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Moufang Ruth: more detail |
61. December 17, 2000 This Week S Finds In Mathematical Physics (Week However, work on the subject continued, and in 1933 ruth moufang constructed aremarkable example of a nonDesarguesian projective plane using the octonions http://www.infomag.ru:8082/dbase/B003E/001222-031.txt | |
62. Past Notable Women Of Mathematics Dame Mary Lucy Cartwright (b. 1900) Biography from MacTutor Archive.ruth moufang (19051977) Biography from MacTutor Archive. Rosá http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/tap/past-women-math.html | |
63. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ 54) Morin, JeanBaptiste (418) Morley, Frank (457*) Morse, Harald Marston (302*)Mostowski, Andrzej (168*) Motzkin, Theodore (1147*) moufang, ruth (445*) Mouton http://www.newturk.net/index111.html | |
64. FRAUEN-GEDENK-LABYRINTH 2003 Translate this page Sept. 14 Uhr Feierliche Gedenksteinlegung für Dr. ruth moufang, (1905-1977), 1.ordentliche Mathematikprofessorin Deutschlands und 1. Professorin in Frankfurt http://www.fest-der-2000-frauen.de/programm.html | |
65. Autres Mathématiciennes in AWM Newsletter, Vol.5, no.3 (April 1975) p.45. Bhama SRINIVASAN ruth moufang,1905 - 1977, The Mathematical Intelligencer Vol.6 No.2 (1984), 51-55. http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/natacha.portier/fem/biblio/biblio-1-13.html | |
66. Habilitationen Translate this page 1919, Emmy Noether, Göttingen, Algebra. 1927, Hilda Pollaczek-Geiringer, Berlin,Numerik. 1936, ruth moufang, Frankfurt/M. Algebra. 1940, Hel Braun, Göttingen,Algebra. http://www-ifm.math.uni-hannover.de/~bessen/habil.htm | |
67. Math.space - Frauenschwerpunkt Translate this page Okt 15, Mit, 930 - 1030 Mathematische Heldinnensagen ruth moufang.1100 - 1200 Mathematische Heldinnensagen Marie-Sophie Germain. http://math.space.or.at/veranst/mwh03.html |
68. Math.space - Mathematische Heldensagen Weyl. Blaise Pascal; Olga Taussky-Todd; ruth moufang; Marie-Sophie Germain. http://math.space.or.at/veranst/heldenalter.html | |
69. A Guide To The Max Dehn Papers, 1899-1954, 1975-1979 Recollections of RM Professor ruth moufang, famous student of Dehn of sayingsof Dehn, photocopy, two pages, described by Professor Magnus, undated. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00192/00192b.html | |
70. Probleme/Projekte/Prozesse: Turkologin Annemarie Von Gabain Translate this page 1936 hatte sich an der Universität Frankfurt/Main die Mathematikerin ruth moufang(19051977) habilitiert, aber das zuständige Ministerium hatte ihr die http://www.luise-berlin.de/bms/bmstxt99/9906proe.htm | |
71. Kimberly O'Leary Date 3/4/2002 Time 24729 PM Remote Name Comments. I am goingto do my Biography paper on ruth moufang. Thanks for the extra five points!!! http://faculty.plattsburgh.edu/john.kellermeier/mat391/Discussion/MAT391Discussi | |
72. Finished Projects Brent ruth moufang Keri - Charlotte Angas Scott Katie - Kathleen NewmanKevin - Mina Rees, Stacey s and Emily s Children s Hospital quilts. http://cerebro.cs.xu.edu/~doran/math114/Spring2002/projects/doneprojects.html | |
73. History Of Women And Science, Health, And Technology 840 Srinivasan, Bhama. ruth moufang, 19051977. THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER6, no.2 (1984) 51-55. 841 Stein, Dorothy. ADA A LIFE AND A LEGACY. http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/bibliogs/hws/hws0604.htm | |
74. Institut Für Grundschulpädagogik - Veröffentlichungen Translate this page Toepell, Michael ruth moufang. In Neue Deutsche Biographie. Hg. von der Histor.Kommission der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. 18. http://www.uni-leipzig.de/forsch97/15000/15120_V.htm | |
75. Jahres- Und Gedenktage Translate this page 11.08.1973). Todestag von ruth moufang, 27 Jahre, 26.11.1977. Todestagruth moufang, Darmstadt/Frankfurt/Essen/ Frankfurt, Mathematikerin http://lernen.bildung.hessen.de/hessen/gedenktage/zeige_monat?monat=11 |
76. Renate Tobies Translate this page ruth moufang Eine Mathematikerin zwischen Universität und Industrie AnhangDokumentation der Promotionsunterlagen ua Irene Pieper-Seier. http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/People/TobiesBucher.html | |
77. CAMEL-Women-Biographies Agnes Scott; ruth moufang, from St Andrews, Agnes Scott; Mary FairfaxGreig Somerville, from St Andrews, Agnes Scott , MathNews; Mary http://camel.math.ca/Women/BIOG/Biographies.html | |
78. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : MOU MOU. AB-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z. MOUCHOTTE (René)(1914-1943)Photo 1; MOUCHY-PIGALLE (Mrs) Painting 1/2; moufang (ruth)(1905-1977) http://www.onlipix.com/personages/mou.htm | |
79. GRG 6 - Rahlgasse Wien Translate this page Eine mathematische Heldinnensage. 15.10.2003, 9 Uhr 30 ruth moufang. Einemathematische Heldinnensage. 15.10.2003, 11 Uhr Sophie Germain. http://www.ahs-rahlgasse.at/tagebuch/index.php?p=7&c=1 |
80. Found & Sons Funeral Home Obituaries Emuel Balla. Brenda Wine. Carroll Gore. Robert Fournier. ruth Meserve. ThomasJenkins. Helen moufang. Arthur Parker. Rae Holbrook. Dell Dodson. Carolyn Jenkins. http://www.funeralquestions.com/obits/foundandsons/memorial_index.asp?Sort=Date |
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