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         Mercator Nicolaus:     more detail
  1. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  2. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2009-07-17
  3. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  4. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  5. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  6. In Mathematical Circles : A Selection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes Quadrants III and IV by Howard W. Eves, 1969

41. Antique, Old, Rare And Historic Maps & Prints Of Of : Map : Europe : Spain
7 cm Published in the first Cloppenburgh edition of Gerhard mercator s Atlas Minor Northeasternpart of Spain by the famous french cartographer nicolaus Sanson Spain.htm
Antique Maps of Spain
Conil - Jerez de la Frontera
Copper-engraving in fine hand-colour. This copy is in excellent condition, verso German text, published in volume I of the 'Civitates Orbis Terrarum ' by Braun and Hogenberg.
A excellent copy. Later hand-color. German edition.
[Stock No.:16305]
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Euro 600
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US $ var Europrice = parseInt(1.263*600) document.write(Europrice) UK £ var Europrice = parseInt(0.6925*600) document.write(Europrice) We accept also checks in US $ and UK £ for payments. Payments by creditcards will be charged in Euros. Toledo, Valladolid - Spain Cologne, 1578. [ cm] Handcolored copper-engraving, published in the townbook "Civitates Orbis Terrarum" by Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg. A fine copy in excellent condition. Later hand-color. German edition. [Stock No.:12885] Full description click on image to enlarge select the item(s) to order Euro 550 the exchange rate equals: US $ var Europrice = parseInt(1.263*550) document.write(Europrice)

42. Antique, Old, Rare And Historic Maps & Prints Of Search Results
mercator, G. (163040). select the item(s) to order Euro 75 the exchange rate Vischer,nicolaus (1680). select the item(s) to order Euro 750 the exchange rate

43. Montvalezan - Mariages Des Années 1740'
Translate this page Anna Maria, GUEDOZ, Joa Baptista mercator, Catharina, BRUN? Joannes Antonius, 25.06.1748,Germanus, GUEDE CHEVRONNEY, 4° con grad, nicolaus MAITRE, Franciscus FUDRAL.

Date Nom Rem. Joannes Baptista BLANC Joannes Antonius GUEDOZ Josephus MAITRE Gaspara GAYDET Michael Josephus MAITRE Joa Baptista 3° con grad Germanus GAYDET Antonius MAITRE Anna Maria ARPIN Gabriel Joannes Baptista ARPIN Petrus Mattheus BLANC Ludovicus BLANC Jacobea GAYDET Gasparus Franciscus ARPIN Joa Baptista Jacobus MERLOZ Michael GAYDET Anna Maria BLANC Mattheus Michael GAYDET 3° affin. grad Joa Baptista GAYDOZ mercator Joannes Antonius ARPIN EPINAZ Anna Maria ARPIN EPINAZ Ludovicus POSSOZ Joannes Petrus Melchior CHEVRONNEY Jacobus POSSOZ Joanneta ARPIN Petrus Antonius GUEDOZ CHEVRONNEY Germanus Joa Baptista GAYDET Michael GAYDET Anna Maria GUEDOZ Joa Baptista mercator Joannes Baptista ARPIN Blasius Joa Baptista GUEDOZ du BORGIAL Mattheus PIVOT Joanneta BLANC Antonius Joannes Jacobus BLANC Antonius Franciscus BLANC Joannes BESSON Gabriela ARPIN Blasius Fabianus BLANC Theodorus Joa Baptista GUEDOZ patrinus Petrus ARPIN Maria BLANC Mauritius Franciscus ARPIN Petrus Melchior GUEDOZ CHEVRONNEY Michael GAYDET Joanneta ARPIN Joa Baptista Joannes Baptista MERCIER Jacobus MERLOZ Michael GUAYDET Francisca GUAYDET Gasparus Ludovicus POSSOZ Jacobus POSSOZ Josephus MAITRE Catharina GUEDOZ CHEVRONNEY Franciscus Josephus MAITRE Franciscus BLANC notarius Joa Baptista MERCIER Joanna vd Michaelis GAYDET Germanus BERTET Franciscus BLANC notarius Joa Baptista BLANC Anna BLANC Antonius Carolus Benedictus BLANC 4° con grad Joa Baptista GUEDOZ Antonius MAITRE Maria Anna MAITRE Joannes Jacobi Franciscus MAITRE Joa Baptista GUEDOZ du BORGIAL Franciscus FUDRAL Maria NOIR Joannes Petrus Joannes Baptista ARPIN Petrus Antonius PONT

44. Montvalezan - Baptêmes Des Années 1700'
Translate this page 23.02.1704, nicolaus, MAISTRE, nicolaus, Maria Joa Baptistae, ARPIN, Joa Baptista BOCHET,Petrus, Joanneta Antonii, GAYDET, Germanus FUDRAL mercator, Maria Magdalena x

Date Nom Rem. Parrain Marraine Joannes Anthonius ARPIN Petrus Jeneta BLANC Joannes Anthonius MAISTRE Joanna Anthonia MAISTRE Bartholomeus COHENDOZ Melchior Joanna Maria GUAYDOZ Bartholomeus PIVOT Mathei Joanna PIVOT Mathei Joanna Maria NOIR Joannes Anthonius Joanna Maria BLANC Joannes Franciscus BLANC J? x Jacobus ARPIN Nicolaus BLANC Josephus Jacquemeta ARPIN N? BLANC Anna ARPIN Franciscus MAISTRE Joannes Anna Maria CRETET Franciscus BLANC Andrea x Jac? MERLOZ Joannes Baptista NOIR Gabriel Francisca Joannis Anthonii BRUN Jacobus ARPIN Andrea ARPIN Andreas ARPIN Petrus Joanna BAL Jacobus ARPIN Andrea ARPIN eius soror Joanna ARPIN Petrus Joanna BAL Joannes GAYDOZ Mauritii Joanna MAISTRE Andreae Thomas EMPEREUR Anthonius Andrea SYLVE Michael EMPEREUR PUPELLOZ Andrea EMPEREUR, Sesti Mauritia POSSOZ Jacobus Anna GUEDOZ CHEVRONAY Germanus GUAYDET Mauritia ARPIN Maria CHEVRONAY Mauritius Anna Melchioris ARPIN Jacobus COMBAZ Andrea GUEDOZ CHEVRONAY Anna Maria GUEDOZ Joannes Catharina EPINAZ Joa Baptista MERCIER Anna Maria ARPIN Anna Maria GUEDOZ Toussains Anna Maria POSSOZ Germanus GUAYDET Joanna Maria GUEDOZ Catharina BRUN Anthonius Catarina MAISTRE Joa Baptista ARPIN Germana x Joa Baptista JOUX, Sta Fide

Translate this page Spagna (mercator 1512/1594), Europa (Guilielmo Blaeuw). Spagna, 1482, Tolomeo(Domus nicolaus Germanus), territorio di Le Mans, 1590, M.Bouguereau.
se questo sito vi è sembrato di interesse o lo avete trovato utile contribuite come potete o volete al suo mantenimento. E....grazie comunque(M.Capurro, Via Granello, 3/7, Genova, Italia)
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torna alla pagina in lettura OLD MAPS - MAPPE ANTICHE
Inserisco qui di seguito le immagini di regioni, percorsi, rotte, zone geografiche o mappe parziali:
Gerusalemme (percorso da Gran Bretagna) Nilo (mosaico di Ostia) Mappa atlantica (Berteli) Dalmazia veneta ... informazioni generali sulle mappe e sui falsi in generale
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Marco Capurro
Via Granello, 3/7
Genova, GE 16121

46. -découvrir Les Amis En France

47. What Is The Harmonic Series
Another mathematician named nicolaus mercator (born 1620 in Eutin, Denmark, diedJanuary 14 th 1687 in Paris, France) began work on the harmonic series.
In order to begin understa nding what a harmonic series really is, we first need to understand an Infinite Series and a p-Series. To skip sections, click the hyperlinks below. Infinite Series P-Series What Is The Harmonic Series? History And Advancement of The Harmonic Series Infinite Series a n That is, is an infinite series. T he number a n is the “n th term in the series. Back To Top The p-Series The p-series takes the form where p is a real constant. The series converges when The series diverges when p and when (Prof. Mabrouk, classnotes 2002) Back To Top What is the Harmonic Series ? The Harmonic Series is the p-series where p=1: Since this is a p-series where p 1, the series will diverge. Want Proof? click here It is the most famous divergent series in mathematics! The divergence of the harmonic series is very slow-it takes the first 178,482,301 terms for the sum of the series to reach just approximately 20! The Harmonic Series’ divergence is very sensitive-if p = 1.000000001 then the series will converge (Thomas, p. 640—642)

48. Astronomy Personal Pages
Rate Astro Workgroup mercator the Cosmos Space, Time, and the Texture of RealityThe Book Nobody Read Chasing the Revolutions of nicolaus Copernicus Gingerich

49. Nicolaus De Gorran, In VII Epistolas Canonicas Expositio, Pars 2
Translate this page 89296 nicolaus de Gorran Sicut mercator diligit res quas care emit, et consideratatanti pretii magnitudine debemus nosipsos magis diligere et cariores habere
CORPUS THOMISTICUM Nicolai de Gorran In VII epistolas canonicas expositio pars II
Textum Parmae 1869 editum
ac automato translatum a Roberto Busa SJ in taenias magneticas
Caput 1 [89296] Nicolaus de Gorran, In VII epistolas canonicas, pars 2 cap. 1 Petrus apostolus Jesu Christi et cetera. Secundum quod sumitur divisio hujus libri ex parte auctorum, liquet eam divisionem esse bimembrem. Nam eo in libro ponuntur epistolae Petri duae: in quarum prima principaliter fit instructio in moribus: in secunda principaliter in fide. Vel secunda inducitur ad confirmationem primae. Vel prima, secundum Bedam, scribitur inferioribus sive imperfectis: secunda autem majoribus sive perfectioribus. Haec autem epistola potest dividi in tres partes: scilicet in exordium, capite 1. Et in narrationem, capite 2, 3 et 4. Et in conclusionem, capite 5. In exordio autem praeparat animum eorum ad exhortationem sequentem, captando eorum benevolentiam, ut libentius audiant. Et primo, eos salutando. Secundo, de bonis eorum gratias agendo, ibi, benedictus Deus et pater . Tertio, in malis seu adversis, quae sustinent, eos consolando, ibi

50. Ptolemy
1482, The Ulm Ptolemy nicolaus Germanus ed. Cosmographia. Claudii Ptolomei 1578,Gerard mercator ed. Tabvlae Geographicae Cl Ptolemei Admentem Autoris
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Date Atlas Title
Publisher's Details Ptol
maps Mod
maps Notes [The Bologna Ptolemy] Cosmographia
... Hic Finit Cosmographia Ptolemei Impressa Opa Dominici De Lapis Ciuis Bononiensis Anno . M . CCCC . LII . Mense Ivnii . XXIII Bononie ... [The date is accepted as a misprint for 1477]
Based on Jacobo d'Angelo's translation of Ptolemy's text, which was proofed by Pietro Bono and Girolamo Manfredi, and then corrected by Galleoto Marzio and Nicolo di Guggio, with a final revision carried out by Filippo Beroaldo; the maps were compiled by Bono and Manfredi, and drawn by Taddeo Crivelli. [The Rome Ptolemy] Claudii Ptholomei Alexandrini. Cosmographia...
... Arnoldvs Bvckinck E Germania Rome Tabvlis Aeneis In Pictvris Formatam Impressit. Sempiterno Ingenii Artificiiqve Monvmento. Anno Dominici Natalis. M.CCCC. LXXVIII VI Idvs Octobris. Sedente Sixto. IIII Pont. Max. Anno Eivs. VIII. Arnold BUCKINCK, Rome, 1478. [another edition] Geographia.

51. Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543) Münzen Online Lexikon Münzenlexikon Numismati
Translate this page Zurück Weiter Copernicus, nicolaus (1473-1543) Kopernikus. Gerhard mercator 1969Preis 5.50 EUR. Oly. I - Spirale Deutschland - SERIE Preis 49.50 EUR. Oly.

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  • Weiter Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473-1543) Kopernikus Gerhard Mercator 1969 Preis 5.50 EUR Oly. I - Spirale Deutschland - SERIE Preis 49.50 EUR Preis 94.95 EUR Oly. III - verschlung. Arme - SERIE Preis 79.95 EUR

    52. Dr. Wolfgang Scharfe
    published in 1491 respectively about 1492 and related to nicolaus Cusanus respectively about50 years by Heinrich Zell (1550), Gerhard mercator (Europe 1554
    1. From the Ulm Ptolemy edition to the first printed map of Brandenburg (1585) The Ulm edition of Ptolemy in 1482 (27 TA + 5 TM) can be regarded as a benchmark of modern cartography north of the Alps, just having pushed the change from "Tabulae antiquae" to "Tabulae modernae". The picture of Germany contained in the 1482 Ptolemy still mirrored the image of Antiquity showing rivers, mountains and tribes of that time, but not topographic elements of the 15th century. Nevertheless, by the spirit of the Renaissance obviously there had been created modern cartographic images already before 1482 which the printed maps of Central Europe published in 1491 respectively about 1492 and related to Nicolaus Cusanus respectively Francesco Roselli give evidence about. The common sources of both maps probably can be traced back to about 1437/39. Unlike Ptolemy's pictures, the maps linked with Cusanus and Roselli contain the first contemporary urban settlements in the Brandenburg area, even if only a few of them: we can find eight towns in the Cusanus map and additional two towns in the map of Roselli. Except one, all towns are situated at or rather close to one of the major rivers as Elbe, Havel or Oder which seem to reflect relations to the images of Germany contained in the Catalan Atlas dated 1375 and the portulan of Angelo Dalorto of 1339. Although both maps very probably are based on a set of common source elements the respective positions of the settlements as well as the hydrographic lines considerably differ from each other. Compared to the Cusanus map the toponyms of the Roselli map increased numerically, but decreased in spelling, whereas the hydrography of the Roselli map was clearly improved by leaving out a huge phantom river which the Cusanus map presented only.

    Translate this page mercator, 1497 mercator, Guido Aristóteles 384-322 aC Crítica e interpretaciónUCM.FOA. x53194257x Ver imagenes. Falcutius, nicolaus Sermones medicinales
    Catálogo de fondos digitalizados
    Siglo XV
    Aegidius Romanus, ca. 1243-1316
    De regimine principum. Venetiis : Simon Bevilaqua, 1498
    Política Filosofía Edad Media
    UCM.MED. x531586935
    Ver imagenes
    Aegidius Romanus, ca. 1243-1316
    In Aristotelis Physicam commentum una cum textu. Patavii : Hieronymus de Durantis, 1493
    Durantis, Hieronymus
    Aristóteles 384-322 a.C. Física Crítica e interpretación
    UCM.FOA. x531667994
    Ver imagenes
    Alberto Magno, Santo
    De animalibus. Venetiis : Johannes et Gregorius de Gregoriis, 1495
    Gregoriis, Gregorius; Gregoriis, Johannes
    Zoología Obras anteriores a 1800
    UCM.FLL. x531744409
    Ver imagenes
    Albertus de Saxonia
    Quaestiones in Aristotelis libros De caelo et mundo. Venetiis : Otinus de Luna, 1497
    Luna, Otinus de
    UCM.FLL. x531799467
    Ver imagenes
    Albohacen Haly
    Regalis dispositio, sive Liber medicinae (latine). Venetiis : Bernardinus Ricius de Novaria ; impens. Johannis de Nigro, 1492
    Ricius, Bernardinus de; Nigro, Johannis Dominici de
    Medicina Obras anteriores a 1800
    UCM.MED. x531633526
    Ver imagenes
    Arculanus, Johannes
    Expositio in primam fen quarti Canonis Avicennae. Ferrariae : Andreas [Belfortis] Gallus, 1489

    54. Antique Maps Britain England Wales Ireland Scotland UK Isles London Edinburgh Un
    the Channel Islands. mercator/Janssonius 1651 20538 Each c. 15 x 19 cm. The lot£700. nicolaus Visscher ca. 1700 18386 47 x 56 cm. Original outline Colour.
    Tel: +44-1732-460025 Fax: +44-1732-460026
    Payment by credit card (all major cards accepted) or by cheque in Pounds Sterling or US-Dollar. We guarantee all items to be genuine, in good condition and returnable within seven days for a full refund (excl. postage) if not satisfactory for whatever reason. For our full Terms and Conditions click the link on our Catalogues page. Within the same title all maps are listed chronologically. Measurements are given in centimetres, height by width, excluding margins.
    British Isles (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales)
    BERKSHIRE - HAMPSHIRE BORDER: Andrews, J. UNTITLED very detailed double page map (sheet No. 12 of 20) of the area between Newbury, Reading, Windsor, Farnham and Overton/Basingstoke. Drawn and engraved by John Andrews, published by John Stoke and Andrew Dury 1774 [20979] 49 x 68 cm. Original outline Colour.
    BRITISH ISLES: Homann Heirs. ‘MAGNA BRITANNIA, COMPLECTENS ANGLIAE, SCOTIAE ET HYBERNIAE REGN.’. Map of the British Isles with inset map of the Shetlands and decorative cartouche. Homann Heirs ca. 1720

    55. Leibniz
    Further, he used the method which nicolaus mercator had written the infinite seriesfor to solve the hyperbole quadrature problem. The infinite series for is.

    Short Biography
    Early Journey in Mathematics Bibliography Back to the front page
    Jimmy Iskandar
    David Eugene Smith says Clearly we are indebted to him for the following contributions to the development of calculus:
  • He invented a convenient symbolism.
  • He enunciated definite rules of procedure which he called algorithms.
  • He realized and taught that quadratures constitute only a special case of integration; or, as he then called it, the inverse method of tangents.
  • He represented transcendental lines by means of differential equations (619). However, only his first great achievement in mathematics, which coincides with point 3 above, will be discussed here by employing the same ideas but using a modern symbolism, especially the notations for differential and integral that he invented later (note: most of the calculations performed here are adopted from the Ranjan Roy's article, and to know more about this article, please consult the bibliography at the back). His first great achievement was the discovery of the series for , which took place in Paris in 1674 just after two years of his serious study in mathematics. The series for
  • 56. Abbas Antiquus (Bernardus De Montemirato)
    mercator, pseudo MonaldusOFM Nepos de Montealbano nicolaus ab Ausmo nicolaus Andreae nicolaus

    Abbas antiquus (Bernardus de Montemirato)

    Abbas antiquus (Bernardus de Montemirato)?

    Abbo Floriacensis abbas


    Abbas antiquus (Bernardus de Montemirato)

    Abbas antiquus (Bernardus de Montemirato)?

    Abbo Floriacensis abbas

    Zosimus papa

    57. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany And Puzzles
    Bernoulli s Power Sum Problem; The Euler Number. Newton s Exponential Series;nicolaus mercator s Logarithmic Series; Newton s Sine and Cosine Series;
    CTK Exchange Front Page
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  • Archimedes' Problema Bovinum
  • The Weight Problem of Bachet de Meziriac
  • Newton's Problem of the Fields and Cows
  • Berwick's Problem of the Seven Sevens
  • Kirkman's Schoolgirl Problem
  • The Bernoulli-Euler Problem of the Misaddressed letters
  • Euler's Problem of Polygon Division
  • Lucas' Problem of the Married Couples
  • Omar Khayyam's Binomial Expansion
  • Cauchy's Mean Theorem
  • Bernoulli's Power Sum Problem
  • The Euler Number.
  • Newton's Exponential Series
  • Nicolaus Mercator's Logarithmic Series
  • Newton's Sine and Cosine Series
  • Andre's Derivation of the Secant and Tangent Series
  • Gregory's Arc Tangent Series
  • Buffon's Needle Problem
  • The Fermat-Euler Prime Number Theorem
  • The Fermat Equation
  • The Fermat-Gauss Impossibility Theorem
  • The Quadratic Reciprocity Law
  • Gauss' Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
  • Sturm's Problem of the Number of Roots
  • Abel's Impossibility Theorem
  • The Hermite-Lindemann Transcedence Theorem PLANIMETRIC PROBLEMS
  • Euler's Straight Line
  • The Feuerbach Circle
  • Castillon's Problem
  • Malfatti's Problem
  • Monge's Problem
  • The Tangency Problem of Apollonius.
  • 58. Vilnius University Library - Special Collections - Rare Publications
    Cartographer Gerardus mercator was the first to depict Lithuania on a separate map J.Jansonius and others), and a map published by nicolaus Christophorus (the
    Rare Publications
    T he Vilnius University Library has one of the most valuable collections of rare publications in all of Lithuania and Europe. These include writings issued before 1800: incunabula, printed works from the century, publications in kirilitsa and grazhdanka type, and old books in Latvian and Estonian. There are 180,000 works in the collection of rare publications, including 313 incunabula (books printed before 1500) - the largest collection in Lithuania. Among them is the oldest book in existence in this country - Opus de universo , an encyclopaedic work by Rabanus Maurus, published in Strasbourg in 1467; a work on destiny ( De remediis utriusque fortunae , Heidelberg, 1490) by Francesco Petrarca, poet, humanist, and founder of the Italian literary language; and Liber chronicarum by Hartmann Schedel (Nürnberg, 1493) - a chronicle containing approximately 2,000 engravings and embracing the period “from the creation of the world” to the end of the 15th century. T here are approximately 5,500 publications in the 16th century book collection, including

    59. African Maps
    Exploration of the Unknown. The Ptolemaic World View 1482, nicolaus GermanusDonnus, Ulm. Africa ex Magna Orbis 1595, Amsterdam, Gerardus mercator.
    The Eye of the Beholder:
    Africa Through Western Eyes
    Exploration of the Unknown
    The Ptolemaic World View
    1482, Nicolaus Germanus Donnus, Ulm
    For many Europeans in the fifteenth century, the world looked much the same as it had to Ptolemy in the second century. His work on geography was the basis for most scholarship throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, before exploration and imprved technology began to provide better informaiton. This particular map is a reproduction of one from an edition of Ptolemy's Geography , published in 1482. In the Ptolemaic world view, Africa, Antarctica, and part of Asia were all joined, forming a large southern land mass marked simply "Terra Incognito." The exact shape of Africa was not known, and the northern part was depicted as much broader and squarer than it actually is. The source of the Nile River was also not known, and was not discovered until the late nineteenth century. But there were two major theories about it, both of which are shown here. The first was that the source lay in the Mountains of the Moon, a mountain range far to the south which had never been fully explored due to its challenging nature. The other main theory was that there were two lakes from which the Nile's two branches flowed. Over the next centuries, both of these theories were used by European mapmakers, and sometimes even combined, as in this map.

    60. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (N)
    Natural logarithm appears in 1668 in Logarithmotechnia by nicolaus mercator.Natural logarithm was used by De Moivre in Phil. Trans.
    Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics (N)
    Last revision: May 17, 2004 N DIMENSIONS is found in 1843 in the title "Chapters in the Analytic Geometry of (n) Dimensions," by Arthur Cayley. The paper appeared in the Cambridge Mathematical Journal [University of Michigan Historical Math Collection]. N-GON is found in 1867-78 in J. Wolstenholme, Math. Probl. (ed. 2): "In the moving circle is described a regular m-gon. .. The same epicycloid may also be generated by the corners of a regular n-gon" (OED2). N-VARIATE is found in J. W. Mauchly, "Significance test for sphericity of a normal n-variate distribution," Ann. Math. Statist. NABLA (as a name for the "del" or Hamiltonian operator). According to Cargill Gilston Knott in Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait From the resemblance of this inverted delta to an Assyrian harp Robertson Smith suggested the name Nabla. The name was used in playful intercourse between Tait and Clerk Maxwell, who in a letter of uncertain date finished a brief sketch of a particular problem in orthogonal surfaces by the remark "It is neater and perhaps wiser to compose a nablody on this theme which is well suited for this species of composition." [...] It was probably this reluctance on the part of Maxwell to use the term Nabla in serious writings which prevented Tait from introducing the word earlier than he did. The one published use of the word by Maxwell is in the title to his homorous Tyndallic Ode, which is dedicated to the "Chief Musician upon Nabla," that is, Tait.

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