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         Moore Eliakim:     more books (35)
  1. General analysis: Pt. I (Memoirs of the American philosophical society) by Eliakim Hastings Moore, 1935
  2. Introduction to a form of general analysis, by Eliakim Hastings Moore, 1910
  3. A double-infinite system of simple groups by Eliakim Hastings Moore, 1893
  4. General Analysis. Part II. The Fundamental Notions ofGeneral Analysis. ([Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society Volume I part II by Eliakim Hastings Moore, 1935-01-01
  5. State of the Union. Speech of Hon. E. P. Walton, of Vermont, upon the report of the Committee of thirty-three upon the state of the Union by E. P. (Eliakim Persons) Walton 1812-1890, 1861-12-31
  6. State of the Union: Upon the report of the Committee of Thirty-three upon the State of the Union. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 16, 1861 by Eliakim Persons Walton, 1861

41. Adams County Table Of Contents: Marriages
1827. Francis, Ann, Stobie, William, Nov 14, 1844. Francis, Jane, moore,eliakim, Jul 27, 1820. Francis, Jane, Maharry, Jesse, Aug 10, 1831.
A DAMS C OUNTY M ARRIAGES These pages are contributed material made available for assistance in researching marriages which may have occurred in Adams County for the period 1789 through 1850. Information found on these marriage records pages should be used as reference points only . Always verify any data found here with the original marriage records, located in the Probate Court Office at the Adams County Courthouse. [NB: Many records burned in the 1910 courthouse fire and may no longer be extant.] Fahr, Valentine Carson, Mary May 28, 1807 Farren, John Storm, Elizabeth Jan 13, 1825 Farren, Nancy Dillon, William May 8, 1817 Farren, Polly Hayns, William Mar 28, 1816 Farren, Sally Rogers, Thomas, Jr. Dec 18, 1817 Farron, Betsy McLaughlin, William Sep 16, 1813 Farrow, Elisabeth Ross, James Apr 6, 1802 Farwell, G. L. Cheatham, Mary W. Jul 24, 1845 Faukner, David Brooks, Salley Sep 6, 1816 Faulkner, William Dryden, Mary Jun 23, 1814 Fear, Peter Newkirk, Nancy Jun 10, 1819 Feathers, Mary Craig, Miles Oct 15, 1829 Feeley, Alexander Jacobs, Hannah Jun 13, 1811

42. Sources For The Math Symbols And Words Pages
The MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts,1969. moore, eliakim Hastings. A Doubly Infinite
Sources for the Math Symbols and Words Pages
Abbreviations: OED2 refers to the Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition; MWCD10 is Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition; RHUD2 refers to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition Unabridged. If the earliest use of a word known to Webster is its appearance in a dictionary, the date is preceded by "ca."; in those cases, it can be assumed earlier uses of those words exist. JSTOR refers to the web site The following written sources have been used. Abbott, David, general editor. The Biographical Dictionary of Scientists: Mathematicians. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1985. Aldrich, J. Doing least squares: perspectives from Gauss and Yule. International. Statistical Review, Aldrich, J. (1995) "Correlations Genuine and Spurious in Pearson and Yule," Statistical Science, Aldrich, J. The Language of the English Biometric School, International Statistical Review, Vol. 71(1), pp. 109-131, (2003). Asimov, Isaac.

43. Table Of Contents
Translate this page ARTICLE, Morley, F. Some Polar Constructions, 410. . . ARTICLE, moore, eliakim HastingsConcerning the General Equations of the Seventh and Eighth Degrees, 417. . .
Mathematische Annalen
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This is volume 51 of Mathematische Annalen

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44. The Peirce Edition Project | Peirce's Correspondents
Oscar Howard Mitchell, W. G. Mitchell, Weir Monist, The Montague, William PepperellMontgomery, Edmund Montgomery, Thomas J. moore, eliakim H. moore, John
List of Known Peirce Correspondents
This list includes names of persons Peirce sent letters to and/or received letters from, either probably or certainly, and names of people who wrote letters concerning Peirce, a few of which Peirce had copies of, that have been retrieved in different archives. The list also includes names of institutions. We strongly wish that readers interested in this list would look for a number of the names in their local archives in the hope of finding new Peirce-related letters. We expect that thousands of letters by Peirce still survive in unsearched archives both in the U.S. and abroad. Please join the effort in their recovery!
B C D ...

Abbot, Francis Ellingwood Adams Express Company Adams, Brooks Adams, Charles K. Adams, George B. Agassiz, Alexander Agassiz, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Louis Aikins, H. Austin Alden, John B. Allen, Col. Vanderbilt Alline, L. M. Allis, E. C. American Academy of Arts and Sciences American Association for the Advancement of Science American Historical Review, The American Mathematical Society American Metrological Society American Society for Psychical Research American Society for the Extension of University Teaching Anster, David Anthony, Andrew V. S. (Sun and Shade) Anthony, R. A. (McVikar, Gaillard Realty Co.) Appleton, D. and Company Appleton, William W. Arnold, Constable, and Co. Arnold, George F. Arnot, Raymond H. Astor Library Astor, John Jacob Atlantic Monthly Ausfeld, H. Austen, D. Austin, Ben W. (Trinity Historical Society, Dallas, Texas)

45. GedBrowser
birt 21 JUN 1678 deat 25 NOV 1761 marr 10 FEB 1701/02, Nathaniel moore, birt1715 deat 19 JUL 1811 plac Worcester, Mass. eliakim Rice. Deacon Edmund Rice.
birt: BEF. 1338
Henrik Albertsen von Eberstein

birt: BEF. 1330
List of Individuals List of Surnames
Created by GEDBrowser
Margrethe Henriksdtr. von Eberstein
Albert Albertsen von Eberstein birt: ABT. 1276
deat: AFT. 1330
Henrik Albertsen von Eberstein
birt: BEF. 1330
Ingerd Jensdtr. Kalf
birt: BEF. 1315 marr: Margrethe Henriksdtr. von Eberstein birt: BEF. 1353 Niels Ingvorsen Rotfeld marr: birt: BEF. 1353 birt: BEF. 1338 marr: Map List of Individuals List of Surnames Created by GEDBrowser
Niels Ingvorsen Rotfeld
Niels Ingvorsen Rotfeld birt: BEF. 1353 Margrethe Henriksdtr. von Eberstein marr: birt: BEF. 1353 Map List of Individuals List of Surnames Created by GEDBrowser
Erik Nielsen Rotfeld
Niels Ingvorsen Rotfeld birt: BEF. 1353 marr: Erik Nielsen Rotfeld birt: ABT. 1368 plac: Bratskov, Brovst, Hjorring, Dk. deat: 1452 Ellen Axelsdtr. Dotting marr: ABT. 1397 birt: BEF. 1397 Henrik Albertsen von Eberstein birt: BEF. 1330 marr: Margrethe Henriksdtr. von Eberstein birt: BEF. 1353 marr: birt: BEF. 1338 marr: Map List of Individuals List of Surnames Created by GEDBrowser
Ellen Axelsdtr. Dotting

46. ENC Online: Professional Development: Professional Learning: Education Research:
5 (1995) 2630. Hastings moore, eliakim. On the Foundations of Mathematics.Washington, DC National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1970.
Skip Navigation You Are Here ENC Home Professional Development Professional Learning Education Research ... General Education Reform Search the Site More Options Classroom Calendar Digital Dozen ENC Focus ... Ask ENC Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher learning tools. Find detailed information about thousands of materials for K-12 math and science. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other key topics for educators and parents. By Your Own Design Federal Resources Funding Opportunities Professional Learning ... Frequently Asked Questions
General Education Reform
Articles addressing general reform in education. Berlin, Donna F. and Arthur L. White, Connecting School Science and Mathematics NCTM Yearbook Cornett, Lynn M., Lessons From 10 Years of Teacher Improvement Reforms Educational Leadership 54, no. 5 (1995): 26-30. Hastings Moore, Eliakim. On the Foundations of Mathematics. Washington, DC: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1970. O'Neil, John, On Lasting School Reform: A Conversation With Ted Sizer Educational Leadership 54, no. 5 (1995): 4-9.

47. ENC Online: On The Foundations Of Mathematics
Citation information. Hastings moore, eliakim. 1970. On the Foundations of Mathematics.Washington, DC National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Back to Top,

48. - Biographical Directory Of The American Congress
moore, eliakim Hastings, a Representative from Ohio; born in Boylston, WorcesterCounty, Mass., June 19, 1812; moved with his parents to Marietta and thence to
Login Subscribe Help? You are here: Search Biographical Directory of the American Congress Results Biographical Directory of the American Congress Viewing records of total records Global Search Results MOON, Reuben Osborne, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Jobstown, Burlington County, N.J., July 22, 1847; attended the common schools, and was graduated from the National School of Oratory, in Philadelphia, in 1874; professor in the National School of Oratory; engaged in lecturing; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1884 and commenced practice in Philadelphia; one of the founders and president of the Columbia Club; a member of the Lawyers' Club and of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; elected as a Republican to the Fifty-eighth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Robert H. Foerderer; reelected to the Fifty-ninth and to the three succeeding Congresses and served from November 2, 1903, to March 3, 1913; unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1912; continued the practice of law until his death in Philadelphia, Pa., on October 25, 1919; interment in West Laurel Hill Cemetery. MOONEY, Charles Anthony, a Representative from Ohio; born in St. Marys, Auglaize County, Ohio, January 5, 1879; attended the public and Jesuit schools; was graduated from St. Marys High School in 1895; engaged in the life insurance business at St. Marys; moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1910 and continued the life insurance business; member of the State senate 1915-1919; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-sixth Congress (March 4, 1910-March 3, 1921); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1920 to the Sixty-seventh Congress; delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in 1920, 1924, and 1928; elected to the Sixty-eighth and to the four succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1923, until his death in Cleveland, Ohio, on May 29, 1931; interment in Gethsemane Cemetery, St. Marys, Ohio.

49. Skull And Bones
OWI, Howard University moore, eliakim H. 1883 Professor of Mathematics, Universityof Chicago (18921931) Nichols, Alfred B. 1880 Professor of German, Simmons
It all began at Yale. In 1832, General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso
Taft put together a super secret society for the elite children of the Anglo-
American Wall Street banking establishment. William Huntington Russell's
smuggling operation in the world at the time. Alphonso Taft is the Grandfather of our ex-president Howard Taft, the creator of the Forerunner to the United Nations.
Only 15 seniors are picked each year by the former graduating class. They are required as a part of their initiation ceremony to lie naked in a coffin and recite
their sexual history. This method allows other members to control the individual
by threatening to reveal their innermost secrets if they do not "go-along".
creation of many think-tanks and Universities in this country. Bush's father was a major contributor
to the "Hitler Project" as well as the build-up of the Soviet Union. Thus, leading to the inevidable
World Wars and the eventual set-up of the United Nations in America.
I first learned about the workings of "Skull and Bones" in 1990-91 during the Gulf War. Craig Hulett, A.K.A. (K.C. de Pass) was in Los Angeles doing several lectures discussing the

50. The Science Bookstore - Chronology
Campbell, WW Born 4/11/1862, 1862 AD, Hilbert, David Born 1/23/1862, 1862 AD,moore, eliakim Born 1/26/1862, 1862 AD, Walker, James Born 4/6/1863, 1863 AD,

51. Oswald Veblen, Norwegian American Mathemetician
He received the major part of his mathematical training at the Universityof Chicago from that inspiring trio Bolza, Maschke, and eliakim moore.
Oswald Veblen made important contributions to projective and differential geometry , and topology Veblen attended school in Iowa City before entering the University of Iowa in 1894 receiving his A.B. in 1898. After a year spent as a laboratory assistant, Veblen spent a year at Harvard University before going to the University of Chicago to undertake research. R.C. Archibald writes in A semicentennial history of the American Mathematical Society 1888-1938 (New York, 1980): He received the major part of his mathematical training at the University of Chicago from that inspiring trio Bolza, Maschke, and Eliakim Moore. Under their direction he laid the basis for the important work he was later to achieve in the fields of foundations of geometry, projective geometry , topology, differential invariants and spinors. His often quoted dissertation under Eliakim Moore, on a system of axioms of Euclidean geometry, followed the trend of development of Pasch (1882) and Peano (1889, 1894) rather than that of Hilbert (1899) and Pieri (1899) Veblen's doctoral dissertation was entitled A System of Axioms for Geometry and he was awarded his doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1903. He taught mathematics at Princeton University from 1905 to 1932. In the academic year 1928-29 he taught at Oxford as part of an exchange with G H Hardy. In 1932 he helped organise the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and he became a professor there in 1932.

52. Moore In
moore_eliakim eliakim Hastings moore. Born 26 eliakim moore s father was DavidHastings moore while his mother was Julia Sophia Carpenter. David moore Add to Favourites Search the directory for document.cookie="metasearch=3628627978.20480.0000"; listings for "Moore" (1 - 20 of 85)
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New and used Moore for sale. Try our next day UK delivery. Sponsored by: Andipa Gallery - rare works by Moore Sponsored by: The Henry Moore Foundation To advance the education of the public by the promotion of their appreciation of the fine arts and...

53. Kleene Math Library New Books - March 2003
QA9 M7 1935 (GIFT) moore, eliakim Hastings. GENERAL ANALYSIS. Philadelphia The American Philosophical Society, 19351939. Memoirs
KLEENE MATHEMATICS LIBRARY University of Wisconsin-Madison ACQUISITIONS: March 2003 The following items were received by the Kleene Mathematics Library during the months of March 2003. These items will be placed on the New Book Shelf for one month and may be borrowed at any time. If you have any questions, please contact a library staff member. Books (in call number order): HG8781 B64 1925 v.1 (GIFT)
HG8781 B64 1925 v.2 (GIFT)
LB 8G92 v.327
Martinet, Jacques. PERFECT LATTICES IN EUCLIDEAN SPACES. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2003. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften; 327. LH 7AK25 P v.239
DISCRETE GEOMETRY AND GEOMETRY OF NUMBERS / Steklov Institute of Mathematics. Moscow : Maik Nauka/Interperiodica, c2002. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics ; v. 239, 2002, issues 4. LH 7AM27 M v.101
Glasner, Eli. ERGODIC THEORY VIA JOININGS. Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2003. Mathematical surveys and monographs ; v 101. LH 7AM27 M v.102
Rass, Linda. SPATIAL DETERMINISTIC EPIDEMICS. Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2003. Mathematical surveys and monographs; v. 102.

54. Mathematical Lineage For James (Mac) Hyman
Newton had only two students (both in 1885 at Yale) Charles Little, who had nostudents, and EH (eliakim Hastings) moore, who became the first Mathematics
My Mathematical Lineage
I am one of 54 siblings descended from Peter Lax. I am a Kleinian through Hilbert. Going back further, one can argue with somewhat less certainty that I am a Lagrangian through Klein. Tracing backwards, my lineage is
  • James M. Hyman
    Ph.D. in 1976 from New York University
    Advisor: Peter D. Lax
  • Peter D. Lax
    Ph.D. in 1949 from New York University
    Advisor: Kurt O. Friedrichs
  • Kurt Otto Friedrichs
    Habilitation in 1925 from Universitat Gottingen
    Advisor: Richard Courant
  • Richard Courant
    Habilitation in 1910 from Universitat Gottingen
    Advisor: David Hilbert
  • David Hilbert
    Habilitation in 1885 from Universitat Konigsberg
    Advisor: C.L. Ferdinand Lindemann
  • Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann Habilitation in 1873 from Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat, Erlangen-Nurnberg Advisor: Felix Klein
  • Felix Christian Klein Habilitation in 1868 from Universitat Berlin Advisors: Julius Plucker and Rudolph Lipschitz
Remarkably, Felix Klein seems to have been the sole habilitation student of each of his two advisors:

55. I15972: Violante Of ARAGON (____ - ____)
Daniel GREENLEAF _Nicholas moore _ _Enoch moore _Willamin _Sarah moore _ eliakim W. HUTCHINGS. 8167
Violante of ARAGON
Father: Peter III The Grand, King of ARAGON
Mother: Constance Hohenstaufen of SICILY
Family 1 Robert, King of NAPLES

_Yolande of HUNGARY Violante of ARAGON _Frederick II, King of GERMANY ... HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)
Elizabeth BARSHAM
29 JUL 1658-165 - 28 Jul 1735
  • BIRTH : 29 JUL 1658-165, Cambridge, MA
  • DEATH : 28 Jul 1735
Father: William BARSHAM
Mother: Annabelle (Bland or) SMITH
Family 1 Adam EVE
  • MARRIAGE : 5 Jul 1694, Watertown, MA

_William BARSHAM _William BARSHAM _Ann YELVERTON ... HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)
Katharine BRECHT
6 Apr 1734 -
  • BIRTH : 6 Apr 1734
Father: Johann Michael BRECHT
Mother: Margareta SIMONE
_Hans Jost HOFFMAN
_Anna Katharine HOFFMAN Katharine BRECHT ... INDEX Katharine m. Peter Sheets of Heidelberg Twp., Berks Co., PA and was living at the time of his death in 1795. Children: Frances, Elizabeth and Peter. HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)
Sarah Ingrid ECKBERG
Father: Daniel Milton ECKBERG
Mother: Susan ADLER
_Orville ECKBERG
Sarah Ingrid ECKBERG INDEX still living - details excluded HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)

56. I6000: Godfrey De Bolebec, Vicomte Of ARQUES (____ - ____)
_Peter (Sr.) MORGRAGE _ Peter (Jr.) MORGRAGE _Peggy moore eliakim TUPPER.
Godfrey de Bolebec, Vicomte of ARQUES
Father: Osborne (II) DE BOLEBEC
Family 1
  • William, Vicomte of ARQUES Godfrey de Bolebec, Vicomte of ARQUES INDEX See (not verified) for this descent. HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)
    Gwynn Adelle CADWALLADER
    Father: James Kerrick CADWALLADER
    Mother: Myrtle Jane BRINER
    Gwynn Adelle CADWALLADER
    _Myrtle Jane BRINER INDEX still living - details excluded HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)
    Hugh Magnus DE CREPI
    • OCCUPATION : Leader of the 1st Crusade
    • DEATH
    Father: Henry I, King of FRANCE
    Mother: Anne of KIEV
    Family 1 Adelaide ("Adele") DE VERMANDOIS
    • MARRIAGE : [her first marriage]
  • Matilde of VERMANDOIX
  • Isabel (aka Elizabeth) DE VERMANDOIS _Constance DE TAILLEFER _Blanche D'ANJOU ... INDEX Hugh Magnus (perhaps title and not a surname) was leader of the first Crusade. He was Duke of France and Burgundy, Marquis of Orleans, Count of Amiens, Chaumont, Paris, Vermandois, etc. He and Adele also had Raoul de Vermandois (d. 1152). HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998)
  • 57. MathComp Database - Full View Of Document
    Colloquium (5th 1906 New Haven, CT). Author, moore, eliakim Hastings, 18621932.Author, Wilczynski, EJ (Ernest Julius), 1876-1932. Author, Mason, Max, 1877-.
    MathComp database - Full view of document
    to mail the record to your e-mail account.
    SYSNO Holdings
    Shelf No.
    SYMP. 56 Author American Mathematical Society. Colloquium (5th : 1906 : New Haven, CT) Author Moore, Eliakim Hastings, 1862-1932 Author Wilczynski, E. J. (Ernest Julius), 1876-1932 Author Mason, Max, 1877- Title The New Haven mathematical Colloquium : lectures delivered before members of the American mathematical Society in connection with the summer meeting, held September 5th to 8th, 1906, under the auspices of Yale University / by Eliakim Hastings
    Moore, Ernest Julius Wilczynski and Max Mason Corp.Head American Mathematical Society
    Imprint New Haven : Yale University Press, 1910
    Pages x, 222 p. : ill.
    Lang ENG Subject MathematicsCongresses Subject Functions Subject Geometry, Projective Subject Differential equations Subject 056 Linear Spaces, Functional Analysis, Hilbert and Banach Spaces
    Series Colloquium publications (American Mathematical Society) ; 002

    58. Oresmes_sept02.html
    The meeting was devoted to a study of the work of eliakim Hastings moore, pioneerof American research mathematics, native Ohioan and graduate of Cincinnati s
    The Tenth Meeting of the ORESME Reading Group
    January 24-25, 2003 Xavier University
    Members in attendance: Richard Davitt, University of Louisville
    Thomas Hern, Bowling Green State University
    Rebecca Kessler, Miami Univeristy, Middletown (1/24)
    Daniel Curtin, Northern Kentucky University (1/24)
    David Kullman, Miami Univeristy
    Charles Holmes, Miami University
    Charles Groetsch, University of Cincinnati
    Daniel Otero, Xavier University
    Chris Christensen, Northern Kentucky University We gathered for our traditional Friday evening meal at Sturkey's in Wyoming, Ohio, a restaurant noted for its fish plates. We were duly impressed by the fine dining experience...oh, the desserts! We were especially pleased to have lured first-time members, Tom Hern and Becky Kessler, to join us. Emergence of the American Mathematical Community , as well as G. A. Bliss' obit of Moore from the 1933 Monthly were invaluable resources. (Commendations also to Dick Davitt, who manages to cart half a library along to our meetings. His resources are often central to helping us to answer the questions we raise.) After a time, we began to slog our way through Moore's paper, A doubly infinite system of simple groups , the paper he read at the 1893 International Mathematical Congress, in which he contributed to the early work on the classification of finite groups.

    59. WDC GenWeb - Elisha Chesebrough Sr B. 1667 CT
    Gallupville NY m. Eugenia Hart Jan 26 1870, d. bef 1902 Gallupville * eliakim Williams(Chesebrough Green Co WI d. Oct 5 1889 Green Co m. Mary Jane moore Jul 13
    WDC GenWeb - Descendants of Elisha Chesebrough Sr
    * Elisha Chesebrough Sr b. Apr 4 1667 Wequetequock CT, d. Sep 1 1727 Stonington CT [ s/o Samuel Chesebrough Sr and Abigail Ingraham ] m. Marie (Mary) Miner Jan 27 1691/92 Stonington b. Oct 6 1671 Stonington, d. Nov 29 1704 Stonington * Mary Chesebrough b. Dec 15 1692 Stonington CT, d. Sep 4 1783 m. Daniel Stanton 1712 Westerly RI, b. Nov 4 1685 d. Jan 31 1769 Descendants of Mary Chesebrough and Daniel Stanton * Elihu Chesebrough b. Sep 15 1694 Stonington CT m. Anna McDowell Apr 23 1745 Stonington * Elisha Chesebrough Jr b. Sep 15 1694 Stonington CT, d. aft 1736 m. Hannah Chesebrough Jan 4 1720/21 Stonington b. Feb 25 1698/99 Stonington, d. aft 1737 * Elisha Chesebrough III b. Nov 21 1723 Stonington CT, d. Jul 1 1779 Stonington m. Hannah (Jemmieson) Jamison May 19 1747 Stonington b. abt 1718 Omagh Ireland, d. aft 1761 * Elisha Chesebrough b. bef Jan 17 1748/49 Stonington CT d. bef Jan 23 1748/49 Stonington * Robert Chesebrough b. bef Jan 17 1748/49 Stonington CT * Elisha Chesebrough IV b. Jan 23 1748/49 Stonington CT, d. Knox NY m. Hannah Page * Hannah Chesebrough b. Sep 30 1750 Stonington CT * Amos Chesebrough b. Aug 25 1752 Stonington CT, d. May 24 1788 m.

    60. Penobscot, Maine VRs - B
    BOWDEN. Willis A. 3 Jan 1837. eliakim BOWDEN Susan BRIDGES. BOWDEN (UNKNOWN).Elizabeth. BURGES. Betseytab 14 Dec 1786. John BURGES Hannah moore. BURGES. Ebenezer.
    Last Name First Name Birth Date Parents Death Date BANKS Polly 17 Apr 1772 4 Sep 1862 BASS Polly B. 26 Jan 1787 BASTEEN Aaron 9 Mar 1786 BASTEEN Dorcas 23 Aug 1798 BASTEEN Joseph Sep 1750 BASTEEN Joseph 23 Nov 1795 BASTEEN Martha 17 Aug 1758 BASTEEN Nabby 23 Aug 1784 BASTEEN Nehemiah 19 Jun 1791 BASTEEN Olive 27 Sep 1782 BASTEEN Rebeckah 31 Aug 1793 BASTEEN (UNKNOWN) Alis 15 Jun 1763 BEAL Helen M. 19 Aug 1835 4 Apr 1915 BILLINGS John B. W. 21 Aug 1827 BILLINGS Simeon 27 Aug 1825 BILLINGS Tobias 7 Feb 1804 BLACK BLACK Joanna 19 Dec 1797 BLACK Lucy 18 May 1772 BLACK Ruth 5 Nov 1759 16 Jan 1861 BLACK Ruth BLODGETT Betsy 13 Jun 1786 BLODGETT Israel 24 Aug 1791 BLODGETT John 14 Jun 1781 BLODGETT John King 3 Aug 1784 BLODGETT Lucy 11 Aug 1789 BLODGETT Samuel 25 Feb 1794 BLODGETT Seth 9 Dec 1747 2 Feb 1817 BLODGETT Seth 3 Sep 1776 BLODGETT Seth BLODGETT William 14 Jul 1779 BOLTON Lydia A. 28 Feb 1833 12 Apr 1905 BOWDEN Abby H. 28 May 1859 BOWDEN Abby S. 8 Nov 1847 17 May 1876 BOWDEN Abraham 2 Jul 1759 BOWDEN Abraham 29 Jun 1783 BOWDEN Ada V. 30 Dec 1860 BOWDEN Adelia F. 30 Aug 1852 BOWDEN Adelina 19 Jan 1836 8 Oct 1885 BOWDEN Bathsheba 8 Aug 1785 BOWDEN Betsy 8 Apr 1780 BOWDEN Caleb 25 Dec 1751 BOWDEN Caleb 22 Jan 1793 Oct 1866 BOWDEN Deborah 17 Feb 1793 BOWDEN Eliakim BOWDEN Emily 26 Jun 1827 24 Dec 1892 BOWDEN Francis A.

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