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         Mercator Nicolaus:     more detail
  1. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  2. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2009-07-17
  3. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  4. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  5. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  6. In Mathematical Circles : A Selection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes Quadrants III and IV by Howard W. Eves, 1969

61. Noteworthy: Antiquarian, Out-of-print And Rare Books
Arnhan, 1621. Call number 1444 II Atlasy; mercator, Gerard. Atlas Minor. Amsterdam,1655. No call number; Vischer, nicolaus. Atlas Minor Sive Geographia.
Editorial Commentary Revisiting the Past Cooperation and Survival Alexander the Great Alternative Sources ... North American Book Towns Recent Articles Lifetime Sentences By Charles E. Gould, Jr. Of Saints, Sex and Censorship By Anthony Marshall When the Comics Migrate from the Funnies By Diane DeBlois September, and Thomas Paine By Roy Meador The Literary Offenses of Robert B. Parker By Charles E. Gould, Jr. Fluffy Bookshops: or Every Man his Own Bookseller By Anthony Marshall Plagiarize, Publish, and Perish By Charles E. Gould, Jr. by Marvin Mondlin and Roy Meador Literature of the Trade Card by Diane DeBlois Bookman in the Bush by Anthony Marshall Call Him Writer! by Roy Meador Damnation! by Tom Benton by Charles E. Gould, Jr. Good Book, Bad Book? by Anthony Marshall Maestros of Murder: Hammett, Chandler, Macdonald by Roy Meador
Celebrating Thomas Frognall Dibdin
by Ronald Morris Dog Days by Anthony Marshall Of Reading and Me by Roy Meador Almanacs as Ephemera by Diane DeBlois Oh Jerusalem! by Anthony Marshall Not Cheap, But Good: Fra Elbertus and the Roycrofters by Tom Benton by Roy Meador
APHA Call for Papers Speakers need not be academics, and they welcome participation by illustrators, printers, artists, design professionals, and other practitioners in the book arts, as well as librarians, curators, independent scholars, and collectors. All papers are limited strictly to a reading time of twenty minutes.

62. Überblick - 700 N.Chr. Bis 1700 N.Chr.
Translate this page Bürgi (Logarithmen) Bonaventura Cavalieri (Geometria indivisibilibum) Girard DesarguesGilles de Roberval Christiaan Huygens nicolaus mercator Isaac Newton
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Zur Startseite Überblick 600 v. Chr. ... SCHLUSS 700 n. Chr. - 1700 n. Chr.
[ Historische Entwicklungen ]
Für eine komplette Zeitlinie aller Mathematiker, die 700 n. Chr. bis 1700 n. Chr. gewirkt haben, klicken Sie bitte hier v.Chr. Geschichtl. Ereignisse Übersetzung indischer Werke
ins Arabische
Tabit ibn Qurra
Gerbert wird Papst
Omar Khayyam
Hermann von Kärnten
Gerhard von Cremona Jordanus Nemorarius Nasir Eddin Nikolaus Oresme Johannes von Gmunden Georg von Peuerbach Erstdruck der "Elemente" Euklids Pietro Borghi Michael Stifel Geronimo Cardano (Ars magna) Rafael Bombelli Simon Stevin Thomas Harriot Johannes Kepler (Astronomia Nova) Henry Briggs (Logarithmen) Marin Marsenne Pierre de Fermat René Descartes (Discours de la methode) Evangelista Torricelli Blaise Pascal John Wallis (Arithmetica infinitorum) James Gregory Isaac Barrow Seki Kowa Gottfried Leibniz (erste Ar- beit über den Calculus) Jakob Bernoulli Ehrenfried von Tschirnhausen Alkuin kommt an den Hof Karls des Großen Mahavira Übersetzung der "Elemente" ins Arabische Abu Kamil Abu-l-Wafa Alhazen Bhaskara Chinesische Arithmetik Adelhard von Bath Robert von Chester Fibonacci (liber abaci) Johannes Scrobosco Chu Shi-Kie Gründung der Universität

63. Math History - Baroque Era
1651, nicolaus mercator publishes three works on trigonometry and astronomy, Trigonometriasphaericorum logarithmica, Cosmographia and Astronomica sphaerica.

64. Lexique De La Prose Latine De La Renaissance
Martin Luther; nicolaus Maioranus; Paulus Manutius; Rodrigo Manrique; Philippe Marnixde SainteAldegonde; Philippus Melanchthon; Gerardus mercator; Georgius

65. Mare Balticum - Vineta
10 Gerhard mercator Marca Brandenburgensis et Pomerania Wineta emporium destructumanno 11 nicolaus Visscher Kort over hertugdømmerne Pommern og Mecklenborg.

66. Mare Balticum - Vineta
10 Gerhard mercator Marca Brandenburgensis et Pomerania ‘Wineta emporium destructumanno 11 nicolaus Visscher Map of the duchies of Pomerania and Mecklenburg

67. R&D - Surveying - Cartography
Translate this page P. Netzgeometrie und Abbildungskonzept der Karte des nicolaus von Cues P. GermaniaeUniversalis – Untersuchungen zur Netzgeometrie der mercator-Karte aus
University of Duisburg and Essen / Location Essen Surveying Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Berger
Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Mesenburg
Research Profile:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Berger
phone: 0201/183-7345
fax: 0201/183-7379
Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Mesenburg
phone: 0201/183-7336
fax: 0201/183-7379 Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Berger Surveying by Sattellites lnvolution of economy by best mobile ALF-DGPS-surveying for production of topographic survey of Basic Mapping development of methods to increase the accuracy of position and elevation as soon as the availability of data. Digital Cartography Tests of module systems of motor vehicle-navigation for the aim of revised topographic map. Thematic Cartography / GIS Visualization and presentation of Geodata map production by data processing of 2D- and 3D-distribution plans respectively of models of landscapes of settlements and holiday regions development of combined "line"- and photomaps for purpose of recreation analogical and digital 3D-city maps for the tourism internet maps with the themes of culture, sport and economy.

68. Tidslinje Fysik Till 1799
projektil 1551 Girolamo Cardano, studerar fallande kroppar 1543 nicolaus Copernicus,heliocentrisk teori publiserad 1546 Gerardus mercator, Magnetiska poler
Tidslinje fysik till 1799
585 f.Kr Thales
580 f.Kr Thales
580 f.Kr Thales, Materie byggs upp av vatten
f.Kr Thales
f.Kr Thales
f.Kr Anaximenes , platt jord
f.Kr Pythagoras
520 f.Kr Anaximander
515 f.Kr Parmenides
f.Kr Pythagoreans
480 f.Kr Oenopides f.Kr Protagoras f.Kr Heraclitos f.Kr Heraclitos f.Kr Parmenides f.Kr Anaxagoras , Materien betår av små "frön"(atomer) f.Kr Anaxagoras f.Kr Anaxagoras f.Kr Eudoxus f.Kr Empedocles , dom fyra elementen: Jord, Luft, Eld och Vatten f.Kr Philolaus , Jorden roterar f.Kr Zeno , paradoxer om diskret eller kontinueligt rum och tid 445 f.Kr Leucippos , odelbara atomer f.Kr Democritos , Atom teori f.Kr Plato n, teori om kunskap f.Kr Plato n, eter som det femte elementet f.Kr Democritos f.Kr Aristoteles , Fritt fallande kroppar accelereras men tyngre kroppar faller fortare f.Kr Heracleides , Venus och Merkurius cirklar runt solen f.Kr Kina , Nedskriven observation av en supernova f.Kr Heracleides , Jordens rotation f.Kr Aristoteles f.Kr Aristoteles f.Kr Kiddinu f.Kr

69. TruePhysics Physics In A New Way.
of fall rates. 1543, nicolaus Copernicus, heliocentric theory published.1546, Gerardus mercator, Magnetic pole of Earth. 1572, Tycho Brahe,

70. Index Authors Nomenclator
Translate this page Connanus, Franciscus E1v Constantinus Imperator M1r Copernicus, nicolaus I1v Cornarius Melanchthon,Philippus D2r, L1v, L2v, Melito C4r mercator, Gerardus L2v
Universiteitsbibliotheek Bijzondere collecties Nomenclator Index authors
Index of authors mentioned in the Nomenclator compiled by Jan Just Witkam
Abraham Hebraeus, R.
Aelianus, C1.
Aelius Spartianus
Aeneas Gazaens
Aeneas Sylvius
Aerodius, P. Aeschines Aetius Agapetus Agathias Agnellus Alciatus, Andreas Alcimus Avitus Alcuinus Aldhelmus Alexander Aphrodisias Alexander Trallianus Alexius Comnenus Alfonsus rex Hispaniarum Algerus Alhasenus Alphonsus a Cartagena Alpinus, Prosper Amasaeus, Romulus Ambrosius Ammianus Marcellinus Ammonius Alexandrinus Ammonius Saccas Amphilochius Anastasius Alexandrinus Anastasius ep. Nicenus Anastasius patr. Antiochenus Andreas Hierosolymitanus Andocides Antiphon Antoninus archiep. Florentinus

71. Harmonik-Vortrag 1993_317
Translate this page verglichen 1. Die rationalen Systeme, wie das pythagoräische, das didymische, dasseptimal-ekmelische und das 53-stufige Quintsystem nach nicolaus mercator.
Beziehungen zwischen Tonsystemen - Ein Vergleich
Prof. Rolf Maedel

Im Laufe der Musikgeschichte wurde mit den verschiedensten Tonsystemen experimentiert, um reine und mikrotonale Stimmungen verwirklichen zu können. Im Vortrag werden verschiedene Systeme vorgestellt und miteinander verglichen:
1. Die rationalen Systeme, wie das pythagoräische, das didymische, das septimal-ekmelische und das 53-stufige Quintsystem nach Nicolaus Mercator.
2. Die irrationalen Systeme, die sich aus einer gleichstufigen Teilung der Oktave ergeben, so die 12-, 17-, 19-, 31-, 41-, 43- und 53-stufigen Temperaturen und die 72-stufige optimale Mikrotonleiter als Hörgrenze.
3. Die transzendenten Systeme, so die Glockenoberton-Reihen nach Prof. Hueber und Reihen, die sich aus Potenzen der Zahlen e und Pi ergeben. Diese werden der rationalen Tradition gegenübergestellt.
Am folgenden Sonntag werden wir im Harmonik-Gesprächskreis zusammen mit Prof. Maedel das Thema vertiefen.
Vortrag am 13.11.93

72. 1543-1642, Een Eeuw Copernicanisme: Ook Voor De Zuid-Nederlander? (Steve Philips
KG VANACKER, Schatten van de Universiteitsbibliotheek te Gent 3, nicolaus Copernicus(14731543)., Gent, RUCB T. PENNEMAN, Astrologie in de eeuw van mercator.
1642, een eeuw Copernicanisme: ook voor de Zuid Nederlander? (Steve Philips) home lijst scripties inhoud vorige ... volgende
7 Bibliografie.
BOSTYN (N.), CLOET (M.) en De VREESE (K.), Repertorium van de dekenale visitatieverslagen betreffende de Mechelse kerkprovincie (1559-1801). , Leuven, Belgisch centrum voor landelijke geschiedenis, 1989, 322 p. BOTS (H.) en WAQUET (F.), La République des Lettres .,Parijs, Belin-De Boeck, 1997, 188 p. BRAEKEN (L.), De dekenij Herentals (1603-1669). , Leuven, Universitaire pers, 1982, 252 p. BREUGELMANS (R.), Christoffel Plantijn in Leiden (1583-1585). , Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, 1989, 41 p. CAPP (B.), Astrology and the popular press, English Almanacs 1500-1800. , London, Faber and Faber, 1979, 452 p. CLAES (F.), De thesaurus van Plantijn van 1573. , ’s Gravenhage, Mouton, 1972, 57 p. +558 p. CLAES (F.), Het Tetratglotton van 1562, ’s Gravenhage, Mouton, 1972, 192 p. + 662 p. CLOET (M.) en TRIEST (A.), Itenarium visitationum Antonii Triest episcopi Gandavensis (1623-1654). De visitatieverslagen van bisschop Triest.

73. Browse Norris Books By Author - M
Translate this page mercator, nicolaus. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, …Cum TabulisTychonianis Solaribus, Lunaribus, Lunae-Solaribus, Et Rudolphinis Solis.
A B C D ... L M N O P Q ... Z
Mabillon, Jean.

Brussels: Chez Eugene Henry Fricx, 1692.
Macarius, St.

Leipzig: In Bibliopolio Grossiano, 1714.

Opvscvla Nonnvlla et Apophthegmata. (Ed. Johann Georg Pritz.) Leipzig: In Bibliopolio Grossiano. Litteris Christoph. Fleischeri, 1699.
Disputationum De Repvblica, Quas Discursus Nvncvpavit. Libri III. ...
Basle: 1580.]
[Macrobius, Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius.]

In somnium Scipionis, libri II. Saturnaliorum, libri VII.
Lyon: apud Seb. Gryphium, 1548.]
Macropedius, Georgius.

London: Excudebat Abraham Miller, 1649.
Magirus, Joannes.

Corona Virtutum moralium, Vniversam Aristotelis Svmmi Philosophi Ethicen exacte enucleans.
Frankfurt: In Collegio Musarum Paltheniano, 1608.
Physiologiae Peripateticae, Libri Sex. Cvm Commentariis….Quibus additur Caspari Bartholini…Enchiridium Metaphysicum. Geneva: Apud Petrvm Albertvm, 1629. ... [n.p.] 1658.
Magni Philosophorvm Arcani Revelator...

Geneva: Apud Samvelem De Tovrnes, 1688.

74. Fellows Of The Royal Society
William Neile 20 May 1663 John Pell 20 May 1663 John Wallis 20 May 1663 ChristopherWren 20 May 1663 Christiaan Huygens 22 Jun 1663 nicolaus mercator 14 Nov
Fellows of the Royal Society of London
The list of fellows given below is only those scientists elected Fellows of the Royal Society whose biographies appear in the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, together with some present day mathematicians. The list also gives their date of their election to the Society. William Brouncker 22 Apr 1663
Robert Boyle
22 Apr 1663
John Wilkins
22 Apr 1663
Isaac Barrow
20 May 1663
Robert Hooke
20 May 1663
William Neile
20 May 1663
John Pell
20 May 1663
John Wallis
20 May 1663
Christopher Wren
20 May 1663
Christiaan Huygens
22 Jun 1663
Nicolaus Mercator
14 Nov 1666 Ismael Boulliau 4 Apr 1667 John Collins 17 Oct 1667 James Gregory 11 Jun 1668 Isaac Newton 11 Jan 1672 Jean D Cassini 22 May 1672 Gottfried W von Leibniz 9 Apr 1673 Renatus F Sluze 16 Apr 1674 Jonas Moore 3 Dec 1674 John Flamsteed 8 Feb 1676 Edmond Halley 30 Nov 1678 Denis Papin 8 Nov 1682 Joseph Raphson 30 Nov 1689 David Gregory 30 Nov 1692 Vincenzo Viviani 29 Apr 1696 Abraham de Moivre 30 Nov 1697 John Keill 30 Nov 1700 John Arbuthnot 30 Nov 1704 Guido Grandi 4 May 1709 Giovanni Poleni 30 Nov 1710 John Craig 30 Nov 1711 William Jones 30 Nov 1711 Roger Cotes 30 Nov 1711 Brook Taylor 20 Mar 1712 Johann Bernoulli 1 Dec 1712 Nicolaus (I) Bernoulli 11 Mar 1714 Pierre Varignon 29 Jul 1714 Willem Jakob 'sGravesande 9 Jun 1715 Pierre R de Montmort 9 Jun 1715 John Hadley 21 Mar 1717 Thomas F de Lagny 1 Dec 1718 Colin Maclaurin 5 Nov 1719 Giulio Fagnano 30 Nov 1723 James Stirling 3 Nov 1726 Benjamin Robins 9 Nov 1727 Samuel Clarke 2 May 1728

75. Berühmte Mathematik: Länder > Andere Länder
Translate this page Niklas Koppernigk (1473 bis 1543), Polen nicolaus mercator (1620 bis 1687), DänemarkChristiaan Huygens (1629 bis 1695), Niederlanden Hoene Wronski (1778 bis
Bitte schalten Sie JavaScript ein
und laden Sie das Dokument neu ('reload')! Niklas Koppernigk
(1473 bis 1543), Polen
Nicolaus Mercator
Christiaan Huygens
(1629 bis 1695), Niederlanden
Hoene Wronski (1778 bis 1853), Polen
Bernard Bolzano
(1781 bis 1848), Tschechei
Nicolai Ivanovitsch Lobatschevsky
Janos Bolyai
(1802 bis 1860), Ungarn
Pafnuti Tschebyscheff

(1846 bis 1927), Schweden
Sophia Kovalesvskaya Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov Hermann Minkowski

76. Isaac Barrow's Fundamental Theorem
were known to the Indians and other types of series were discovered by the EnglishJohn Wallis (16161703), the DanishEnglish nicolaus mercator ( not Gerard
Lecture 18 Barrow's proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Background: Calculus between Fermat and Newton.
The historical order of the five essential steps in the development of Calculus are almost the exact opposite of the order in which we teach them::
  • Areas of figures and volumes of solids of revolution. Tangents to curves Power Series The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, both INT a b f'(x) dx = f(b) - f(a) and d/dx INT a x f(t) dt = f(x). Limits.
  • We have seen how by 1650 fundamental discoveries were made in 1. and 2. by Descartes, Fermat, de Roberval and others we have not studied, including Cavalieri, Torricelli and Pascal. As for series, recall that Archimedes used a geometric series in his quadrature of the parabola. Geometric series in general were known to the Indians and other types of series were discovered by the English John Wallis (16161703), the DanishEnglish Nicolaus Mercator ( not Gerard, the cartographer) (16201687) and the Scots John Napier (15501617) and James Gregory (16381675). For example, the latter had a geometric derivation of the arctan series arctan x = x - x /3 + x /5 - ... from which pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 +...

    77. Mercator Nicolas
    MERCATOR Nicolaus, allemand, 1620-1687 De son vrai nom Kaufmann Nicolas de Holstein Mercator Gerhard Kremer Gregory et Leibniz D'Alembert l'inventeur des suites infinies Newton Logarithmotechnia x - x /2 + x /3 - x /4 + x de Mercator 1/x. En d'autres termes : Euler Neper : Calcul de Ln 2 : Wallis Brouncker

    78. Vivianus 1573: Zur Editionsgeschichte
    Translate this page vertreten werden konnte - bis eben das heliozentrische reale Weltbild des NicolausCopernicus sich durchgesetzt hatte. Für Gerhard mercator steht spätestens
    Zur Editionsgeschichte
    • Album amicorum Viviani seit in der Koninklijken Bibliotheek in Den Haag aufbewahrt wird, Album amicorum Viviani
    13.August 1573 ihren Adressaten - Johannes Vivianus - nie erreicht haben. Das Briefblatt vom 13. August 1573 typus universitatis blieben bis zum Jahre verschollen. Das war umso bedauerlicher, als Gerhard Mercator auf diesen Quellen nicht zugleich mitlieferte - sieht man von den wenigen Gedanken ab, die Gerhard Mercator und Rumold vor dem Erscheinen der Kosmographischen Gedanken hat verbreiten lassen:
    • durch im Breves in Sphaeram zur Marginalie Narratio brevis Cosmopoiae , - die man durchaus als "Rohentwurf" der cosmographicae meditationes II von ) ansehen kann durch Rumold auf seiner Karte Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio unter dem Titel De mundi creatione ac constitutione brevis instructio - wobei nahezu die gesamte instructio aus dem Breves in Sphaeram Legenden der Weltkarte von 1569 herleitbar. Am Ende des kosmographischen Teils der instructio verweist Rumold auf die cosmographia seines Vaters, die dieser (

    79. Misura
    mercator (Nicolausmercator, 1620- 1687), nella sua opera Logarithmo-technia,
    MATHESIS - SEZIONE DI CATANIA N°1 - 1998 TEORIA DELLA MISURA: DA CAVALIERI AI NOSTRI TEMPI E' qui riportato il testo della conferenza tenuta dal prof. M. Marino l'11 dicembre 1997
    Il Prof. Maugeri nella sua conferenza del maggio scorso ha mirabilmente evidenziato i contributi apportati da Archimede (287 212 a.C.) e da Bonaventura Cavalieri (1598 esaustione che, già noto a Eudosso (408 353 a.C.) e felicemente usato da Euclide (300 ? a.C.), raggiunge la massima fioritura con Archimede. Questo metodo viene ripreso nella seconda metà del Cinquecento, in concomitanza con la rinascita degli studi di statica, e applicato alla ricerca dei centri di gravità delle figure piane e solide ad opera di Federigo Commandino (1509 1565) e soprattutto di Luca Valerio (1552 1618) e di Simone Stevin (1548 1620). Ai centri di gravità dedica anche alcune eleganti speculazioni il giovane Galileo Galilei (1564 "Ben presto però come osserva E. Giusti nelle notizie storiche riportate nel suo testo di Analisi Matematica il metodo di esaustione mostra i suoi limiti, in parte per la sempre maggiore difficoltà dell'approssimazione quando le figure in questione diventano via via più complesse, ma soprattutto perchè quello di esaustione è un metodo di dimostrazione più che di scoperta: esso consente di dimostrare rigorosamente che A è uguale, o doppio, o metà di B una volta però che questo risultato sia stato intuito, ma come arrivare a prevedere tale conclusione?" Nel caso della quadratura della parabola, Archimede, prima di far uso del procedimento di esaustione, determina il risultato per altre due vie di cui una è quella

    80. Rappersvill Map Colllection
    Surprisingly, the contents of the map is less developed than the earlier map of theNicolaus of Kuza. mercator s edition was in print until 1730, when the last
    Ptolemy's "Geographia" Alexandrian scientist Claudius Ptolemaeus (90 - 168 AD.) was the first geographer to attempt a description of the world by way of cartographic presentation. His Geographia , including 26 maps or numbered tables, was a considerable achievement at the time. The work provided mathematical foundations for creating maps, and listed known rivers, peoples and settlements, giving their terrestrial coordinates. In order to collect so many data, Ptolemy co-operated with other scientists and made use of the works by his predecessors, such as his teacher Marios of Tyre. The presentation of Polish territories on the maps appended to the Geographia was far from perfect. Ptolemy called that part of the word SARMATIA, which referred to lands inhabited by Sanna-tians, or tribes of Pers sian origin. Later, in 15th - 18th centuries, many writers considered Sarmatians to be forefathers of Polish nobility. Regrettably, Ptolemy found no followers and his work fell into oblivion until the beginnings of the 15th century. However, it attracted interest of Arab scientists, who even translated it. Their works in this area failed to influence the development of cartography, in contrast to Arab achievements in other fields, astronomy in particular. In the Middle Ages, cartography was a "forgotten science," although it must have been known in some monasteries, and perhaps it had even been a subject of study there. Possibly, the data from

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