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         Mercator Gerardus:     more books (18)
  1. Gerardus Mercator: Father of Modern Mapmaking (Signature Lives: Scientific Revolution series) by Heinrichs, Ann, 2008-01-01
  2. Belgian Scientists: Gerardus Mercator, Andreas Vesalius, François D'aguilon, Ilya Prigogine, Henri Debehogne, Paul Otlet, Chaïm Perelman
  3. 1512 Births: Gerardus Mercator, James V of Scotland, Galeazzo Alessi, Jerónimo Zurita Y Castro, Adrianus Turnebus, Rodrigo de Quiroga
  4. Leuven Alumni Before 1968: Desiderius Erasmus, Gerardus Mercator, Pope Adrian Vi, Otto Von Habsburg, Michael Baius, Malachi Martin
  5. German Cartographers: Gerardus Mercator, Martin Waldseemüller, Sebastian Münster, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Hartmann Schedel, Johann Homann
  6. 1594 Deaths: Gerardus Mercator, Thomas Kyd, Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina, Martin Frobisher, Philippe de Carteret I, Tintoretto
  7. Gerardus Mercator: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Ann T. Marsden, 2001
  8. Flemish Cartographers: Gerardus Mercator, Abraham Ortelius, Orthellius Family, Jodocus Hondius, Michael Van Langren, Gerard de Jode
  9. Mercator Atlas 1595: Atlas Sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura (Facsimile) by Gerardus Mercator, 1978
  10. Inscriptions des compartiments de la Carte de G. Mercator, intituleÃŒe: Ad usum Navigantium, editeÃŒe en 1569. by Gerardus. Mercator, 2010-04-27
  11. Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura (Latin Edition) by Gerardus Mercator, 2000-10
  13. MERCATOR, GERHARD (1512-1594): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  14. Introduction of the Mercator World Map Revolutionizes Nautical Navigation: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Ann T. Marsden, 2001

61. Cultuurwijzer - De Wereldkaart Van Gerardus Mercator
De wereldkaart van gerardus mercator. De Een van de grootste cartografenvan deze periode was zonder twijfel gerardus mercator. Hij
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De wereldkaart van Gerardus Mercator
De 16de eeuw was de eeuw van de grote ontdekkingreizen èn van de grote vernieuwingen op het gebied van de kosmologie, geografie en cartografie. Een van de grootste cartografen van deze periode was zonder twijfel Gerardus Mercator. Hij ontwikkelde een wereldkaart die een grote betekenis had voor de scheepvaart. Gerard Mercator, wereldkaart in atlasvorm, detail, pag.29/30, collectie Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
Op dit fra gment van Mercator's wereldkaart uit 1569 is Zuid-Amerika te zien met de straat van Magallaan. De zuidpool is op deze kaart in verhouding zeer groot. Mercatorprojectie
Gerardus Mercator (verlatiniseerde vorm van Gerard Kremer) werd in 1512 in het Vlaamse plaatsje Rupelmonde geboren. Op twintigjarige leeftijd ging hij naar Leuven om filosofie en mathematica te studeren. Daar legde hij zich toe op het maken van kaarten en globes en vervaardigde hij in opdracht van Keizer Karel V ook astronomische instrumenten. In 1552 vertrok hij naar Duisburg waar hij zijn cartografisch werk voortzette. Hier ontwikkelde hij de beroemde wereldkaart voor de zeevaart, op basis van de projectiemethode die zijn naam draagt.

62. Gerardus Mercator Definition Meaning Information Explanation
gerardus mercator definition, meaning and explanation and more about gerardus mercator.FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, gerardus mercator.
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Gerardus Mercator
Gerardus Mercator March 5 December 2 ) was a famous Flemish cartographer, remembered for the Mercator projection named after him. Born Gerard de Cremere (or Kremer) in Rupelmonde . "Mercator" is the Latinized form of his name. It means "seller" or "marketer". Educated in 's-Hertogenbosch and at the University of Louvain. He travelled extensively, which provoked a keen interest in geography . He returned to Louvain and worked with Gemma Frisius and Gaspar Myrica. They worked together from to to construct a terrestrial globe . Later, Mercator produced a map of Palestine ), another map of the world ( ) and a map of Flanders ( Mercator was charged with heresy in and spent seven months in prison. In , he moved to Duisburg where he opened a cartographic workshop. He completed a six-panel map of Europe ( ) and he taught mathematics . He produced more maps and he was appointed Court Cosmographer to Duke Wilhelm of Cleve in . He devised a new projection and first used it in , it had parallel lines of longitude to aid navigation by sea, as compass courses could be marked as straight lines. He took the word

63. Online Encyclopedia - Gerardus Mercator
, Encyclopedia Entry for gerardus mercator.Dictionary Definition of gerardus mercator. imagemercator.jpg.......Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Entry for Gerardus Mercator
Dictionary Definition of Gerardus Mercator

Gerardus Mercator March 5 December 2 ) was a famous Flemish cartographer , remembered for the Mercator projection named after him. Born Gerard de Cremere (or Kremer) in Rupelmonde . "Mercator" is the Latinized form of his name. It means "seller" or "marketer". Educated in 's-Hertogenbosch and at the University of Louvain . He travelled extensively, which provoked a keen interest in geography . He returned to Louvain and worked with Gemma Frisius and Gaspar Myrica . They worked together from to to construct a terrestrial globe . Later, Mercator produced a map of Palestine ), another map of the world ( ) and a map of Flanders ( Mercator was charged with heresy in and spent seven months in prison. In , he moved to Duisburg where he opened a cartographic workshop. He completed a six-panel map of Europe ( ) and he taught mathematics . He produced more maps and he was appointed Court Cosmographer to Duke Wilhelm of Cleve in . He devised a new projection and first used it in , it had parallel lines of longitude to aid navigation by sea, as compass courses could be marked as straight lines. He took the word

64. Gerardus Mercator
Translate this page gerardus mercator. gerardus mercator (5 de marzo, 1512 -2 de diciembre, 1594)fue un cartógrafo flamenco, recordado por su proyección de mercator.
Gerardus Mercator
Gerardus Mercator 5 de marzo 2 de diciembre ) fue un cartógrafo flamenco, recordado por su proyección de Mercator Nacido Gerard de Cremere (o Kremer) en Rupelmonde Bélgica . "Mercator" es la "latinización" de su nombre. En es acusado de hereje y pasa en prisión siete meses. En , se traslada a Duisburg donde abre un taller de cartografía . Realiza seis mapas de Europa
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65. Gerardus Mercator - InformationBlast
gerardus mercator Information Blast. gerardus mercator. mercator.jpg.gerardus mercator (March 5, 1512 - December 2, 1594) was a
Gerardus Mercator
Gerardus Mercator March 5 December 2 ) was a famous Flemish cartographer , remembered for the Mercator projection named after him. Born Gerard de Cremere (or Kremer) in Rupelmonde . "Mercator" is the Latinized form of his name. It means "seller" or "marketer". Educated in 's-Hertogenbosch and at the University of Louvain . He travelled extensively, which provoked a keen interest in geography . He returned to Louvain and worked with Gemma Frisius and Gaspar Myrica. They worked together from to to construct a terrestrial globe . Later, Mercator produced a map of Palestine ), another map of the world ( ) and a map of Flanders ( Mercator was charged with heresy in and spent seven months in prison. In , he moved to Duisburg where he opened a cartographic workshop. He completed a six-panel map of Europe ( ) and he taught mathematics . He produced more maps and he was appointed Court Cosmographer to Duke Wilhelm of Cleve in . He devised a new projection and first used it in , it had parallel lines of longitude to aid navigation by sea, as compass courses could be marked as straight lines. He took the word atlas to describe a collection of maps, and encouraged

However he always signed his most important work as gerardus mercator Rupelmondanusand thus showed his attachment with his native region.
Mercator Gerard Mercator was born as Gerard de Cremer on March 5th in 1512 in Rupelmonde, which is located close to Antwerp and Sint-Niklaas in the northern part of Belgium. However he always signed his most important work as Gerardus Mercator Rupelmondanus and thus showed his attachment with his native region. His father, a shoemaker, didn't have enough money to let his son study. But fortunately his uncle Gijsbrecht, a priest, was very generous. Thanks to him Gerard could study Latin and go the university of Leuven. There he translated his name into Gerardus Mercator b ecause at that time it was very stylish to have an latin name. At the university, Gerard studied humanities and received his degree in philosophy of 'magister artium' in 1532. After a short stay in Antwerp, he returned to Louvain in 1535 because he was especially interested in cosmography and the study of heaven and earth. Mercator learnt to make instruments like pairs of compasses, sundials and compasses, and also carts in order to make a living. At the age of 24 he married Barbara Schellekens with whom he got 6 children. In 1537, he published his first map, which was immediately successful : a map of Palestine meant to illustrate texts from the Bible. The following year, he published a small map of the world in double hart-shaped projection. Mercator became famous in 1540 with his Map of Flanders that was dedicated to the emperor Charles the 5th. This map was quite accurate because of the use of

67. HTML\Wetenschap\990525weet04
gerardus mercator. Het zou niet mogen bestaan dat iemand met goed gevolgde zeevaartschool doorloopt en dan ene gerardus mercator niet kent.
Wetenschap 25 mei 1999
Gerardus Mercator
Door J. Reijnoudt
Er bestaat geen landkaart zonder meer of minder sterke vertekening van de werkelijkheid. Het hoort nu eenmaal tot de onmogelijkheden om de bolle wereld netjes op een plat vlak over te brengen. Pers een sinaasappel uit en druk zo'n leeg halfrond op een plat bordje. De scheuren die dan ontstaan zijn op een landkaart nooit zichtbaar, dus elke kaart bedriegt wel een beetje. Sommige kaartenmakers gingen daarin heel ver en slaagden er tegelijkertijd in beroemd te worden, nota bene door de kwaliteit van hun sterk vertekenend product. Het zou niet mogen bestaan dat iemand met goed gevolg de zeevaartschool doorloopt en dan ene Gerardus Mercator niet kent. De man leeft van 1512 tot 1594 en zet de wereld op een merkwaardige manier op de kaart, maar wel zo dat zeevarenden, zeker in die tijd, zich nauwelijks een makkelijker hulpmiddel kunnen voorstellen dan een Mercatorkaart. Zeker zo bont maakt Mercator het met de meridianen of lengtecirkels: de denkbeeldige halve cirkels tussen de noord- en de zuidpool. Die tekent hij als rechte lijnen, haaks op de breedtecirkels. Bij de evenaar komt dat exact overeen met de werkelijkheid, maar bij de polen deugt er natuurlijk niets van. Op een globe komen alle meridianen daar samen en die van Mercator liggen onder- en bovenaan zijn vel papier even ver uit elkaar als bij de evenaar. Hij heeft dus op zijn kaart een noord- en een zuidpool van 40.000 kilometer 'breed'. Zover laat hij het echter niet komen. De remedie is simpel: zet nooit de noord- of zuidpool op de kaart.

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Translate this page Biografia, cronologia y principales obras de este arquitecto, GERARDUS

69. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Gerardus Mercator (Geography, Biographies) - Encyclopedi reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onGerardus mercator, Geography, Biographies. Includes related research links.
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 01, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Geography, Biographies ... Gerardus Mercator
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Gerardus Mercator, Geography, Biographies
Related Category: Geography, Biographies Gerardus Mercator [j u u s mUrk A u r] Pronunciation Key , Latin form of Gerhard Kremer [g A A u r] Pronunciation Key Louvain , where he had a geographical establishment (1534). From 1537 to 1540 he surveyed and mapped Flanders . In 1538 he produced his first map of the world (based on Ptolemy's map); in 1541 he made a terrestrial, and in 1551 a celestial, globe. He was appointed (1552) to the chair of cosmography in Duisburg. In 1554 he made a six-sheet map of Europe. The first map using the projection (the translation of the spherical earth to a two-dimensional flat plane) that bears his name appeared in 1569. Accurate in equitorial regions but distorting the size and shape of numerous other areas of the world, the Mercator projection has been more generally used than any other projection for navigators' world maps. In 1585, Mercator began a work (for which he coined the word atlas ) that included many of his earlier maps; the atlas was completed by his son and published in 1594. Mercator did cartographical work for Charles V and was cosmographer to the duke of JUlich and Cleves. He wrote several books on subjects such as ancient geography and the science and mathematics of geography and cartography.

70. 18,000 M³ Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger - Gerardus Mercator
18,000 m³ Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger gerardus mercator. Principal characteristicsName, gerardus mercator. Type, Trailing suction hopper dredger.
Gerardus Mercator
Principal characteristics: Name Gerardus Mercator Type Trailing suction hopper dredger Year of construction Owner Ondernemingen Jan de Nul Builder IHC Holland Length overall Length bpp Beam Depth Draught, int. freeboard Draught, dredging mark Hopper capacity Max. loading capacity 27,650 t Deadweight at 11.51 m 29,150 t Suction pipes diameter Discharge pipe diameter Dredging depth Suction pumps, double-walled Discharge pumps power Submerged dredgepump Main engines Shaft generators Auxiliary engines Harbour engine Jet pumps Bow thrusters Electric portal crane 45 t Laden speed 15.5 knots Accommodation 40 persons
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71. Je Sais Tout... : Gerardus Mercator (Les Hommes De L'Aventure)
Translate this page gerardus mercator. RECHERCHE REFERENCES. Le Flamand Gerhard Kremer, dit gerardusmercator (1512 - 1594), fonde la géographie MATHÉMATIQUE moderne.

72. ::... C A R T O G R A M A ...::
gerardus mercator Está considerado como padre dela cartografía moderna. Fue un hombre hábil para la construcción
Gerardus Mercator
Está considerado como padre de la cartografía moderna. Fue un hombre hábil para la construcción de diversos instrumento así como un notable cartógrafo. Mercator nació en Amberes en 1512. Curso estudios en la Universidad de Lovaina y se graduó en geografía, geometría y astronomía. Fundo su propio negocio y dirigió su actividad al grabado de mapas y cartas de navegar. En 1522 se trasladó a Duisburgo, y empezo a trabajar en su famoso mapamundi publicado en 1569, que reproducía las costas de América central y meridional, comprendía un trazado más exacto de Asia, incluyendo el sudeste de este continente. Aunque el mayor logro de este mapa fue la proyección cilíndrica,que lleva su nombre y de la que viene la proyección mas empleada hoy en día la UTM (Universal Transversa de Mercator).
Mapamundi del Atlas Minor.
Está dibujado según la proyección de Mercator, con lo cual se exageran las masas continentales desconocidas en las regiones polares. Aparece también un versículo del Salmo 24 que dice:"Del Señor es la Tierra y cuanto la llena, el orbe de la Tierra y cuanto la habita." Él pretendía construir un mapa en el que se trazara una línea recta que uniera dos puntos y esta cortara con el mismo ángulo a todos los meridianos (Loxodrómica). Los meridianos aparecen como líneas rectas, perpendiculares al Ecuador, mientras que los paralelos, asimismo rectos, guardan paralelismo con aquel.

73. Essays Page
Biographies. mercator, gerardus Born 1512 Died 1594 Nationality Flemish Occupation Cartographer, Geographer gerardus mercator

74. Lexikon - Gerhard Mercator Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Gerhard mercator. Definition, Bedeutung, Erklärung im Lexikon. Artikelauf Englisch gerardus mercator. Gerhard mercator (* 5. März
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Gerhard Mercator
Definition, Bedeutung, Erkl¤rung im Lexikon
Artikel auf Englisch: Gerardus Mercator
Gerhard Mercator 5. M¤rz in Rupelmonde, Flandern 2. Dezember in Duisburg ) war ein Kartograph , der schon zu Lebzeiten als den ' Ptolem¤us seiner Zeit' angesehen wurde. Mercator sah sich selbst viel eher als wissenschaftlicher Kosmograph, als wie jemanden der seinen Lebensunterhalt mit der Herstellung und Verkauf von Karten verdienen musste. Seine Produktion war nicht gerade sehr umfangreich: wir kennen nur ein Globen-paar, f¼nf Wandkarten und eine unvollendete Kosmographie. Mercator lebte seit in Duisburg. Er schuf die erste Europa karte ( ) und das erste Kartensammelwerk, den Atlas "Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura" Die Universit¤t in Duisburg ist nach Mercator benannt. Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Fr¼he Jahre
2 Selbst¤ndige Werke

3 Duisburg
4 Die Mercator-Projektion ... 7 'Atlas'
Fr¼he Jahre
Gerardus Mercator wurde in geboren als Gerard De Kremer (sein Name ist latinisiert : Kr¤mer = H¤ndler = Mercator) in dem Fl¤mischen Dorf Rupelmonde, s¼dwestlich von

75. Gerardus Mercator
Translate this page 27 de Septiembre de 2002. gerardus mercator. Estoy leyendo Mapas de sitios web, dePaul Kahn y Krzysztof Lenk, y creo que me estoy aficionando a la cartografía.

archivos enlaces acerca de... ... contacto 27 de Septiembre de 2002
Gerardus Mercator
Estoy leyendo Mapas de sitios web , de Paul Kahn y Krzysztof Lenk , y creo que me estoy aficionando a la cartografía. En Octavo , el proyecto de Adobe orientado a la edición digital de libros antiguos, encontré esta versión cd-rom del Atlas de Mercator , creador de la famosa proyección con los polos distorsionados, que nos hemos acostumbrado a entender como representación válida de nuestro planeta.
Anotaciones relacionadas: Publicado por Juanjo Seixas.
Fechado el día 27 de Septiembre de 2002, a las 10:03 AM.
Archivado en: Diseño
Comentarios la cartografía, y la elaboración de mapas no como representación de la realidad, sino como la realidad misma plasmada a través de proyecciones matemáticas, es también uno de mis temas favoritos...el uso y el abuso de los mapas fomentó la creación de una imaginación geográfica oficial, pocas veces contestada...poco a poco vamos desmontando el poder de las geografías oficiales, y cuestionando las construcciones de la realidad...que bueno...
sobre el tema hay mucho, pero os recomiendo, para empezar, Geopolitics: re-visioning the world politics, de John Agnew...el capítulo 1 lo cuenta muy bien...pronto se publicará en castellano (espero)

76. Gases - Science
WHO WAS gerardus mercator? gerardus mercator ( GerARD-us Murr-KATE-ur ) reallywas Gerhard Kremer. The name by which he was known was the Latin form.
Stuck in someone else's frames? break free! WHO WAS GERARDUS MERCATOR? Gerardus Mercator ("Ger-ARD-us Murr-KATE-ur") really was Gerhard Kremer. The name by which he was known was the Latin form. [My Latin name would be Writasaurus Brilliantus.] He lived from 1512 to 1594, and was a Flemish geographer, mathematician, and cartographer. The Mercator map projection is described by the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia as "a cylindrical map projection of the features of the earth's surface that can be constructed only mathematically. The parallels of latitude, which on the globe are equal distances apart, are drawn with increasing separation as their distance from the equator increases in order to preserve shapes. However, areas are exaggerated with increasing distance from the equator. For instance, Greenland is shown with enormously exaggerated size, although its shape is preserved. The poles themselves cannot be shown on a Mercator projection. This type of projection gives an incorrect impression of the relative sizes of the world's countries." Using a Mercator projection of the world, trace the outer edge of the continents that bound the Atlantic Ocean. Cut out the forms of the continents. Now use the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle to put the continents together so the margins match and the the Atlantic Ocean is no longer between them.

77. "Mercator Atlas" Bei ZVAB - Verzeichnis Antiquarischer Bücher (antiquarische BÃ
Translate this page mercator, gerardus Der mercator-Atlas von 1595 Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationesde fabrica mundi et fabricati figura, Lach am Zürichsee Coron ca.
Mercator Atlas
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Mercator , Gerardus: Der Mercator Atlas von 1595 Atlas
Mercator MERCATOR , LEBEN UND WERK, Die Lebensbeschreibung Mercators durch Walther Ghim im Atlas von 1595, Gerardus Mercator : Mathematiker, Geograph, Globograph und Kartograph, Die Mercator -Projektion, Verzeichnis der Werke Mercators, DER MERCATOR ATLAS Mercator , ZUR FAKSIMILE-AUSGABE, VERZEICHNIS DER KARTEN Farbige Faksimile-Ausgabe des Mercator Atlas Mercator MERCATOR , LEBEN UND WERK, Die Lebensbeschreibung Mercators durch Walther Ghim im Atlas von 1595, Gerardus Mercator : Mathematiker, Geograph, Globograph und Kartograph, Die Mercator -Projektion, Verzeichnis der Werke Mercators, DER MERCATOR ATLAS Mercator , ZUR FAKSIMILE-AUSGABE, VERZEICHNIS DER KARTEN Farbige Faksimile-Ausgabe des Mercator Atlas
[SW: KP 211102 Kartenwerk, Atlas , Atlanten, Faksimile] Details Mercator , Gerhard, u.a.

78. Der Humanist Gerardus Mercatorr
Translate this page DER HUMANIST gerardus mercator von Rolf Kirmse. Im Einladungsschreiben zu dieser Feierstundelesen Sie als Thema meiner Ansprache Der Humanist gerardus mercator.
DER HUMANIST GERARDUS MERCATOR von Rolf Kirmse Hohe Festversammlung! Im Einladungsschreiben zu dieser Feierstunde lesen Sie als Thema meiner Ansprache Der Humanist Gerardus Mercator
in zu vielen Facetten schillernd.
humanitas nahm das Suchen nach umfassenderer und genauerer Kenntnis der Erde und des Kosmos die zentrale
Gerardus Mercator - wie er nach Humanistenbrauch seinen Namen Gerhard Kremer(s) Anm.1
seines langen Lebens als zu Papier brachte. Als Knabe besuchte Mercator mehrere Jahre hindurch in Hertogenbosch in Nordbrabant
a Kempis, Nikolaus von Kues und Erasmus im Geiste ihrer Devotio moderna herangebildet hatte. Zeit seines Lebens sollte er jener mystischen Anm.5
Anm.7 Beim Vertiefen in das Studium der Philosophie, das Mercator privatim weiter betrieb
Anm.9 animi heroici
Europae descriptio Geographia mappa universalis,
und die tabulae erkannt worden. Anm.10 doctum, zum Gelehrten Duisburg. Novum linguarum et philosophiae Gymnasium pax ac tranquillitas zu finden, die sein Vorbild, Erasmus, als die Grundlagen der Bildung und eines christlichen Lebens bezeichnet hatte. ad usum navigantium Anm.11

79. Gerardus Mercator Atlas Von 1595 Sehr Wertvoll Rar
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80. CardSupply - Product Detail Page - World Map. Original By Gerardus Mercator And
World Map. Original by gerardus mercator and Henricus Hondius. Brand Caspari. Product62402. World Map. Original by gerardus mercator and Henricus Hondius.
Brand Caspari Product World Map. Original by Gerardus Mercator and Henricus Hondius. The Huntington Library Art Collections and Botanical Gardens. Design wraps around the back of card. Print Method Flat Working Days to Fulfill / Publish Order (not including shipping time) 2 - 4 Days Card Stock Cardstock, White, Coated Envelope Stock and Color White Card Size (folded) 4 7/8 x 7 1/8 Additional Postage Required No SIDE FOLDOVER Inside Outside Quantity With Personalization Quantity With Personalization
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