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         Mydorge Claude:     more detail
  1. Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) (French Edition) by Claude Mydorge, 2010-09-10
  2. Examen Dv Livre Des Recreations Mathematiqves: Et De Ses Problemes En Geometrie, Mechanique, Optique, & Catoptrique. Où Sont Aussi Discutées & Restablies ... Physiques Y Proposees (French Edition) by Jean Leurechon, Claude Mydorge, 2010-03-16
  3. Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) (French Edition) by Claude Mydorge, 2010-09-10

Translate this page HARDY claude o 1604 au Mans + 05/04/1678 à Paris, S de l Avocat au parlement en 1625,mathématicien, traducteur d’Euclide (Euclyde), ami de mydorge qui lui
Retour au menu II (11111.3 = 1) 1. (RC) HARDY DAVID (ou DAVY ) Simone. [Q, AI]. 1.2 (RC) HARDY Simon o Ca 1485 + > 1540, conseiller en courlaye au bailliage d’Etampes x A Ca 1520 avec PARIS Georgette. x B Ca 1532 avec MASSERON Nicolle. [P, Q, AI, BN]. HARDY Charlotte x Ca 1486 avec DAVID HARDY CHASSIGNAT HARDY Philippe o Ca 1490 + en 1530 [AI] 12.1 (RC) HARDY HARDY HARDY Estienne o Ca 1540 + > 1624 x Ca 1570 avec DELALANDE DE LA LANDE ) Antoinette [AI] HARDY HARDY Philippe [BN] DAVID Emery (ou Eymerice) Bourgeois d’Etampes x avec GUYOT GYOT ) Jeanne HARDY ALLAIRE Tuteur de Robert ALLAIRE . Acte du 08/02/1573 pour " rente payable dans 5 ans au dit mineur (Robert ALLAIRE . Acte du 14/06/1596 devant Me MAHIEU ET/CV/74. [AI] . Acte de succession de septembre 1588, Me Mahieu, ET/CV/53 [AI] . Comptes de succession de novembre 1603, Me Mahieu, ET/CV/94 [AI] . Quittance de dette du 26/07/1603, Me Mahieu, ET/CV/94 [AI] . Acte de succession du 10/04/1608, Me Mahieu, ET/CV/104 [AI] . Acte de succession du 04/12/1608, Me Mahieu, ET/CV/106 [AI] . Acte de concession aux marguiliers de St Jacques de la Boucherie le 19/12/1608, Me Mahieu, ET/CV/106

62. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians
Gregory of St. Vincent (15841667) *RB *W; claude mydorge (1585-1647)*SB *MT *W; Jan Brozek (Broscius) (1585-1652) *W; Joachim Jungius
Chronological List of Mathematicians
Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan
Table of Contents
1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below
List of Mathematicians
    1700 B.C.E.
  • Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT
    700 B.C.E.
  • Baudhayana (c. 700)
    600 B.C.E.
  • Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT
  • Apastamba (c. 600)
  • Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB
  • Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT
  • Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB
  • Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520)
    500 B.C.E.
  • Katyayana (c. 500)
  • Nabu-rimanni (c. 490)
  • Kidinu (c. 480)
  • Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT
  • Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT
  • Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT
  • Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB
  • Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT
  • Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB
  • Meton (c. 430) *SB

63. Digital Learning Commons
claude mydorge A biography of claude mydorge and his life as a mathematician, thisresource includes images and links to other references, crossreferences to

64. Vol. 1 Ch. 2
circle of the 1630 s known as the Académie Parisienne which included Roberval,Etienne Pascal, Marin Mersenne, Blaise Pascal, claude mydorge and Girard
Dr. Kim H. Veltman II Centres Introduction

Greater Europe


1. Introduction
The importance of centres in the development and diffusion of Renaissance culture, assumed by Vasari (1550),1 and discussed by Burckhardt (1860),2 became the topic of an important book by Chastel (1965),3 who acknowledged that there were problems with the approach. For while Florence, Lombardy, Rome, Naples, Venice and Padua were of enormous significance, smaller cities such as Lodi and Prato were also important. In a subsequent book on Italy's workshops (1969)4 Chastel gave greater emphasis to these smaller cities surrounding the larger ones, as, for example, Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Vigevano and Pavia in the case of Milan. Since then there has been increasing attention in the relation between centre and periphery. Ginzburg and Castelnuovo,5 in a fundamental study, have challenged the very notion of a centre. A detailed study would need to confront these problems of method, and might draw parallels between criticism of great centres and the fashion to criticize great individuals. Our concern is more modest: to outline the development of the major centres of publication regarding perspective and to trace how these shift with time. Centres in cities were usually due to the presence of a court, university and/or a workshop. They could be centres in at least three different senses: as places of production, as places which attracted painters to meet, or as places of transit. Nor was it just a question of painters. As Settis has shown, humanist counselors played an important part in these developments.

65. .: Keresõ.hu * Az Online Lexikon (címszó: Matematika)
A geometriában egészen új irányokat követtek claude mydorge, Desargues ésBlaise Pascal (162362), ez utöbbi zseniális matematikus feltalálja a
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66. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives
Vincent (15841667) *RB *W claude mydorge (1585-1647) *SB *MT *W Jan Brozek (Broscius)(1585-1652) *W Joachim Jungius (1587-1657) *SB *W Isaac Beeckman (1588

67. - Stéphane Revel - Longitude1
Translate this page gouvernement de Louis XIII de 1624 à 1642, nomma une commission formée de grandsmathématiciens, entre autres Etienne Pascal, claude mydorge, Jean Beaugrand

68. WhoWasThere Reply
Gregory of SaintVincent was 41 this year and would die in a further 42 years.claude mydorge was 40 this year and would die in a further 22 years.

69. WhoWasThere Reply
Gregory of SaintVincent was 16 this year and would die in a further 67 years.claude mydorge was 15 this year and would die in a further 47 years.

70. Erasmushaus - Haus Der Bücher, Basel
Translate this page 1612) von claude-Caspard Bachet de Méziriac. In Typ und Anlage diente die Récréationmathématique als Anregung für viele ähnliche Werke von C. mydorge, J
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Dedication Copy
Dedication copy of the first editon of Victor Hugo's (1802-1885) poetic attack on materialism and established sects. With the dedication "A mon cher Louis Koch", nephew and heir of Victor Hugo's secretary and mistress Juliette Drouet on fly-leaf. - Slighlty browned. - Contemporary half calf (joints rubbed), original covers preserved.
First edition. Scarce 18th century bibliography of rare 16th century texts. Many of the 165 texts mentioned are short rare tracts that often went unnoticed. - Good copy, bound in contemporary marbled half leather.
The First Swiss Encyclopedia
oder Iselin-Lexikon, Allgemeines historisches Lexicon (Leipzig, T. Fritsch, 1709) und bildet so etwas wie eine Fortsetzung von Pierre Bayles Dictionnaire historique et critique
First edition of the first Swiss encyclopedia, still of great value for its biographical, genealogical and topographical information. - Except for a few minor waterstains a very well-peserved, uniformely bound copy, complete with the often missing two supplementary volumes. - Contemporary half vellum.

Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes.

71. Martayan Lan Rare Books
claude Hardy (1598?1678) was a lawyer by profession, but took part in the BesidesMersenne, he knew Gassendi and mydorge, and through the latter met Descartes
Catalogue 32
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Euclid Editio Princeps:
On The Meaning Of “Given”

EUCLID / Ed. HARDY, Claude.
Deodomena kai Marinou Philosophou eis dedomena Eukleidou Hypomnema. Euclidis Data Opus ad veterum Geometriae Autorum Archimedis, Apollonii, Pappi, Eutocii… . Paris, Melchior Mondière, 1625.
4to. [24 x 17 cm], 8), 181 (1) pp., (1) f. Bound in contemporary stiff vellum, title neatly stenciled on spine. Small patch of corner cover edge torn. Paper on front-end pastedown renewed. Toning and some of the light, even browning which affects this work, but unusually large and fresh copy in a contemporary binding. Very good.
Rare editio princeps of an important text by Euclid which was widely known in antiquity but whose transmission became indirect quite early – i.e. dependent on quotation by later authors such as Marinus of Naples. By the time of the Renaissance, therefore, it had no separate manuscript tradition of its own and was published for the first time quite late. “The Data , the only other work in pure geometry [i.e. besides the

72. Matematikçiler
Translate this page Halphen Halsted Hamilton, WR Hamming Hankel Hardy, claude HarishChandra Harriot MoriMorley Morse Mostowski Moufang Muir Mumford mydorge Mytropolshy Naimark
Günlük hayatta iþinize yarayacak dersler... En can alýcý noktalar... Ana Sayfa Kimya Matematik Fizik ... e-mail Gelmiþ Geçmiþ Ünlü Matematikçiler Abbe


Grasmann Hermann Günther

Doppler Dupin Eckert, John Eratosthenes Euclid Eudoxus Eutocius Faltings Fano Fano Faulhaber Fefferman Feigl Feller Fermat Ferrar Ferrari Ferrel Ferro Feynman Fibonacci Fields Fincke Fine Fine, Henry Finsler Fischer Fisher Fiske Fiske FitzGerald FlüggeLotz Fomin Forsyth Fourier Fox Fraenkel Francais, F Francais, J Francesca Francoeur Frank Franklin Fredholm Fredholm Freedman Frenet Freundlich Friedmann Friedrichs Frisi Fuchs Fuller Fuss Galerkin Galerkin Galileo Galois Gassendi Gauss Geiser Gelfand Gelfond Gellibrand Geminus Gemma Frisius Genocchi Gentzen Gergonne Germain Gherard Ghetaldi Gibbs Girard, Albert

73. Gassendi
a number of lifelong friendships, notably with Boulliau, Mersenne, mydorge, Naude,and La closely with his patron and intimate friend, Nicolas-claude Fabri de
PIERRE GASSENDI (1592-1655) was born in the small village of
Champtercier in the South of France. He was first taught by his uncle and later
entered the College of Digne (1599) and the University of Aix (1609) where he
studied philosophy and theology. Several years later he was ordained, took his
doctorate in theology (Avignon), and became a canon of Notre Dame du Bourg
(Digne). He was later appointed Professor of Philosophy at Aix. Gassend's first book, Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus aristoteleos, was
stridently anti-Scholastic. Gassendi lived in Paris from 1628-1632 where he made a
number of life-long friendships, notably with Boulliau, Mersenne, Mydorge, Naude,
and La Mothe le Vayer. Besides his interest in ancient philosophy, notably his work
on Epicurus, Gassendi was particularly interested during this period in issues
involving astronomy and optics. He soon published Parhelia, sive soles quatuor (1630) and Mercurius in sole visus (1632).

claude mydorge (15851647), a French geometer and friend of Descartes, publisheda work De sectioni bus conicis in which he greatly simplified the cumbrous
px for the hyperbola. Pappus in his commentary on Apollonius states that these names were given in virtue of the above relations; but according to Eutocius the curves were named the parabola, ellipse or hyperbola, according as the angle of the cone was equal to, less than, or greater than a right angle. The word parabola was used by Archimedes, who was prior to Apollonius; but this may be an interpolation. An important generalization of the conic sections was developed about the beginning of the I7th century by Girard Desargues and Blaise Pascal. Since all conies derived from a circular cone appear circular when viewed from the apex, they conceived the treatment of the conic sections as projections of a circle. From this conception all tile properties of conies can be deduced. Desargues has a special claim to fame on account of his beautiful theorem on the involution of a quadrangle inscribed in a conic. Pascal discovered a striking property of a hexagon inscribed in a conic (the hexagrammum mysticum); from this theorem Pascal is said to have deduced over 400 corollaries, including most of the results obtained by earlier geometers. This subject is mathematically discussed in the article GEOMETRY: Projective. Analytical. Philippe de la Hire, a pupil of Desargues, wrote several works on the conic sections, of which the most important is his Sectiones Conicae (1685). His treatment is synthetic, and he follows his tutor and Pascal in deducing the properties of conies by projection from a circle.

75. Correspondants
Translate this page au premier rang, comme le remarque M. Pomian, Malherbe (10), JL Guez de Balzac,Galilée, Gassendi, mydorge, Mersenne, Rigault claude Saumaise. Nicolas Rigault.
LES CORRESPONDANTS DE PEIRESC par C.N.R.S., URA 40100 PEYRESQ - 1992 A C O Jacques-Auguste de Thou Athanase Kircher Lucas Holstenius U Correspondants de Peiresc dans les anciens Pays-Bas Peiresc e l'Italia S E E L C E U T communication moyen E E t chacun a dans l'esprit le portrait si alerte que donne Pierre Bayle dans le Dictionnaire historique et critique D A E A Giovanni Francesco Bagni Francesco Barberini Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio L P N E A P. Marin Mersenne I ci figurent au premier rang, comme le remarque M. Pomian, Malherbe D Histoire Auguste Joseph-Juste Scaliger Jan Gruter Claude Saumaise Nicolas Rigault C M A Prodromus T E A P L P M P L'Harmonie Universelle (Mersenne) E S S et aussi un certain ton I Rerum Normannorum Scriptores G G I P E coutons encore Gassendi : R Revue de Ibid. p. 40. (3) L. Van Norden, "Peiresc and the English Scholars" dans The Huntington Library Quarteley (4) R. Mandrou, Des humanistes aux hommes de science , Paris, Seuil 1973, pp. 248 - 249 Rubens and his Friends, some New Letters

76. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of
newcommand{\Muir}{{\sc Muir}\footnote{{\sc Thomas Muir}, \born 1844, \died 1934}} \newcommand{\mydorge}{{\sc mydorge}\footnote{{\sc claude mydorge}, \born 1585

77. Catalogo 67 : Scienza & Tecnica
Translate this page 4072/67. (Geometria) HENRY Charles - Notice sur un manuscrit inedit de claude mydorge.- Extraits du traité de Géometrie de CM Roma, 1881, 4° br. fasc.
Scienza tecnica Dove siamo CONTATTACI INDICE CATALOGHI ... Abbreviazioni usate (Antifuoco) PISANI Vittorio - Signora esperimenta a Parigi una tuta in amianto passando in mezzo ad alte fiamme. La Tribuna Illustrata, 1932 (9 ottobre), fasc. di 20 pag. con num. ill. e due tav. a colori Euro (Aritmetica) THEOGER Vittorio - Euro (Asfalti, ecc.) BUSCEMA Giorgio - La pratica delle moderne pavimentazioni stradali. Mac-Adam all'acqua - Trattamenti superficiali moderni - Massicciata a penetrazione - Tappeti di polvere di roccia asfaltica - Malte bituminose - Calcestruzzi bituminosi - Asfalti coloti - Pavimentazioni in calcestruzzo di cemento - Pavimntazione in pietra. Euro (Carta) GOIDANICH G. - BORZINI G. - MEZZETTI A. - VIVANI W. - Ricerche sulle alterazioni e sulla conservazione della pasta di legno destinata alla fabbricazione della carta. Euro (Carta, ecc.) GIANNI Enrico - Carte - cartoncini, cartoni. Fabbricazione - Caratteristiche - Usi. Con 5 dizionari dei termini tecnici nelle lingue italiana, francese, inglese, tedesca e spagnola seguiti da una sintesi storica. Euro (Cartografia) DE ROCCHI STORAI Tina - INNOCENTI Piero - Nozioni di cartografia e di bibliografia geografica.

78. Full Chronological Index
Translate this page 1584-1637) Vernier (1584-1667) Saint-Vincent (1585-1647) mydorge (1586-1652 La Faille(1597-1636) Gellibrand (1598-1647) Cavalieri (1598-1678) Hardy, claude.
Full Chronological Index
(624 BC - 546 BC) Thales
(580 BC - 520 BC) Pythagoras
(520 BC - 460 BC) Panini
(499 BC - 428 BC) Anaxagoras
(490 BC - 430 BC) Zeno of Elea
(490 BC - 420 BC) Oenopides
(480 BC - 420 BC) Leucippus
(480 BC - 411 BC) Antiphon
(470 BC - 410 BC) Hippocrates
(465 BC - 398 BC) Theodorus (460 BC - 400 BC) Hippias (460 BC - 370 BC) Democritus (450 BC - 390 BC) Bryson (428 BC - 350 BC) Archytas (428 BC - 347 BC) Plato (415 BC - 369 BC) Theaetetus (408 BC - 355 BC) Eudoxus (400 BC - 350 BC) Thymaridas (396 BC - 314 BC) Xenocrates (390 BC - 320 BC) Dinostratus (387 BC - 312 BC) Heraclides (384 BC - 322 BC) Aristotle (380 BC - 320 BC) Menaechmus (370 BC - 310 BC) Callippus (360 BC - 300 BC) Aristaeus (360 BC - 290 BC) Autolycus (350 BC - 290 BC) Eudemus (325 BC - 265 BC) Euclid (310 BC - 230 BC) Aristarchus (287 BC - 212 BC) Archimedes (280 BC - 210 BC) Nicomedes (280 BC - 206 BC) Chrysippus (280 BC - 220 BC) Conon (280 BC - 220 BC) Philon (276 BC - 197 BC) Eratosthenes (262 BC - 190 BC) Apollonius (250 BC - 190 BC) Dionysodorus (240 BC - 180 BC) Diocles (200 BC - 140 BC) Zenodorus (190 BC - 120 BC) Hipparchus (190 BC - 120 BC) Hypsicles (180 BC - 120 BC) Perseus (160 BC - 90 BC) Theodosius (150 BC - 70 BC) Zeno of Sidon (135 BC - 51 BC) Posidonius ( 10 BC - 60 AD) Geminus (10 AD - 75) Heron (10 AD - 70) Cleomedes (60 AD - 120) Nicomachus (70 AD - 135) Theon of Smyrna (70 AD - 130) Menelaus (78 AD - 139) Heng (85 AD - 165) Ptolemy Diophantus Malchus Sporus ... Hermann of R.

79. Mydorge, Claude
mydorge, claude. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and thiscatalogue cannot answer email on geneological questions. 1. Dates
Mydorge, Claude
Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on geneological questions.
1. Dates
Born: Paris, 1585
Died: Paris, July 1647
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Lawyer, Government Official
Mydorge belonged to one of France's richest and most illustrious families. His father was conseiller at the Parlement of Paris and Judge of the Grand Chambre. His mother was the sister of the "président Chrétien de Lamoignon."
3. Nationality
Birth: French
Career: French
Death: French
4. Education
Schooling: No University
5. Religion
Affiliation: Catholic
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Mathematics, Optics
Subordinate: Astronomy
His work in geometry was directed to the study of conic sections. His work on the subject, first published in two volumes in 1631 and enlarged to four in 1639, was reprinted several times under the title De sectionibus conicis. His works on conic sections contain hundreds of problems published for the first time, as well as a multitude of ingenious and original methods that later geometers frequently used. According to Baillet, he succeeded Viète as the premier mathematician of his day.
He studied the properties and nature of light and refraction, and he studied vision.

80. Mydorge, Claude
mydorge, claude. 1. Dates Born Paris, 1585 Died Paris, July 1647 Dateinfo DatesCertain Lifespan 62 2. Father Occupation Lawyer, Government Official.
Mydorge, Claude
1. Dates
Born: Paris, 1585
Died: Paris, July 1647
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Lawyer, Government Official
Mydorge belonged to one of France's richest and most illustrious families. His father was conseiller at the Parlement of Paris and Judge of the Grand Chambre. His mother was the sister of the "président Chrétien de Lamoignon."
3. Nationality
Birth: French
Career: French
Death: French
4. Education
Schooling: No University
5. Religion
Affiliation: Catholic
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Mathematics, Optics
Subordinate: Astronomy
His work in geometry was directed to the study of conic sections. His work on the subject, first published in two volumes in 1631 and enlarged to four in 1639, was reprinted several times under the title De sectionibus conicis. His works on conic sections contain hundreds of problems published for the first time, as well as a multitude of ingenious and original methods that later geometers frequently used. According to Baillet, he succeeded Viète as the premier mathematician of his day.
He studied the properties and nature of light and refraction, and he studied vision.

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