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Neugebauer Otto: more books (32) | ||
41. Cubes In Babylonia The consecutive terms 18272 and 49920 give AN=571/780, and so 3 = 1351/780.According to neugebauer (neugebauer,otto. Mathematical Cuneiform Texts. http://hem.passagen.se/ceem/babyloni.htm | |
42. Biography-center - Letter N Mathematicians/Neuberg.html; neugebauer, otto wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/neugebauer.html;Neuman, Herman http://www.biography-center.com/n.html | |
43. History Of Mathematics: Babylonia neugebauer, otto. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. Reprint Dover, New York,1969. neugebauer, otto, and AJ Sachs, eds. Mathematical cuneform texts. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/babylonia.html | |
44. Bibliography - General - History Of Scienc to date, Cambridge, 1954 . neugebauer, otto. The ExactSciences inAntiquity, Providence,RI, 1957. neugebauer, otto. The ExactSciences inAntiquity, 2nd. http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Teaching/HIS-SCI-S | |
45. Percy Ernst Schramm Art. Sources of Information in the Humanities, no. 2. Chicago AmericanLibrary Association, 1982, p. 73; neugebauer, otto. Sense http://www.lib.duke.edu/lilly/artlibry/dah/schrammp.htm | |
46. Walther Wolf Schramm (qv). HCountry Germany. HBiography Who s Who in the World,2nd ed. 197475, pp. 1071; neugebauer, otto. Sense or Nonsense http://www.lib.duke.edu/lilly/artlibry/dah/wolfw.htm | |
47. Chronological Literature 1, chronology general, neugebauer, otto, Chronological Concepts, HAMA,p 10611075, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1975, 1, chronology http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/cplawassist/paper/99999body.html | |
48. Research Sources For Astrology neugebauer, otto, Astronomy and History. Selected Essays (NY SpringerVerlag, 1983) {An excellent collection of neugebauer s essays. http://www.smoe.org/arcana/astrol4.html | |
49. Brown University otto neugebauer. For over thirty years, Brown s History of Mathematicsdepartment, the only one in the world, was virtually synonymous http://www.brown.edu/webmaster/about/history/neugebauer.shtml | |
50. Darsteller Otto Treßler Ankauf-, Verkauf- Und Tauschbörse Für Gebrauchte Film Translate this page Hoven Magda Schneider Karl Ludwig Diehl Christl Mardayn Paul HörbigerRudolf Vogel Fred Liewehr Alfred neugebauer otto Treßler Stefan http://www.videotausch.com/video/tauschen/video/filme/Otto Treßler/darsteller.h | |
51. History Of Constellation And Star Names neugebauer, otto. and Parker, Richard. (19601969). neugebauer, otto. (1955). The Egyptian Decans. (Vistas in Astronomy, Volume 1, Pages 47-51). http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gtosiris/page4.html | |
52. History Of Constellation And Star Names neugebauer, otto. (1975). Bibliographical Abbreviations. In A Historyof Ancient Mathematical Astronomy. Part Three. (Pages 11651203). http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gtosiris/page6.html | |
53. UFG-Wien: Urban Translate this page Vater otto Josef Urban, staatlich geprüfter Privatdetektiv Mutter GertrudeUrban Oppidazeit, in JW neugebauer, Die Kelten im Osten Österreichs, Wiss. http://www.univie.ac.at/urgeschichte/pers/urban.html | |
54. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! Translate this page Bonnie ~ neugebauer, Charise ~ neugebauer, Fritz ~ neugebauer, Janet M. ~ neugebauer,Michael ~ neugebauer, O. ~ neugebauer, otto ~ neugebauer, Wolfgang http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0298.html | |
55. The Opinion Of A Man Named Harris: Otto Neugebauer Says April 20, 2004. otto neugebauer Says. The common belief that we gain historical perspective with increasing distance seems to me http://www.misterchristopher.com/opinion/archives/000043.html | |
56. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page 21.08.03, D + M, Skotton Eugen / Grammel Peter, 6, 6, neugebauer Helmut / WolfLeo, 2, 3, 28. 08. 03, A + S, Steinecker otto, 6, 6, neugebauer Helmut, 4, 2,06. 09. http://www.sportanlage.jku.at/neue_seite_11.htm | |
57. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Jean Baptiste Neuberg Born 30 Oct 1840 in Luxembourg Died 22 March 1926 in Liège,Belgium neugebauer, otto neugebauer Born 26 May 1899 in Austria Died 19 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=N |
58. KÖNYVTÁRI ÁLLOMÁNY - 510 510 N 70 neugebauer, otto Egzakt tudományok az ókorban / otto neugebauer. Bp. Gondolat, 1984. - 260 p., 16 t. ill. ; 23 http://www.kia.hu/konyvtar/egyeb/k510.htm | |
59. Otto otto Robert Frisch (19041979) Austrian physicist. otto neugebauer (?-1990)Austrian-American astronomer and mathematical historian. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/o/otto.html | |
60. Biografisk Register Translate this page 76) Möbius, August Ferdinand (1790-1868) Napier, John (1550-1617) Needham, Joseph(1900-95) Neper, John (se Napier) neugebauer, otto (1899-1990) Neumann, John http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
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