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         Neile William:     more detail
  1. People From White Waltham: Thomas Hearne, William Neile, Robert Sawyer
  2. The claims of the clergy: A letter to the Reverend Hugh M'Neile : being a reply to his speech in the amphitheatre, Liverpool, April 27th, 1843, addressed to the Wesleyan Methodists by William Vevers, 1843

41. Early Newspaper Lists - New Zealand And Australia
WB MORRISON, John MOSES, Benjamin MOTION, william MULLIN, John MUNRO, W MURPHY,Thomas NATHAN NEALE, Henry NEALE, william NEALE, Wm H neile, Joseph NEWMAN
Genies' Jottings Lists
and lists
and more lists Home Search Politics The New Zealander 26th July 1854 NOMINATION FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
Auckland 17th July 1854 A VACANCY having occurred in the Representation of the City of Auckland in the House of Representatives in the General Assembly, We the Undersigned Electors request that you will allow yourself to be nominated to represent the interests of the City in that House and we promise to use our best exertions to secure your return. ALLEN, Edward
BACON, William

42. Encyclopedia: Archbishop Of York
Richard II neile 16321640; John V williams 1641-1650; Accepted Frewen 1660-1664; 1686;Thomas IX Lamplugh 1688-1691; John VI Sharp 1691-1714; Sir william VII Dawes

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    Encyclopedia : Archbishop of York
    The Archbishop of York Primate of England, is the metropolitan of the Province of York, and the junior of the two archbishops of the Church of England , after the Archbishop of Canterbury
    His cathedral is York Minster in central York and his official residence is the Archbishop's Palace in Bishopthorpe
    The Province of York includes the 12 Dioceses north of the Midlands as well as the Diocese of Southwell ( Nottinghamshire ) and the Diocese of Sodor and Man (the Isle of Man ). The Archbishop is also a member of the

    43. William Golding "Kärbeste Jumal"
    Pisarad hakkasid voolama ja ta keha raputasid nuuksed. Esimest korda siin saarelandis ta neile nüüd alla. Ägedad, meeletud ahastusekrambid raputasid teda.
    William Goldingu "Kärbeste jumal" sisututvustus
    Raamat "Kärbeste jumal" räägib grupi inglise poiste elust, kes on sattunud lennuõnnetuse läbi asustamata saarele. Seiklusjutu pingelisusele on teoses lisatud ka filosoofiline sügavus. Lugu püüab näidata inimsoo veres pesitsevat vaenulikkust ja tapjaiha, mis võib teatud äärmuslikes tingimustes ilmneda juba lapsepõlves. Suuremad tülid pealiku ja Jack'i vahel tekkisid aga saarel elava "koletise" avastamise käigus. Koletist tegelikult muidugi ei olnud, kuid poiste hirm pimeduse saabudes aitas kergesti tekkida pettepiltidel. Jack tahtis hirmsat elukat rünnata ja oli valmis riskima, ta tembeldas pealiku argpüksiks. Ralph aga üritas kasutada mõistust ja ei tormanud pea ees kõigega võitlema. Lahkheli tulemusena lahkus küttide pealik poiste juures ja moodustas oma suguharu, millega ühinesid üksteise järel peaaegu kõik vanemad poisid. Suguharu tegeles peamiselt küttimisega. Samuti tantsisid ja laulsid nad jahiretkedest. Olulised olid suured söömapeod. Kamba liikmed kandsid sõjamaalingut ja pidid olema Ralph'ile ustavate poiste vastu. Peagi tekkis kohutav vaen kahe kamba vahel. Jack'ile alluvad poisid tapsid sõjamängude käigus väikese Simon'i ja ei kohkunud edaspidi tagasi inimese tapmise ees. Ralph'ile olid ustavaks jäänud vaid kaksikud Sam ja Eric ning Põssa. Nad olid jõuetud neljakesi lõket pidevalt põlemas hoidma ja otsustasid selle prillide abil süüdata igal hommikul uuesti. Öösel aga tulid vastassuguharu liikmed nende lõkkest põlevaid puid varastama ja märkasid, et tuld polegi. Nad röövisid Põssa prillid.

    44. 1625-29: Charles I - The First Crisis
    A commission of Bishops, including william Laud, Richard neile, and John Buckeridge,licensed the work, and from then on held the real power in the Church of
    1625-1629: the first crisis of Charles I's reign Charles I combined stupidity with an exalted view of royal power. Naturally shy, his court was far more dignified and formal than his father's had been. Pious and chaste, stubborn and unimaginative, his personality played an important role in England's descent into Civil War.
    1. Charles I - marriage and parliament
    The twenty-four-year old Charles married fifteen-year-old Henrietta Maria (by proxy) on 1 May 1625, but initially continued under Buckingham's influence and saw little of his wife. Buckingham was extremely unpopular in the country at large.
    "Who rules the Kingdom? The King.
    Who rules the King? The Duke.
    Who the Duke? The Devil." (1623 pamphlet)
    As a result of his marriage, Charles made many concessions to Roman Catholics (in particular, temporary non-enforcement of the penal laws against them) and this aroused suspicions in the first Parliament of his reign. Parliament assembled 18 June 1625 and did vote two subsidies (c. £140,000), but this was not nearly enough for an effective war. Parliament refused to vote any more taxation unless they could supervise its expenditure.

    45. Bishops And Archbishops Of York
    67) George Monteigne, 1628 68) Samuel Harsnett, 16281631 69) Richard neile, 1632-1640 Lamplugh,1688-1691 75) John Sharp, 1691-1714 76) Sir william Dawes, 1714
    1) Paulinus, 627-633
    2) Chad (Ceadda), 644-669
    3) Wilfrid I (St. Wilfrid), 669-677
    4) Bosa, 678-705
    5) John (St. John of Beverley), 705-
    6) Wilfrid II, 718-732
    7) Egbert, 735-766
    8) Ethelbert, 767-780
    9) Eanbald I, 780-796
    10) Eanbald II, 796-808
    11) Wulfsige, 808-837 12) Wigmund, 837-854 13) Wulfhere, 854-900 14) Ethelbald, 900- 15) Hrotheweard (or Lodeward), 904-931 16) Wulfstan I, 931-956 17) Oskytel, 958-971 18) Edwald (or Ethelwold), 971 19) Oswald, 972-992 20) Ealdulf (Abbot of Peterborough), 992-1002 21) Wulfstan II, 1003-1023 22) Aelfric Puttoc, 1023-1051 23) Cynesige, 1051-1060 24) Ealdred, 1061-1069 25) Thomas I, 1070-1100 26) Gerard, 1101-1108 27) Thomas II, 1109-1114 28) Thurstan, 1119-1140 29) William Fitzherbert, 1143-1147 and 1154 30) Henry Fitzherbert, 1147-1153 / William Fitzherbert

    46. 1609 Pardon List
    william O Harkain, Rowrie oge O Donnell, Morise O Cashadie, Neise McAvrehoune, BrianO Corraran, Gilliduff O Menan, Twole oge O Dermote, Manus O Regane, neile
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    47. Bishops And Archbishops Of York
    16281631. Samuel Harsnett. 69. 1632-1640. Richard neile. 70. 1641-1650. John williams. JohnSharp. 76. 1714-1724. Sir william Dawes. 77. 1724-1743. Lancelot Blackburne. 78.
    The Bishops and Archbishops of York
    Bishops until 735, and Archbishops afterwards Paulinus see vacant Chad (Ceadda) Wilfrid I (St. Wilfrid) Bosa John (St. John of Beverley) Wilfrid II Egbert Ethelbert Eanbald I Eanbald II Wulfsige Wigmund Wulfhere Ethelbald Hrotheweard (or Lodeward) Wulfstan I Oskytel Edwald (or Ethelwold) Oswald Ealdulf (Abbot of Peterborough) Wulfstan II Aelfric Puttoc Cynesige Ealdred Thomas I Gerard Thomas II Thurstan William Fitzherbert Henry Fitzherbert William Fitzherbert (again) Roger of Pont-L'Eveque Geoffrey Plantagenet Walter de Grey Sewal de Bovill Godfrey of Ludham (or Kineton) Walter Giffard William Wickwane John le Romeyn (Romanus) Henry of Newark Thomas of Corbridge William Greenfield William of Melton William le Zouche John of Thoresby Alexander Neville Thomas Arundel Robert Waldby Richard le Scrope Henry Bowet John kempe William Booth George Neville Lawrence Booth Thomas Rotheram (or Scott) Thomas Savage Christopher Bainbridge Thomas Wolsey Edward Lee Robert Holgate Nicholas Heath Thomas Young Edmund Grindal Edwin Sandys John Piers Matthew Hutton Tobias Matthew George Monteigne Samuel Harsnett Richard Neile John Williams see vacant Accepted Frewen Richard Sterne John Dolben Thomas Lamplugh John Sharp Sir William Dawes Lancelot Blackburne Thomas Herring Matthew Hutton John Gilbert Robert Hay Drummond William Markham Edward Venables Vernon (afterwards Harcourt) Thomas Musgrave Charles Thomas Longley William Thomson William Connor Magee William Dalrymple Cosmo Gordon Lang William Temple Cyril Forster Garbett Arthur Michael Ramsey Frederic Donald Coggan

    48. Bishops Of Lincoln
    39, 1608 1613, william Barlow, Bishop of Rochester, 1605 - 1608, 40, 1614 - 1617,Richard neile, Bishop of Rochester, 1608 - 1610 Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry
    Bishops of Lincoln died Remigius
    made Bishop of Dorchester by William the Conqueror,
    and soon after transferred the see to Lincoln Robert Bloet brother of Hugh, Bishop of Bayeux
    Chancellor of England under William the Conqueror
    and William Rufus
    Justiciary under Henry I Alexander
    ("the Magnificent") nephew of Roger, Bishop of Salisbury
    Archdeacon of Sarum, 1121 Robert de Chesney Archdeacon of Leicester See vacant Geoffrey Plantagenet, natural son of Henry II, was
    appointed. He was never consecrated, although
    he retained the temporalities for nine years. Walter de Coutances
    (de Constantiis) Vice-Chancellor of England, Canon and Treasurer of Rouen Cathedral, 1173 Archdeacon of Oxford, 1175 translated to Rouen, 1184 See vacant Hugh of Avalon (St Hugh of Lincoln) Procurator of monastery of the Grande Chartreuse, 1170 Prior of Carthusian monastery at Witham, in Somerset, 1175/6 to 1186 William de Blois See vacant Hugh de Wells Prebendary of Louth in the Cathedral, 1203

    49. Rein Mets / Sokrates
    keigar. BNS. william Shakespeare Sonetid. 2. tegi. Et sulle / naisterõõmustus/ kord pandi, arm /mulle anna, neile - armu andi/. 22.

    50. HMC | NRA | Persons Beginning NE
    17801852) Barrister Miser (1) neile, Richard (1562-1640) Archbishop of York (1)neile, william (1637-1670) Mathematician (1) Neill, Alexander Sutherland (1883

    NE NI NO ... NY List of persons with surname beginning NE
    Neagu, Paul (b1938) Sculptor

    Neal, Harold (1897-1972) Labour MP

    Neale, Edward St John (d 1866) Diplomat

    Neale, Edward Vansittart (1810-1892) Christian Socialist and Co Operator
    Need, Philip Dobson (b1868) Emigrant

    Needell, Phillip (1886-1974) Leading Signalman Rnvr

    Needham, Alicia Adelaide (d 1945) nee Montgomery, Pianist and Composer
    Needham, Sir Christopher Thomas (1866-1944) Knight Banker Needham, Dorothy Mary Moyle (1896-1987) nee Moyle, Biochemist ... Needham, J (fl 1722-1736) Schoolteacher, Hitchin Hitchin, Hertfordshire Needham, John Turberville (1713-1781) Roman Catholic Priest Scientist Needham, Joseph Ernest (1893-1980) Musician and Composer Needham, Noel Joseph Terence Montgomery (1900-1995) Biochemist Sinologist Needham, Richard Francis (b 1942) Politician ... Neele, Elizabeth Kingston (fl 1800-1884) Daughter Of Earl Bradford's Chief Agent Shropshire Staffordshire Shropshire Staffordshire Neele, George Potter (1825-1921) Railway Superintendent Negus, Arthur George (1903-1985) Antiques Appraiser Negus, Edgar Walter (1910-1997) electrical engineer Negus, Edgar Walter D (1910-1997) Electrical Engineer, Mitcham Mitcham, Surrey Negus, Sir Victor (1887-1974) Knight Surgeon

    51. Edward Breland - Ancestors & Family Index
    JOHN (1667 ); McCONE, JOSHUA (1665 - ); McCONE, MARY (1671 - ); McCONE,neile ( - ); McCONE, william (1669 - 1710); McCONNELL, william
    Index To Inquire, Add, or Correct Information, Contact: Edward Breland
    The ebfamily genealogical database can be searched several ways:

    52. Surname
    Neesham, John, 346. Neigans, Henry, 346. Neil, John, 346. Neilan, Margaret, 346.Neilan, william, 349. neile, Amo, 346. Neill, Elizabeth, Widow, 346. Neill, Hugh,346. Neill, James, 346.
    Surname First name Title Status Page Naghten Bartholomew Naghten Catherine Naghten Ellinor Naghten Jas. Naghten Laughlin Naghten Loughlin Esq. Naghten Mable Widow Naghten Mathias Naghten Thomas Esq. Naghten Timothy M. D. Nagle Athanasius Nagle Edmd. Esq. Nagle Elizabeth Widow Nagle Garrott Esq. Nagle Honora Nagle Jane Nagle Jas. Nagle Peter Nagle Richd. Esq. Nagle Susanna Nail John Nairac John Nairac Rebecca Naizon Peter Col. Najac Anthony Esq. Nally Anthony Nally John Nally William Nalty Henry Nangle Arthur Nangle Catherine Nangle Christopher Nangle Dudley Nangle Edmond Nangle Edward Esq. Nangle Ellinor Widow Nangle George Nangle James Nangle John Nangle Margery Nangle Maria Widow Nangle Patrick Nangle Peter Nangle Robert Esq. Nangle Walter Nangle Walter Esq. Naper Anne Widow Naper Dorothy Widow Naper General Robert Lieutenant Esq. Naper Gerrard Naper James Naper James Esq. Naper William Esq. Naper Wm. Esq. Napier Col. George Hon. Napier Patrick Napper Henry Esq. Narney John Esq. Narton Mary Nary Christopher Nary Cornelius Nash Andrew Nash Andrew Esq. Nash Catherine Nash Charles Esq. Nash Christian Widow Nash David Nash Edmond Nash Henrietta Widow Nash James Nash Jane Nash John Nash Lewellin Esq.

    53. Lovell's 1871 Directory - Spaniards' Bay (Harbor Grace)
    McCarthy Thomas Minchens John, fisherman Mullins James Murrne John, fisherman MurrneThomas, fisherman Murrne william, fisherman neile George, fisherman neile
    Presented by the
    Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
    to assist you in researching your Family History
    Click on the graphic below to return to the NGB Home Page
    To contribute to this site, see above menu item "About". These transcriptions may contain human errors.
    As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
    Lovell's 1871
    Provincial Business Directory SPANIARD'S BAY (Harbor Grace)
    A large fishing settlement on the bay of the same name, north side of Conception Bay, in the district of Harbor Grace. Most of the population spend the summer on the Labrador, prosecuting the cod fishery. Spaniards' Bay is almost surrounded by high hills, and the views of Conception Bay from some of them is beautiful in the extreme. Point after point is seen stretching out into the waters of the Bay, on several of which pretty churches stand out prominently. Altogether some of the prettiest views of Conception Bay may be had from this neighborhood. It is distant from Harbor Grace by road 6 miles. Mail weekly. Population 1182. The entries have been transcribed as
    they appear in the 1871 Lovell's directory.

    54. The Immanuel Prophecy, By William Brooks
    86. Alan Hugh M neile, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, by RVG Tasker,(Grand Rapids william B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1961), 36. 87.
    The Immanuel Prophecy, by William Brooks Return to Homepage Table of Contents Introduction Abstract Chapter 3: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ Old Testament Context And Meaning ... End of the document Introduction Table of Contents Greetings, Thank you for your interest in the information I have gathered concerning the Immanuel prophecy. This introduction will give you a checklist of what to expect. Thesis Abstract This part contains the Abstract of my entire thesis so that the chapter you receive can be put into the entire context of what I was trying to prove with my thesis. It also contains acknowledgments and a list of abbreviations. The main part of this document is chapter three of my thesis. It examines the use of Isaiah 7:14 in Matthew 1:23. Isaiah 7:1-13 This part contains the information which sets the OT context of the Immanuel prophecy. Isaiah 7:14-17 This part is an examination of the Immanuel prophecy. Matthew 1:23 This part is an examination of the Immanuel prophecy in its NT context. Endnotes This part contains the endnotes to the entire third chapter. Bibliography This part contains the entire bibliography I used for my thesis.

    55. Ferryland Surrogate Court Actions
    Charged with stealing fish from the Nancy. February 11, 1819. neile, william.Charged with stealing fish from the Nancy. November 19, 1807. Neill, Constantine.
    Presented by the
    Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site
    to assist you in researching your Family History
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    To contribute to this site, see above menu item "About". These transcriptions may contain human errors.
    As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
    Ferryland District
    Surrogate Court Records
    (ca 1800 - 1820's)
    Date Name Details Name Witness 1 Witness 2 April 25, 1820 McCarthy, Denis Has a prior claim to property occupied by: Brandy, William November 11, 1818 McCay, Michael Sued this person for his return passage to Ireland: Holdsworth, Henry November 3, 1817 McDaniel, Patrick Sued: Stabb, Ewen March 9, 1803 McDaniel, Philip Offers plantation in Capeland Bay as surety for money owed to Tree, Francis October 13, 1819 McDaniel, Richard Charged with throwing a billet of wood at this person: Brooking, Arthur January 21, 1820 McGee, John Juror in Gallivan vs Tree November 3, 1817 McGee, Mary Granddaughter of Mary Whealan and daughter of: McGee, John Sweetland, Benjamin McGee, John

    56. GENUKI: Archbishops And Bishops Of Great Britain.
    Laud, 1621, James Ussher, 1624. Richard neile, 1632, william Laud,1628, John Howson, 1628, Theophilus Field, 1627. Charles I, 1625, williamLaud,
    ... England

    KINGS OF ARCHBISHOPS OF ARCHBISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF ENGLAND CANTERBURY YORK LONDON DURHAM ST. DAVID'S ARMAGH See founded before A.D. 200 See founded before A.D. 200 See founded before A.D. 200 [Missionary College founded at Iona by St. Columba from Ireland 565] Persecution of the British Church under the Emperor, Diocletian. Martyrdom of St Alban, A.D. 304. St. Columba died at Iona, 597 Bishops of York, London, and Caerleon-on-Usk, at the council of Arles, A.D. 314 Eborius Restitutus British Bishops present at the Councils of Sardica, 347, and of Ariminum, 360 St. Patrick St Ninian settled at Whithorn, in Wigtonshire, cir. A.D. 400 Consecrated in Gaul St. German and Gallican Bishops combated Pelagianism in Britain 429 and 447. "Alleluia" Victory, 430 St. Benen St. Jarlath Cormac St. Mungo, driven from Glasgow, founded St. Asaph, cir. 550 Dubtach I. Aihill I.

    57. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
    Marion Martha Mary (Cissy) Maude Elizabeth neile Phyllis Rebecca Rex Robert RohanRonald John Ruby Ethel Terence Robert Toni Tracy Vera william william william

    58. County Clare Tithe Applotment Books: Parish Of Clondagad
    Walsh, william, Lisheen, Clondagad, Clancy, Connor, Clonmore, Clondagad,Connor Clancy, Widow O’neile, Daniel Scanlan Maurice Freeman.
    County Clare Tithe Applotment Books Home Search Clare County Library Catalogue Search this Website
    Occupiers of land in the Parish of Clondagad [TAB spelling: Clondegad] on 10th April 1826.
    Maggie Lambert, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
    Surname Forename Title Townland Parish Note Riedy John Ballycloghessey Clondagad Riedy Darby Ballycloghessey Clondagad Browne Nicholas Ballycloghessey Clondagad Crowe James Ballycloghessey Clondagad Kennedy Richard Rev. Angelpark Clondagad O'Connors Patrick Angelpark Clondagad Keane Patrick Angelpark Clondagad O'Connors Richard Angelpark Clondagad O'Connors Timothy Angelpark Clondagad Browne James Pigsfield Clondagad Carrig William Pigsfield Clondagad Daly Patrick Pigsfield Clondagad Daly William Pigsfield Clondagad Daly Honor Pigsfield Clondagad Browne John Pigsfield Clondagad Browne James Pigsfield Clondagad Daly William Pigsfield Clondagad Daly John Pigsfield Clondagad Whitestone Thomas Esq. Knockalehid Clondagad Keane John Lavalla South Clondagad O'Keefe John Lavalla South Clondagad O'Keefe Connor Lavalla South Clondagad Clancy Michael Lavalla South Clondagad Ronan Mathias Lavalla South Clondagad Cusack Michael Lavalla South Clondagad Mulvihill Daniel Esq.

    59. Groom QUACKLEY, JOHN Bride -, ELIZABETH Date 1715~MAY 14
    Groom QUINSEY, william Bride BONNICK, ANN Date 1811~SEP 29 Parish FELTHAM CountyMIDDLESEX, ENGLAND Groom QUINT, william Bride neile Date 1662
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Go Canada.

    60. ISLE OF MAN 1881 - PART 6
    CAMPBELL U 25 Fisherman Donald MC neile U 18 Fisherman Malcolm MC KAY U Vessel IDA 186 Arthur RONEY U 21 Fisherman Vessel CONQUEROR 100 william MC BRIDE
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