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         Mersenne Marin:     more books (57)
  1. Ornamentation method in P. Marin Mersenne's examples of air de cour diminutions by Leslie Epstein, 1980
  2. 1588-1988, quatrieme centenaire de la naissance de Marin Mersenne: Colloque scientifique international et celebration nationale (French Edition)
  3. Harmonie Universelle. Contenant la Theorie et la Pratique de la Musique (Paris, 1636). Edition Facsimile de l'Exemplaire Conserve a la Bibliotechque des Arts et Metiers et Annote par L'auteur by Marin Mersenne, 1965
  5. Harmonie Universelle, contenant la théorie et la pratique de la musique by Marin Mersenne, 1963-01-01
  6. Harmonie universelle: the books on instruments by Marin Mersenne, 1957
  7. First book of the voice [and] Second book of songs: Translation by Marin Mersenne, 1969
  9. Correspondance du P Marin Mersenne Religieux Minime: XIII 1644-1645 by Paul Tannery, 1977
  10. Correspondance du P Marin Mersenne Religieux Minime: XII 1643 by Paul Tannery, 1972
  11. Correspondance Du P Marin Mersenne XIII by TanneryPaul, 1977
  12. Mersenne and evolving tonal theory (Journal of Music Theory) by Albion Gruber, 1971
  13. Harmonie Universelle. Contenant La Theorie et La Pratique De La Musique. (3 volumes). by Marin Mersenne, 1963
  14. GROTIUS TO GASSENDI (Essays on Early Modern Philosophers) by Chappell, 1992-03-01

61. THE MERSENNE PAGE - (Marin Mersenne - 1588-1648) - Biography - Bibliography - In
FLORIDA. marin mersenne (15881648) mersenne - Biography - RA Hatch.mersenne Bibliography - mersenne Bibliography - RA Hatch. mersenne
The Mersenne Page - Mersenne Galilei - Biography - Bibliography - Information - Links - Dr Robert A. Hatch T H E M E R S E N N E P A G E
Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) Mersenne - Biography - R.A. Hatch Mersenne Bibliography - Mersenne Bibliography - R.A. Hatch Mersenne Chronology - Mersenne's Life - Chronology - R.A. Hatch
The Scientific Revolution - Table of Contents


62. Marin Mersenne, Martin Aigner
Translate this page marin mersenne, Martin Aigner. In der unten angebenen Quellen sindzur Herkunft des Beweises leider keine weiteren Angaben zu finden
Marin Mersenne, Martin Aigner
In der unten angebenen Quellen sind zur Herkunft des Beweises leider keine weiteren Angaben zu finden, daher sind der Namensgeber der im Beweis benutzten Zahlen und der erste Verfasser der Quelle angegeben.
p - 1. Sei q nun ein beliebiger Primteiler dieser Mersenne-Zahl, dann gilt 2 p Z q Z q
Martin Aigner, Günther M. Ziegler, Das BUCH der Beweise, Springer-Verlag 2002
Martin Aigner, Günther M. Ziegler, Proofs from THE BOOK, Springer-Verlag 1998

63. Marin Mersenne
According to the Internet source given below ( JJ O Connor and EF Robertson), MarinMersenne was a French mathematician who attended school at the College of
Composers M
Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) According to the Internet source given below ( J.J. O'Connor and E.F. Robertson), Marin Mersenne was a French mathematician who attended school at the College of Mans, then, from 1604 spent five years in the Jesuit College at La Fleche. From 1609 to 1611 he studied theology at the Sorbonne.
Mersenne joined the religious order of the Minims in 1611. The name of the order comes since the Minims regard themselves as the least (minimi) of all the religious; they devote themselves to prayer, study and scholarship. Mersenne continued his education within the order at Nigeon and then at Meaux. He returned to Paris where in 1612 he became a priest at the Place Royale.
He taught philosophy at the Minim convent at Nevers from 1614 to 1618. In 1619 he returned again to Paris to the Minims de l'Annociade near Place Royale. His cell in Paris became a meeting place for Fermat, Pascal, Gassendi, Roberval, Beaugrand and others who later became the core of the French Academy. Mersenne corresponded with other eminent mathematicians and he played a major role in communicating mathematical knowledge throughout Europe at a time when there were no scientific journals.
His interests in music is demonstrated in his (1627), a work on music, musical instruments and acoustics.

64. MSN Encarta - Mersenne, Marin
Translate this page mersenne, marin. mersenne, marin (1588–1648), französischer Mathematiker, Philosoph,Theologe und Musiktheoretiker. Suchen in Encarta nach mersenne, marin.
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65. Frommann-holzboog
Translate this page Autoren / Autoren a bis z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t uv w x y z. mersenne, marin Lieferbare Titel. Schnellsuche. Autoren, Mar

66. NodeWorks - Philosophy: Philosophers: Mersenne, Marin
marin mersenne, 15881648. in entire NodeWorks Directory.,_Marin/
in entire NodeWorks Directory in Society in Philosophy in Philosophers in M in ++ Mersenne, Marin Top Society Philosophy Philosophers ... M Mersenne, Marin Marin Mersenne, 1588-1648. Early Modern French priest and philosopher. He corresponded widely and was a close friend of Descartes . He is remembered today largely for his contributions to number theory, especially the theory of Mersenne primes Biographies of Mathematicians: Marin Mersenne Reviews his life and mathematical contributions. Catalog of the Scientific Community: Mersenne, Marin Basic biographical facts compiled as part of the Galileo Project. Catholic Encyclopedia: Marin Mersenne Article by C.A. Dubray reviewing the intellectual career of this learned Minim friar. Horror Vacui? Marin Mersenne Brief article focusing on Mersenne's role in the early scientific debate on this problem of the vacuum. Luke's Marin Mersenne Page A collection of pages and links concerned with this philosopher, mathematician and scientist. Marin Mersenne Biography of the Minim friar and his contributions to number theory. Includes references, pictures, and cross-references to other topics.

67. Destins - Biographies - Marca A Mersenne
Translate this page 1800). ACCUEIL, SOURCE. Haut de page. mersenne, marin. Né en 1588à Oizé (Sarthe). Homme de sciences, théologien et philosophe.
M Marca Marchand Marche Maret ... Mersenne MENU MARCA Pierre de. De Marca De la concorde du sacerdoce et de l'Etat , et une ACCUEIL SOURCE MARCHAND , Louis. ACCUEIL LIEN EXTERNE SOURCE MARCHE Antoine Alfred. , et avec de Brazza et Ballay ACCUEIL SOURCE MARET Hugues. Guyton-Morveau Durey de Noinville. ACCUEIL SOURCE MARGRAFF Achard Opuscules chimiques ACCUEIL SOURCE MAROLLES Michel de. 1656-1657, une description de Paris (1677), une Histoire auguste des empereurs romains (1677), Le livre des peintres et des graveurs , des catalogues ACCUEIL SOURCES MARQUETTE , Jacques. ACCUEIL LIEN EXTERNE SOURCE MARTEL (Lyon, 1601) ; (Lyon, 1601) ; Discours sur la curation des arquebusades ACCUEIL SOURCE MASCART Mascart ACCUEIL SOURCE Herschel Delambre ACCUEIL SOURCE On peut citer, parmi ses oeuvres : Une affaire d'honneur La marquise de Senneterre Le chevalier de Saint-Georges Les bijoux indiscrets ACCUEIL SOURCE , Gilles. Vaugelas ACCUEIL SOURCE Vien Il a peint, entre autres, ACCUEIL LIEN EXTERNE SOURCE MENIER , Emile Justin. Menier ACCUEIL SOURCE MERCATOR , Gerhard KREMER, dit.

68. Biographie Sommaire De Marin Mersenne
marin mersenne.En construction - En construction - En construction - En
Biographie sommaire

69. Mersenne
Translate this page marin mersenne. Notice biographique. marin mersenne (1588-1648) Néà Oizé, près de La Flèche, il fait ses études au collège
Marin Mersenne
Notice biographique
Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) : Descartes Pascal que Gassendi Hobbes , en 1634, et les de Descartes et qui rassemble les Objections De l'harmonie universelle Pomponazzi De Cive
M. Mersenne : Quaestiones celeberrimae in Genesim (...) , Paris, S. Cramoisy, 1623. M. Mersenne : , Paris, P. Bilaine, 1624. M. Mersenne : , Paris, T. Du Bray, 1625. M. Mersenne : Questions harmoniques (...) , Paris, J. Villery, 1634. M. Mersenne : Questions inouyes ou recreation des scavans , Paris, J. Villery, 1634. M. Mersenne : Les questions theologiques, physiques, morales et mathematiques , Paris, H. Guenon, 1634. M. Mersenne : Correspondance du P. Marin Mersenne
II. Commentaires
Popkin, R. H. : "Father Mersenne's War against Pyrrhonism", in Modern Schoolman , XXXIV, 1956-1957, p. 61-78. Lenoble, R : , Paris, 1943. Lenoble, R. : "Histoire et physique. A propos des conseils de Mersenne aux historiens", in Revue d'Histoire des Sciences , VI, 1953, p. 112-134.

70. F205 Maassen, Jacques
F053 mersenne, marin, Harmonie universelle, 1 (facs. Paris, 1965). F054mersenne, marin, Harmonie universelle, 2 (facs. Paris, 1965).
Maassen, Jacques , Bespreking uitgave De Gruijtters met inleiding door A.Abbenes en A.Lehr door Eijsbouts (Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, jg.21, 1970, p.189-192). Maassen, Jacques , Klokken en klokkenspelen te Breda (Utrecht, 1973). Maassen, Jacques , Van Beyeren tot carillonmuziek (Huismuziek, no.3, 1974, p.3-6). Maassen, Jacques , De 20e eeuw brengt weer meer muziek in de beiaardkunst (Huismuziek, no.3, 1974, p.10-13). Maassen, Jacques, Klokken en klokkenspelers te Breda, 1501-1724 (Jaarvoek 'De Oranjeboom', 1975, p.56-94). Maassen, Jacques, Maassen, Jacques , Nationaal Beiaardmuseum, Asten (Muziek en Onderwijs, jg.17, 1979, p.17-18). [2 ex.] Made, Johan van der , De H.Gummarus-kerk [te Terheyden] in woord en beeld (De Vlasselt, nr.36, herfst 1987). Madge, Sidney, Moulton church and its bells (London 1895). Mafra , Os Carrilhoes de Mafra (Lissabon, 1989). Mafra , Palácio Nacional de Mafra, Inauguraçao do carrilhao, 20 e 24 de Abril 1987. Maggs Musical Miscellany including one hundred items on bells (London, 1975). Magius, Hieronymus

71. B01 Campanologie
b01 campanologie. A015 mersenne, marin, Harmonie universelle. F053 mersenne, marin,Harmonie universelle, 1. F054 mersenne, marin, Harmonie universelle, 2.
campanologie Mersenne, Marin, Harmonie universelle. Mersenne, Marin, Harmonie universelle, 1. Mersenne, Marin, Harmonie universelle, 2. Mersenne, Marin, Harmonie universelle, 3. Clercq, P. le, Schouwtoneel der Natuur, of de bysonderheden der Natuurlyke Historie. Pluche, N.A., Schauplatz der Natur. Otte, Heinrich, Glockenkunde. Ellerhorst, Winfred, Handbuch der Glockenkunde. Mahrenholz, Christhard, Glockenkunde. Heuven, E.W. van, Acoustical Measurements on Church-Bells and Carillons. Lehr, André, On vibration patterns before Chladni. Vas Nunes, Abraham, Tonen en boventonen van torenklokken in verband met het Beginsel der Dynamische Gelijkvormigheid. Vas Nunes, Abraham, Trillingen van torenklokken. Lehr, André, Partial groups in the bells sound. Walker, Jearl, Experiment des Monats. Schouten, J.F., en 't Hart, J., De slagtoon van klokken. Schouten, J.F., en 't Hart, J., De slagtoon van klokken. Bruhn, Gothard, Über die Hörbarkeit von Glockenschlagtönen. Lehr, André, Klokken als muziekinstrumenten. Lehr, André, De dynamiek van de klokkeklank. Bloemen, E., De geborsten kleijne klock.

72. Mersenne
Translate this page Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien. mersenne, marin, französ. Mathematiker *8. 9. 1588 Soultière, † 1. 9. 1648 Paris. Arbeitsgebiete Zahlentheorie.
Zurück zur Übersicht Biografien Mersenne , Marin, französ. Mathematiker
Arbeitsgebiete: Zahlentheorie Mersenn war ein Freund von R. Descartes

73. Marin Mersenne Balance
marin mersenne balance. 1072. This is an example of the famous marin mersenne balance,an apparatus to estimate the forces that animate bodies in movement .
M arin Mersenne balance
156 x 45.5 x 21
Carved wood, steel and brass
INDEX 1788 : I.V.181 Physices Elementa T his is an example of the famous Marin Mersenne balance, an apparatus to estimate the "forces that animate bodies in movement". This matter is of great importance, not only for the benefit to be gained by knowing about it, but also for the significance which it acquired in the history of scientific thought. During the 17th and 18th centuries the subject was debated with great enthusiasm, and some of the most notable physicists and philosophers contributed to the discussion. The physicists of this time agreed that bodies in movement were animated by "forces" which they were able to measure, indirectly, by studying the effects that they produced. The fundamental issue at stake is, as can easily be concluded, the concept of energy and not force. The intellectual climate had long been prepared for the emergence of the concept of energy but, since scientific knowledge had not reached sufficient maturity to formulate it, this became something of a battle as there were no words to express what was wanted and the argumentation became entangled in a confused web. Descartes, attempting to evaluate the "forces that animated bodies in movement" through the effects that they produced, concluded that it was possible to do this by knowing the mass and speed of the body, and that the "force" would be proportional to any one of these measurements. Descartes thus identified the "force" with the "quantity of motion" of the body. Alongside Descartes other famous names were to be found, such as Father Mersenne, Gassendi, Desaguliers, Maclaurin, Jurin, Varignon, etc.

74. Beliefs & Culture
In France, marin mersenne (15881648) and Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655), althoughthemselves sympathetic to the skeptical tradition, argued that precise
Beliefs and culture
Lord Herbert of Cherbury
Pierre Bayle
Philosophical Skepticism Descartes wanted to refute skeptics who said that true knowledge was impossible. He insisted that we could be sure of our own existence, and indeed deduce much more. But some thought that Descartes' attack on Pyrrhonism had resulted in only a Pyrrhic victory: on reading the Meditations it can seem that Descartes' doubts are more persuasive than his certainties. In England, William Chillingworth (1602-44) and Joseph Glanvill (1636-80) accepted many of the skeptics' tenets but argued that people could reach a reasonable certainty quite adequate for normal life.
Marin Mersenne
Pierre Gassendi In France, Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) and Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655), although themselves sympathetic to the skeptical tradition, argued that precise scientific observation supplied useful, largely reliable information about the physical world. Philosophical skepticism reached its seventeenth century peak in Pierre Bayle (1647-1706). Bayle challenged the pretensions of human reason, as well as doubting the reliability of sensory data. He adopted the pose of being an ultra-orthodox fideist with such dry wit, that some people still believe he was a faithful son of the Roman Catholic Church.

75. Collection De Nombres - Mersenne, Conjecture, Record, Premier
Translate this page Arrive le moine français marin mersenne (1588-1648). § mersenne mentionnedans la préface de son livre. Cogitata Physica-Mathematica (1644).
Accueil Dictionnaire Rubriques Index ... M'écrire Édition du: Rubrique: Nombres en PUISSANCE de DEUX FERMAT MERSENNE Nombres de Fermat Nombres de Mersenne ... Diviseurs Sommaire de cette page NOMBRES DE MERSENNE THÉORÈMES ET CONJECTURES HISTORIQUE LISTE DES NOMBRES PREMIERS DE MERSENNE RECORDS MERSENNE AU CARRÉ Pages voisines Rubriques débutants Panorama Carrés Magiques Nombres magiques ... Humour Pages voisines: Nombres Remarquables Puissance 2 Fibonacci Nombres Kaprekar Fermat ... Nombres Têtus NOMBRES DE MERSENNE NOMBRE DE MERSENNE M p p Si M p est premier alors p est premier Exemples: M M M M M 2 047 = 23 x 89 M n'est pas premier M M M M Le nombre de Mersenne M n'est pas premier Cas des Repunits Les Rep-units sont les nombres formés d'une succession de 1 En base 2, ils sont de la forme 2 n Ce sont des nombres de Mersenne en base 2 THÉORÈMES ET CONJECTURES Existe-t-il ? une infinité de nombre de Mersenne premiers ou composés ? On ne sait pas prouver que: les nombre de Mersenne premiers sont en nombre infini les nombres de Mersenne composés, ayant un exposant premier, sont en nombre infini On sait aujourd'hui que si "

76. - /Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/M/Mersenne,_Marin
mersenne, marin. Siehe auch Catalog of the Scientific Community mersenne,marin Basic biographical facts compiled as part of the Galileo Project.,_Marin

77. AAC Database - Browse - List
5, mersenne de L ordre des Minimes See mersenne, marin,15881648. 5, mersenne,marin, 1588-1648. 5, Mersennus, marinus, 1588-1648 See mersenne, marin,1588-1648.
Sourasky Central Library
The numbers in the list below indicate the number of documents listed under a term.
To display the documents, click on an eye . To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. Mersch, Claudine Gothot-
See: Gothot-Mersch, Claudine Merseburg (Diocese)
See: Merseburg (Germany :Diocese) Merseburg (Germany : Diocese) Merseburger Codex
See: Domstiftsbibliothek Merseburg.Manuscript129 Mersenne de L'ordre des Minimes
See: Mersenne, Marin,1588-1648 Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648 Mersennus, Marinus, 1588-1648
See: Mersenne, Marin,1588-1648 Mersereau, John Mersey, Charles Clive Bigham, Viscount, 1872-1956 Mersey, Clive Bigham, 2d Viscount, 1872-1956
See: Mersey, Charles Clive Bigham,Viscount,1872-1956 Mersey, Daniel Merseyside (England). National Museums and Galleries
See: National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside

78. AAC Database - Short View Of Documents
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Sourasky Central Library
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Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648 ... Ham Harmonie universal. part i Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648 ... Harmonie universelle, contenant la Theorie et la pratique de la musique ... Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648 ... Marin Mersenne, an edited translation of the fourth treatise of the Harmonie ... Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648 ... Marin Mersenne, "Traite de l'Harmonie universelle" : Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648 ... La verite des sciences :

79. 40th Mersenne Prime Discovered
The discovery marks only the 40th known mersenne prime, named after marin mersenne, a 17th century French monk who first studied the numbers 300 years ago.
Mersenne Project Discovers Largest Known Prime Number
on World-Wide Volunteer Computer Grid
-1 is Found with 25,000 Years of Computer Time
ORLANDO, Florida - December 2, 2003 Michael Shafer, a 26 year-old volunteer in the research project called the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) , has discovered the largest known prime number. Shafer used a Michigan State University lab PC and free software by George Woltman and Scott Kurowski as part of an international grid of 211,000 networked computers in virtually every time zone of the world. The new number, expressed as 2 to the 20,996,011th power minus 1, has 6,320,430 decimal digits and was discovered November 17th. It is more than two million digits larger than the previous largest known prime number, and belongs to a special class of rare prime numbers called Mersenne primes . The discovery marks only the 40th known Mersenne prime, named after Marin Mersenne , a 17th century French monk who first studied the numbers 300 years ago. Mersenne primes are most relevant to number theory, but most participants join GIMPS simply for the fun of having a role in real research - and the chance of finding a new Mersenne prime. The new prime is 63% of the qualifying size for the $100,000

The mersenne Prime Homepage mersenne primes, and mersenne numbers in general, were discovered by theFrench monk marin mersenne, who is depicted in the picture above.

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