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Mydorge Claude: more detail | |||||
61. MANUSCRIT HUBERT Translate this page HARDY claude o 1604 au Mans + 05/04/1678 à Paris, S de l Avocat au parlement en 1625,mathématicien, traducteur dEuclide (Euclyde), ami de mydorge qui lui http://benoit.maury.geneal.free.fr/eudes4.htm | |
62. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians Gregory of St. Vincent (15841667) *RB *W; claude mydorge (1585-1647)*SB *MT *W; Jan Brozek (Broscius) (1585-1652) *W; Joachim Jungius http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
63. Digital Learning Commons claude mydorge A biography of claude mydorge and his life as a mathematician, thisresource includes images and links to other references, crossreferences to http://rdfgateway.syr.edu/dlc/parents/search?t0=keyw&q0=Refraction |
64. Vol. 1 Ch. 2 circle of the 1630 s known as the Académie Parisienne which included Roberval,Etienne Pascal, Marin Mersenne, Blaise Pascal, claude mydorge and Girard http://www.sumscorp.com/perspective/Vol1/ch2.htm | |
65. .: Keresõ.hu * Az Online Lexikon (címszó: Matematika) A geometriában egészen új irányokat követtek claude mydorge, Desargues ésBlaise Pascal (162362), ez utöbbi zseniális matematikus feltalálja a http://www.kereso.hu/yrk/Erinv/115425 | |
66. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives Vincent (15841667) *RB *W claude mydorge (1585-1647) *SB *MT *W Jan Brozek (Broscius)(1585-1652) *W Joachim Jungius (1587-1657) *SB *W Isaac Beeckman (1588 http://godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=64&topic=3&message=278278&mpa |
67. SRevel.org - Stéphane Revel - Longitude1 Translate this page gouvernement de Louis XIII de 1624 à 1642, nomma une commission formée de grandsmathématiciens, entre autres Etienne Pascal, claude mydorge, Jean Beaugrand http://www.srevel.org/?page=Longitude1 |
68. WhoWasThere Reply Gregory of SaintVincent was 41 this year and would die in a further 42 years.claude mydorge was 40 this year and would die in a further 22 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1625 |
69. WhoWasThere Reply Gregory of SaintVincent was 16 this year and would die in a further 67 years.claude mydorge was 15 this year and would die in a further 47 years. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/cgi-bin/mathyear.cgi?YEAR=1600 |
70. Erasmushaus - Haus Der Bücher, Basel Translate this page 1612) von claude-Caspard Bachet de Méziriac. In Typ und Anlage diente die Récréationmathématique als Anregung für viele ähnliche Werke von C. mydorge, J http://www.erasmushaus.ch/catalogues/int_15_06.html | |
71. Martayan Lan Rare Books claude Hardy (1598?1678) was a lawyer by profession, but took part in the BesidesMersenne, he knew Gassendi and mydorge, and through the latter met Descartes http://www.martayanlan.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi/Books/5/28/20/617 | |
72. Matematikçiler Translate this page Halphen Halsted Hamilton, WR Hamming Hankel Hardy, claude HarishChandra Harriot MoriMorley Morse Mostowski Moufang Muir Mumford mydorge Mytropolshy Naimark http://www.sanalhoca.com/matematik/matematikciler.htm | |
73. Gassendi a number of lifelong friendships, notably with Boulliau, Mersenne, mydorge, Naude,and La closely with his patron and intimate friend, Nicolas-claude Fabri de http://www.nd.edu/~dharley/HistIdeas/Gassendi.html | |
74. CONINE claude mydorge (15851647), a French geometer and friend of Descartes, publisheda work De sectioni bus conicis in which he greatly simplified the cumbrous http://6.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CO/CONINE.htm | |
75. Correspondants Translate this page au premier rang, comme le remarque M. Pomian, Malherbe (10), JL Guez de Balzac,Galilée, Gassendi, mydorge, Mersenne, Rigault claude Saumaise. Nicolas Rigault. http://www.peiresc.org/Corresp.html | |
76. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of newcommand{\Muir}{{\sc Muir}\footnote{{\sc Thomas Muir}, \born 1844, \died 1934}} \newcommand{\mydorge}{{\sc mydorge}\footnote{{\sc claude mydorge}, \born 1585 http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
77. Catalogo 67 : Scienza & Tecnica Translate this page 4072/67. (Geometria) HENRY Charles - Notice sur un manuscrit inedit de claude mydorge.- Extraits du traité de Géometrie de CM Roma, 1881, 4° br. fasc. http://www.libnat.it/cat_67/67_sctec.htm | |
78. Full Chronological Index Translate this page 1584-1637) Vernier (1584-1667) Saint-Vincent (1585-1647) mydorge (1586-1652 La Faille(1597-1636) Gellibrand (1598-1647) Cavalieri (1598-1678) Hardy, claude. http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/chronlist.htm | |
79. Mydorge, Claude mydorge, claude. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and thiscatalogue cannot answer email on geneological questions. 1. Dates http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/FilesOLD/mydorge.html | |
80. Mydorge, Claude mydorge, claude. 1. Dates Born Paris, 1585 Died Paris, July 1647 Dateinfo DatesCertain Lifespan 62 2. Father Occupation Lawyer, Government Official. http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/FilesBAK1/mydorge.html | |
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