Nouvelles acquisitions du 25/09/03 Beckner, William Ed., Nagel, Alexander Ed., Seeger,Andreas Ed., Smith, Hart F. Ed. Harmonic analysis at Mount Holyoke 2001 South Hadley MA
- Editeur : American mathematical society (Providence)
msc : P/SOUT
Adem, Alejandro Ed., Morava, Jack Ed., Ruan, Yongbin Ed. Orbifolds in mathematics and physics 2001 Madison WI
- Editeur : American mathematical society (Providence)
msc : P/MADI Anick, David. Differential algebras in topology - msc : -/ANIC
Badalyan, G.V. Quasipower series and quasianalytic classes of functions - Editeur : American mathematical society (Providence) msc : -/BADA
Barvinok, Alexander. a Course in convexity - Editeur : American mathematical society (Providence) msc : -/BARV
Baues, Hans-Joachim. the Homotopy category of simply connected 4-manifolds - Editeur : Cambridge university press (Cambridge) msc : -/BAUE
Beckner, William Ed., Nagel, Alexander Ed., Seeger,Andreas Ed., Smith, Hart F. Ed. Harmonic analysis at Mount Holyoke 2001 South Hadley MA - Editeur : American mathematical society (Providence) msc : P/SOUT
Ben-Artzi, Matania., Falcovitz, Joseph | |