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Neile William: more detail |
61. The Bishops, Priors And Deans Of Durham Robert Stitchill (126074), william James (1606-17), Michael Ramsey (1952-56). Robertof Holy Island (1274-83), Richard neile (1617-27), Maurice Harland (1956-66). http://www.dur.ac.uk/~dla0www/c_tour/lists.html | |
62. Neile's Recommended Reading List neile s Recommended Reading List. Ursula Le GuinThe Earthsea series (I still lovethese, and the new ones); william MayneEarthfasts, Cloudfasts, Cradlefasts http://www.sff.net/people/neile/reading.htp | |
63. Les Semaines 00.02.20 william Mayne s A Year and a Day is a slim children s novel about two young Emailcomments, questions, and complaints to neile@sff.net § neile s main page. http://www.sff.net/people/neile/semaines/2000/0220.htp | |
64. LAUD, William Translate this page LAUD, william, 7.10. 1608 wurde er Kaplan des Bischofs von Rochester, Richard neile,der ein Vierteljahrhundert später, als L. den Erzstuhl von Canterbury http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/l/Laud.shtml | |
65. Alms House Admission Foreigners & Nativity Records New York City, NY Bond Regist Jun. 9, Gibson, william, 30, Scotland, Lady Henrietta, St Johns. Jun. 13,O neile, Bridget, 28, Ireland, Aurora, Liverpool. Jun. 13, O neile, Joseph,4yr. 3 mos. http://olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/ny_alms1827.shtml | |
66. Mourneabbey Leary. Arthur. Mulcahy. william. Mulcahy. Michael. Mullane. Derby. Mullane. Daniel.neile. william. Riordan. Derby. Shine. Daniel. Sullivan. Daniel. Welsh. John. Farren Townland. http://www.ginnisw.com/newpage711.htm | |
67. Newton's Diverging Parabola semi). An other name for the curve was derived from william Neil(e)(16371670) who discovered the curve in 1657 neile s parabola. http://www.2dcurves.com/cubic/cubicn.html | |
68. Genealogy Quest - Ireland: Roman Catholic Officers, 1693 Coremick McCromay Capt. Dugon Capt. Con O neile. Mayo. Capt. Jos. Lynch Capt. WalterBrown Capt. william Brabazon Capt. Miles FitzMorris Capt. John Moore Capt. http://www.genealogy-quest.com/collections/rcoffi.html | |
69. Neil Gaiman Visual Bibliography Echoes The Drawings Of Michael william Kaluta, Vanguard Publishing,2000. A Recognition I m pushing it a bit by having this in http://members.aol.com/ngaimanvb/neil/neile.html | |
70. Westminster Abbey - The Library And Archives - Abbots And Deans Of Westminster 15401549 Richard Cox 1549-1553 Hugh Weston 1553-1556 william Bill 1560-1561 GabrielGoodman 1561-1601 Lancelot Andrewes 1601-1605 Richard neile 1605-1610 http://www.westminster-abbey.org/library/abbots_deans.htm | |
71. The Archbishops Of York 1628. 68. Samuel Harsnett. 1629. 69. Richard neile. 1632. 70. John williams. 16411650.71. 1688. 75. John Sharp. 1691. 76. Sir william Dawes. 1714. 77. Lancelot Blackburne.1724. http://www.hull.ac.uk/php/abspjl/Angl/Abps/York.html | |
72. SHELBY COUNTY ILLINOIS HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Tilman H. 41. Neil. Wesley P. 41. neile. Samuel R. 42. Neller. Margaret. 49. Nelson. SarahL. 57. Nichols. Thompson H. 41. Nichols. william. 41. Nichols. william H. 41. Nichols. http://www.shelbycohistgen.org/mar54nopr.htm | |
73. William James Wintle ""Sinise Lohe" Kummitus" Sinise Lohe kummitus william James Wintle. Sinine Lohe oli kohalikustturismijuhist. Meie ei pööra neile lihtsalt tähelepanu. . Kuid http://www.physic.ut.ee/~larry/mardus/autorid/wintle/Lohe.html | |
74. William Fryer Harvey "Viiesõrmeline Elukas" Viiesõrmeline elukas william Fryer Harvey. Ära pööra neile tähelepanu,Eustace. Hüvasti! Vanamees ulatas käe. Eustace võttis selle vastu. http://www.physic.ut.ee/~larry/mardus/vorgueri/harvey/Harvey.html | |
75. La Porte Mixed Cemetery Databases HF 1831 1867 McCain, George. SL 1838 1905 McGrath, william. HF 1836 1882 McKeever,Daniel. SL 1831 1860 Naumann, CF. PW **** * O neile, James Back to Top. http://www.csuchico.edu/chem/rcooke/LaPorte.dir/lpmcd.html | |
76. W. Shakespeare huvitatud Shakespeare`i nime all avaldatud tekstidest ja neile on meeldinud järgi,mis ilmunud õpikutes ja teatmeteostes, et william Shakespeare nimeline http://www.tt.ee/weix/John/WS.htm | |
77. Adj. Gen. 5th Reg. Cav. Co. C Vernon, Mo. Private, neile, william AD, Modina, Mo, Aug. 12, 61, Aug. 12, 61,Promoted Sergeant January 1, 1863. Private, Nordyke, MT, Modina, Mo, Aug. 12, 61,Aug. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/statewide/military/civilwar/adjutant/5/ | |
78. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - O'Neil, M To Onus, J O NEIL, william. Per Lady Castlereagh , 1818. 1823 Jan. On monthly return of prisonerspunished at Newcastle; listed as O neile (Reel 6023; 4/1718 p.161). http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/o/F42c_o-08.htm | |
79. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Nearney, J To Neill, J 1825 May, Oct. On lists of convicts employed by william Lawson; from Jun 1824.Also listed as Niel (Reel 6062; 4/1782 pp.51c, 57a). neile, John. 1821 Sep 8. http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/n/F41c_n-03.htm | |
80. Fellows Of The Royal Society william Brouncker 1663 Robert Boyle 1663 John Wilkins 1663 Isaac Barrow 1663 RobertHooke 1663 william neile 1663 John Pell 1663 John Wallis 1663 Christopher http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Societies/FRS.html | |
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