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61. Skull Bones - David Icke E~Magazine OWI, Howard University moore, eliakim H. 1883 Professor of Mathematics, Universityof Chicago (1892 1931) Nichols, Alfred B. 1880 Professor of German, Simmons http://davidicke.www.50megs.com/icke/magazine/vol8/articles/bushskull.html |
62. Footnotes 35, 18-19. passim. 43 Biographical Memoir of eliakim Hastings moore, GA Blissand LE Dickson (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1936) passim. http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/b/21.dir/footnote.htm | |
63. Thomas Holcombe Of Connecticut - Person Page 372 Child of eliakim Loomis and Mary Loomis Phineas Loomis+ (15 Mar 1744/45 26 Mar 1810). She was the daughter of John Drake and Hannah moore. http://www.holcombegenealogy.com/data/p372.htm | |
64. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Quotation From E.H. Moore General Analysis , by eliakim Hastings moore, with the coope/ration of RaymondWalter BARNARD, The American Philosophical Society, Independence square http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jul99/0031.html | |
65. A WORD FROM GOD'S WORD The study is Beth moore s Living Beyond Yourself . The name eliakim means God willraise up. This verse has such a foreshadowing of who is to come, which of http://www.angelfire.com/va/hearose/index.word.html | |
66. 1790 Windsor, VT Census Index, Moore - Parkhurst moore, John. 066. 0202-07-00-00. moore, Mary. 064. 00-03-02-00-00. Morgan, Benjamin.058. 064. 01-03-02-00-00. Muncil, eliakim. 060. 01-01-03-00-00. Munroe, Isaac. 064. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/vt/state/census/moore-parkhurst.html | |
67. Morris Kline's, Why The Professor Can't Teach: Bibliography And Index A., 261 Models, 120, 14748 Money, as reason for universities seeking prestige, 93Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 199 moore, eliakim Hastings,35-37 284 Morrill http://www.marco-learningsystems.com/pages/kline/prof/profteachindex.html | |
68. Onderwijs Macleish, Archibald, 1915. Howard University. moore, eliakim H. 1883.Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago 1892 1931, Nichols http://ftp.castel.nl/~degug01/onderwijsmainframe.htm | |
69. Harris School Faculty Directory And Profiles Robert T. Michael, Ph.D. eliakim Hastings moore Distinguished Service Professor. RobertT. Michael, Ph.D. eliakim Hastings moore Distinguished Service Professor. http://harrisschool.uchicago.edu/faculty/topic.html | |
70. Geneologydan Hubert Anser Newton, 1850, . EH (eliakim Hastings) moore, 1885, Extensionsof Certain Theorems of Clifford and Cayley in the Geometry of n Dimensions . http://www.rit.edu/~dansma/geneologydan.html | |
71. AJP - Regulatory, Integrative And Comparative Physiology -- Eliakim Et Al. 279 ( A. eliakim was supported by the Joseph Drown Foundation. FOOTNOTES. 25.Morrow, NG, Kraus WE, moore JW, Williams S, and Swain JL. http://ajpregu.physiology.org/cgi/content/full/279/2/R548 | |
72. Nicholas Walley Biography 4 eliakim WALLEY b Abt 1844 +Rachel A. WRIGHT b December 25, 1842 in Menallen Vincent,Westmoreland Co., PA +John moore b 1799 in PA d October 10, 1863 in http://www.pa-roots.com/~armstrong/ffolder/nwalley2.html | |
73. Is Progress An Illusion? Asaph Hall. The Science of Astronomy. Science, 17418 (January2, 1903) 18. eliakim Hastings (EH) moore. On the Foundations http://www.maa.org/features/101503steen.html | |
74. Boylston Vital Records To 1850 12, 1801 Jotham, s. Jotham and Lucy, May 17, 1822 Levimoore, s. eliakimand Patience, April 25, 1802 Lois, d. eliakim and Patience, Dec. http://www.boylstonhistory.org/boy-vr2.htm | |
75. Tony Cai's Mathematical Genealogy Poisson Michel Chasles (École Polytechnique 1814) Hubert Anson Newton (BS YaleUniversity 1850) eliakim Hastings moore (Yale University 1885) Oswald http://stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~tcai/MyGenealogy.html | |
76. John Kiltinen's Mathematical Lineage of Certain Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications to Boundary Value andExpansion Problems Advisor EH moore EH (eliakim Hastings) moore Ph.D. Yale http://www-instruct.nmu.edu/math_cs/kiltinen/web/Lineage.html | |
77. Untitled Klein himself, more than any other German mathematician, came to embody that idealmostrelevantly here for the young American, eliakim Hastings moore. http://www.ams.org/bull/pre-1996-data/199507/199507010.tex.html |
78. Content Frame For The Finding Aid To The Papers Of Henry Crew, 1833-1975 Andrews 19041954. Box 2 Folder 16 moore, eliakim Hastings 1902-1917.Box 2 Folder 16A Mulliken, Robert S. 1924-1928. Box 2 Folder http://www.aip.org/history/ead/northwestern_crew/19990056_content.html | |
79. ÐÂʱ´úÑÇÖÞ¾¼ÃºÏ×÷£ºÖйúµÄµØλÓëÓ°Ïì eliakim Hastings moore Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus and Directorof the Undergraduate Program, Department of Economics and the College, The | |
80. Daniel Ruberman Mathematical Genealogy EH (eliakim Hastings) moore Ph.D. Yale University 1885 Dissertation Extensionsof Certain Theorems of Clifford and Cayley in the Geometry of n Dimensions http://people.brandeis.edu/~ruberman/genealogy.html | |
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