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Nekrasov Aleksandr: more detail | ||||||||
81. Mellen Subscription Series:Studies In Slavic Languages And Literature 1. The Contexts of aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin by Barta, Peter I. and Ulrich 5.A Comparative Study of Pushkin s the Bronze Horseman, nekrasov s RedNosed http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?serieskey=115&pc=7 |
82. RUSSIAN & EAST EUROPEAN collect comprehensively) Mariengof, AB Mikhalkov, Sergei Mironov, aleksandr Mozhaev,Boris Nabokov, VV Nagibin, IUrii Narbikova, Valeriia nekrasov, VP Okudzhava http://www.library.mcgill.ca/collect/russian.htm | |
83. [Harvard Fiction (A-Gorbatov)] nekrasov VIKTOR 1911 4 265. NEMIROVICH DANCHENKO VLADIMIR I (VLADIMIR IVANOVICH)1858 1943 3 266. Neris, Salomeja 19041945 3 267. NEVEROV AS (aleksandr http://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/research_portal/sov_hist_eng/FictHA.html | |
84. Moskva Skolo De Originala Esperanto-poezio en 1920aj 30-aj jaroj logis kaj verkis la eminentaj rusaj poetoj-esperantistojGeorgo Deskin, Nikolao Hohlov, Nikolao nekrasov kaj aleksandr Logvin (se http://www.comail.ru:8080/~esperanto/tolstoj/verkoj/moskva_skolo.htm |
85. Bibliography aleksandrov, A. D. ( aleksandr Danilovich), 19121999. Selected works A.D 1982-1999. Andronov, aleksandr aleksandrovich, 1901-1952 1953-1959. Dinnik, aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1878-1950 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi | |
86. Untitled AuthorTitlePlace PublisherDateVolPagesCornell Holding Libary "Abbe, Ernst Carl, 18401905" Gesammelte AbhandlungenJenaG. aleksandrov, A. D. ( aleksandr Danilovich), 1912-1999" Selected works http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/bibliograph-d2.txt | |
87. All Members (main40) 1946 Corr.Member Naumov Nikolai Aleksandrovich. 1946 Academician nekrasovAleksandr Ivanovich. 1946 Corr.Member nekrasov Boris Vladimirovich. http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/gallery/xx_ma40.htm | |
88. Aleksandr Kerensky - Encyclopedia Article About Aleksandr Kerensky. Free Access, aleksandr Kerensky. Word Word. It was the home city both of VladimirLenin, and of aleksandr Kerensky. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Aleksandr Kerensky | |
89. Kinoeye Resources On Russian Film 1998; Kinopravda Vertov, Dziga 1920s30s; Kukushka Rogozhkin, Aleksandr2002; Liubov i drugiie koshmary nekrasov, Andrei 2001; http://www.kinoeye.org/archive/country_russia.php |
90. Nikolai Vissarionovich Nekrasov On September 17 1917 nekrasov was appointed GovernorGeneral of Finland by AleksandrKerensky after Mihail Aleksandrovich Stahovich quit from his post. http://www.fact-index.com/n/ni/nikolai_vissarionovich_nekrasov.html | |
91. New Russian-Language Newspapers In Berlin - 64th IFLA General Conference - Confe As already mentioned, the «famous names» passed Berlin by, among them ViktorNekrasov, aleksandr Solzenicyn, Vasilij Aksionov, Valerij Tarsis, Andrej http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla64/096-116e.htm | |
92. Pushkin, Aleksandr aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, http://www.litera.ru:8085/stixiya/authors/pushkin.html | |
93. Blok, Aleksandr aleksandr aleksandrovich Blok, http://www.litera.ru:8085/stixiya/authors/blok.html | |
94. Chi Sono nekrasov, decide di http://www.pinu.it/chisono.htm | |
95. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Russian Literature : World War II To The Present (Russia intensified. Famous writers such as Voznesensky and aleksandr Solzhenitsynpublicly asked for an end to government censorship. Others http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/R/Russlit-world-war-ii-to-the-present | |
96. Institut Für Slavistik - Lektüre Suchovo-Kobylin,aleksandr V. (1817-1903) Svad ba Krecinskogo (L). http://www.uni-mainz.de/FB/Philologie-III/slavistik/lektuere.htm | |
97. SKIA - International Club Of Architect Skiers > Members ERMOLAEV aleksandr. 1941.10.06. Moskou. Email http//. KESLER Juri. 1947.12.01.Moskou. E-mail http//. KUSENKO Vladimir. Sverdlovsk. E-mail http//. NEKRASOVAndrey. http://skia.7p.com/Members/russia.html | |
99. LITERARY PAGE SU, 817, Baratasvili Nikoloz, SU, 817, , Suchovo aleksandr, Nozze di Krecinskij,855. SU, 817, *, Tolstoj Aleksej, SU, 821, *, Majkov Apollon, +. SU, 821, *, NekrasovNikolaj, +. http://www.scaruffi.com/fiction/800.html | |
100. The Apocalypse Troll By David Weber - Chapter 17 - Baen Books cautious. It belonged to aleksandr Turchin, who considered Nikolai Nekrasovone of the outstanding thorns in his flesh. Unfortunately http://www.baen.com/chapters/troll_17.htm | |
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