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         Mordell Louis:     more detail
  1. Biography - Mordell, Louis (Joel) (1888-1972): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  2. Three lectures on Fermat 's last theorem. by L. J. Mordell by Mordell. L. J. (Louis Joel). 1888-, 1921
  3. Three Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem: -1921 by L. J. (Louis Joel) Mordell, 2009-07-24
  4. Three Lectures On Fermat's Last Theorem (1921) by Louis Joel Mordell, 2010-05-23
  5. Gerd Faltings Proves Mordell's Conjecture (1983): An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Brooke Coates, 2001
  6. Reflections of a Mathematician. by Louis Joel (1888-1972). MORDELL, 1959-01-01
  7. Three Lectures On Fermat's Last Theorem (1921) by Louis Joel Mordell, 2010-09-10
  8. Louis Joel Mordell 1888-1972 by J.W.S. Cassels, 1973-01-01
  9. Three Lectures On Fermat's Last Theorem

41. A Life Of Mathematics: Paul Erd\H{o}s (1913-1996)
from the university, but also received his doctorate and got a Fellowship to Manchester,to join the exceptional group of mathematicians led by louis mordell.
as published in the December, 1996, issue of MAA 's FOCUS %From Wed Dec 25 19:08:55 1996 %From: Bela Bollobas

42. Ecuaciones Diofanticas
Translate this page Ecuaciones de la forma y 2 = x 3 + a. Esta ecuación con a, número natural,se llama ecuación de louis mordell. Con a cualquier número natural.
Ecuaciones diofánticas
Fecha de primera versión: 07-10-2000
Fecha de última actualización: Las ecuaciones diofánticas deben su nombre a Diofanto que fue quien las estudió primero. Una ecuación diofántica es una ecuación cuyas soluciones son números naturales.
Ecuaciones de la forma ax + by = c
Para que ésta ecuación tenga solución c tiene que ser divisible por el máximo común divisor de a y b. En este caso la ecuación tiene un número finito de soluciones o ninguna. Resolución: ax = c - by
Dando valores a y, desde y = hasta y = a - 1, encontraremos un único valor que sea múltiplo de a. Sea b el valor de y que hace c - by múltiplo de a. Entonces conoceremos el valor de x que satisface la ecuación. Sea a ese valor. Para obtener las demás soluciones hacemos x = a - bt e y = b +at y damos a valores a t = 0,1,2... siempre que se pueda hacer la sustracción. Sea la ecuación 3x + 5y = 52
Para y = queda 3x = 52
Para y = 1 queda 3x = 47
Para y = 2 queda 3x = 42
El único valor de y que hace x entero es y = 2. Entonces b = 2 y a x = 14 - 5t. Para t = 0, x = 14. Para t = 1, x = 9. Para t = 2, x = 4.

43. January 2003
25 Josephlouis Lagrange, 26 Eliakim Hastings Moore, 27 Charles Dodgson (LewisCarroll), 28 louis Joel mordell, 29 Ernst Eduard Kummer, 30 Michelangelo Ricci,31
January 2004
Can you identify the pictured Mathematicians? Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Satyendranath Bose
Lev Genrikhovich Shnirelman
Louis Poinsot
Sir Isaac Newton
Camille Jordan
Thomas Fincke
Emile Borel
Richard Courant
Nola Haynes
Ruth Moufang Guidobaldo del Monte Kurt August Hirsch Gertrude Mary Cox Alfred Tarski Sofia Kovalevskaya William Werner Boone Edward Foyle Collingwood Paul Ehrenfest Garrett Birkhoff Cora B. Hennel Leonard Eugene Dickson David Hilbert Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch Joseph-Louis Lagrange Eliakim Hastings Moore Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) Louis Joel Mordell Ernst Eduard Kummer Michelangelo Ricci Samuel Loyd A quotation for January: Isaac Newton (1643 - 1727) If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants. Letter to Robert Hooke This calendar is available in a printable PDF format. Back to calendar page.

44. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page 1799) Moore, Eliakim Hastings (26.1.1862 - 30.12.1932) Moore, Robert Lee (1882 -1974) Moore, Jonas (1627 - 1679) mordell, louis Joel (1888 - 1972) De Morgan
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

45. Univerzita Manchestera
založení matematiky. 6) louis mordell cistý matematik, který delalduležité príspevky v teorii císel. 7) Sydney Goldsteinová
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Univerzita Manchestera
Univerzita Manchestera (v Manchester Anglie ) začal v 1851 jako Owenova vysok¡ Å¡kola (pojmenoval podle Johna Owense), obchodn­k textilu, kter½ zanechal odkaz � 96, 942 pro ºÄel. To se stěhovalo do jeho polohy proudu v 1873, a byl poskytnut jeho Kr¡lovsk¡ listina v 1880 - sluÅ¡iv½ Victoria univerzita V 1903, koleje univerzity v Leedsi a Liverpool se stal nez¡vislou osobou univerzity v jejich vlastn­ prav½ ( Univerzita Leedse a Univerzita Liverpool ), a univerzita sluÅ¡el Victoria univerzita Manchestera To je nyn­ zn¡m© jak " univerzita Manchestera ", a m¡ přes 18, 000 denn­ch studentů (včetně 2500 mezin¡rodn­ch studentů od v­c než 120 zem­). To je jedno z univerzit vrcholu na venkově, pravidelně sh¡nět vrcholu stanoven­ sazeb pro studium a učit. Na 5 března to bylo ozn¡mil, že univerzita m¡ spojit se s UMIST na podzim , tvořit největÅ¡­ konvenčn­ univerzitu v Brit¡nii. Tabulka s obsahem showTocToggle (" přehl­dka ", " se schovat ") 1 Manchester vědn­ chodba sl¡vy
2 fyzika (ilustrovan¡ historie)

3 fyziologie a medic­na

4 chemie
5 ekonomiky
Manchester vědn­ chodba sl¡vy
Fyzika (ilustrovan¡ historie)
1) Joseph John (J J) Thomson. Studoval a b¡dal 1871-76 (přihl¡Å¡en½ v věku 14). OdeÅ¡el a se dobral elektronu, dal Nobelovu cenu v 1906.

46. Timeline Matematiky
1882 Carl louis Ferdinand von Lindemann dokazuje to pi je transcendentní a to 1983- Gerd Faltings prokáže se mordell dohad a proto svedcí o tom tam
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Timeline matematiky
timeline Čist½ a Platil Matematika

47. Lexikon - 28. Januar Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
1888 - louis Joel mordell, US-amerikanischer Mathematiker; 1892
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28. Januar
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Artikel auf Englisch: January 28
Der 28. Januar (in –sterreich: 28. J¤nner ) ist der 28. Tag des Gregorianischen Kalenders Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Ereignisse
2 Geboren

3 Gestorben
4 Feiertage und Gedenktage

48. The Sylvester Medal (1901)
1949 louis mordell 1946 George Watson 1943 John Littlewood 1940 Godfrey Hardy1937 Augustus Love 1934 Bertrand Russell 1931 Edmund Taylor Whittaker 1928
The Sylvester Medal (1901)
Previous winners include: Louis Mordell
George Watson

John Littlewood

Godfrey Hardy
Henri Poincare
Recent winners:
Louis Joel Mordell for his distinguished researches in pure mathematics, especially for his discoveries in the theory of numbers. George Neville Watson for his distinguished contributions to pure mathematics in the field of mathematical analysis and in particular for his work on asymptotic expansion and on general transforms. John Edensor Littlewood for his mathematical discoveries and supreme insight in the analytical theory of numbers. Godfrey Harold Hardy for his important contributions to many branches of pure mathematics. Augustus Edward Hough Love for his researches in classical mathematical physics, particularly the mathematical theories of elasticity and hydro-dynamics. Bertrand Russell for his distinguished work on the foundations of mathematics.

49. A Guide To The H. S. Vandiver Papers, 1889-1977
Moran, Charles, one letter, 1941. mordell, louis Joel, twenty letters,see also box seventeen folder five, 19591961. Morishima
A Guide to the H. S. Vandiver Papers, 1889-1977
Descriptive Summary Creator Vandiver, Harry Shultz, 1882- Title: H. S. Vandiver Papers, Dates: Abstract This collection consists of correspondence (about 2350 items), research notes, bibliographies, lecture notes, notebooks, drafts of publications, reprints, and photographs documenting the career of H. S. Vandiver. Accession No. Extent 17 ft. of manuscript material, plus books Laguage Materials are written in English. Repository Archives of American Mathematics, Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin
Biographical Note
H. S. Vandiver was a number theorist and member of The University of Texas at Austin faculty from 1925 until his retirement in 1966. Among other research interests, Vandiver was an authority on Fermat's last theorem. Born October 21 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Began publishing problems and solutions in the American Mathematical Monthly and communicating with G. D. Birkhoff Attended graduate courses at University of Pennsylvania, did not obtain a degree

50. AlmanacMar
Another mathematician, louis Joel mordell, died on this day in 1972.He had been born in Philadelphia on January 28, 1888, but studied
University of Portland Almanac for March March 1
  • This is St. David's Day. David (or Dewi), a sixth-century Welsh abbot, is the patron saint of Wales. In March of 1949 the student government at the University formally adopted the name, Associated Students of the University of Portland, and began using the acronym ASUP. The first student body president under the new constitution was Kevin Collins, who later served as Acting Dean of Students for the University.
    This was the birthday in 1810 of the Polish composer and pianist Frederick Chopin, and the birthday in 1837 of the American novelist and editor (founder of the Atlantic Monthly and first editor of the works of Thomas Wolfe) William Dean Howells. It was also the birthday in 1914 of the African-American writer Ralph Waldo Ellison ( The Invisible Man ), in 1917 of the New England poet Robert Lowell, in 1919 of the "beat" poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, in 1920 of US poet-laureate Richard Wilbur, and in 1925 of Israeli prime minister and Nobel-Peace-Prize winner Yitzak Rabin. And on this day in 1847 the State of Michigan became the first English-speaking jurisdiction to banish the death penalty.
March 2
  • In 1978 University President Paul E. Waldschmidt, C.S.C., was ordained a bishop at a ceremony in Civic Auditorium.

51. History Of Mathematics
1983 Gerd Faltings proves the mordell Conjecture and thereby shows that thereare 1985 - louis de Branges de Bourcia proves the Bieberbach conjecture,; 1987
EncycloZine Astronomy Biology Chemistry ... Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers Mary Roach The Golden Ratio : The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number MARIO LIVIO Math and the Mona Lisa: The Art and Science of Leonardo da Vinci Bulent Atalay The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World Michael Pollan Count Down : Six Kids Vie for Glory at the World's Toughest Math Competition Steve Olson Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time Dava Sobel Abel's Proof : An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability Peter Pesic Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet Katie Hafner The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography Simon Singh Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics John Derbyshire
History of Mathematics
About Us A - Z Site Map Top Pages ... Cell Phones See also: History Mathematics Science ... History A timeline of Pure and Applied Mathematics
  • 4500 BC - Carnac, Brittany, first use of the Pythagorean triple 3-4-5

52. Geometry Of Numbers - Encyclopedia Article About Geometry Of Numbers. Free Acces
The subject was given a great deal of attention in the period 19301960 by someleading number theorists (including louis mordell, Harold Davenport and Carl of numbers
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Geometry of numbers
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition In number theory Traditionally, number theory is that branch of pure mathematics concerned with the properties of integers and contains many open problems that are easily understood even by non-mathematicians. More generally, the field has come to be concerned with a wider class of problems that arose naturally from the study of integers. Number theory may be subdivided into several fields according to the methods used and the questions investigated. See for example the list of number theory topics.
Click the link for more information. , the geometry of numbers refers to a topic and method arising from the work of Hermann Minkowski Hermann Minkowski (June 22, 1864 - January 12, 1909) was a Jewish German mathematician who developed the geometrical theory of numbers and who used geometrical methods to solve difficult problems in number theory, mathematical physics, and the theory of relativity. Hermann Minkowski was born in Russia, and educated in Germany at the Universities of Berlin and Königsberg, where he achieved his doctorate in 1885. Minkowski taught at the universities of Bonn, Königsberg and Zurich. In Zurich, he was one of Einstein's teachers.

53. Hermann Minkowski - Encyclopedia Article About Hermann Minkowski. Free Access, N
The subject was given a great deal of attention in the period 19301960 by someleading number theorists (including louis mordell, Harold Davenport and Carl Minkowski
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Hermann Minkowski
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Hermann Minkowski June 22 June 22 is the 173rd day of the year (174th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 192 days remaining.
  • 168 BC - Battle of Pydna: Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus defeat and capture Macedonian King Perseus, ending the Third Macedonian War
  • 1825 - British Parliament abolishes feudalism and the seigneurial system in British North America.
  • 1846 - The saxophone is patented by Adolphe Sax.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1810s 1820s 1830s 1840s 1850s - Years: 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 -
  • February 27 - American Civil War: The first Northern prisoners arrive at the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia.
  • March 10 - American Civil War: The Red River Campaign begins as Union troops reach Alexandria, Louisiana.

Click the link for more information. January 12 January 12 is the 12th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 353 days remaining (354 in leap years).
  • 1528 - Gustav I of Sweden crowned king of Sweden
  • 1773 - The first American museum open to the public is opened in (Charleston, South Carolina).

54. 28. Januar - Wikipedia
1888 - louis Joel mordell, US-amerikanischer Mathematiker;
28. Januar
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
-Sidenote START- Historische Jahrestage
Januar Februar -Sidenote END- Der 28. Januar (in Österreich: 28. Jänner ) ist der 28. Tag des Gregorianischen Kalenders Inhaltsverzeichnis showTocToggle("Anzeigen","Verbergen") 1 Ereignisse
2 Geboren

3 Gestorben

4 Feier- und Gedenktage

55. Integer Products
In this talk we will solve the problem posed in the title, one firstsolved by louis mordell in the 1960 s. More interesting than
BAMA presents, absolutely free
Edward F. Schaefer
Santa Clara University
Who will ask us
When is an Integer the
Product of Two and Three Consecutive Integers?
At Santa Clara University
in Daly Science room 206
on Wednesday, December 12, 2001
at 7:30 pm
In this talk we will solve the problem posed in the title, one first solved by Louis Mordell in the 1960's. More interesting than the question itself, perhaps, is the method of solution, which serves to introduce the beautiful subject of elliptic curves. This is a field of lively current research interest and the gateway to techniques used in the recent acclaimed proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and to problems of cryptogtraphy. Ed Schaefer earned his Ph.D. from U. C. Berkeley in 1992 and has been at Santa Clara University ever since. His main research interests are arithmetic geometry and cryptography. Arithmetic geometry uses geometry to solve problems from number theory, as we'll see in the talk. This summer he lectured on arithmetic geometry in Peru before being detained by rebels in Bolivia ... he'll be back in time for the talk. How to get to Santa Clara University: From US Highway 101, take the De La Cruz Boulevard/Santa Clara exi t and follow the signs to El Camino and the main campus entrance.

56. Elliptic Curves And Elliptic Functions
Many years ago (1921), louis mordell proved the theorem named after him, thatthe group of all rational points on an elliptic curve (over Q) is finitely
Elliptic Curves and Elliptic Functions
For a quick definition of many of the terms used here, you may refer to the Glossary
What is an elliptic curve?
An elliptic curve is not an ellipse! The reason for the name is a little more indirect. It has to do, as we shall explain shortly, with "elliptic integrals", which arise in computing the arc length of an ellipse. But this happenstance of nomenclature isn't too significant, since an elliptic curve has different, and much more interesting, properties as compared to an ellipse. Instead, an elliptic curve is simply the locus of points in the x-y plane that satisfy an algebraic equation of the form (with some additional minor technical conditions). This is deliberately vague as to what sort of values x and y represent. In the most elementary case, they are real numbers, in which case the elliptic curve is easily graphed in the usual Cartesian plane. But the theory is much richer when x and y may be any complex numbers (in C ). And for arithmetic purposes, x and y may lie in some other field, such as the rational numbers

57. Chronology Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
the mordell Conjecture and thereby shows that there are only finitely many wholenumber solutions for each exponent of Fermat s Last Theorem. 1985, louis de
Chronology of Pure and Applied Mathematics Egyptian mathematicians employ primitive fractions. Pythagoras studies propositional geometry and vibrating lyre strings. Eudoxus states the method of exhaustion for area determination. Aristotle discusses logical reasoning in Organon. Euclid studies geometry as an axiomatic system in Elements and states the law of reflection in Catoptrics. Archimedes computes pi to two decimal places using inscribed and cirumscribed polygons and computes the area under a parabolic segment. Apollonius writes On Conic Sections and names the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. Diophantus writes Arithmetica, the first systematic treatise on algebra. Tsu Ch'ung-Chih and Tsu Keng-Chih compute pi to six decimal places. Hindu mathematicians give zero a numeral representation in a positional notation system. Leonardo Fibonacci demonstrates the utility of Arabic numerals in his Book of the Abacus. Ghiyathal-Kashi computes pi to sixteen decimal places using inscribed and cirumscribed polygons. Scipione Ferro develops a method for solving cubic equations.

58. ORESME XU Jan 2004
GH Hardy (Chris Christensen) Percy MacMahon (Dan Curtin) Hermann Weyl (David Kullman)Abu Rayhan alBiruni louis mordell (Danny Otero) John von Neumann (Dick
Please Email comments or suggestions to: or to:
The Twelfth Meeting of the ORESME Reading Group
January 30-31, 2004 Xavier University
Members in attendance: Chris Christensen, Northern Kentucky University
Daniel Curtin, Northern Kentucky University
Charles Holmes, Miami University
Kevin Kirby, Northern Kentucky University
David Kullman, Miami Univeristy
Daniel Otero, Xavier University
Richard Pulskamp, Xavier University
We gathered for Friday night dinner at 6pm at the Bonefish Grill in Oakley. (It so happened that another NKU contingent was also at the restaurant with a math ed candidate for an open position in their department!) We reconvened at XU in new and impressive digs on the seventh floor of the Schott Building, thanks to our host, member Dick Pulskamp. After a brief review of the career of Polya taken from an article in Notable Mathematicians , we viewed the nearly-hour-long video that Polya made for the MAA in 1966 with a class of undergraduates, called Let Us Teach Guessing . In the video, he works with the students to formulate a conjecture about the number of cells into which

59. ArtEDumas
louis mordell selon laquelle« la plupart des équations polynomiales définissant des courbes ont
Une entrevue avec Jean Giraud
Survivre E.D. J.G. E.D. Ils se voyaient souvent? J.G. E.D. J.G. E.D. J.G. E.D. J.G. E.D. J.G. E.D. J.G.
Propos recueillis par Eric Dumas
69364 Lyon cedex 7
Importer l'article
(format pdf 99 Ko)
volumes patrick iglesias

60. Erdõs Pál
Meghívást kapott Manchesterbe a louis mordell vezette kiváló matematikus csoportba.Németországba készült, de a fasizmus eloretörése megelozte.
ERDÕS PÁL (1913-1996) "A matematika Mozartja" ki volna méltó e hasonlatra? Erdõs Pálra, aki szeptember 20-án szívrohamban hunyt el egy varsói konferencia során, méltán illik ez az elnevezés. Századunk egyik legragyogóbb elméje volt; alig húszéves, amikor a nagy berlini matematikus, Issai Schur "a budapesti varázsló"-nak nevezte el, mások a "nyugati Ramanujan" vagy "napjaink Eulere" néven illették. Erdõs 1913. március 26-án Budapesten született magyar zsidó családban. Szülei matematikatanárok voltak, és amíg 1930-ban be nem került a budapesti egyetemre, jobbára otthon tanult. Másodéves hallgató korában már olyan eredményeket mutatott föl, melyek nemzetközi elismerést vívtak ki számára. Meghívást kapott Manchesterbe a Louis Mordell vezette kiváló matematikus csoportba. Németországba készült, de a fasizmus elõretörése megelõzte. Tréfásan megjegyezte, hogy a hagyományos zsidó pohárköszöntõt meg kellene változtatni "Jövõre Göttingenben!"-re. Négy igen termékeny évet töltött Manchesterben, közben gyakran ellátogatott Cambridge-be, Oxfordba és Londonba is. 1938-39-ben igen sikeres évet töltött Princetonban az Institute of Advanced Study-ban. Mark Kaccal és Aurel Wintnerrel megalapozta a valószínûségi számelméletet; Turán Pállal fontos eredményeket ért el az approximációelméletben és váratlan megoldását adta a dimenzióelmélet egyik kiemelkedõ problémájának. Intézeti ösztöndíját furcsa módon nem újították meg, ekkor kezdett el utazni. Nem tért vissza Európába egészen 1948-ig, amikor több mint egy évtized után elõször nyílt lehetõsége arra, hogy Magyarországon meglátogassa édesanyját és azt a néhány megmaradt rokonát, akik a Holocaustot túlélték.

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