n Nagl Georg Stephan Erding Chirurg n Nagl Joseph Musiker j Nagl Karl Privatier j Nagl Lorenz Bauer j Nagl Philipp Traubing Bauer n Nagl Simon Lenggries Schneider n Nagler Georg Kaspar Zimmermeister j Nagler Karl Antiquar j Naisl Johann Michael Bergen n Napfl Georg Deutenhausen Schuster n Georg Benno n Narholzer Anton n Naschold Franz n Nauder Peter Hirtlbach Bauer j Nauen Paul Hamburg Kaufmann n Nawer Nikolaus Bern Bauer j Nebauer Wolfgang Regimentsarzt j Necker Hippolyt Algund b.Meran Kaufmann n Neckhamber Franz n Neckhamber Joseph j Neff Joseph Dachau Gerichtsdiener n Negele Franz j Neger v. Karl Oberappellationsgerichtsrat j Negrioli Albrecht j Nehmann Johann Pleystein Tuchmacher j Neidlinger Schwertfeger j Neidlinger Ignaz Kaspar Schwertfeger n Neidlinger Simon Schwertfeger n Neisinger Johann Baptist Hofkammerkanzlist n Neisinger Johann Baptist Hofkammerkanzlist n Christian Lehrer j Nemer Johann Georg n Nennhuber Jakob Kraiburg Seilermeister j Nenning August Landgerichtsassessor n Nepaur Gregor Freising n Nepaur Johann Kaspar j Nepaur Joseph Dominik n Nepaur Kaspar Melchior Balthasar n Nepaur Sebastian Anton j Neppl Heinrich Landsberg

    78. DMV
    Translate this page Müntz, Chaim (1884-), 71, 185-187. N. Neugebauer, Otto (1899-1990), 72, 180. neumann,bernhard (1909-), 71, 187. neumann, John (Janos) von (1903-1957), 71, 187-188.
    Momentan ist die JavaScript-Funktion bei Ihrem Browser ausgeschaltet oder
    Math-Net Seite

    In den Jahresberichten der DMV zwischen 1969 und 1974 hat Max Pinl unter dem obigen Titel derjenigen Fachkollegen gedacht, die durch die Unmenschlichkeit des nationalsozialistischen Regimes ihre Heimat, ihre Stellung oder gar ihr Leben verloren haben.
    B C D ... Z
    A lt, Frank (1910-)
    Artin, Emil (1898-1963)
    Baer, Reinhold (1902-1979)
    Barneck, Alfred (1885-1964)
    Basch, Alfred (1882-1958) Baule, Bernhard (1891-1976) Behrend, Felix (1911 - 1962) Bergmann, Gustav (1906- ) Bergmann, Peter (1915- ) Bergman, Stefan (1895-1977) Bernays, Paul (1888-1977) Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956) Bers, Lipman (1914-1993) Berwald, Ludwig (1883-1942) Blumenthal, Otto (1876-1944) Portr. bei S. 82 Bochner, Salomon (1899-1982) Brauer, Alfred (1894-1985) Brauer, Richard (1901-1977) Breuer, Samson (1891-) Busemann, Herbert (1905-) C Caemmerer, Hanna von (1914-1971) Cohn-Vossen, Stefan (1902-1936) Courant, Richard (1888-1972) D Dehn, Max (1878-1952) Portr. bei S. 182

    79. Requiemsurvey
    Codaex France Frank Lewin 1925 1969 mass Demeter 102 (LP) bernhard Lewkovitch 1927 Neukomm1778 - 1858 1814 mass Camerata CM 555 Mathieu neumann 1867 - 1928
    Alphabetical survey of Requiem composers
    - missa pro defunctis - mass for the dead - messe des morts - missa de requiem - missa defunctorum - messa da requiem - phankhida - messa de morti - totenmesse - missa pro mortuis - messe per i defunti - dodenmis - messa di requiem - messa da morto - messa funebre - misa pro defunctis - requiem mass - missa pro defunti - misa de difuntos - panikhida - requiem - misa de réquiem - memorie da requiem -
    B C D ... Z
    This alphabetical survey contains only classical, vocal Requiems including fragments and unfinished ones in the original Latin text
    as well as in other languages (e.g. German Requiems), Requiem-songs, Motets and profane Requiems. Instrumental ones are not included.
    Compiled by: Kees van der Vloed , Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2002. Please mail me your remarks and improvements, etc:
    I wish to thank: Maurice Blouin, Charles Cave, Steven Chang-Lin Yu, Tassos Dimitriadis, Arye Kendi, Bert-Jan Massop, Ole Nielsen and Herman Ram.
    This site is a member of WebRing.

    80. BSHM: Photographs From 2000 Christmas Meeting
    Four of the speakers at the BSHM s Christmas Meeting 2000 Fenny Smith, Adrian Rice,Robert Rankin, bernhard neumann - with BSHM President Peter neumann (right
    The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Photographs from the BSHM Christmas Meeting, 21st December 2000
    Photographs from the BSHM Christmas Meeting, 20th December 2001
    The chairs and speakers: (left to right) Peter Neumann, Alex Craik, Steve Russ, Chris Weeks, Florence Fasanelli, Jeremy Gray, Jan van Maanen, Neil Bibby, David Fowler and June Barrow-Green. (Photograph by Tony Mann) Return to the top.
    Back to the home page.
    The Meeting celebrated work done with or inspired by John Fauvel, who died in May 2001. A large collage of photographs of John brought back happy memories for many of the BSHM members who attended the meeting. (Photograph by Tony Mann) Return to the top.
    Back to the home page.
    Photographs from the BSHM Christmas Meeting, 21st December 2000
    Four of the speakers at the BSHM's Christmas Meeting 2000 - Fenny Smith, Adrian Rice, Robert Rankin, Bernhard Neumann - with BSHM President Peter Neumann (right). (Photograph by John Fauvel.) Return to the top.

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