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         Neugebauer Otto:     more books (32)
  1. Vorlesungen über Geschichte der antiken mathematischen Wissenschaften: Band 1: Vorgriechische Mathematik (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Otto Neugebauer, 1969-01-01
  2. Vorlesungen über die Entwicklung der Mathematik im 19. Jahrhundert: Teile 1 und 2 (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Felix Klein, 1979-10-30
  3. Altorientalist: Athanasius Kircher, Emil Forrer, Eduard Meyer, Otto Neugebauer, Robert Rollinger, Otto Weber, Friedrich Delitzsch (German Edition)
  4. Mathematikhistoriker: Donald Ervin Knuth, André Weil, Felix Klein, Guglielmo Libri Carucci dalla Sommaja, Heinrich Suter, Otto Neugebauer (German Edition)
  5. Hochschullehrer (Providence, Rhode Island): Roderick Chisholm, Otto Neugebauer, Anderson Hunter Dupree, Ron Nelson, Aaron Siskind (German Edition)
  6. Greek horoscopes [by] O. Neugebauer and H.B. Van Hoesen (American Philosophical Society. Memoirs) by Otto Neugebauer, 1959
  7. Austrian Astronomers: Georg Joachim Rheticus, Harold Furth, Thomas Gold, Georg Von Peuerbach, Otto E. Neugebauer, Johann Palisa
  8. Harald Bohr (1887-1951). by Harald (1887-1951)] NEUGEBAUER, Otto. [BOHR, 1952-01-01
  9. Vorlesungen über Geschichte der antiken mathematischen Wissenschaften. Erster Band: Vorgriechische Mathematik by Otto Neugebauer, 1934-01-01
  10. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. Second Edition. by Otto. Neugebauer, 1970-01-01
  11. Austrian Historians: Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer, Henry Denifle, Otto E. Neugebauer, Andreas Tietze, Otto Brunner, Gregory Weeks
  12. Historians of Mathematics: Bartel Leendert Van Der Waerden, Otto E. Neugebauer, Leonard Eugene Dickson, Eric Temple Bell, Morris Kline
  13. United States Astronomer Introduction: Sandra Faber, Otto E. Neugebauer, Robert Weber, Nicholas B. Suntzeff, Horace Parnell Tuttle, Jack Wisdom

81. Sterntunier
Translate this page Röhrs,Ulrich 1.BSC Kakensdorf 207 262 269 318 144 18 6 1056 10 3a Mutschull,RainerTSV Holm 213 256 273 311 143 14 2 1053 11 4b neugebauer,otto Ratzeburg 159
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82. SpurenArbeitsvSek2
Translate this page Mengin, Ernst. Theologe. Mockrauer, Franz. Schopenhauerforscher. neugebauer, otto.Mathematiker. Orabuena, José (eigtl. Socharczewer, Hans). Schriftsteller.
Sekundarstufe 2 Quellentexte 1. Hellmuth von Moltke: Kadett von Moltke 3. Friederike Brun: In den Grabkapellen 4. A.von Treskow: Kongens Nytorv 5. Fredrich Hebbel: Thorwaldsen ... 22. Friederike Brun: Ernst und Emilie Friedrich Kuhlau: Brief an Johann Mathias Witkowsky Amalie Kuhlau: Brief an Andreas Kuhlau C. E. F. Weyse: Brief an Julie Tutein Satzung der Tischler in Kopenhagen
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2. Dagmarhus, Jernbanegade 2: Kommandozentrale der deutschen Polizei

83. Literaturführer - Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Regensburg)
Translate this page N, Nakayama, Shiguri. Needham, Joseph. Neidhard, Elske. neugebauer, otto. Nida-Rümelin,Margen. Nordenskiöld, Erik. Norman, Jeremy M. North, John. Novy, L.
Startseite Mitarbeiter Lehre Forschung ... Weitere Hilfsmittel Verzeichnis der Autoren und Herausgeber
Verzeichnis der Autoren und Herausgeber
Feedback A B C ... Z Genannt werden die Namen und die Kapitelzählungen. A Alimen, Marie-Henriette Altorfer, R. Ambrosius, Gerold Andersen, Carl Applebaum, Wilbur Arnold, Wolfgang Artelt, Walter Audi, Robert B Baldwin, Thomas Barnes, Barry Bäumer, Änne Bäumer-Schleinkofer, Änne Bautier, Robert-Henry Bautz, Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz, Traugott Becker, Oskar Behnen, Michael Bell, Eric T. Bennion, Elisabeth Benz, Wolfgang Berg, Alexander Berg, Christa Bernal, John D. Biaglio, Mario Blackwell, Richard J. Boelcke, Willi A. Bolton, Henry C. Boorse, Henry A. Borel, Pierre Bowler, Peter J. Boyd, Richard Brandt, Ahasver von Brittan, Gordon G.

84. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of NEU
Translate this page neugebauer, Christoph, The Ohio State University, 1954. neugebauer, otto, Georg-August-UniversitätGöttingen, 1926. neugebauer, Paul, Universität Breslau, 1874.

85. Christianism - Appendixes - Author Index
813; Myers, Robin, 714; neugebauer, otto, 733, 735736; Newman, Francis,692, 708; Newman, John Henry, 719; Newton, John, 761; Nietzsche
Subject Index Bibliography Author Index
  • Aeschylus, 780, 818
  • Alexander the Great, 773, 785, 787
  • Allen, Richard Hinckley, 745
  • Angoff, Charles, 793
  • Aristotle, 745, 773
  • Augustine, 688, 701, 722, 725-727, 729, 765, 767, 784, 797
  • Aveni, Anthony, 742
  • Baldung, Hans, 798
  • Bede, 746
  • Birdwood, George, 764, 768
  • Black, Jeremy, 744, 776
  • Bossard, James, 797
  • Bowersock, G.W., 674
  • Bradlaugh, Charles, 710
  • Brecher, Kenneth, 749
  • Brown, Sanger, 756
  • Calvin, 716, 726
  • Casaubon, 713
  • Chadwick, Owen, 720
  • Champollion, 735
  • Chrysostom, 666, 701, 727
  • Churchward, Albert, 770
  • Cicero, 671, 708, 717, 719, 722, 738
  • Cirlot, J.E., 775
  • Clement, 705, 727, 745
  • Colenso, John William, 684-685, 707, 795, 815
  • Comfort, Alex, 800
  • Constantine, 700-701, 807, 809
  • Conway, Moncure, 700
  • Cornell, James, 736
  • Cox, George, 685
  • Cumont, Franz, 740, 773
  • d'Alviella, Eugene Goblet, 764
  • Davidson, 685
  • deBury, Richard, 733
  • de Gourmont, Remy, 759
  • deMause, Lloyd, 796-797
  • Demokritos, 740
  • de Santillana, Giorgio, 748
  • Diderot, 705
  • Donaldson, 705
  • Dreiser, 827
  • PAGE 834
  • Ecclesiastes [Koheleth], 666, 669, 671, 707, 778-792
  • Einstein, Albert, 833
  • 86. Christianism - Apéndices - Índice De Nombres De Autores
    813; Myers, Robin, 714; neugebauer, otto, 733, 735736; Newman, Francis,692, 708; Newman, Henrio De Juan, 719; Neutonio, Juan, 761; Nietzsche
  • Aeschylus, 780, 818
  • Alexander el grande, 773, 785, 787
  • Allen, Richard Hinckley, 745
  • Angoff, Charles, 793
  • Aristotle, 745, 773
  • Augustine, 688, 701, 722, 725-727, 729, 765, 767, 784, 797
  • Aveni, Anthony, 742
  • Baldung, Hans, 798
  • Bede, 746
  • Birdwood, George, 764, 768
  • Negro, Jeremy, 744, 776
  • Bossard, James, 797
  • Bowersock, G.w., 674
  • Bradlaugh, Charles, 710
  • Brecher, Kenneth, 749

  • Calvin, 716, 726
  • Casaubon, 713
  • Chadwick, Owen, 720
  • Champollion, 735
  • Chrysostom, 666, 701, 727
  • Churchward, Albert, 770
  • Cicero, 671, 708, 717, 719, 722, 738
  • Cirlot, J.e., 775
  • Clemente, 705, 727, 745
  • Colenso, Juan Guillermo, 684-685, 707, 795, 815
  • Comodidad, Alex, 800
  • Constantina, 700-701, 807, 809
  • Conway, Moncure, 700
  • Cornell, James, 736
  • $cox, George, 685
  • Cumont, Franz, 740, 773
  • d'Alviella, cubilete de Eugene, 764
  • Davidson, 685
  • deBury, Richard, 733
  • de Gourmont, Remy, 759
  • deMause, Lloyd, 796-797
  • Demokritos, 740
  • de Santillana, Giorgio, 748
  • Diderot, 705
  • Donaldson, 705
  • Dreiser, 827
  • Dupuis, Charles Fran1c;ois, 735, 745
  • Ecclesiastes [ Koheleth ], 666, 669, 671, 707, 778-792
  • 87. NASA - Eclipse 99 - Eclipses Through Traditions And Cultures
    neugebauer, otto, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity (1969). Obenga, Theophile,La Philosophie Africaine de al Periode Pharaonique (1990).
    Index of Topics on the "Calendars and Eclipses" page More Information on "Ancient Eygpt" SOLAR ECLIPSES IN THE ANCIENT NILE VALLEY A full discussion of the presumed knowledge of solar eclipses by the ancient Egyptians is beyond the scope of these brief comments. However, it is pertinent to note that Greek writers, without exception, gave priority to Egypt in astronomical knowledge. Still, there has not yet come to light an Egyptian document specifically mentioning solar eclipses. However, that the Egyptians possessed accurate knowledge of eclipses is evident from external sources. The golden age of Greek science commences with the Ptolemaic dynasty (330 B.C.) in Egypt, the building of Alexandria, and the founding of the city's Library. The major Greek astronomers studied there. Moreover, several of the Alexandrian astronomers considered Greek were actually Egyptians who had adopted or been given Greek names. One such person was Ptolemy (150 A.D.), author of the Almagest, the most important astronomical text until the Middle Ages, whose knowledge of solar eclipses is well-documented.

    88. Members Of The School Of Mathematics
    Translate this page NEUBERGER, John W. 1967-68. neugebauer, Christoph J. 1962-63. neugebauer, otto,1957-58. NEUHAUSER, Claudia, 1995-96. NEUMANN, Walter D. 1971-73, 1984-85.
    NACHBIN, Leopoldo NADEL, Alan NADEL, Mark E. NAGANUMA, Hidehisa NAGASE, Masayoshi NAGATA, Jun-iti NAHMOD, Andrea NAIR, Arvind NAKAJIMA, Hiraku NAKAMURA, Hiroaki NAKANO, Shigeo NAKAOKA, Minoru NAKAYAMA, Tadasi NAMBA, Makoto NAMIOKA, Isaac NARASIMHAN, Mudumbai S. NARASIMHAN, Raghavan NARVÁEZ-MACARRO, Luis NASH, John F., Jr. NATHAN, David S. NATHANSON, Melvyn B. NAZAROV, Fedor NEEMAN, Amnon NEISENDORFER, Joseph A. NELSON, Edward NERODE, Anil NÉRON, André NESBEDA, Paolo NESBITT, Cecil J. NESS, Linda Ann NEUBERGER, John W. NEUGEBAUER, Christoph J. NEUGEBAUER, Otto NEUHAUSER, Claudia NEUMANN, Walter D. NEVANLINNA, Rolf NEWBURGH, John D. NEWMAN, Charles NEWMAN, Maxwell H.A. NEWTON, R.G. NG, Lenhard NG, Nathan NI, Wei-Ming NICAS, Andrew J. NIEBUR, Douglas P. NIEDERREITER, Harald NIINO, Kiyoshi NIJENHUIS, Albert NIRENBERG, Louis NISHI, Mieo NISNEVICH, Yevsey A. NITSURE, Nitin NIWA, Shinji NOBS, Alexandre NOGUCHI, Junjiro NORI, Madlav NORTON, Karl K. NORWOOD, Frederick G.H. NOVAK, Ilse L. NOVODVORSKY, Mark NUNZIANTE, Diana NUSSBAUM, Adolf Edward NUSSBAUM, Roger D.

    89. Science/Culture - Part I, Chapter 3
    neugebauer, otto and A. Sachs, Mathematical and Cuneiform Texts, New Haven, YaleUniversity Press, (for the American Oriental Society and the American School

    Table of Contents Introduction Part I Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Part II Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Part III Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Part IV Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Part I: Technology: the Non-Indo-European Contribution Chapter III Ancient High Civilizations There is little doubt that the basic culture in Sumeria (and later on, in Babylonia and Assyria), in Egypt, and in the Indus Valley, in Northern Syria and in Crete, were all non-Indo-European. The Indo-Europeans were m fact not the creators of the cultures they subsequently became so indebted to, but rather as Vere Gordon Childe put it the destroyers . Certainly this was true in the Indus Valley where they are first known from history as an organized body. China makes her great contribution to Indo-European Culture somewhat later, and can therefore be considered last.
    The basic elements of Mesopotamian civilization in later times when the Babylonians and Assyrians (both Semitic in origin) had achieved ascendancy, were still essentially Sumerian. It is pretty well agreed that these Sumerians were not Semites, being clean shaven and comparatively hairless like the Egyptians. And from their language it is quite clear that they were not Indo-European either. Their civilization developed very rapidly and achieved a remarkable level of technical competence. In the earliest stages of their history, they seem to have shared many features with the Indus Valley people who were later overwhelmed by the Aryans, and with the first settlers in Northern Syria, and even with the earliest Egyptians. As further development took place in each of these areas, cultural similarities became obscured.

    90. Mathematik, Allgemein
    Translate this page Ma 8, neugebauer, otto, neugebauer, O. Vorlesungen ueber Geschichteder antiken mathematischen Wissenschaften, Berlin Springer,, x.
    Mathematik, allgemein
    Ma 1 Wolf, Rudolf Handbuch der Mathematik, Physik, Geodaesie und Astronomie
    Baende 1-2 Zuerich Schulthess,
    Ma 2 Cantor, Moritz Vorlesungen ueber Geschichte der Mathematik
    Baende 1-4 Leipzig Teubner,
    Ma 3 Hagen, Johann G. Synopsis der hoeheren Mathematik
    Baende 1-3 Berlin Dames,
    x Ma 4 Bruns, Heinrich Grundlinien des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens Leipzig Teubner 1903, VI, 159 S. x Ma 5 Scheffers, Georg Lehrbuch der Mathematik fuer Studierende d. Naturwiss. u. d. Technik ; e. Einf. in d. Differential- u. Integralrechnung u. in d. analyt. Geometrie Berlin u.a. DeGruyter 1919, 4., verb. Aufl. IX, 746 S. : graph. Darst. x Ma 6 Adams, Edwin P., Hippisley, Col. R. Smithsonian mathematical formulae and tables of elliptic functions Smithsonian Institution: Publication ; 2672 Washington Smithsonian Inst. 1922, VIII, 314 S. x Ma 7 Hurwitz, Adolf Mathematische Werke Baende 1-2 Basel Birkhaeuser, x Ma 8 Neugebauer, Otto, Neugebauer, O. Vorlesungen ueber Geschichte der antiken mathematischen Wissenschaften Berlin Springer

    91. Nexus Network Journal Virtual Library: Order Books On Mathematics In History
    Now back in print. Referenced by Michael Ostwald in NNJ vol.2 no.2.neugebauer, otto. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. (Harper, 1962).
    Abstract. The Nexus Network Journal Virtual Library is an annotated bibliography of books related to studies in architecture and mathematics. Books that are available for purchase are linked to This page features books on mathematics in history.
    The NNJ Virtual Library: Mathematics in History
    The Nexus Network Journal is an Associate! Books in the NNJ Virtual Library that are available from have been linked to their page. Just click on the linked titles for more information. Books listed Alphabetically by Author Petr Beckmann. A History of pi (New York: The Golem Press, 1971). Referenced in Mark Reynolds' article in NNJ vol. 1 no. 4. Artmann, Benno. Euclid: The Creation of Mathematics (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1999). This is the long awaited book by Benno Artmann, who presented a paper on the Cloisters of Hauterive at Nexus '96. Reviewed by Kim Williams in NNJ vol.2 no.1 Brukert, Walter. Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972. 1962).

    92. Institute For Research In Classical Philosophy And Science
    in Classical Philosophy and Science (Princeton) currently has under its care the26,174 filecards prepared over 60 years by otto neugebauer (1899–1990), the
    The Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science
    Neugebauer Microform Index of the Exact Sciences
    With the permission of Professor Neugebauer, the Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science has prepared microfilm and microfiche versions of these cards which will now be made available for research purposes only to scholars and institutions, along with a user's guide and directory. For information, please contact Microform Index
    3 Nelson Ridge Road
    Site design by Michael Ullyot

    93. DMV
    Translate this page Müntz, Chaim (1884-), 71, 185-187. N. neugebauer, otto (1899-1990), 72, 180. Neumann,Bernhard (1909-), 71, 187. Neumann, John (Janos) von (1903-1957), 71, 187-188.
    Momentan ist die JavaScript-Funktion bei Ihrem Browser ausgeschaltet oder
    Math-Net Seite

    In den Jahresberichten der DMV zwischen 1969 und 1974 hat Max Pinl unter dem obigen Titel derjenigen Fachkollegen gedacht, die durch die Unmenschlichkeit des nationalsozialistischen Regimes ihre Heimat, ihre Stellung oder gar ihr Leben verloren haben.
    B C D ... Z
    A lt, Frank (1910-)
    Artin, Emil (1898-1963)
    Baer, Reinhold (1902-1979)
    Barneck, Alfred (1885-1964)
    Basch, Alfred (1882-1958) Baule, Bernhard (1891-1976) Behrend, Felix (1911 - 1962) Bergmann, Gustav (1906- ) Bergmann, Peter (1915- ) Bergman, Stefan (1895-1977) Bernays, Paul (1888-1977) Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956) Bers, Lipman (1914-1993) Berwald, Ludwig (1883-1942) Blumenthal, Otto (1876-1944) Portr. bei S. 82 Bochner, Salomon (1899-1982) Brauer, Alfred (1894-1985) Brauer, Richard (1901-1977) Breuer, Samson (1891-) Busemann, Herbert (1905-) C Caemmerer, Hanna von (1914-1971) Cohn-Vossen, Stefan (1902-1936) Courant, Richard (1888-1972) D Dehn, Max (1878-1952) Portr. bei S. 182

    94. Discus Dimensions Of Grand Gallery
    Mr. K Two of the most authoritative writers on the astronomical knowledgeof the ancient Egyptians are Ricard A. Parker and otto neugebauer.

    95. Seeing Is Believing
    166.) Tempe, Arizona MRTS, 1998. neugebauer, otto. The Exact Sciencesin Antiquity. 2nd ed. New York Dover Publications, Inc., 1969.
    Related Publication and Suggested Reading Seeing Is Believing: 700 Years of Scientific and Medical Illustration an 88-page companion to the exhibition written by curators Jennifer B. Lee and Miriam Mandelbaum, includes nearly forty illustrations (some in full color), a checklist of the exhibition, and a selected bibliography. Published in softcover by The New York Public Library, it is available in The Library Shop. Members of the Library receive a ten percent discount on all purchases. Arthus-Bertrand, Yann. Earth from Above. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1999. Baigrie, Brian S., ed. Picturing Knowledge: Historical and Philosophical Problems Concerning the Use of Art in Science. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. Blum, Andre. The Origin and Early History of Engraving in France. New York: Hacker Art Books, 1978. Blunt, Wilfrid. The Art of Botanical Illustration: An Illustrated History. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1993. Butterfield, Herbert.

    96. SPD-Berlin - Portal - Neugebauer, Karl
    Translate this page neugebauer, Karl. Die SPD trauert um den langjährigen Vorsteher der SpandauerBezirksverordnetenversammlung Karl neugebauer. Er ist am 31.
    SPD-Fraktion Berlin SPD-Fraktion Bund ... Neugebauer, Karl Neugebauer, Karl Karl Neugebauer wurde am 05.10.1913 geboren Aus der Gratulation zum 70. Geburtstag, Berliner Stimme vom 1.10.1983:
    "Urgestein" der Spandauer SPD
    Der Lebensweg
    Dieter Ernst
    (Mai 2001)
    Informationen an: Interaktiv Druckansicht Weitere Seiten Abendroth, Günter Ahrens, Wilhelm Arndt, Prof. Dr. Adolf Arndt, Dr. Klaus-Dieter ... Neubauer, Kurt Neugebauer, Karl Neumann, Franz Ollenhauer, Erich Oschilewski, Walter G. Pagel, Luise ...
    E-Mail direkt

    97. Repetitorien
    Verfassungsgeschichte der neueren Staaten , in Zeitschrift für
    Dozent: Dr. Timo Stickler Veranstaltungsart: Übung zur Alten Geschichte Thema: Quellen zur Geschichte und Kultur der Etrusker Beginn: Montag, 27.10.2003 Zeit: Montag, 14 s.t. - 15.30 Uhr Ort: Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Residenz Inhaltsübersicht: Bücher über die Etrusker verkaufen sich auch zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts immer noch gut, vor allem wenn man auf dem Buchtitel Vokabeln wie "Geheimnis", "Rätsel" oder "entziffern" unterbringt. In unserer Übung werden wir sehen, wie viel hingegen die Etruskologie in den letzten Jahrzehnten geleistet hat, wieviel wir heute von der Geschichte und Kultur, der Religion und selbst der Sprache dieses bedeutenden mediterranen Volkes wissen. Im Vordergrund steht die Analyse von Textquellen; doch auch die Ergebnisse der Nachbarwissenschaften, besonders der Archäologie, werden zu Wort kommen.
    Einführende Literatur: Einen aktuellen Überblick über die Etruskologie, ihren Forschungsgegenstand und ihre Ergebnisse, vermitteln die einschlägigen Artikel im "Neuen Pauly" von G. Camporeale u.a., Etrusci, Etruria, DNP 4, 1998, 167-195 (darin zahlreiche Literaturhinweise). Eine zusammenhängende, knappe Darstellung bietet Fr. Prayon, Die Etrusker. Geschichte - Religion - Kunst, München 1996.
    Voraussetzung für Scheinerwerb: Aktive Mitarbeit, Bereitschaft zur Übernahme von Kleinreferaten.

    98. Astrologie: Bibliographie De L'histoire De L'astrologie Par Patrice Guinard
    Le Manifeste Le Dominion Textes et Articles Historique ... HOME (EN)
    Quelques ouvrages majeurs afin d'aborder en toute
    Dr. Patrice Guinard
    catalogues, usuels...)
    5. Astrologie chinoise
    7. Astrologie indienne (et perse)
    8. Astrologie arabe (dont syrienne et juive)
    , Stuttgart, 1894-1978
    CUMONT Franz (et al.): Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum
    Project Hindsight
    de Robert Schmidt.
    GARDNER Frederick Leigh: , vol. 2 (Astrological books), London, 1911 Bibliotheca astrologica : A catalogue of astrological publications of the 15th through the 19th centuries CAILLET Albert: Manuel bibliographique des sciences psychiques ou occultes , Lucien Dorbon, Paris, 1912, 3 vol. , Hachette, Paris, 1877-1919, 5 vol. (in vol. 5, p.1046-1062). Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics , Clark, Edinburgh, 1908-1926, 13 vol. SAXL Fritz (1890-1948): Verzeichnis der astrologischen und mythologischen illustrierten Handschriften des lateinischen mittelalters , Winter, Heidelberg, 1915-1953, 3 tomes en 4 volumes ZINNER Ernst: Verzeichnis der astronomischen Handschriften des deutschen Kulturgebietes Solar and planetary longitudes from -2500 to +2000 , University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1963 => Usuel.

    99. Liste Architekten
    Translate this page Architektin Gluckstr. 17 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-554573, NeugebauerOtto F. Architekt Sophienstr. 159 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-841392.
    Ambos Theo Prof. Dr.-Ing.
    Geranienstr. 11
    76185 Karlsruhe
    Tel 0721-845181
    freie Architekten
    Blücherstr. 26 76185 Karlsruhe
    Tel 0721-98472-0844051 Baumann Jens Dipl.Ing.
    Architekt Kärcherstr. 4 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-556493 CAD-Büro Dienstleistungen für Architekten GmbH Händelstr. 9 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-9850050 Cleve Heinz Chr. Architekt Sonnenstr. 4 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-591860 Daub Martin Dipl.Ing. freier Architekt Sophienstr. 175 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-856585 Domke Reinhard Architekturbüro Bachstr. 43 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-592628 Freund Horst H. Dipl.Ing. Architekt Zietenstr. 84 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-554774 Fürst Doris Freie Architektin Rheinstr. 29 76185 Karlsruhe Tel 0721-9553260 Fax 0721-9553262 Gallina Günter Dipl.Ing.

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