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         Mydorge Claude:     more detail
  1. Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) (French Edition) by Claude Mydorge, 2010-09-10
  2. Examen Dv Livre Des Recreations Mathematiqves: Et De Ses Problemes En Geometrie, Mechanique, Optique, & Catoptrique. Où Sont Aussi Discutées & Restablies ... Physiques Y Proposees (French Edition) by Jean Leurechon, Claude Mydorge, 2010-03-16
  3. Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) (French Edition) by Claude Mydorge, 2010-09-10

21. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons
mydorge, claude (1585-1647) N.
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Index of Persons
  • Aaronson, Marc (1950-1987)
  • Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d' (1810-1897)
  • Abbe, Cleveland (1838-1916)
  • Abbe, Ernst (1840-1905)
  • Abbon de Fleury [Abbo of Fleury; Albo; Albon Floriacensis] (c. 945-1004)
  • Abbot, Charles Greeley (1872-1973)
  • Abbott, Francis (1799-1883)
  • Abbott, Francis (jnr) (1834-1903)
  • Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829)
  • Abell, George Ogden (1927 - 1983)
  • Abetti, Antonio (1846-1928)
  • Abetti, Giorgio (1882-1982)
  • Abiosi [Abbiosi], Giovanni Battista [Jean-Baptiste] (fl. 1490-1520) Ablufarabius: see al-Farabi, Mohammed (ca. 870-950)
  • Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie (1843-1920)
  • Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi [Abraham Ben Chaja [Chija]; Abraham Judaeus] (ca. 1070-1136(?))
  • Abraham Ben Dior [Ben David, Harischon; Josophat Ben Levi] (12th c.) Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra: see Ezra, Abraham ben Meir ibn (1092-1167)
  • Abraham Zachut (15th c.) Abu Abdallah al-Battani (868-929): see al-Battani
    Abu al-Hasan: see Ali Ibn Rabban al-Tabari (838-870)
    Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham (965-1040): see al-Haitham
    Abu al-Nasr al-Farabi (870-950): see al-Farabi
  • Abu Dschaasar Almansur (712-775) Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1128): see al-Ghazali
    Abu Mashar: see Albumazar (787-885)
    Abu Raihan al-Biruni (973-1048): see al-Biruni
  • Abu'l Fida [Abulfeda], Ismail (1273-1331)
  • 22. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens
    Translate this page Mostowski (Andrey), Polonais (1913-1975). mydorge (claude), Français (1585-1647).Neper (John Napier, baron de Merchiston), Ecossais (1550-1617).
    Abel (Niels Henrik) Agnesi (Maria Guetana) Italienne (1718-1799) Alembert (Jean Le Rond d') Alexander (James Waddell) Alexandroff (Pavel Sergeevich) Russe (1896-1982) Apian (Peter Benneuwitz, dit) Allemand (1495-1552) Apollonios de Perga Grec(v.~262-v.~180) Appel (Paul) Grec (~287-~212) Aristote Grec (~384-~322) Arzela (Cesare) Italien (1847-1912) Ascoli (Guilio) Italien (1843-1896) Babbage (Charles) Anglais (1792-1871) Banach (Stefan) Polonais (1892-1945) Argand (Jean Robert) Suisse (1768-1822) Barrow (Isaac) Anglais (1630-1677) Bayes (Thomas) Anglais (1702-1761) Bellavitis (Giusto) Italien (1803-1880) Beltrami (Eugenio) Italien (1835-1900) Bernays (Paul) Suisse (1888-1977) Bernoulli (Daniel) Suisse (1700-1782) Bernoulli (Jacques) Suisse (1654-1705) Bernoulli (Jean) Suisse (1667-1748) Allemand (1878-1956) Bernstein (Sergei Natanovich) Russe (1880-1968) Bertrand (Josepn) Bessel (Friedrich) Allemand (1784-1846) Birkoff (George David) Bliss (Gilbert Ames) Bochner (Salomon) Allemand (1899-1982) Bolyai (Janos) Hongrois (1802-1860) Bolzano (Bernhard) Bombelli (Raffaele) Italien (1522-1572) Bonnet (Ossian) Boole (George) Anglais (1815-1864) Bourbaki (Nicolas) Braikenridge (William) Anglais (v.1700-1762)

    23. RAMUS
    Translate this page Personne (ou Personier) de Roberval y côtoya mydorge, claude Hardy,Etienne et Blaise Pascal. En 1632, il enseignait la philosophie
    sur un total de Ramus Seafoods Ltd [Welcome] Specialist Seafood Suppliers · Ocean
    Welcome to The Ramus Seafood Emporium Quality Seafood from Quayside to Kitchen. Original
    Platter for 6. Ramus Original Platter for Six People - £68.25.
    Top / Regional / Europe / United_Kingdom / Business_and_Economy / Shopping / Food / Fish


    Page. and. Ramus Vol 31, a special number on ekphrasis in classical literature.


    De Ramus Antique Services is an antique and fine art shipper exclusive to the antique trade and their clientele. Top / Business / Transportation_and_Logistics / Special_Goods_and_Terms Peter Ramus eter Ramus was born in 1515 in a northern section of France. It was his study in Paris that influenced him to adopt the Latin form of his name, Peter Ramus Top / Society / Philosophy / Philosophers / R / Ramus,_Peter Ramus Peter Ramus Peter Ramus is also known as Petrus Ramus and as Pierre de la Ram©e. This latter name is the one he was given at birth.

    24. Jean Leurechon - Recreation Mathematique - Presented By Olivier THILL.
    First edition with 13 pages of notes added by DALG (claude mydorge) on problems1, 5, 10, 11, 20, 35 and 71. par claude mydorge. copac, . 1644, .
    Jean Leurechon (1591-1670)
    Notes by Olivier Thill His Life His Works Documents Questions ... Sources Foreword An interesting source about Leurechon is Antonella Romano, La contre-réforme mathématique , which is quite rare, although it dates from 1999. Another valuable source is the study by Albrecht Heeffer about Recreations mathematiques . Don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if I am wrong or have omitted something. Hoping this site will help for the advancement of the past His Life Born in 1591, at Bar le Duc, Lorraine, Jean Leurechon is the son of a physician. On 17 Aug. 1609, when he is 18 years old, he enters as a novice in the Jesuit college of Tournai, Belgium.
    His parents accuse the Jesuits of having abducted him. The Parliament of Paris ordains his release. Nevertheless, he continues to study theology in Jesuit colleges, at Nancy, and then at Pont-à-Mousson. In 1614 or 1615, he begins his career as a professor of mathematics, at Pont-à-Mousson. He stays at Pont-à-Mousson till 1627. He observes the comet of 1618, and he writes a booklet about it, printed at Pont-à-Mousson and reprinted at Paris. It is read by Peiresc, Aleandro, and probably also by other astronomers.

    25. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (P)
    claude mydorge used the word parameter with the meaning of latus rectum in 1631according to two Italian scientific encyclopedias (Dizionario enciclopedico
    Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics (P)
    Last revision: May 29, 2004 p-ADIC INTEGER was coined by Kurt Hensel (1861-1941) (Katz, page 824). P-VALUE and prob-value. David (1995) discusses the difficulties in dating P -value, the idea of which goes back to Laplaceat leastbefore opting for a reference from 1960! Subsequently David (1998) chose W. E. Deming's Statistical Adjustment of Data of 1943. When Deming wrote the phrase "value of P " was current. It was used in Karl Pearson's (1900) "On the Criterion that a Given System of Deviations from the Probable in the Case of Correlated System of Variables is such that it can be Reasonably Supposed to have Arisen from Random Sampling" ( Philosophical Magazine , 157-175) and used very heavily in R. A. Fisher's Statistical Methods for Research Workers (1925). The use of P -values (or prob-values) is often set against the use of fixed significance levels, especially 5%. It is ironical then that the "value of P " should feature so strongly in Fisher's book when that work also did so much to popularise the use of the 5% level. [John Aldrich]

    26. TecaLibri: Indice Degli Autori Di: Giochi
    mydorge , claude, , Récréations mathématiques;Newell , Peter, , Topsys Turvys; Northrop , Eugene
    Classi Autori TecaLibri autori titoli copertine
    giochi: autori (+rif)
    • AA.VV. , , , La Bibliothèque oulipienne [4 voll.] [copertine] Adami , Francesco, , Anagrammi e giochi di parole Albani , Paolo, , Forse Queneau Aragona , Raffaele, , Le vertigini del labirinto Arnot , Michel, , What's gnu? Augarde , Tony, , The Oxford Guide to Word Games Bachet , , , Problèmes plaisant et delectables qui se font par le nombres Bartezzaghi , Stefano, 1962, Lezioni di enigmistica Beccaria , Gian Luigi, , Dizionario di linguistica Belpoliti , Marco, , Nodi Bendazzi , Anacleto, , Bazzecole andanti Blavier , André, , Les fous littéraíres Bosio , Franco, , Il libro dei rebus Boys , Charles Vernon, , Le bolle di sapone e le forze che le modellano Brugnolo , Stefano, , Ricettario di scrittura creativa Brunet , Gustave (Philomneste Junior), , Les fous littéraires Bryant , Mark, , Dictionary of riddle Burger , Dionys, , Sphereland Caillois , Roger, , I giochi e gli uomini Campagnoli , Ruggero, , Oulipiana

    27. TecaLibri: Indice Degli Autori Di: Matematica
    Measure and Integration; mydorge , claude, , Récréations mathématiques;Nagel , Ernest, , La prova di Gödel; Neugebauer , Otto, , A
    Classi Autori TecaLibri autori titoli copertine
    matematica: autori (+rif)
    • Aarts , E.H.L., , Local Search in Combinatorial Optimisation Abel , Niels Henrik, 1802-1829, Oeuvres complètes de N.H. Abel, mathématicien Adams , C., , The Knot Book Agnesi , Maria Gaetana, 1718-1799, Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana [2 voll.] Albers , Donald J., , Mathematical People Aleksandrov , A.D., , Mathematics: its Content, Methods and Meaning Amaldi , Edoardo, 1908-1989, La vita e l'opera di Ettore Majorana (1906-1938) Anzoletti , L., , Maria Gaetana Agnesi Archimede , , -287212, Sulle spirali Arnol'd , Vladimir, , Mathematics Tomorrow Atiyah , Michael, , Fields Medallists' Lectures Bachet , , , Problèmes plaisant et delectables qui se font par le nombres Bak , Per, , How Nature Works. The Science of Self-Organized Complexity Baltzer , R., , Die Elemente der Mathematik Barr , Stephen, , Experiments in Topology Barrow , John D., 1952, [copertine] Bartley , William Warren III, , Lewis Carroll's Symbotic Logic

    28. Publications Page
    Frenicle; Dee, John; Paul Habakkuk Guldin; Gunter, Edward; Maurolico Marul, Marol,Francesco; Mengoli, Pietro; Mohr, Georg; mydorge, claude; Neile, William
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    H O M E P A G E

    T E A C H I N G

    W R I T I N G

    R A D I O
    M I S C .

    Last updated
    July 2003
    P U B L I C A T I O N S
    Magazine Articles
    • 'Spinning Web Tales', North and South , December 2001.
    • 'Weird, Wild, Wacky', North and South , October 2001, p.29.
    • 'Web Pets', North and South , August 2001, p.28.
    • 'List Lurkers', North and South , April 2001, p.29
    • 'Web Radio', North and South , March 2001, p.25
    • 'Unreal Estate', North and South , October, 2000, p.35
    • NZ Listener , November 1-7, 2003, p.35. This was a competition winning essay in their "The Greatest Dinner Party Ever Competition".
    • 'Just the Bright Stars', in Coastlines, prose and poetry from Wellington to Foxton , Selected by Dame Kate Harcourt, Greater Otaki Library Trust, December, 2001.
    Textbook Essays
    • 'The Video recorder', and 'Fractal Theory and Benoit Mandelbrot', in Science and Its Times 1950-1999: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery , Vol. 7, Gale Group Publishers, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2000.

    29. René Descartes (1596-1650)
    Translate this page mirabilis. Il retourne en France au printemps 1622. A Paris, il rencontrele mathématicien claude mydorge et Marin Mersenne. De
    "Le commencement de l'hiver m'arrêta en un quartier où, ne trouvant aucune conversation qui me divertît, et n'ayant par bonheur aucuns soins ni passions qui me troublassent, je demeurai seul dans un poële où j'avais tout loisir de m'entretenir de mes pensées".
    D scientia mirabilis. Marin Mersenne egulae ad directionem ingenii
    puis Meditationes de prima philosophia
    et publie, en 1644, les Principia philosophiae

    30. [La] Vie De M. Descartes [Document électronique] / [par Adrien Baillet]
    claude, et il étoit fils de Jean mydorge Seigneur De La Maillardeconseiller au parlement, l un des meilleurs juges de la grand-chambre, et
    [La] vie de M. Descartes [Document électronique] / [par Adrien Baillet]
    La vie est un present de la nature assez considerable
    pour ne pas negliger de sçavoir à
    qui l' on en est redevable : et j' ay lieu d' esperer
    que ceux à qui celle de M Descartes
    ne sera point entierement indifferente, me
    sçauront gré de leur avoir fait connoître les
    personnes dont la providence a voulu employer le
    ministere pour la production de ce philosophe.
    Je sçai qu' il en est presque des philosophes comme des
    saints de l' eglise de Dieu : et que les uns non plus
    que les autres n' ont souvent rien à emprunter de leur famille. On peut dire même que les personnes du siecle qui reçoivent quelque lustre de leur naissance, n' ont qu' un merite assez mediocre, lorsqu' elles sont obligées de recourir à celuy de leurs parens et de leurs ancêtres, pour en tirer quelque avantage. J' avouë que ce n' est pas traiter M Descartes en philosophe que de parler de la noblesse de son sang, et de l' antiquité de sa race : et que ceux qui font profession de mépriser ces considerations trouveront peut-être que sa naissance pour être un peu trop illustre l' a éloigné de la philosophie d' un degré plus qu' elle n' auroit fait, si elle avoit eu la mediocrité

    31. Fellesbiblioteket MN
    Translate this page 1, p. 42. 1 75ns14985 - mini 2000-05-09 UMN Ore N82 Begrenset utlån mydorge, claude,1585-1647 Récréations mathématiques Examen du livre des recreations
    UiO - nettsider UiO - personer BIBSYS - forfatter BIBSYS - tittel WWW - Google Om UiO Studier Studentliv Forskning ... Fellesbiblioteket MN
    Oresamlingen kronologisk
    The Ore Collection chronologically
    Redaksjon: Fellesbiblioteket MN
    Dokument opprettet: 15.05.2001 Kontakt UiO Hjelp

    32. Fellesbiblioteket MN
    Translate this page 1 75ns15017 - mini 2000-05-10 UMN Ore N107 Begrenset utlån mydorge, claude, 1585-1647Récréations mathématiques Les recreations mathematiques avec l
    UiO - nettsider UiO - personer BIBSYS - forfatter BIBSYS - tittel WWW - Google Om UiO Studier Studentliv Forskning ... Fellesbiblioteket MN
    Oresamlingen alfabetisk etter forfatter
    The Ore Collection alphabetically by author
    Redaksjon: Fellesbiblioteket MN
    Dokument opprettet: 15.05.2001 Kontakt UiO Hjelp

    33. Search Results For Claude Bernard - Encyclopædia Britannica
    Includes a list of his literary works. claude mydorge University of St AndrewsBrief biography of this French mathematician supplemented with references. bernard&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&show=10&sta

    34. Encyclopædia Britannica
    Myddleton, Sir Hugh (Welsh mer.) see Myddelton, Sir Hugh, 1st Baronet,mydorge, claude (Fr. math.), myelencephalon (anat.), myelin (biochem.),

    35. Eltoti
    Translate this page claude mydorge. Fue modelo para sus continuadores claude mydorge (1.630),en Francia, y el alemán Daniel Schwenter, en Alemania.
    De la A a la Z
    En este índice aparece una relación genios del ingenio (matemáticos, ingenieros, eruditos, etc...), y en la medida de lo posible, incorporan acertijos, dibujos imposibles, paradojas y otras curiosidades de dichos autores.
    Como muestra, este suculento "TheVanishingLeprechaun" extraido del libro "Paradojas" de Martin Gardner, basado en una idea original de Sam Loyd titulada "Get off the Earth" . Si recortas por los tres rectangulos marcados, y sitúas la pieza superior izquierda donde la pieza superior derecha y viceversa de los 15 duendes pasamos a tener sólo 14. ¿dónde ha ido el decimoquinto duende?
    Indice alfabético de autores del ingenio:
    ANTOINE GOBAUD (Caballero del Meré, 1.610-1.685)
    El famoso problema del Caballero de Meré, consiste en saber cómo deben ser las apuestas de dos jugadores que, habiendo de alcanzar n puntos con sus dados, uno ha obtenido p y el otro q puntos en una primera jugada. Antoine Gobaud, Caballero de Meré se lo propuso a Pascal (1.623-1.662). De la correspondencia entre éste y

    36. Bullettino Di Bibliografia E Storia Delle Scienze Matematiche E Fisiche
    du traité de geometrie de claude mydorge (fond francais n° 656);
    Bullettino di Bibliografia e Storia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche
    Il principe Baldassarre Boncompagni fu uno dei promotori degli studi italiani di storia delle matematiche.
    Per facilitare ricerche o per semplice conoscenza riporto qui di seguito gli indici dei materiali contenuti nei XX volumi costituiti da un totale di ben 14554 pagine.
    Bullettino di Bibliografia e Storia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche Tomo I 1868 pagg. 466
  • Sopra Pietro Peregrino di Maricourt e la sua epistola de Magnete . Memoria prima del P.D. Timoteo Bertelli
  • Aven Natan e le teorie sulla origine della luce lunare e delle stelle presso gli autori ebrei del medio evo. Nota di M. Steinschneider
  • De notis numerorum romanis. Auctore G. Friedlein.
  • NIKOMAXOY, Nicomachi ecc..Introductionis Aritmeticae Libri II Recensuit Ricardus Hoche ecc...
  • Sugli spettri prismatici delle stelle fisse. Memoria del P.A.Secchi... Firenze
  • Sulla epistola di Pietro Marino da Maricourt e sopra alcuni trovati e teorie magnetiche del secolo XIII.
  • Sulla epistola di Pietro Marino da Maricourt e sopra alcuni trovati e teorie magnetiche del secolo XIII. Memoria Seconda
  • 37. Il Giardino Di Archimede
    mydorge, claude - Prodromus catoptricorum et dioptricorum. Parigi, Dedin, 1639.
    The Garden of Archimedes
    A Museum for Mathematics
    Historical Mathematics on CD-rom:
    A Garden of Archimedes initiative for the History of Mathematics
    Table of contents
    I CD 1 CD 2 CD 3 CD 4 ... CD 10 II CD 11 CD 12 CD 13 CD 14 ... CD 20 III
    CD 21
    CD 22 CD 23 CD 1
      Bernoulli, Johann - Opera. Losanna e Ginevra, Bousquet, 1747. Clairaut, Alexis Claude - Clairaut, Alexis Claude - Recherches sur les courbes a double courbure. Euler, Leonhard - Lione, Bruyset, 1795. Hermann, Jacob - Phoronomia. Amsterdam, Wetsten, 1716. Lagrange, Joseph Louis - Mecanique analytique. Parigi, Courcier, 1811. Lagrange, Joseph Louis - Theorie des fonctions analytiques. Parigi, Impr. De la Republique, 1797. Mascheroni, Lorenzo - Adnotationes ad calculum integralem Euleri. Pavia, Galeazzi, 1790. Monge, Gaspard - Geometrie descriptive. Parigi, Baudouin, 1799. Papin, Denis - Nouvelle maniere pour lever l'eau. Kassel, Estienne, 1707. Ruffini, Paolo - Teoria generale delle equazioni. Bologna, S. Tommaso, 1799. Simpson, Thomas - A treatise on Algebra. Londra, Nourse, 1745.
    back to the top of the page how to buy the CD CD 2
      Anderson, Alexander -

    38. Histoire Du Livre à L'enssib
    Translate this page rubriques (éléments de géométrie, sphère, architecture, etc.), qui croiséeavec la bibliothèque de travail de claude mydorge, autre mathématicien
    Retour Percorsi del libro scientifico e del libro giuridico nell'Europa moderna
    M. Torrini
    La biblioteca di Galileo e dei galileiani

    M. E. Boutroue
    Le livre botanique entre échange des savoirs et voyage des livres

    M. Mamiani
    Autori italiani nella biblioteca di Newton

    A. Le Dividich
    Les sources italiennes des mathématiques français du XVII
    e siècle
    P. Falchetta
    Una biblioteca per il disegno del mondo
    M. Ascheri Aspetti del libro giuridico dal manoscritto alla stampa G. Colli La censura del libro giuridico nel Cinquecento A. Pérez Martìn La peregrinación del libro jurìdico en España R. Savelli Problemi e aspetti della circolazione dell' editoria giuridica francese in Italia Compte rendu du second séminaire du cycle Pérégrinations du livre
    Percorsi del libro scientifico e del libro giuridico nell'Europa moderna
    19-21 octobre 2000 Cividale del Friuli, Auditorium S. Maria di Corte La deuxième session de ce séminaire, organisée en collaboration avec le département des sciences historiques et documentaires de l’université d’Udine, a été consacrée aux pérégrinations d’un genre particulier, le livre scientifique et juridique.
    La biblioteca di Galileo e dei galileiani
    M. Torrini

    39. HM 1166
    is Monsieur mydorge sieur de fretay; Damoiselle Marie le bossu; monsieur Morlerdu Muse au tresor des ligues; demoiselle Marie Mauque; claude olivier sieur de
    Guide To Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library Previous: HM 1165 Table of Contents Search Next: HM 1167
    HM 1166
    View all images for this manuscript BOOK OF HOURS , use of Rouen
    France, s. XV 1. ff. 1-12v: Calendar in French, with major feasts in red; included are the feasts of Valeric (1 April), Hugh (9 April), Eutropius (30 April), Martialis (3 July, in red), Firmin (25 September), Nicasius (11 October), Mellonius (22 October), Romanus (23 October, in red), Ursinus (30 December). Perdrizet Leroquais, LH Wilmart , 494-95]; suffrage of Mary Magdalene. 3. ff. 29-72v: Hours of the Virgin 4. ff. 73-90v: Penitential psalms and litany, including Denis, Maurice and Eustachius among the martyrs; Mellonius, Romanus and Fiacre among the confessors; Honorina among the virgins. 5. ff. 91-94: Short hours of the Cross 6. ff. 94v-97v: Short hours of the Holy Spirit 7. ff. 98-128v:

    Marguerite, 509. mydorge, Marie, 509. mydorge, Rachel, 509. mydorge, Sarra, 509. Oliver,Sam., 150. Olivier, claude, 509. Olivier, Gaston, 509. Olivier, Jacques, 509.
    Guide To Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library Previous: INDEX 2 OTHER MANUSCRIPTS CITED Table of Contents Search Next: INDEX 4 SCRIBES The index has been encoded and displayed directly from the printed version of the catalogue as an added general help to the reader. The page numbers no longer have meaning in the electronic environment, however.
    INDEX 3
    A. G., 587 A. O. C. I. D. D. Q. P. P. I. S., 296 A. R. O. T. E. ( or L.,) 587 A. S., 426 A. W., 396 A. Y., 103 Abbey, Maj. J. R., 721 Abney-Hastings, Edith Maud, Countess of Loudoun, 747 Abra, Brigide de, 509 Actun, Robert, 190 Adam de Hertyndon, 10 Addington, Samuel, 345, 552 Aelsthane, abbot, 15 Aerschot, Duc de. See Croy, Charles de Ailesbury, Earl of, 209 Alanus de Stokes, 10 Albon, Marquis de, 416 Alen, Richard, 190 Alen, Thomas, 190 Alington, Sir Giles, 49, 50 Allestry, Roger, 618 Alleyn, Thomas, 565

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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