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         Nekrasov Aleksandr:     more detail
  1. Sovremennik, Volume 103 (Russian Edition) by Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, et all 2010-02-16
  2. Aleksandr Ivanovich Nekrasov: 1883-1957 (Nauchno-biograficheskaia literatura) by V. N Volgina, 2001
  3. Riabiny kist v moei stroke: Stikhi by Aleksandr Nekrasov, 1984
  4. N.a. Nekrasov A. N. Pypina (Russian Edition) by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Pypin, 2010-01-12
  5. Sovremennik, Volume 90 (Russian Edition) by Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, et all 2010-02-04
  6. Sovremennik, Volume 69 (Russian Edition) by Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, et all 2010-02-23
  7. A Comparative Study of Pushkin's "the Bronze Horseman", Nekrasov'S"Red Nose Frost", and Blok's "the Twelve": The Wild World (Studies in Slavic Language and Literature) by A. D. P. Briggs, 1990-08
  8. Muzei poeta: K 200-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia A.S. Pushkina (Sokrovishcha mirovoi kultury) (Russian Edition) by Sergei Nekrasov, 1999

81. Mellen Subscription Series:Studies In Slavic Languages And Literature
1. The Contexts of aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin by Barta, Peter I. and Ulrich 5.A Comparative Study of Pushkin s the Bronze Horseman, nekrasov s RedNosed

collect comprehensively) Mariengof, AB Mikhalkov, Sergei Mironov, aleksandr Mozhaev,Boris Nabokov, VV Nagibin, IUrii Narbikova, Valeriia nekrasov, VP Okudzhava
HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARY Bibliographer - Tatiana Bedjanian History of the Collection Like many Slavic collections in North America, the McGill collection began its real growth only after the second world war when the cold war spurred greater interest in the East Bloc countries. In fact the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies was formally established only in 1962. The collection has grown into a respectable research collection since that time. Counts done in 1971 and 1987 show that the number of volumes on Russia and Eastern Europe more than doubled during that time. Specifically, volumes on Russian language and literature increased from 6200 to 11,500. The Polish and Romanian collections grew considerably as well. The development of the Romanian collection can be attributed to the Romanian exchange which began in the early 1970s. Current Collection Development Current collecting centres more on literature and less on language and linguistics than it did in the past, reflecting a change in departmental priorities. Russian literature is collected at the advanced study to research level. Special emphasis is placed on the acquisition of works by and about nineteenth century authors with a lesser stress on the early period of the twentieth century to 1930. The period from the 1930s until the thaw in the 1950s receives little attention except for the very major authors such as Sholokhov. The period of the 1960s and 1970s is considered more important than the preceding period. The period since 1985 presents a special challenge and a major effort is being made to identify and acquire the best contemporary authors as well as works from earlier periods which were unpublished until now.

83. [Harvard Fiction (A-Gorbatov)]
nekrasov VIKTOR 1911 4 265. NEMIROVICH DANCHENKO VLADIMIR I (VLADIMIR IVANOVICH)1858 1943 3 266. Neris, Salomeja 1904—1945 3 267. NEVEROV AS (aleksandr
English-Language Primary Sources for the Study of Soviet History An on-line resource Conceived of and developed by Professor Terry Martin Supported by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Education and Harvard University This database may not be reproduced or distributed without permission. Individuals are welcome to include a link to this site on their web page with a proper acknowledgement to Terry Martin and Harvard University. authors 1. ABDRAKHMANOVA TURSYNKHAN 1921 2 1. Abramov, Fedor, 1920- 5 1. ABYLKASYMOVA MAIRAMKAN 1936 2 1. Adamian, Nora 3 1. ADAMOVICH ALES 1927 3 1. AFINOGENOV ALEKSANDR NIKOLAEVICH 1904 1941 3 1. AITMATOV CHINGIZ 8 1. AKHMADULINA BELLA 1937 5 1. AKHMATOVA R S (RAISA SOLTMURADOVNA) 1928 4 1. Aksenov, Vasilii Pavlovich (1932) 15 1. ALDANOV MARK ALEKSANDROVICH (Landau) 1886 1957 11 1. Aldarova, Milana 1 1. Aleksander, Irina 1 1. Aleksandrova, Veronika 1 1. ALEKSANDROVSKII VASILII DMITRIEVICH 1897 2 1. ALEKSEEV GLEB VASILEVICH PSEUD 1892 2

84. Moskva Skolo De Originala Esperanto-poezio
en 1920aj – 30-aj jaroj logis kaj verkis la eminentaj rusaj poetoj-esperantistojGeorgo Deskin, Nikolao Hohlov, Nikolao nekrasov kaj aleksandr Logvin (se
Moskva skolo de originala Esperanto-poezio
1. Premisoj
2. Impeto de la 60-aj
4. Moskva literatura Esperanto-klubo En fino de la 1980-aj jaroj okazis mallonga periodo de eksploda disfloro de la Esperanto-movado en Sovetunio. Ĝi estis provokita de la socia rekonstruo ("perestrojko") kaj reflektis socian strebon al facila eliro en la mondon. Malnovaj (kaj ankaŭ novaj) aktivuloj tiutempe sufiĉe lerte ekuzis la okazon kaj, almenaŭ en kelkaj urboj de la lando, sukcesis rapide progresigi diversajn iniciatojn. (Bedaŭrinde, fino de la "perestrojko" kaj definitiva transiro de la socio al kapitalisma ekonomio kaj valorsistemo rapide estingis la alesperantan elanon en la socio; Esperanto-movado, estante esence idealisma, tre malfacile povas adaptiĝi al kreskanta profitemo de la popolo...)
5. "Cerbe kaj Kore"
"Cerbe kaj kore"
7. Listo de poetoj, apartenantaj al Moskva skolo 1) "Protoperiodo" – poetoj, vivintaj kaj verkin-toj ĉefe antaŭ la 1960-aj jaroj. Georgo Deŝkin, Nikolaj Hohlov, Aleksandr Logvin, Nikolaj Nekrasov

85. Bibliography
aleksandrov, A. D. ( aleksandr Danilovich), 19121999. Selected works A.D 1982-1999. Andronov, aleksandr aleksandrovich, 1901-1952 1953-1959. Dinnik, aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1878-1950
A Bibliography of Collected Works and Correspondence of Mathematicians
This bibliography is available from the Cornell University Mathematics Library. Contact Librarian Steve Rockey for details.
back to Y Author Title Place Publisher Date Abbe, Ernst Carl, 1840-1905 Gesammelte Abhandlungen Jena G. Fischer Abbe, Ernst Carl, 1840-1905 Gesammelte Abhandlungen Hildesheim Olms Abbe, Ernst Carl, 1840-1905 Briefe an seine Jugend- und Studienfreunde Carl Martin und Harald Schutz, 1858-1865 Berlin Akademie-Verlag Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829 Oeuvres completes de N. H. Abel, mathematicien / avec des notes et developpements, redigees par ordre du roi par B. Holmboe Christiania C. Grondahl Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829 Oeuvres completes / nouvelle ed. ; publiee aux frais norvegien par L. Sylow et S. Lie. Christiania C. Grondahl Abel, Niels Henrik, 1802-1829 Oeuvres completes de Niels Henrik Abel / nouv. ed. ; publiee aux frais de l'Etat norvegien par L. Sylow et S. Lie. Christiania, Impr. de Grondahl, 1881. New York Johnson Reprint Corp.

86. Untitled
AuthorTitlePlace PublisherDateVolPagesCornell Holding Libary "Abbe, Ernst Carl, 18401905" Gesammelte AbhandlungenJenaG. aleksandrov, A. D. ( aleksandr Danilovich), 1912-1999" Selected works
; forward by George Marx ; translators: Jozsef Illy… ; editorial assistants: Mary Gay…

87. All Members (main40)
1946 Corr.Member Naumov Nikolai Aleksandrovich. 1946 Academician nekrasovAleksandr Ivanovich. 1946 Corr.Member nekrasov Boris Vladimirovich.
Full List of Academy Members
Academician Aleksandrov Georgii Fiodorovich Corr.Member Alikhan’an Artiom Isaakovich Academician Andronov Aleksandre Aleksandrovich Corr.Member Arkhangelskii Sergei Ivanovich Academician Artobolevskii Ivan Ivanovich Corr.Member Avakian Artavazd Arshakovich Academician Balandin Aleksei Aleksandrovich Corr.Member Barkhudarov Stepan Grigorievich Academician Berg Aksel’ Ivanovich Academician Berg Lev Semionovich Corr.Member Bilibin Yuri Aleksandrovich Academician Bochvar Andei Anatol’evich Corr.Member Bubrich Dmitrii Vladimirovich Academician Bukov Konstantin Mikhailovich Corr.Member Bulakhovskii Leonid Arsen’evich Corr.Member Bulgakov Boris Vladimirovich Corr.Member Chibisov Konstantin Vladimirovich Academician Dinnik Aleksandr Nikolaevich Corr.Member Dobrovol’skii Vladimir Vladimirovich Corr.Member Ernshtedt Piotr Viktorovich Corr.Member Ferdman David Lazarevich Corr.Member Fiodorov Yevgraf Yevgrafovich Corr.Member Frish Sergei Eduardovich Academician Gordlevskii Vladimir Aleksandrovich Academician Grigor’ev Iosif Fiodorovich Corr.Member

88. Aleksandr Kerensky - Encyclopedia Article About Aleksandr Kerensky. Free Access,
aleksandr Kerensky. Word Word. It was the home city both of VladimirLenin, and of aleksandr Kerensky. Kerensky
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Aleksandr Kerensky
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky April 22 April 22 is the 112th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (113th in leap years). There are 253 days remaining.
  • 1500 - Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral becomes the first European to sight Brazil.
  • 1509 - Henry VIII ascends to the throne of England after the death of his father.
  • 1529 - Treaty of Saragossa divides the western hemisphere between Spain and Portugal that the dividing line should lay 297.5 leagues west of the Moluccas. Spain gets monetary compensation in return for giving Portugal more territory than was in the earlier treaty.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1830s 1840s 1850s 1860s 1870s - Years: 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 -
  • January 25 - Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form the Oriental Telephone Company
  • February 5 - Phoenix, Arizona is incorporated.

Click the link for more information.

89. Kinoeye Resources On Russian Film
1998; Kinopravda Vertov, Dziga 1920s30s; Kukushka Rogozhkin, Aleksandr2002; Liubov i drugiie koshmary nekrasov, Andrei 2001;

90. Nikolai Vissarionovich Nekrasov
On September 17 1917 nekrasov was appointed GovernorGeneral of Finland by AleksandrKerensky after Mihail Aleksandrovich Stahovich quit from his post.
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Nikolai Vissarionovich Nekrasov
Nikolai Vissarianovitch Nekrasov ) was the last Governor-General of Finland On September 17 Nekrasov was appointed Governor-General of Finland by Aleksandr Kerensky after Mihail Aleksandrovich Stahovich quit from his post. Nekrasovs job was to negotiate between the Finnish Senate and the Russian Provisional Government. The Senate wanted to secure the Finnish autonomy with a treaty. This was approved by Kerensky in September but in October the Senate came with a new proposal which would further increase Finnish independence. On the morning of November 7 Nekrasov, on his way to Saint Petersburg to hand over the proposal to Kerensky, was informed of the fall of the goverment. He informed the Senate that he would not return to Finland. Nekrasov died the next year in Russia.
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91. New Russian-Language Newspapers In Berlin - 64th IFLA General Conference - Confe
As already mentioned, the «famous names» passed Berlin by, among them ViktorNekrasov, aleksandr Solzenicyn, Vasilij Aksionov, Valerij Tarsis, Andrej
64th IFLA General Conference
August 16 - August 21, 1998
Code Number: 096-116-E
Division Number: V.
Professional Group: Newspapers
Joint Meeting with:
Meeting Number:
Simultaneous Interpretation:
New Russian-Language Newspapers in Berlin
Walter Andreesen
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Berlin, Germany
1. Readers in Berlin/Brandenburg
V. Karjagin, in an article in Mezdunarodnaja zizn (1997, no.3, pp.54ff.: Berlin. Vpecatlenie priezzego), passes on the impression that the Russian language is «present everywhere» in Berlin. Indeed, again a «Russian scene» develops in the future German capital, not to the degree and the intellectual potential of the 1920s when the emigration found a refuge from the Russian revolution, but nevertheless of remarkable quality, and still growing. The House of Russian Culture - originally a meeting place in the context of GDR-Russian relations - gains importance. This holds true also for new clubs and establishments on a private basis. About 12,000 people, including dependents and family members, are in the service of the Consular Department of the former and future Russian Embassy, of Russian official institutions and enterprises and units registered with the Embassy. The Russian-speaking Jewish community amounts to 12,000 former Soviet citizens, and their relatives and guests etc. who do not live in Berlin permanently. Finally there are appr. 1.5 million Soviet immigrants of German descent, and the younger generation is more at home in Russian than in German. While these immigrants settled almost exclusively in Western Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall, this changed after 1990, and a considerable part remained in Brandenburg. There are also not a few Russian students in Berlin as the Free University concluded a cooperation agreement with St. Petersburg University quite a long time ago.

92. Pushkin, Aleksandr
aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin,
Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin Vse stihotvoreniya na odnoi stranice Znachenie A.Pushkina v istorii russkoi peizazhistiki - ne tol'ko otkrytie novyh tematicheskih oblastei, skol'ko soedinenie ranee otkrytyh motivov v stroinuyu sistemu nacional'nogo poeticheskogo vospriyatiya prirody. V rannem tvorchestve Pushkin zakrepil dostizheniya predydushih poetov v razrabotke takih esteticheskih kanonov, kak peizazhi - ideal'nyi Chitat' dal'she
Po nazvaniyu/pervoi stroke

Pushkin: Hronologiya poezii

Kritika i biografiya
... Kupit' proizvedeniya

Drugie avtory Aliger, M. Annenskii, I. Antokol'skii, P. Ancharov, M. Apuhtin, A. Asadov, E. Aseev, N. Ahmadulina, B. Ahmatova, A. Bagrickii, V. Bagrickii, E. Baltrushaitis, Yu. Bal'mont, K. Baratynskii, E. Barto, A. Batyushkov, K. Bednyi, D. Belyi, A. Berggol'c, O. Bestuzhev, A. Blok, A. Bokov, V. Breht, B. Brodskii, I. Bryusov, V. Bunin, I. Vanshenkin, K. Vvedenskii, A. Venevitinov, D. Vinokurov, E. Voznesenskii, A. Voloshin, M. Vysockii, V. Vyazemskii, P. Gabriak, Ch. Galina, G. Gamzatov, R. Gerasimov, M. Gete, I.

93. Blok, Aleksandr
aleksandr aleksandrovich Blok,
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok Vse stihotvoreniya na odnoi stranice Rod. v Peterburge. Um. v Petrograde. Otec byl professorom prava v Varshavskom universitete, a mat' literaturnoi perevodchicei. Yunost' provel s dedushkoi - rektorom Peterburgskogo universiteta, gde Blok izuchal yurisprudenciyu i filologiyu. Rossiya byla "prekrasnoi damoi" Bloka, cherty kotoroi on nahodil to Chitat' dal'she
Po nazvaniyu/pervoi stroke

Blok: Hronologiya poezii

Kritika i biografiya
... Kupit' proizvedeniya

Drugie avtory Aliger, M. Annenskii, I. Antokol'skii, P. Ancharov, M. Apuhtin, A. Asadov, E. Aseev, N. Ahmadulina, B. Ahmatova, A. Bagrickii, V. Bagrickii, E. Baltrushaitis, Yu. Bal'mont, K. Baratynskii, E. Barto, A. Batyushkov, K. Bednyi, D. Belyi, A. Berggol'c, O. Bestuzhev, A. Blok, A. Bokov, V. Breht, B. Brodskii, I. Bryusov, V. Bunin, I. Vanshenkin, K. Vvedenskii, A. Venevitinov, D. Vinokurov, E. Voznesenskii, A. Voloshin, M. Vysockii, V. Vyazemskii, P. Gabriak, Ch. Galina, G. Gamzatov, R. Gerasimov, M. Gete, I. Gippius, Z. Glazkov, N. Glinka, F. Goncharov, V. Gorodeckii, S.

94. Chi Sono
nekrasov, decide di
Chi sono? breve biografia dei principali favolisti mondiali
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
Di famiglia umile, orfano a undici anni, a quattordici fuggì a Copenaghen, dove ebbe l'opportunità di studiare grazie all'aiuto di Jonas Collin, direttore del Teatro reale. Fin dal 1822 cominciò a pubblicare volumi di prosa e poesia e a comporre opere teatrali, ma il successo gli arrise soltanto con il romanzo L'improvvisatore (1835).
Compì lunghi viaggi in Europa, Asia e Africa e fu autore fecondo, anche di resoconti di viaggio, come Il bazar di un poeta (1842).
La sua fama si fonda però sugli oltre 150 racconti per l'infanzia, che appartengono ormai ai classici della letteratura mondiale.
Ben lontano dall'imitare i suoi immediati predecessori nel genere del racconto, quali Charles Perrault, Antoine Galland ed E.T.A. Hoffmann, o i fratelli Grimm, Andersen seppe esprimere mirabilmente le emozioni più sottili e le idee più fini attraverso un uso equilibrato del linguaggio corrente e delle espressioni popolari, passando senza difficoltà dalla poesia all'ironia, dalla farsa alla tragedia, dal quotidiano al meraviglioso.
La sua opera appare innovativa non solo nello stile ma anche nei contenuti: Andersen usò infatti un linguaggio quotidiano ed espresse nelle fiabe pensieri e sentimenti fino ad allora ritenuti estranei alla comprensione di un bambino, attraverso le vicende di re e regine storici o leggendari, ma anche di animali, piante, creature magiche e persino di oggetti.

95. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Russian Literature : World War II To The Present (Russia
intensified. Famous writers such as Voznesensky and aleksandr Solzhenitsynpublicly asked for an end to government censorship. Others
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 01, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Russian And Eastern European Literature ... Russian literature
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Russian literature, Russian And Eastern European Literature
Related Category: Russian And Eastern European Literature During World War II, Ehrenburg and Simonov were outstanding reporters. The spirit of friendliness toward the West ended abruptly in 1946 with a campaign initiated by Andrei Zhdanov, a Communist party secretary. Cultural isolationism and rigid party dictatorship of literature were enforced, and the effects on literature were disastrous. After the death of Stalin in 1953 some writers, previously in disgrace, were returned to favor; those still living were again permitted to publish. Ehrenburg's celebrated novel The Thaw (1954) described the despair of authors condemned to write in accordance with official doctrines. During this period cultural exchange with foreign countries was encouraged. In opposition to patriotic propaganda from orthodox party spokesmen, literature critical of Soviet society was, for a time, warmly received. Andrei Voznesensky and Yevgeny Yevtushenko were widely acclaimed for their nonconformist poetry. Voznesensky was praised for remarkable innovation in poetic form and use of language. Among Yevtushenko's most admired works is

96. Institut Für Slavistik - Lektüre
Suchovo-Kobylin,aleksandr V. (1817-1903) Svad ba Krecinskogo (L).
Kleiner Lektüreleitfaden für Russisten Dieser kleine Leitfaden soll besonders dem Anfänger helfen, einen systematischen Zugang zur russischen und sowjetischen Literatur zu finden. Natürlich gibt es keinen verbindlichen Kanon dessen, was man als Russist gelesen haben muß, aber die Kenntnis der meisten hier erwähnten Romane, Erzählungen, Theaterstücke und Gedichtsammlungen ist doch unumgänglich, um sich ein eigenes, nicht auf die Wertungen von Literaturgeschichten und Interpretationen beschränktes Urteil über die Marksteine und wichtigsten Entwicklungstendenzen der russischen Literatur bilden zu können. Grundsätzlich gilt, daß man so früh wie möglich mit der Originallektüre beginnen sollte. Dabei ist jedoch zunächst eine Beschränkung auf kurze, mit Anmerkungen versehene Texte, die im folgenden genannt werden, anzuraten. Auch sollte man nicht den falschen Ehrgeiz entwickeln, restlos alle Vokabeln nachzuschlagen, sondern nur bei wiederholtem Auftreten oder wirklichen Verständnisschwierigkeiten des Gesamtzusammenhangs. Erfahrungsgemäß entwickelt man bei dieser Vorgehensweise überraschend schnell ein Gespür für "wichtige" Wörter. Sehr hilfreich ist eine begleitende Lektüre des Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz Russisch (Klett-Verlag). Ein zweiter wichtiger Grundsatz besteht darin, stets lektürebegleitende Notizen anzufertigen; insbesondere Beziehungsschemata der handelnden Personen, Geschehensabläufe, zentrale Passagen oder auch sprachliche Besonderheiten sollte man in einem speziell zu diesem Zwecke angelegten Heft aufzeichnen. Der Wert solcher Notizen ist kaum zu überschätzen, die auf sie verwendete Arbeit wird man später bei Referaten und besonders bei der Vorbereitung auf das Examen einsparen und sich spezielleren Problemen widmen können.

97. SKIA - International Club Of Architect Skiers > Members
ERMOLAEV aleksandr. 1941.10.06. Moskou. Email http//. KESLER Juri. 1947.12.01.Moskou. E-mail http//. KUSENKO Vladimir. Sverdlovsk. E-mail http//. NEKRASOVAndrey.
Internet Store and Ecommerce Solution Provider - Choose an ISP NetZero High Speed Internet Dial up $14.95 or NetZero Internet Service $9.95
ERMOLAEV Aleksandr Moskou E-mail: http://
KESLER Juri Moskou E-mail: http://
KUSENKO Vladimir Sverdlovsk E-mail: http://
NEKRASOV Andrey Moskou E-mail: http://
SISENKO Valentina Novokuznetsk E-mail: http://
SMIKOVSKAIA Ludmila Moskou E-mail: http://
SOTSKAIA Tatiana Moskou E-mail: http:// GEGART Oleg Moskou E-mail: http://
KRUKOV Igor Moskou E-mail: http://
LEVIANT Boris Moskou E-mail: http://
SHEVARDAEV Juri Moskou E-mail: http:// SMIKOVSKAIA Galina Moskou E-mail: http:// SOKOLOVA Olga Novosibirsk E-mail: http://

98. Modern Russian Writers - Full List [en]
Narbikova Valeriia Spartakovna; Nasonov V. Nazarov Evgenii; NeklessaAleksandr; nekrasov Evgenii; nekrasov Vsevolod; Nelin Iosif; Nemchenko
In Russian Modern Russian Writers - Main Page
Full List in Alphabetical Order
Top Cyrillic А Main Page

SU, 817, Baratasvili Nikoloz, SU, 817, , Suchovo aleksandr, Nozze di Krecinskij,855. SU, 817, *, Tolstoj Aleksej, SU, 821, *, Majkov Apollon, +. SU, 821, *, NekrasovNikolaj, +.
The best Books of the 19th Century
I migliori libri dell'Ottocento
selected by piero scaruffi and listed chronologically Best books of the 20th century The greatest writers of all times The best novels in English Suggestions ... Advertising Language



Legenda: * = Poetry/Poesia
= Novel/Romanzo
# = Theatre/Teatro
@ = Science fiction/Fantascienza
$ = Detective/Poliziesco
+ = important/importante Countries/Nazioni Titles of the books are given either in English or in Italian. Spanish titles are in progress. Legenda: Ogni voce consiste di:
  • sigla della nazione
  • anno di nascita
  • genere (narrativa, poesia, teatro, etc.)
  • cognome
  • opera principale, data Se piu` di un'opera meritano la segnalazione, la voce e' duplicata. Se impossibile estrarre un' opera sola, si e' usato il +. Se manca l' opera, lo scrittore e' un "minore". Portuguese P Macedo Jose P Bocage Manuel P Garrett Joao Frate Luis de Sousa, 843 P Castilho Antonio P Herculano Alexand Monaco cistercense, 841 BR Magalhaes Domingos BR Macedo Joaquim BR Dias Antonio BR Guimaraes Bernardo P Castelo Camilo Amor di perdizione, 863
  • 100. The Apocalypse Troll By David Weber - Chapter 17 - Baen Books
    cautious. It belonged to aleksandr Turchin, who considered Nikolai Nekrasovone of the outstanding thorns in his flesh. Unfortunately
    The Apocalypse Troll
    ISBN: 0671-57782-4 (hardcover)
    ISBN: 0671-57845-6 (paperback)
    First Publication January 1999
    by David Weber
    him! He chopped the thought off, forcing his mind into neutral as the plane moved along the taxiway. It was hard, but he actually managed to smile at his neighbors as he collected his hand luggage. It was, and there was also someone waiting for him—someone with the four rockers, three chevrons, and star of a Marine sergeant major on his short khaki sleeves—and Abernathy’s eyebrows rose behind his glasses. Too many years ago, Gunnery Sergeant Alvin Horton had seen to it that a painfully young Lieutenant Abernathy made less mistakes than most with his first platoon. He supposed every Marine officer always felt a special respect for "his" first gunnery sergeant, but he’d known even then that Alvin Horton really was special. The sergeant major snapped to attention and saluted, and Abernathy returned the salute. Then he removed his glasses left-handed and held out his right with his first genuine smile in the last twenty-one hours. "Gunny," he said, squeezing firmly. "What the hell is going on here?"

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