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         Morin Arthur:     more books (36)
  1. Aide-Memoire De Mecanique Pratique (1864) (French Edition) by Arthur Morin, 2010-09-10
  2. Notice Sur L'Exactitude Et L'Usage Du Frein Dynamometrique; Notice Sur Divers Appareils Dynamometriques; Notice Sur Les Frein Dynamometrique (1839) (French Edition) by Jean Baptiste Viollet, Arthur Morin, 2010-09-10
  3. Rapport Sur Les Comparaisons Qui Ont Ete Faites A Paris En 1859 Et 1860 (1861) (French Edition) by Victor Regnault, Arthur Morin, et all 2010-09-10
  4. Fundamental ideas of mechanics and experimental data by Arthur Jules Morin, 1860
  5. Aide-Memoire de Mechanique Pratique a l'Usage des Officers d'Artillerie et des Ingenieurs Civils et Militaires by Arthur Morin, 1838
  6. Fundamental ideas of mechanics and experimental data by M. (Arthur Jules), 1795-1880 Morin, 2009-10-26
  7. Leçons de Mécanique Pratique by Henri Édouard Tresca, Morin (Arthur Jules), 2009-07-17
  8. Arthur Buies: Chroniques I (French Edition) by Francis Parmentier, 1986-12

41. Rhode Island Golf Association 11th Ed Perry Senior Four-Ball (Results)
Don Lamb. 133 PM, Mike Dounetos, Bruce morin, arthur Lewis, PaulWillett. 143 PM, Charles Karboski, Peter McBride, Nick Cioe, Back.Local

42. Librairie Clément Morin - Livres, Café, Magazines, Papeterie Fine
Translate this page 23 mai, 2004. Titre arthur TOME 2 A LA CROISEE DES CHEMINS. Auteur CROSSLEY-HOLLAND,KEVIN. Editeur HACHETTE. Collection Categorie BLOC. Parution 2002.

43. Genealogy Data Page 116 (Family Pages)
Back to Main Page. Desnoyers, arthur Gender Male Family Johnson, Robert GenderMale Family Spouse morin, Gail E. b. Not Shown Gender Female Parents
Genealogy Data Page 116 (Family Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
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Blakley, Rita Barbara
b. 21 SEP 1911 Ticonderoga, NY
d. 11 APR 1990 Ticonderoga, NY
Gender: Female
Family: Marriage: 25 SEP 1927 Ticonderoga, NY
Spouse: Morin, Joseph Armand Ludger
b. 15 MAR 1905 St. Vincent de Paul, Québec, Canada
d. 5 NOV 1993 Ticonderoga, NY
Gender: Male
Parents: Father: Morin, Joseph Ovila Mother: Papineau, Marie Aldea Children:
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Holt, Robert b. 22 MAR 1904 KANSAS City. MO. Gender: Male Family: Marriage: 20 JUN 1930 Springfield, MA. Spouse: Morin, Simone b. 29 MAY 1910 St. Vincent de Paul, Laval, Québec, Canada Gender: Female Parents: Father: Morin, Joseph Ovila Mother: Papineau, Marie Aldea Children:
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Maki, Toivo b. 28 DEC 1909 Worcester, MASS

44. Page De Données Généalogiques 116 (Pages Des Familles)
Translate this page Retour vers la page principale. Desnoyers, arthur Sexe Homme Famille Mariage 4FEB 1901 St. Conjoint morin, Gail E. n. Non Montré Sexe Femme Parents
Page de données généalogiques 116 (Pages des familles)
Les individus marqués d'un point rouge , sont les ancêtres directs de Derik Austen Papineau
Pour des raisons de vie privée, les dates de naissance et de mariage des personnes censées être encore en vie ne sont pas affichées..
Retour vers la page principale
Blakley, Rita Barbara
n. 21 SEP 1911 Ticonderoga, NY
d. 11 APR 1990 Ticonderoga, NY
Sexe: Femme
Famille: Mariage: 25 SEP 1927 Ticonderoga, NY
Conjoint: Morin, Joseph Armand Ludger
n. 15 MAR 1905 St. Vincent de Paul, Québec, Canada
d. 5 NOV 1993 Ticonderoga, NY
Sexe: Homme
Parents: Père: Morin, Joseph Ovila Mère: Papineau, Marie Aldea Enfants:
Retour vers la page principale
Holt, Robert n. 22 MAR 1904 KANSAS City. MO. Sexe: Homme Famille: Mariage: 20 JUN 1930 Springfield, MA. Conjoint: Morin, Simone n. 29 MAY 1910 St. Vincent de Paul, Laval, Québec, Canada Sexe: Femme Parents: Père: Morin, Joseph Ovila Mère: Papineau, Marie Aldea Enfants:

45. 1111-1112 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 18. Mekaniker - Mykale)
lat. Joannes morinus) morin, arthur Jules - morina L., bot. - morinaga(l. Moriyoshi), japansk statsman - morinda L., bot. - moriner
Nordisk familjebok Uggleupplagan. 18. Mekaniker - Mykale
(1913) Tema: Reference
Table of Contents / Innehåll
Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Morin, Jean (lat. Joannes Morinus) - Morin, Arthur Jules - Morina L., bot. - Morinaga (l. Moriyoshi), japansk statsman - Morinda L., bot. - Moriner, ett keltiskt folk i Gallia belgica - Moring, sjöv. - Moringa Juss., bot. Se Moringaceae - Moringaceae, bot. - Moringarfsyra, kem., detsamma som Maclurin - Moringsankare, sjöv. Jfr Ankare - Morio. Se Hofnarr - Morioka, hufvudstad i i japanska Iwate - Morion, fr. ett slags hjälm. Se Dräkt - Morion, fr. miner. (se Dammastock ovh Kvarts) - Moripan, zool. Se Ripsläktet - Moriporren, zool. Se Orrsläktet - Moris., vid växtnamn förkortning för Robert Morison - Morisca, en från araberna härstammande dans. (jfr. Dans) - Morisker, döpta morer i Spanien
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Här nedan syns maskintolkade texten från faksimilbilden ovan. Ser du något fel?

46. M Index
Moore, Eliakim (415*) Moore, Jonas (789*) Moore, Robert (393*) Mordell, Louis (174*)Morgan, Augustus De (856*) Mori, Shigefumi (674*) morin, arthur (54) morin
Names beginning with M
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait. Macaulay , Francis (83*)
, James (922*)
, Hector (81*)
, Sheila Scott (449)
, Saunders (611*)
, Colin (407*)
, Percy (115*)
, Leonty (239)
, Wilhelm (537*)
, Kurt (472*)
, John (52) Malcev , Anatoly (322*) Malebranche , Nicolas (1326*) Malfatti , Gian (89) Malus , Etienne (486) Mandelbrot , Benoit (402*) Mannheim , Victor (74*) Mansion , Paul (57*) Mansur ibn Ali ibn Iraq, Abu (61) Marchenko , Vladimir Margulis , Gregori (812*) Markov , Andrei (222) Mascheroni , Lorenzo (197*) Maschke , Heinrich (377*) Maseres , Francis (224) Maskelyne , Nevil (477*) Mason , Max (292) Mathews , George (492) Mathieu, Claude Mathieu, Emile Maupertuis , Pierre de (238*) Maurolico , Francisco (213) Maxwell , James Clerk (2554*) Mayer, Adolph Mayer, Tobias Mazur , Stanislaw (92*) Mazurkiewicz , Stefan (64*) McClintock , John (344*) Meissel , Daniel (140*) Mellin , Robert (64*) Menabrea , Luigi (131) Menaechmus Menelaus of Alexandria (196) Menger , Karl (485*) Mengoli , Pietro (188) , Hugues (79) Mercator, Gerardus

47. Square Du Général Morin
rue Vaucanson, est dédié au mathématicien arthur-Jules morin (1795-1880
S'enregistrer Devenir membre Recherche : Musées, lieux, oeuvres Personnalité Insecula Lieux Châtelet-Les Halles Parcs et jardins Square du Général Morin
Vue panoramique
Voir tabloid Square du Général Morin

Section sur 3
Lieu : Châtelet-Les Halles
Parcs et jardins


Espaces verts

Artiste : Aimé Jules Dalou
Site en relation : Paris IIIème France
Le square du général Morin, situé à l'angle de la rue Réaumur et de la rue Vaucanson, est dédié au mathématicien Arthur-Jules Morin (1795-1880), directeur du CNAM (Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers) de 1852 jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Contenu de la section Classement par : artistes nature époques matériaux Aimé Jules Dalou ... Groupe dédié à Jean-Baptiste Boussingault Groupe Lieu(x) en relation Rue Réaumur (Bourse-Opéra-Grands Boulevards) Rue de Turbigo (Châtelet-Les Halles) Rue Beaubourg (Châtelet-Les Halles) Rue Vaucanson (Châtelet-Les Halles) Musée du Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers (Châtelet-Les Halles) Musées à Paris Louvre Orsay Rodin Picasso ... Cité des Sciences Autres musées : Château de Versailles Musée du Caire Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) Museum of Modern Art (MoMA Qns) Sites : World Trade Center Plus...

48. I2217: Jean Olivier ALLARD (26 Mar 1812 - 13 Oct 1890)
Translate this page Louis LÉTOURNEAU. - . Father arthur LÉTOURNEAU MotherMélina MÉNARD Family 1 Jeanne HOULE Pierre morin. - .
Jean Olivier ALLARD
26 Mar 1812 - 13 Oct 1890
  • BIRTH : 26 Mar 1812, Saint Cuthbert
  • DEATH : 13 Oct 1890, Saint Barthélemi, Québec
Father: Jean ALLARD
Mother: Marguerite LAFOSSE
Family 1 Marie Henriette DUMONTIER
  • MARRIAGE : 30 Aug 1836, Saint Cuthbert

Jean Olivier ALLARD INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time
Flavien BARIL
Family 1 Marie GRÉGOIRE
  • Héloise (Eloise) BARIL INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time
    Fidèle BLAIS
    Family 1 Délima LACASSE
    HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time
    Andrée CHAMPAGNE
    3 Jun 1954 -
    • BIRTH : 3 Jun 1954, St. Boniface, Manitoba
    Father: Germain CHAMPAGNE
    Mother: Jeannine LAVOIE
    _Germain CHAMPAGNE
    _Ernestine TOUGAS Andrée CHAMPAGNE ... INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95-UNREGISTERED (Jan 18 2000) on 02/24/01 04:22:35 AM Central Standard Time
    27 Oct 1917 -
    • BIRTH : 27 Oct 1917
    Father: Charles-Auguste CHAMPAGNE
    Mother: Ernestine TOUGAS
    Family 1 Lucienne LAGASSÉ
    • MARRIAGE : 28 May 1941, St. Anne, Manitoba
  • 49. 2003 Gold Award For Excellence In Surety Bond Promotion
    Remley Associates, Inc. Greg morin, Lockton Companies; Katherinemorin, arthur J. Gallagher Co. James Pateidl, Lockton Companies;
    2003 Gold Award for Excellence in Surety Bond Promotion
    The Gold Award for Excellence in Surety Bond Promotion recognizes local surety associations that educate the many participants in the construction process on the value and benefits of contract surety bonds. Five local surety associations received the 2003 Gold Award for Excellence in Surety Bond Promotion for conducting at least 10 promotional activities. Recipients include: The Florida Surety Association worked with state legislators and local policy makers on issues such as latent defects, onerous bond forms, bond thresholds, and long-term warranties. Members volunteered their time to educate engineering students at the University of Florida and participants at the Construction Coalition Day on contract surety bonds. Members also spoke about obtaining surety bonds at the Small Business Administration (SBA)/Chamber of Commerce Small Business Contractor Matchmaking Event.
    Individual members of the association were recognized for their efforts. They are:

    50. I08969: Kim BATTLE (____ - ____)
    _Mary DELAHUNTY _ _Anne FOGARTY David arthur HENEBERRY _John Delvina morin. ABT.
    Kim BATTLE
    Father: Jack BATTLE III
    Mother: Joyce Ann WOLTERS
    Family 1 Richard LEE
    _Jack BATTLE III
    Kim BATTLE _Fred WOLTERS ... HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 05/26/2003 05:42:03
    Madonna Louise FORTIN
    Father: Willard FORTIN
    Mother: Elise FORTIN
    Family 1 Silvio CICCONE
  • Madonna Louise Veronica CICONNE _Felicite RIOUX Madonna Louise FORTIN ... HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 05/26/2003 05:42:03
    David Arthur HENEBERRY
    Private -
    • BIRTH : Private
    Father: William HENNEBERRY
    Mother: Mary Alice BRESNAN
    Family 1 Elizabeth Carrollee HECKMAN
  • Michael David HENEBERRY
  • Susan Lynn HENEBERRY
  • Paula Marie HENEBERRY ... HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 05/26/2003 05:42:03
    D. F. HENKE
    Family 1 Caroline MICHAELS
    D. F. HENKE
    INDEX HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 05/26/2003 05:42:03
    Ann Marie HENTGES
    Private -
    • BIRTH : Private
    Father: Jerald HENTGES
    Mother: Sharon's Maiden NAME-UNKNOWN
    _Anna C. KREMER
    _Frances J. ZWILLING Ann Marie HENTGES ... HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)
  • 51. Page De Données Généalogiques 706 (Pages Des Familles)
    Translate this page n. 29 AUG 1890 St-Hubert,Rivière du Loup Sexe Femme morin, Ludger {I17080} n. 27OCT 1892 St-Hubert,Rivière du Loup Sexe Homme morin, arthur {I17081} n. 26
    Page de données généalogiques 706 (Pages des familles)
    Retour vers la page principale
    Soucy, Marie
    n. 31 MAR 1858 St-André,(bas du fleuve) de Kamousraska
    d. 1 FEB 1888 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec
    Sexe: Femme
    Famille: Mariage:24 FEB 1879 St-François-Xavier de Viger
    Conjoint: Malenfant, Joseph
    n. 30 APR 1854 St-Arsène,Québec
    d. 27 OCT 1933 St-Ludger,Rivière-du-Loup,Québec
    Sexe: Homme
    Parents: Père: Malenfant, Guillaume
    Mère: Chénard, Geneviève Enfants:
      Malenfant, Virginie Malenfant, Napoléon Malenfant, Elzéar n. 13 JAN 1883 St-Ludger,Rivière-du-Loup,Québec Sexe: Homme Malenfant, Marie Malenfant, Alphonse n. 22 AUG 1887 St-Ludger,Rivière-du-Loup,Québec d. 28 FEB 1897 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec Sexe: Homme
    Retour vers la page principale
    Morneau, Delvina n. 20 NOV 1863 d. 27 JUL 1935 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec Sexe: Femme Famille: Mariage:11 JUL 1882 St-Arsène,Québec Conjoint: Malenfant, Cyrias n. 8 JUN 1856 St-Arsène,Québec d. 21 SEP 1936 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec Sexe: Homme Parents: Père: Malenfant, Guillaume

    52. Genealogy Data Page 706 (Family Pages)
    Translate this page AUG 1890 St-Hubert,Rivière du Loup Gender Female morin, Ludger {I17080} b. 27OCT 1892 St-Hubert,Rivière du Loup Gender Male morin, arthur {I17081} b. 26
    Genealogy Data Page 706 (Family Pages)
    Back to Main Page
    Soucy, Marie
    b. 31 MAR 1858 St-André,(bas du fleuve) de Kamousraska
    d. 1 FEB 1888 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec
    Gender: Female
    Family: Marriage:24 FEB 1879 St-François-Xavier de Viger
    Spouse: Malenfant, Joseph
    b. 30 APR 1854 St-Arsène,Québec
    d. 27 OCT 1933 St-Ludger,Rivière-du-Loup,Québec
    Gender: Male
    Parents: Father: Malenfant, Guillaume
    Mother: Chénard, Geneviève Children:
      Malenfant, Virginie Malenfant, Napoléon Malenfant, Elzéar b. 13 JAN 1883 St-Ludger,Rivière-du-Loup,Québec Gender: Male Malenfant, Marie Malenfant, Alphonse b. 22 AUG 1887 St-Ludger,Rivière-du-Loup,Québec d. 28 FEB 1897 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec Gender: Male
    Back to Main Page
    Morneau, Delvina b. 20 NOV 1863 d. 27 JUL 1935 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec Gender: Female Family: Marriage:11 JUL 1882 St-Arsène,Québec Spouse: Malenfant, Cyrias b. 8 JUN 1856 St-Arsène,Québec d. 21 SEP 1936 St-Patrice de Rivière du Loup,québec Gender: Male Parents: Father: Malenfant, Guillaume Mother: Chénard, Geneviève

    53. Nos Racines - Falher
    Translate this page Langellier, JB. Laporte, Gustave Larochelle, Ursule Laterreur, arthur Lauze, Albert IsidoreMaure, George Mimeault, Antoine Mimeault, Thuribe morin, Bernard (JB
    A B C D E F G H J L M N O P R S T V Aherne, William
    Alarie, Joseph
    Albinati, Richard
    Alexandre, Edgard (Joseph)
    Alexandre, Joseph
    Allain, Joseph Henri Albert
    Allain, Xavier
    Allan, Aurore
    Antoine, Joseph
    Arcand, Pierre
    Arseneault, Lynn Aubin, Joseph (Omer) Aubin, Arthur Aubin, Colette Aubin, Conrad Aubin, George Aubin, Jos C. Aubin, Joseph Albine (Frank) Aubin, Joseph Isidore Aubin, Joseph Omer Aubin, Joseph Pierre Denis Aubin, Jules Joseph Aubin, Marie Aubin, Omer Aubin, Ovila (Omer) Aubin, Pierre Aubin, Pierre (Olivine) Babineau, Joseph Philippe Beauchamp, Marie Victorine Beauchamp, Maurice Beaudoin, Archille Benoit, Raymond Berard, Jude Bernadette , Marie Bernard, Edmond (Bugeaud) Bernier, Joseph Gustave Besse, Alfred Horace Besse, Edward Besse, Walter Joseph Blackburn, Annette (Lauze) Blagen, Oden Blanchet, Albert Blanchet, Henri Louis Blanchet, Marius Blanchet, Oscar Blouin, Louis Boisvert, Paul Boisvert , Marie Antoinette Pauline Boisvert, Raymond Boivert, Omer Bouchard, Alfred Boutin, Albert (Lauzon) Boutin, Donalda (Lauzon) Boutin, Lumina (Lafla) Brodeur, Romulus

    54. Arthur (International) - Trent University Student And Community Newspaper
    of RCMP officers at the summit is currently adjourned again, after RCMP ConstableRussell Black said he overheard panel chairperson Gerald morin make remarks
    • This week marks anniversary of APEC protests
    • Mountain Equipment Co-opt
    • Solicitor General resigns

    This week marks anniversary of APEC protests
    Hearing set to resume but further delays expected

    by Sarah Galashan
    VANCOUVER (CUP) - Wednesday marks the one-year anniversary of the day when 18 Asia Pacific leaders met at the University of British Columbia while more than 1000 protesters, many of them students, were met with police dogs and pepper spray.
    The anti-APEC activists have since found themselves at the centre of national attention, their small grassroots movement suddenly having a greater effect than they ever imagined.
    The inquiry into the actions of RCMP officers at the summit is currently adjourned again, after RCMP Constable Russell Black said he overheard panel chairperson Gerald Morin make remarks about the outcome of the hearings.
    "Our view is that the commission doesn’t have jurisdiction any longer to continue by virtue of a reasonable application of bias," says Kevin Woodall, one of nine lawyers representing the officers at the RCMP Public Complaints Commission hearings.
    The panel’s future lies in the hands of a federal court, which will decide whether Morin is in fact biased. If it finds Morin was biased, the entire panel might be replaced.

    55. Informations Généalogiques
    Translate this page Retour à la page principale. morin, Joseph morin, arthur PERRAULT,Rose-de-Lima, Sexe Masculin. morin, arthur, Retour à la page principale.
    MOQUIN, Jacques
    Sexe: Masculin
    Famille MOQUIN - LUSSIER Mariage:
    Sexe: Masculin
    MOQUIN, Alexis

    BAILLARGEON, Josephte
    Sexe: Masculin
    Famille MOQUIN - PATENAUDE Mariage: PATENAUDE, Louis PATENAUDE, Eulalie
    LAREAU, Julienne
    Sexe: Masculin
    MOQUIN, Alexis
    PATENAUDE, Louis
    Sexe: Masculin
    Famille PATENAUDE - LAREAU LAREAU, Julienne PATENAUDE, Eulalie
    Sexe: Masculin Famille MOQUIN - PIGEON Mariage: PIGEON, Jacques PIGEON, Marie GAGNON, Marie
    Sexe: Masculin Famille MOQUIN - MONTY
    PIGEON, Jacques
    Sexe: Masculin Famille PIGEON - GAGNON GAGNON, Marie PIGEON, Marie
    MOQUIN, Alexis DUMONTET, Catherine Sexe: Masculin Famille MOQUIN - STE-MARIE Mariage: STE-MARIE, Joseph STE-MARIE, Marie DUFRESNE, Marguerite
    Sexe: Masculin Famille MOQUIN - DUMONTET DUMONTET, Catherine MOQUIN, Alexis
    STE-MARIE, Joseph Sexe: Masculin Famille STE-MARIE - DUFRESNE DUFRESNE, Marguerite STE-MARIE, Marie
    MOQUIN, Joseph Sexe: Masculin Famille MOQUIN - SURPRENANT Mariage: SURPRENANT, Jean-Baptiste SURPRENANT, Marie RACINE, Anastasie
    SURPRENANT, Jean-Baptiste Sexe: Masculin Famille SURPRENANT - RACINE RACINE, Anastasie

    56. Lowell Area Marriage Intentions 1912
    J., 23 Moore, Guy B., 35 Moore, Harrison J., 23 Moran, arthur P., 24 Moran, ChristopherS., 27 morin, Alexander, 28 morin, arthur F., 20 Mpoutsckaris, Peter
    M Marriage Intentions 1912 M
    Home Page
    Special Collections Resources Vitals ... Index
    The following marriage intentions were found for the most part in a newspaper called The Lowell Sunday Telegram. In addition to the names of the couple to be married, the paper usually listed their ages, addresses, occupations and if they were widowed or divorced. If they list a widowed or divorced woman, they usually also list her maiden name. Attempts were made to verify the spelling of names but as this was not always possible, the names were copied as printed in the newspaper.
    B C D ... Z Name of Groom Name of Bride Week Ending Machado, Francisco, 26
    Magoureas, Nicholas, 25
    Maguire, Martin H., 27
    Manning, David J., 28
    Manoushian, Pillibos, 33
    Mansfield, Paul E., 21
    Marchand, Edouard, 19
    Marcouillier, Henry, 20 Marr, Alder, 20 Marra, William J., 28 Marshall, Fred J., 25 Marshman, Murnett, 41 Martin, Frank K., 18 Massicotte, Joseph Massicotte, Joseph, 21 Masson, Arthur J., 34

    57. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Died 12 March 1972 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire,England morin, arthur Jules morin Born 19 Oct 1795 in Paris, France Died 7

    58. H-Net Review: Arthur L. Morin On Rebecca S. Lowen, Creating The Cold War Univers
    $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 0520-20541-3. Reviewed by arthur L. morin, Fort Hays StateUniversity. Published by H-Review (March, 1998). Citation arthur L. morin.

    59. Böcker Efter ämne
    Författaren var rektor vid Lennings Textiltekniska Institut i Norrköping.200, Beställ. 8592, morin, arthur, HANDBOK I PRAKTISK MEKANIK.

    60. Les Parlementaires Depuis 1792
    Translate this page morin, Louis-Siméon morin, Michel (en fonction) morin, Nérée morin, Norbert (en ThomasJ. (en fonction) MUNN, John MURE, John MURPHY, arthur H. MURPHY, Owen
    Informations historiques
    Les parlementaires depuis 1792
    A B C D ... V-Z M McBEATH, George
    McCALLUM, James

    McCLARY, Charles

    McCONNELL, John
    MACMILLAN, Norman
    (en fonction)
    MACNIDER, Mathew

    McSHANE, James

    MADDEN, Martin

    MAGNAN, Octave
    MALTAIS, Armand

    (en fonction) MALTAIS, Ghislain MALTAIS, Pierre-Willie MANCUSO, Anna MARCHAND, Gabriel (petit-fils) ... MARCOUX, Yvon (en fonction) MARGANE DE LAVALTRIE, Pierre-Paul MARIER, Joseph MARION, Joseph MARLER, George Carlyle ... MAROIS, Pauline (en fonction) MAROIS, Pierre MARQUIS, Joseph-Antonin MARSAN, Pierre (en fonction) MARSIL, David MARTEL, Maurice MARTELLANI, Camille (Carmine) MARTIN, Jean-Louis ... MENUT, Henry (en fonction) MERCIER, Jean MERCIER, Jean-Guy MERCIER, Louis-Philippe MERCIER, Pierre ... MOREAU, Pierre (en fonction) MOREAULT, Louis-Joseph MOREL, Joseph-Wilfrid MORIN, Augustin-Norbert MORIN, Claude ... MORIN, Michel (en fonction) MORIN, Norbert (en fonction) MORISSET, Alfred MORISSETTE, Albert MORRIS, Alexander Webb MOUNTAIN, Jacob ... MULCAIR, Thomas J. (en fonction) MUNN, John

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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